WoW Classic

Will it fail?

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I just hope blizzard doesn't close it in a year or something.

it will only close if it doesn't retain at least like 45% of the players it will get on launch

Hopefully. I hope both Classic and Official will die and take Blizzard with them, shortly followed by Activision

Of course they won't.
Launch will be full of curious zoomers and people only in it for nostalgia who will drop it in a week.
The people who actually wanna enjoy it and put effort will be much less than that.

we're finally going home, dorf hunter here, what you niggas rolling

It will succeed at launch but there will be some contention post-launch.

>Undead Priest
>Orc or Human Warrior
>warlock of some flavor

One of those 3. I pvp and pve equal amounts and only warlock out of those 3 doesn't have to switch spec to do both.

Orc Hunter.
Hope I'll get lucky enough to stumble across a good pet.

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Classic WoW kill WoW, how ironing...

Undead mage, i`m the next Vurtne

Night Elf Priest.

We're coming home.

Daily reminder that neither Halo on PC nor World of Warcraft classic will turn back time and magically turn you into a happy child/teenager again. You will be immediately and immensely disappointed when you realize that you are not going home. Let go of the past and start living in the present so that one day in the future you may look back on today with the same fondness that you have for your younger years.

It'll last 2 years tops.

Not at launch.

It will fail post launch if they do progression, people dont want the raid cycle bullshit again.

At this point, it's the only thing that can save WoW

t. seething retail tranny

nelf warr. I want elementium bulwark and quel serrar or thunderfury if im lucky

Well its a good thing they're both good games on their own then otherwise we'd sure be in trouble! Thanks for the heads up user, you are always so helpful~

Tauren Shaman

I never even played Vanilla I just want a decent MMO and everything else is either dead or shit

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daily reminder that people were having genuine fun playing nostalrius so your retail cuck mantra "it wont be the same" is false

All I remember was some dumb cat being the best way back. My buddy camped the spawn for hours trying to get it.

>Not at launch.
>It will fail post launch if they do progression, people dont want the raid cycle bullshit again.
Yah let's just release everything at once that completely invalidates earlier content or at the very least trivializes it. Without progression the game will die within a few months.

>Being Nostalgic over a Nostalgic server

The absolute state of MMO players

edgy male undead rogue player here

going female night elf hunter this time kek

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Only a small percentage of longterm end-game players on those private servers were from western countries and you damn well know that.
The playerbase was almost entirely propped up by third world BRs and eastern Euros who played it because it was FREE.

>b-b-buh I played it!
Yes and you got to level 40 (possibly closer to 60) before dropping it. I did the same. So did most people. That's the point.

Classic's playerbase is going to fall off a cliff after 2 months. Screencap this.

>Without progression the game will die within a few months.
TBC didnt release for three fucking years and yet WoWs subs went up and up during that entire time so dont try to sell the bullshit that classic wont be able to survive until then. This isnt just nostalgia, classic is from a different era of game design that doesnt exist anymore and more importantly, far fucking superior to any modern MMO. People will play it because its a good game, lots of old players will return and a whole new generation of gamers will get hooked on it too.

That gives Blizzard three years to do something new with Classic, an option to have players leave classic and go onto a new version of WoW, but not TBC, because it was the beginning of the end and the instanced raid gear treadmill cycle is cancerous fucking shite which has murdered the entire genre and you fucking know it.

>TBC didnt release for three fucking years and yet WoWs subs went up and up during that entire time so dont try to sell the bullshit that classic wont be able to survive until then
You are literally fucking braindead if you can't see why this argument is completely irrelevant to Classic.

>people dont want the raid cycle
yes, they do.

>no point
>ad hominem to save face
Yeah ill accept your defeat thanks, we're done here.

>p-please play retail with me
haha no

You are a fucking idiot. They were talking about progression of vanilla content as in release the raids in chunks, not progression to TBC.

You're in the wrong thread this is about classic WoW not retail.

No one who wants to play classic is playing it for raids. End of discussion.

>bloodvine available at the start
sounds fucking awful i'm glad they are not doing that

Factually retarded.
Read over your first sentence in that post again and have a think as to why it's so stupid.

Literally nothing you said is relevant to my conversation but thanks for the (you)

I'll be taking the screencap and add it to my "coping retailcuck" folder. See you in a year when it'll be reposted all over the place as Retail finally shuts down while Classic peaks to WotLK numbers, leading the renaissance of the MMO genre.

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>dude let's kill Nefarian, Onyxia, and Ragnaros will no more updates forever lmao

WoW is currently shitty but this is worse

No, but people will end up becoming bored running the same batshit easy content over and over again until they reset it. Then they can do that over and over again.

Unless they go through the expansions, Vanilla ends, TBC starts and a new Vanilla server begins.

See We're done, you have no argument.

Literally not what I said at all, perhaps you should reread it. There should be no progression done the traditional content at all, zero. They should release new content from scratch.

>nelf priest
>nelf warr
>tauren shaman
lmfao enjoy never being invited to any raid, also lmaoing @the nelf warr dreaming about thunderfury

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you have no clue what you`re talking about. end of discussion.

Human paladin. and also maybe a orc/tauren shaman if i dont find a nice raiding guild.

If by fail you mean 'resounding success', then yes it will fail

Tauren Druid


Your post wasn't even relevant to what you were replying to in the first place. You have wasted everyone's time.

>Classic releases, no updates
It dies eventually
>Classic releases, follows normal content cycle with TBC, WotlK ect
It dies before Wraith comes out
>Classes releases, new content
Probably lives for another decade

My money is on the second one happening. Raids killed retail once it will kill classic again. If they dont redesign the game with unique content that isnt end game focused they will leave.

Probably. It's going to come out and because it won't be EXACTLY 1:1 with some older client version, a bunch of people will shit on it and confuse normalfags into thinking it's bad when it just doesn't meet their autistic standards.
Beyond that, blizz probably won't want to support it, so they won't, and they'll just let it rot after release and when people stop playing cause they've finished all there is to do by month 3, they'll blame it on lack of interest

Yes, it will fail because it will be shitty private server vanilla instead of true vanilla. The game will be incredibly easy and people will smash through the content. And the worst part is people are going to point to this vanilla reboot as proof that vanilla sucked and it will be even more frustrating for the people who played actual vanilla to see such ignorance and retardation from people.


It was, your inability to understand basic concepts is not my problem moron. He claimed I was saying all content should be released at once, which is not what I said.

Its okay I don't expect retailbabies like you to understand basic sentence structure.

>when "she" sends her pet into the camp

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Based schizo poster

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Of course it will. Nostalgiafags will play for a month or 2 then quit.

This is painful

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>There should be no progression done the traditional content at all, zero. They should release new content from scratch.

>wait over a decade to play classic World of Warcraft again
>"dude the team should make new content and change the game!"

I wonder if you people think these things through before you say them.

Sigh everytime

Some people play for the journey not for the "difficulty" as well as that, the game was harder back then than it was now, so people will still struggle.

>true vanilla
How so would it not be? Because it has sharding for starter zones and cross-bg which vanilla had? Or the battle net inmplemenation?

>get to play classic again
>get to opt into new content for a version of WoW that doesn't repeat its mistakes
Lol you're a fucking moron,

Your right about it being more of a 2.

The third one would rely on Blizzard working with the same mentality as they did then to implement any new content.

Blizzard are too casual focused now for any good to come of 3. Unfortunately.

Night Elf Priest or Human Rogue

>but rose tinted nostalgia eyeglasses
>but you are not 12 anymore
>but it's not 2005 anymore
>but the game mechanics are old
>but the classes will feel weird to play
>but the Quality of life features! These won't be in your old game!
>but it will compete with Final Fantasy!! Haha
>but... you will... spam just one button! That's the whole rotation and the game is just a rotation for me to push! I mean us!
>but people wil... will leave after the first month
>but... my pretty elf race
>b...but ... eh... RESISTANCE GEAR FARMING
>but... eh... ah... it... will look BAD BECAUSE IT'S OLD
>but... ... ... but... ... but >paying for a 15 year old game haha I am so smug
>guys please don't leave me here...
>guys my mounts and achievements...
>my pretty farmed cosmetics... I spent 20 bucks for this mount...

The journey doesn't exist without difficulty. Yes, it indeed was harder back then, but we are not getting back then vanilla. We are getting private server vanilla. The reason it will be private server vanilla and not real vanilla is they will not be using the numbers from real vanilla (they don't have them). There is a 0% chance they're going to use anything but the numbers that private servers had.

I never got to the end of vanilla.

I had a 40 human mage then TBC came out.

I remember not even being able to afford my first mount. Then there was this quest in Darkshire where you have to get like 25 webs or some shit and the drop rate was fucking atrocious.

Even though that's the case. It will at least feel like your actually accomplishing something. The current game hands you too much and trivialises everything.

No blizzard is taking us home

Based and very redpilled.

I want Yea Forums to make a list of servers containing Twitch sluts and anything even remotely related to Asmongold

I literally refuse to make a character before i can be 95% sure that server doesn't contain either of these things.

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>It's ok, you can farm that mount again next week for the 200th time... or, you know, buy it

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warlocks bros are you ready for 1% hit

Worst classes, races and spec combinations that will make your life miserable in classic, and you'll never raid or be invited to PvP premades with them.

>Tauren Hunter
Literally the worst racials of horde for hunters, orcs and trolls are just a better option overall.

>Tauren Warrior
Only viable for MT, but you probably wont be a MT on classic since it's a role that requires high effort. And you if you are doing PvP, Orc is better.

>Troll Warrior
Same case as taurens, only viable for MT.

>Troll rogue
Enjoy never being invited to PvP premades.

>Undead warrior
Literally the worst.

>Human priest
Pretty much the taurens of alliance, really shitty racials, dorfs are better.

>Nelf priest
Same as human.

>Nelf warrior
Same case as taurens and trolls, gnomes, dorfs and even humans make better warriors for PvP, you wont be main tanking in classic.

>Nelf rogue
Same case as Troll rogues.

>Human warlocks
Gnomes do it better.

>Ret paladin
>Prot pala
>Any druid that isnt restoration
>enhance/elemental shaman
LMAO. Literally the worst specs possible.

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>what ever server a streamer plays on will have a massive amount of people flock to it
>they will also cause a huge faction imbalance
>almost all streamers play will play alliance
>horde will already be under pop due to no blood elfs
I have a feeling most servers are going to be fucked

yes fuck faggot blizzard

>people actually think this

>I'm going to play Alliance obviously!
This makes ganking Ally lowbies on Pservers so much more gratifying.

>want saber mount for my warlock
>also want to level fast
>no warlock trainer in teldrassil, so going there before lv 10 isn't smart
>spending that much time traveling there at 10 puts me behind the pack, many quests annoying to complete
>skipping teldrassil means losing out on ~9k rep, which means I'd have to do almost all other darnassus quests
>skipping stonetalon on top of this (which has a single, obnoxious chain) means I'd have to complete all other darnassus quests without an exception
Guess I'm farming morrowgrain/runecloth then. Massive sharding would save me as well.

>LMAO. Literally the worst specs possible.

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Rolling human sub rogue, gona order 2 pizzas, a case of monsters, gona blast mindless self indulgence, the dota song and the prayor disturbed album while I farm westfall for defias gear.

Rate my classic plans bros

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Hey pserver fags
Who's the more dominate in PvP/BGs
Horde or Alliance

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You don't need to train as a warlock, just go to Teldrassil and try to get your wand asap.

the faction with holy paladins

Achoo. I seem to have caught hayfever from your strawman there.

alliance because paladins are just too powerful compared to shamans, and finding a good shaman is rare anyways, pug vs pug alliance wins most of the time because people dont know what to do to counter paladins and premade vs premade is even worst because paladins are just too good with communication and shit

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Human mage
Frost, Fire or Arcane?

What are each of its weaknesses, advantages, etc?

>they will not be using the numbers from real vanilla (they don't have them)
Oh no no no ah hahahaha
Cope harder retailcuck. Blizz very much does have access to the real numbers. No more private server guesswork and estimation.

>the faction with drag queens

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Nah, you want your dots, fear, life tap and pets. You're not getting a wand until level ~8. To farm for one you need about 60 linen cloth, to buy one someone else first needs to get their enchanting up, and then you gotta pay 15-20s for one.

And even going there as level 1 puts you very behind the pack.

I wonder how many trannies will be on ironforge bridge on my server

onlyclassic fags are just as insufferable as muh nostalgia fags, just play both

its worth it, you wont get anything special before lvl 10 and after that you have your vw that will tank anything for you, you dont want to get stuck with your shit mechanical and default horse mount, right user?

funny thing is she looks more like a troll female than anything else

>paladins are just too powerful
[laughs on warlockish]

alliance has locks aswell and they are even more powerful on alliance side because you wont have people dispelling your shit, paladins will be dispelling everything from horde locks

is there a route for getting skeletal warhorse as a non-undead? I know they used to start out neutral with forsaken

>Try again on a private server.
>Try all classes but lose interest in them by 22-31
>Play styles are just not fun
>Enjoy the difficulty and classic world
I'm sorry bro's but if I can't find a class that is fun like a blood DK. I wish you all the best going home.

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we managed just fine with the server imbalance back in the day, because horde players are better than casual alliance faggots

go to tirisfal, do all quests in silverpine even elite ones, then go to hillsbrad do the low level ones and come back to do the high level ones after, but you wont be able to get exalted, you gonna have to wait til runecloth turn ins

It will flop yes.

Tanking is shit in vanilla but the payoff is that you are respected like a god and get forcefed gear

Daily reminder hunters are the most powerful class in vanilla

Deathcharger's Reins

>paladins will be dispelling everything from horde locks
So he will die.







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No, you get the things I already mentioned. You don't want to be spamming shadowbolt rank 1 at level 8 enemies. And then getting your void forces you to return to elwynn, doing a bunch of running around before returning to darkshore. It's all very slow.

Btw here's the proper way to do wetlands run.

Paired with starting with neutral and the lack of undead quests, I don't think you can get exalted with quests only, though I haven't bothered actually making a spreadsheet of it like I did with darnassus. Here's the list of quests

Rep reduction with quests works like this: the first level the quest turns gray you get 80% rep, the second level 60%, 3 levels 40%, 4+ levels 20% rep. Green, yellow, orange and red quests give you 100% rep. So you have to avoid quests turning gray if you want to get all the rep from them.

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>Try all classes but lose interest in them by 22-31

You dumbass that's not representative of how classes play at max level. You constantly get new abilities until 60. At 31 you don't even have the talent tree final special ability ffs

It will fail simply because no one will want to pay a sub for a game that has no more content updates.

Also vanilla itself is a mess of a game with zero balance and unless you are a nolife raider there is literally nothing to do at max level.


>b-but their dps is shit on raids
wew lad there isnt anything better than not being expected to be topping dps meters, you can just chill while rogue and warriors are fighting each other to be #1 and compete among 10+ for a single drop

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>Rose tint etc
>We're homo bros

Is this the kind of players I have to team up in BGs?

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But bro all those paladin healers xD
Enjoy the bgs full of rets and NE shadow priest

Honestly I hope not seeing as I never got to play vanilla but I started 2 weeks after BC launched. Gunna go human pally because the alliance mount quest looked kino as hell. I dont mind meme speccing or healing if I get into a raiding guild.

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This video is fine, she acknowledges she never played vanilla so why would you be surprised her opinion of a classic beta is not positive? She even says she doesn't expect to enjoy it at the start of the video.

just swallow the cloth pill and your paladin will look like this in the end game

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What's a good Alliance Mage race?

Is WotF that important on Vanilla Wow?

The real best part is that all you really need to be a big threat in pvp is T1+epic bow, and later your ZG trinket for fat burst damage. Everything after that is just a bonus, and that gear is easy as fuck to get.

How much of a laughing stock will rets be?

For PvP WoF is the only option because trolls are ass in Pvp

oh nooo human rogues get a measly 2% increase for sword specs, it's really going to make or break that super difficult progression in a game where dedication and farming WBs and consumes beats out anything else

as for horde, orc has no equal, but the horde is for smelly hunchback niggers unfortunately

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Yes, only casual retards or people who were too young want to play classic again because they never achieved anything the first time.


Not like ive been playing on pservers and playing Halo CE on pc and enjoying them both.

Couldn't be that those games are just better than trash released today.

Horde has windfury and orc racial.

you better be a pretty funny guy if you want to raid and if ur guild ever hits a wall be ready to have a heal set.

Gnome for the free int. WotF is strong but you can play around it especially if you have engineering. It's not like you automatically lose a fight due to racial. Will it help? Yes. Will a better player be affected? Not really unless it's even skill.

You'll have to define 'fail'. If you don't consider nu-WoW failing, then no, Classic will be fine. However, I fully expected an 80% drop in the playerbase after 2 to 3 months. I understand wanting Classic, but people are fucking delusional if they think it'll be the same it was the first time. My assumption is that people have this rose-tinted glasses view of vanilla because it was a better time, but Classic won't be able to recreate that shit. You want a time machine, not Vanilla WoW.

Soon frien

Cleared AQ40 fully, 10 bosses in Naxx and reached rank 11 (not really an achievement) and I still want to play Classic because it reminds me of MMO games from early 2000s. There's nothing like that in the market and the closest thing we have right now is Classic WoW and that Pantheon game that will probably fail because of a small team.

Gnome is better than human straight out but it's not that big of a difference. WotF is good but overrated and you don't need to worry about it as a mage.

How useful is Escape Artist?

Also best race for hunters?

Yes, because people want not classic wow, but their nostalgic fantasies about ideal MMO.

>try to post bants in the barrens and proceed to get banned
if you think it's going to be vanilla wow you are in for a surprise

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I dont like what you posted but I can do nothing but agree with everything in that picture... fuck you :D

>lvl 1-20

Fucking incredible game, Mankrik's wife lel, nostalgia, playing a Warrior is like Dark Souls fucking awesome!

>lvl 20-40

Still fucking good, love those old dugeons with multiple paths to the objectives, it's a hassle to save money for a mount but still fun!

>lvls 40-60

Somewhat tedious collecting pig tails for the 10000th time but lvl 60 is getting closer and closer and world pvp with a mount is fun

>itemizing for first raids as 60

Still great, guild is active and fun


Paladins can only heal, shamans can only heal, warriors, rogues and mages everywhere, paladins and shamans have to wear shitty looking cloth armor, most raids are fun although gameplay is boring as fuck since most classes just spamm one button. Realize that it's a decent game to kill some time but overall that it aged poorly and doesn't reward skill in any meaningful way. PvP was always shit in WoW, that's why Guild Wars was made.

This is the thing I fear the most. Not sharding or loot trading or whatever. Some onions filled faggot is gonna get me banned for linking The Knicker in barrens chat.

>endless /pol/ shit and "KEK" spamming in general chat

Its pretty much a free pvp trinket. I cant remember if it shares the same cooldown though, but it is good.

Only hunter I ever played was a lvl 19 twink way back. Going off racials probably orc for pvp for stun resist.

Windfury is worse than blessings+stones in pve.

>windfury is worse than blessings
That is false information. Windfury alone beats every blessing and racial combined on Alliance.

>implying that wasn't barrens chat
it was basically Yea Forums with less porn

For alliance nelf and dwarf are both great. Shadowmeld is fantastic for wpvp, defending in bgs, and several retarded feign death/drop target shenanigans. Stoneform makes rogues a complete joke since you can break blind and be immune to crippling poison with it and clearing bleeds can be situationally useful against druids and warriors though you're already good against them anyway.

People saying Horde is better for PvP have no idea of how OP Paladins were in organized PvP. Immunity during flag capture/defend, Freedom for Warriors and Plate wearing healers. Alliance is the dominant faction both for PvE and PvP in Vanilla, Horde is better only in non premade PvP.

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It's simply too big to fail.

playing paladin is masochism

Paladins are amazing but not so good that they outshine the incredible offensive pressure that a shaman brings.

in organized pvp the better team wins, not the faction retard

For melee, pretty good.
For casters, eh.

Beats having half the team undead rogues who die when they try to spawn amp and sperg out everytime the flag's been capped

gnome, humans are the memes of alliance side if you are not a melee class

It won't "fail", since Blizzard doesn't even count Classic as a "main" release. IT will be huge for a couple of months and then drop to some thousands, which is nice for a 15yo MMO. It will be profitable.

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Even if it fails decent percentage will buy retail or Warcraft again or move to Hearthstone or that moba they have. Low risk/high return type of a thing.

>getting data of a server on naxx gear where specs and even races dont matter anymore because you have tbc equivalent gear
lmao seething nelf

>Triggers PTSD
Everytime I try to play rogue, I realize how many other faggots like myself have no business playing that class.

Dwarf Shaman

retail failed. that's why we're getting classic. /thread

Absolute fucking retard.

Just KYS retard

Retail makes more money that ever. Are you retarded?

>/thread on your own post
Guess you are.

the only thing i dont like is t1 being ugly af, now getting rhok'delar, full t2 + chromag xbow is one of the most satisfying shit you can get

>full t2 + chromag xbow
One of my guildmates had that and he used to oneshot undergeared clothies all day.

if blizzard could do absolutely anything to make people play retail and not want classic, then classic would not be happening. /thread

>windfury is worse than blessing+stones in pve
oh nononono, he doesnt know Yea Forums, should we tell him?

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define bants

No, because its gameplay is fantastic, its leveling experience unmatched and its community is driven by its content rather than the era or people.

A bunch of dirty BRs and EUs playing together on Nost proved that classic was timelessly enjoyable.

Stay mad retailfags. Enjoy your raidfest shitshow.

Imagine being that much of a brainlet, to think that min maxing in an already figured out game matters at all, to think that 2% overall dps on one swords rogue will make or break that patchwerk progression, its always the shit players that care about min maxing.

Chads play priests other than dwarves, chads play melee other than humans.
They will make it work, enjoy the game more and laugh at the seething human melee that lose to them on the meters

Total retard. Horde has potential to beat alliance because of wf, racials and horde tanks combined

If alliance can't do stupid shit like warchief blessing then alliance won't have a chance to beat horde

it's not 2006 anymore

>No, because its gameplay is fantastic

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it will last less then two weeks

ok user enjoy your lucifron progression with ur nelf rogue

play rs3 or osrs idiot..

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Meters of the prebis dungeons you're farming, sure, because very clearly you've never stepped in a raid before.

>A bunch of dirty BRs and EUs playing together on Nost proved that classic was timelessly enjoyable.

hello scaper

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we gotta give credit to leddit sometimes, bros...

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>Human male
Help out

>Human female
Kill on sight

>Dwarf male
Help out

>Dwarf female
Let it pass

>Night elf male
Help out

>Night elf female
Kill on sight

>Gnome male
Kill on sight

>Gnome female
Kill on sight

>Orc male
Help out

>Orc female
Kill on sight

>Troll male
Help out

>Troll female
Kill on sight

>Undead male
Kill on sight

>Undead female
Kill on sight

>Tauren male
Help out

>Tauren female
Kill on sight

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>not being European

My condolences


>tauren female
>kill on sight
b-but why, user?

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Nost was shit.
Elysium was shit.
LH was shit.
Good luck playing 'classic' with minmaxing autists, ecelebs and nostfags.


Are you seriously asking if a game by nu-Blizzard will do well? Really?


What makes you think i havent raided before? Ive wiped the floor with human rogues as a nelf countless times, i seriously dont understand why people think that "correct race = raid spot" over the player that dedicates themselves to farming literally all the consumes and WBs, isnt playing the "optimal race" but just plays better.

Vanilla raiding isnt very hard, progression spots will actually just have the best players, not the retarded brainlet nigger that thinks he's smart because he's min-maxed his race/class combo.

orc shaman

uninstall wizard

because gimping yourself by playing a inferior race is dumb, when i see someone playing nelf rogue i know for sure hes a shitter

>Vanilla raiding isnt very hard
>less 1% of player killed KT

wow subs actually declined during the "raid or quit" phase of vanilla


I blame dial up, crappy computers and no history of the audience with MMO experience

i hope so. blizzard does not deserve any success after the activision merge. i hope it becomes OSRS but worse, with every single possible QoL adjustment imaginable, voted in because normies cant handle EQ-lite. i hope the nostbabbies who betrayed their roots and forked over the cash to that awful company get to stew in their own hell. especially the "Broooo, but the population" faggots.

Thinking about playing warlock. Just how many soulshards do I need to farm per raid? Do I even need it for something else besides summoning slackers? Don't I just cast one curse and spam shadowbolt?

Not really that surprising considering a lot of people only play for the leveling experience and quit when they get bored of it

When i see someone minmaxing in a 15 yo game i know he is a shitter

>nelf priests
get a shitty channeled spell instead of fear ward for dwarf that has a 30sec CD in vanilla
>nelf warr
humans get a +5 weaponskill to maces and swords which is huge
>tauren shaman
troll has berserking

>fun like a blood dk
Blood dks literally killed off intelligent tanking. Talk about a faceroll shit design for crutch players that blizzard have been too scared to address.

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Gimping yourself is great satisfaction when you put the minmaxing autists to shame when you simply perform better

>literally one button gameplay
>lol just outperform minmaxers bro

t. friendless loser obsessing over rio
I raid with my friends not autists

not many
usually guild has a rule to get into brm together esp if you're world buffed
I only waste shards on random shadowburn or few summons
corruption if allowed else sb spam, yes


rolling a inferior race on a 15yo game where you know every superior race is even more dumb

you wont perform better and outdps a minmax autist playing a meme race class combination lmao

Classic will fail from a marketing point. That much is certain.

But it won't fail for you. No, no. You will finally have the containment zone that you always wished to have. So, go there and rot in the past you autist.

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Seething soimales, have your reports at the ready.

>Much private servers

If your class doesn't have stealth, why bother?

Don't you like always having the upper hand when it comes to ganking?

Don't you like giggling hysterically when some level 60s show up and run around in circles trying to find you after you corpse camped one of their bros/alts?

Attached: 1428101839373.jpg (300x411, 16K)

ur guild wont be able to clear MC, you guys are going to struggle til people start leaving, then you'll be alone on ur shitty meme guild just because you wanna play a female tranny nelf with shit racials for your class rofl

Which Alliance starting zone is going to be the least contested?

And which Alliance starting zone has the best Quests?

>rolling on anything besides RP-PVP
*cracks open a bang's*

Attached: product_detail_01.png (873x791, 568K)

>you can't clear MC because of a racial
t. never raided vanilla
why do people who never played vanilla overcompensate so much? do you really get validation by LARPing as an oldfag?

>playing rp-pvp, pve, rp-pve in fucking vanilla
you better stay on retail if you just want to do pve on classic desu

Classic EverQuest veteran here.

I believe that, like with EQ, some people want nothing more than the full classic experience exactly as it originally was. I do not believe that number of people is a meaningful percentage of the people who will actually play on the server. I believe people will dabble in the server, to see if its like what they remember. It is likely however that they will last for maybe a month or 2, and then fuck off. Not doing a progression-style server will cause some players to leave. Not having QoL or balance changes from classic will cause others to leave, with only the hardcore classics remaining.

This is not to say that the servers wont be successful. they will certainly pay for themselves, and keep a sustained population long-term. But i do not think a majority of the players who go there will be happy with it.

it adds up to the whole raid, ur wont be the only shitter on ur group with meme specs and races
enjoy wiping on fucking gehennas lmfao

My main problem (outside of the fact that vanilla is far from my favorite WoW era) is, what happens next? Are we supposed to play Vanilla forever?

and of course you curse


Guilds clear MC with couple of members missing, as they do with most raids in vanilla. If you can clear a raid with 37 people and most of them being noobs far from min/maxing then it really doesn't matter.

>Yea Forums reusing /vg/ original content from 2016
This place has fallen very very far. The day Yea Forums steals from /vg/ is another day this place is closer to reddit

>Pserver fag thinks anyone but the top 1% give a shit about race combinations
>implicitly thinks he’s going to be part of it

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*quickly looks up MC boss name to look informed*

Shut up your filthy tranny, /vg/ is a cesspool of discord trannies that circlejerk and samefag all day, atleast we have discussions in here.

Kill yourself.

Attached: die.png (691x435, 12K)

Paladins are a fucking joke class.
>Roll hunter
>use aspect of the cheetah
>use mana drain stings+/rofl macro

There is literally nothing they can do.

Attached: ouch.gif (500x500, 11K)

>playing ne priest

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nobody cares what you think retard. you are just one single guy on the internet with an opinion born out of simply not knowing better

nostalrius already had a stable playerbase of almost 130k unique players. And that was just one singular private server.

The same garbage your mouth is shitting out came also from the Runescape 3 subhumans, and look at OldschoolRunescape now. Its one of the biggest MMO's with up to 150k concurrent daily users.

Remember: Be open to the possibility that everything you think you know may be wrong. Only then you can look into others perspectives, especially given proof.

You need a shaman twisting totems in every melee group, which since we're talking about mInMaXiNg means the overwhelming majority of the raid's groups. You only need 2 paladins to buff a raid. Every shaman is one less warrior/rogue.
>horde tanks combined
Care to elaborate? I hope you don't mean threat because
>it's not 2006 anymore
means we're using fury tanks. I hope you don't mean damage, because the alliance raid is going to have more warriors/rogues than the horde one.

>use mana drain stings+/rofl macro
paladins can cleanse stings before they tick their mana, thats why hunters on alliance side are stronger aswell

Attached: nelfhunter.jpg (570x760, 82K)

>paladins cant kill my hunter 1v1 they are trash!!!

I'm sure you can fulfill your WotLK fantasies of what it must have been like come summer. Don't worry user, it will be just like you imagine it had been

I agree with you, which is why I said thats disgusting that Yea Forums is taking content from trannies and spamming it here as if its relevant. /vg/ is a cesspool but if you are going to talk about wow actually make your own OC instead of posting reddit tier garbage

If it's successful they will progress to TBC and if not than that will be it. I mean you will still get 500+ hours of gameplay at minimum if you plan on raiding so it will be worth it.

this pic is when vg was decent and they are making fun of pserver trannies so its not a bad thing

Either way they lose mana and health

Cope harder

>Either way they lose mana and health
the hunter will go oom before the paladin goes oom if he keeps spamming it, so the paladin will win in the end

dumb horde nigger poster

Attached: hordeniggers.png (960x742, 613K)

Wtf is "bangs"? You posted a picture of barqs. L2cursive

>paladin will win

It's going to be the next OSRS.
Except wow was more popular than runescape ever was.
And remember, runescape players shit on the idea of a classic version of the game too before OSRS came out.

Nobody likes eating crow.

As someone who's interested in WoW classic because they never got to experience it. How does it look for veteran WoW players?

Expect to get crushed by bullies like

>she never played vanilla so why would you be surprised her opinion of a classic beta is not positive?

Thanks for at least admitting you think Vanilla is only considered good because of nostalgia, lmao

>theres a guy in this thread who is unironically rolling a nelf priest

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oh dude I'm just playing comfy wow vanilla haha this is a good timooohhhnoooooooooo





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human priest is best alliance priest combo because of 5% spirit retard
>muh fear ward
is a crutch and is largely irrelevant after first tier

shadowpriest is fucking garbage bro. they use all their mana just to kill 1 player, can still be easily fucked over by a mage who gets off a good counterspell as soon as you use mindflay, and you'll have a very hard time gearing them since no one will want you

>there are people who actually fall for this bait

Just let new blood come and play the game, stop trying to confuse them. This post is utter nonsense.

Attached: bil.png (782x425, 400K)

>not rolling a female human priest just to be a cum dumpster after the raid is finished

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immunity during flag???? you drop the flag when you bubble you retard and everyone can buy a free action potion

This isn’t the case. What people fail to realize is that one of the hardest parts of vanilla raiding is getting a group of 40 people together.

The racials make such a minute difference that it doesn’t really matter. The most important thing if you want to raid is just showing up consistently and playing your class decently, and knowing boss mechanics/listening to raid leaders. That’s it.

What listed may only apply to hardcore progression guilds that expect you to play the game like a full time job and even submit a resume with references.

Vanilla content isn’t so difficult that your class racials make that much of a difference.

Vanilla in general is easy and holds your hand during the entire game. I don’t understand how anyone can call vanilla wow “hardcore” or even “grindy.”

Jesus fucking christ.

In vanila I almost got banned for yelling in spaced out gutterspeak in Elwynn so it came out as profanity to the Alliance.

I don't get why so many people are excited.

What drugs are you going to use to make yourself forget what MMOs are like so you can be immersed in a very dated game once again?

I got a good kek out of this one

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you should stop baiting new players by recommending them to roll shitty race/class combinations, i dont agree with everything said, but hes right in most of it

what a dumb poster

Bosses with fear:

>ZG jeklik
>ZG mandokir
>yauj aq40

so, not irrelevant after first tier, and the spirit bonus is so fucking small is irrelevant

shadowpriest is a meme, you wont bring many warlocks to a raid anyways, and you can just ask one of your holy priests to spec deep into shadow to get weaving

Attached: apu2.png (656x654, 294K)

user, you're going to hurt yourself worrying, about why people are so excited for a video game. Geniunely. It just isn't worth it, ya know?

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>literally a single post-BWL boss
>mentioning ZG bosses
lol just lol

>implying I ever played vanilla and I'm not a wrathbabby

go back to retail you legion zoomer

And you get rhok really easy, since majordomo has 50% chance of dropping either leaf or eye
I'm going to make hunter alt but haven't decided whether I go with rogue main or warlock main

>he doesnt have imagination or creativity or friends to have fun in a fantasy world
damn it sucks to be you.

Why attack when you can just get parried?

That was literally everyone in the server

>r-racials doesnt matter
>you can roll any shit race instead and get into a meme guild
>this normie reply
>reddit formating and spacing
unironically kill yourself

Theres very little selective competition between alliance races for tanks. MT will just be the most dedicated/geared/closest relationship to the GM

Why do I need drugs to enjoy an old mmo over new ones, when I can just point to the state of modern mmos?

why do you care?
go back to your [insert dead tranny anime irrelevant game here] cancer containment thread please

>Will it fail?

Core player base is going to leave in a month, and the only thing that will remain are a handful of elitists who believe that they know everything about the game and there for it will be nothing but a shit show


Vanilla wow isn’t hard enough where racials matter faggot. Zoomers first MMO

I love the fact that you clearly think you’re going to get into the minority of guilds that are good enough to discriminate.

you keep embarassing yourself, nelf priest.



they were PAID ACTORS!!!!

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wow that changes everything
also I said human not nelf retard
nelf is a meme like dwarf

How is saying the truth wrong?

holy fucking hell the salt LMAO

warlock with felhunter can see rogues in 25yard radius though

stop giving trannies replies, just ignore them, we are going home bros

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racials dont matter for pve
unless you're playing alliance priest, then you want to go dwarf

nostalrius had probably 70k chinks banned from those 130k unique players
either way it was f2p server and it was really notorious within wow community, when it was millions of players and so less than 5% were still interested in playing classic
there's now probably 600k wow players and 2 .. 5% of that will be enough to fill one server, globally


enjoy getting rejected by a top tier guild, enjoy raiding with normies who wipe 24/7 on mc, enjoy never getting to naxxramas, enjoy being farmed on bgs because you rolled a shitty combination, i cant wait to see you struggling with your race choice

>in PVE

It matters on horde side for melee classes, guilds will take orcs over anything for dps. Having a free trinket + axe spec if you are a warrior is huge.

you're in

you lot really, really need to stop asking to be put into these compilations.

remember lads, this isn't my first rodeo. I've seen this happen, with not just WoW, but many, many, many, other games, all different genres. People on Yea Forums believe they understand what they're talking about, every, single, time. I mean every single time.

One example, pic related. Look at this anons post, and look at bottom right post of my picture. Remind you of anything?

MH:W went on to not just be the biggest MH game of all time, but the biggest/fastest CAPCOM game of all time.

you're in, user.

Attached: 1521267989416.jpg (1920x1079, 918K)

130k players sure, but those people just created a account, played for a hours and never came back. Nost was lucky if it managed to get 2k people online and sadly most of those players were bots / chinks anyway

>reading through this thread
Can someone please explain to me why some people (mainly retail players i assume) are so upset about classic? Please, no meme answers. I'm genuinely curious as to why some people feel this threatened by a 15 year old game.

Attached: why.png (524x545, 423K)

literally the only guilds that will want dwarf priests are MC heroes since every halfdecent guild will have tanks capable of stancedancing, LARPer

>getting feared on ony as a warrior tank
>getting feared on magmadar as a warrior tank
>getting feared on nef as a warrior tank
uninstall, if it was a warrior class call kys instead
>anything else pre naxx
irrelevant AND easily stance danceable
>getting feared on gluth
I actually had a retarded dwarf priest in 06 fearwarded me when I was trying to reset my MS stacks by intentionally getting feared for the tank swap (hurr how does 110% threat pull work). Unfortunately my OT wasn't a drooling retard like the priest and managed to stance dance like he was supposed to, causing me to get extra MS stacks while I waited for him to manually pull off of me :^(.

alright I'm sorry dude fucking hell. please don't put me in the compilation. I was just joking it'll do fine, I'm sure a few million will stay. I was just joking for fuck sake. Please don't put me in, I'm just annoyed Blizzard seem to be ignoring retail, god damn it. Please. Just don't put me in it.


literal NPC who think old = bad, when in fact new = is factuall bad.

I want it to succeed, I have plans to level warlock, hunter and rogue and gear them to t2 level at least but I just don't see the appeal it would have

MMO genre has been dying and all newer and better mmo's have failed, there won't be people coming after gameplay or quality but because of nostalgia and community. And blizzard has gone full bonkers with their chat moderation and you get language banned really easily today, so no community no banter


I wholeheartedly assure you its not a meme. Retailfags are genuinely insecure about the future of WoW because of classic and because BFA was dogshit.

holy fuck you couldn't be more in

>every time you make them break, they always reveal they're from retail


Attached: 54525321661.gif (220x190, 1.66M)

Who cares about warrior tanks, pour one out for every point of melee DPS lost because they couldn't get a fear ward.

Attached: 1526194903930.jpg (1087x1080, 112K)

Umm ok?

It is pretty much the other way around, if you give people any legit criticism about vanilla, they will deny it and scream that you are wrong

a gnome rogue
named Richo Suave

The GM of Risen, the US first KT guild, was Failure, a night elf priest.
The GM of Premonition, the US first sunwell->LK guild, was Id/Segolene, a night elf priest.


I know she looks kinda like a tranny but she is an actual girl

Nobody rolls warlock tho, especially ally trannies

I'm a classic fag you mouth breathing retard

I guess so, but i don't even hate retail. I just want the game to not be shit anymore, and playing on a classic server is the only way to make it not shit at this point.

YOU KNOW WHY, user. Classic means they're mounts and all the useless items they hoarded in retail mean zero. It's genuine cope posting lmao

>being in a guild that hits walls

it's okay if you farm, since you are just spamming dots and running away and being able to spell lock certain mobs is really good plus

How could vanilla dickriders be "wrong" if the arguments from retailfags amount to
>hurr durr you wont get the same feelings u had as a kid
>hurr durr it wont be as good as u remember

I meant the people you were asking for, you dumb literal retard.
Now i found another reason why people hate classic fags

there's something you need to know...

didn't some blizzard fag laugh in a fans face at a con and say "You think you want that, but you really don't" when they asked for WoW classic?

No it will do well. I'm sure the launch will be crazy but after a few months the retail tourists will get bored of it and go back to their queue simulator.

Even after those folks leave, it will have a healthy population and plenty of players that are solely invested in classic. There are tens of thousands of private server players, and this will bring back thousands of people who either quit or have never played. It won't be doing gangbusters, but it will definitely have a few million.

>troll has berserking
Have fun with your HP5 manlet.

goddamn fuck runescape, literally all you do is spam m1 the entire time. the graphics are complete shit and the community is full of hyper autism lords. no fucking thank you

the only people who play currently are the people who have wasted countless hours doing nothing and don't want to face it

fuck you for even suggest it as a "decent mmo"

> It won't be doing gangbusters
>but it will definitely have a few million.
few million would make it most successful mmo in the market
i'd say the numbers vary between tens of thousands and maybe one hundred thousand

Yeah. J. Allen Brack. He's the new president of Blizzard Entertainment since Mike stepped down.

>nost 2k people online
Why talk about a server u obviously never played on bfa babby?

>citing old players and guilds
whats next? are you going to say swift is a good warrior aswell?


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Imagine if they were reoppening an old theme park, you get excited to go, and your friend says "Wow, what are you doing retard? You really think you're going to have fun? It's just nostalgia, it won't be the same (even though the exact same rides are there) because Jimmy Bob is operating the carousel instead of Tatter Rick."

You act like that, and you wonder why people want Classic to fail.

That actually sounds like a lot of fun... but it wont be. It will never hold a kobold's candle to what you felt the first time.

Man, these posts just sound dumb as shit.

>troll has berserking
its fucking useless.
10% is nothing and the increased effect is at low health.
enjoy risking death trying to get the increased speed.
Its trash

Yeah I remember all those chicks players, but they will be back once classic opens so at least somebody will play with us

fear ward isnt tank only you fucking brainlet, if all ur melees need to get out of fear range or spend their time getting feared its a fucking loss of dps raid, thats why having more dorfs priests is important

What is the meaning of this? Help a noob out

>Video starts
>See shit pink hair
>See Tattoos
>Close video

>10% haste is nothing

Shut up, fag

That's the frost mage I remember

Attached: 3.jpg (475x469, 37K)

still better than nuwow moba gameplay

you are dumb by rolling a meme race, user!
we'll be laughing at you when we see you walking by ironforge/orgrimmar with your pre-bis items on a 3month old server

Attached: lul.jpg (250x245, 10K)

Trolls have the worst racials and theres nothing you can do about it, dummy.
they are a joke race.

also im not counting trash mobs that fear aswell and can led to a wipe

>implying the shitters won't be going for memegear like t0

>worse than orcs
Yeah wow that attack power boost sure is great on my hunter


Wow you have no fucking clue what your talking about are you fresh from the womb zoomer?

EXTREMELY big think of a post

Berserking is the best (only benefiting) horde racial for casters, brainlet

>Can't form proper sentences
>Mocks others
I see you chink, your kind will be targeted and destroyed

You could go with either on alliance. If you want to minmax for 1v1 PvP, go undead or gnome. However, I feel like +5% int isn't that great and escape artist isn't as good when you have blink already, but it also doesn't hurt. Personally, I believe escape artist is much more useful for warriors and warlocks as they have a hard time dealing with snares. The +15 to engineering is useful for try hard rank PvP but it isn't required.

Keep in mind that diplomacy is a god tier racial that will help you get BG reputation much faster to get those epics you need to kick ass in PvP. So you will have to do less rep farming overall which is great! Not to mention that perception can be helpful for finding rogues but you can always just spam r1 arcane explosion too.

t. retail tranny

You have no idea what you're talking about lmao, keep all caps typing like a retard and spreading disinfo.

>broken racial

Well good to know that you never played vanilla user

>implying I was ever happy
I'm as miserable now as then, but I'll have WoW classic. Gotcha faggot.


If only the top damage dealing melee had one or more fear breaks. If only the grossly overplayed and over represented class in PvE raiding had some way to counter fear. You know, the one that speed clearing guilds have literally half their raid composed of.
You fucking retard.

not him but orc is broken as fuck and anyone ranking will tell you that
as a rogue it's the worst cancer in pvp

Retail and classic with both be under a million subs this time next year. Screen cap.

honestly the best thing about classic is going to be no more interacting with spics and mutts in-game

TBC iffy uh
BoJ sticky uh

No, it won't fail. It'll live since keeping those servers alive with literally no new content (just re-releasing old content) taken them very little money and manpower, relatively. I do think that the population will severely drop after a few months though once the novelty wears off

So just curious, if it does bomb are you compiling posts for that too

Yeah, that's not a thing.
Nice try though. Maybe when classic comes out and you actually get to experience the content you know so little about you'll stop talking out of your ass.

Classic will have more players since people that never played vanilla will be curious but most of them will just leave after a few days

ok, enjoy wiping on mindslayers @aq because you have meme human/nelf priests in your raid

For hunters, it depends.

Alliance: nelves get shadowmeld, which is really useful for leveling, soloing dungeons, ambushing, and general trickery. For example, shadowmeld only works out of combat, so you can make a macro to feign death into shadowmeld, which is useful if you're getting camped or chased. You can also use it to AFK in the world or shoot people that are running by to get the jump. You can stealth and have your pet kill people while you chill in the shadows. You can stealth while shooting hordelets doing quest objectives. You can stealth past mob patrols in dungeons which makes the DM and inner Mara farms even easier. Basically, shadowmeld is a game changer for hunters imo. The 1% extra dodge is ok but not amazing.

Dorf: Stoneform is really strong in duels and 1v1 PvP. It removes and makes you immune to bleeds, poisons, and disease for I think 9 seconds. This is very powerful against rogues, warriors, and feral druids.

Orc: hardiness is really good but I feel like private servers over tuned it so it's much better than it actually was back then. Command is ok but nothing special. Blood fury is useful for smacking fools that get within melee range but not that great for Hunter since you're trying to get away from opponents.

Troll: Beserking is good for pve but not as good in PvP. Beast damage bonus is good in zg and leveling. The bow specialization is nice but it's not as powerful as melee ones because ranged doesn't have glancing blows, but it does reduce your hit cap which is okay.

Tauren: a little beefier in PvP, warstomp can be useful for keeping distance in a pinch but it does make you vulnerable when casting it.

I'm betting it's going to be as popular as FF14 is which means around 500k active accounts

Orc Warlock/ Undead Priest

>still doesn't have a release date

>im right and you are wrong the thread

It needs to.
People need to move on

>Axe Skill
This alone is broken as hell for melee classes, shamans and warriors.
This is also broken as hell. regardless of class.
>Blood rage
Good (Melee) attack power boost for Warriors and Shamans.
Excellent for Warlocks and Hunters.

They are unironically the best horde race, they racials are too good compared to the kits of other races.

I've been doing this for a while, I always compile for the opposite, however, it has never happened. If Yea Forums say something is going to fail, or bomb, or whatever, in every aspect, every game, everything, the complete opposite ALWAYS happens. Of all the games for Yea Forums to get salty at and wish to fail, this is the worst one so far. Purely because, this is a GURANTEED success, It unironically, can't fail. Purely because, they've nost/ely exact numbers, and the very reason they're doing it, is because of nost. They had a 9 hour interview with the nost team, a year last, classic is announced. It can't fail. Even if, numbers go down, WoW/Blizzard are in the position, which devs fucking -pray- each day they were in. The fact they can go "BC." and then get all the BC subs back, then, when that drops, "WOTLK". it doesn't matter if you hate each expac, each expac OBJECTIVELY had more subs, the most going to wotlk. You can think classic can be bad, you can come in and do the hundreds, and hundreds of "you're never going back" and be objectively wrong because of private servers, but if you think this is going to fail money wise, just trust me on this, you're going against the very matrix lmao

This is planned out, and the only version to be planned out, is World of Warcraft.

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I'm pretty sure the area shown in the middle of this webm is not accessible without getting to IF airport, which you cannot do without trick jumps.

im not but just adding some points to his post:

>nelf fd+shadowmeld is very strong because you can start drinking and eating right after you do it, and people wont be able to cancel right way
>nelf shadowmeld is also better to guard flags with a cat because both can be stealth
>dorf racial can remove ud shadowpriest devouring plague which is huge, they are also the biggest counters to rogues
>tauren hitbox is a bit larger than normal making it easier for people to deadzone them, but this can be a bonus because some people wont realize they are in their melee range and get a big hit

unironically based

Attached: 1537698750469.gif (235x240, 1.55M)

He's right, you know. Anybody who actually believes Classic will fail, does not know of the existence of Nost. They think this is happening out of random assumptions. If a shitty little private server can do this, then an official blizzard one is going to do dumb numbers. Not to bring up every twitch e-celeb faggot is going to be streaming this.

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I should clarify: wiping to fear wasn't a thing.
Things that wiped you on trash:
Patchwerk trash's lightning totems not being killed.
Plague on anub idols before twin emps. Our rival guild named their hunter pets after me, so I got spam bossmod tells for plague for 30 minutes while they cleared to twin emps.
Mana draining statues in aq20.
Gargoyles before noth if half your raid is afk.

Hmm sure don't see any fears there. Maybe try not being shit?

lol@ wiping to anything but pulling more than 1 pack on cthun trash tho, holy shit how awful was your guild man? You know it's RSTS, right? On 40 people? I dicked around so much on that trash. I would always try to kill my priest friend since he was almost always second on threat on the big mob with the wing-buffet-esque ability, who, HILARIOUSLY, we gave scarab lord to because he was a human.

God damn it, I want to roll Warlock, don't make me pick Dwarf Hunter.

>literally every streamer going to play this
>will it fail

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>"No one will watch it because its boring"

Nostalrius was free

>going there as level 1
just go at 4

I can`t wait to roll on a streamer server and make there leveling experience a nightmare.

Reminder NA retail will be unplayable because NA players are fucking bad and streamer culture.
EU is the only choice here.

locks are comfy aswell, user

>has a pet like hunters, easy leveling
>every group wants you
>dont have to care about topping meters because you are not expected to do it early on
>dont have much competition for gear on raids
>one of the most good looking tier sets

you'll be fine, we are going home

all the big streamers are pussy 100% they will roll on pve.

Dwarf holy pally

>Not mercilessly griefing streamers whenever possible.

Hunters are great in raids, they just don't scale as well with gear compared to the other DPS classes. They can be near the top in both MC and BWL. They're wrecking balls at the early gear levels. Everyone will complain about them when classic first releases.

That crossbow hits so fucking hard. I don't think there's a better one until Naxx. I got it back in 06 and would snipe idiots from the towers in AV.

Locks have some perks over hunters:

>Demon levels match yours, so you don't have to grind xp for them.
>You don't have to feed demons or keep them happy, or train new ones to upgrade spells. You can simply buy them instead.
>You don't have to worry about ammo, but you do have to keep soul shards up.
>With a good wand, drain life, and life tap, you never need to stop. Just keep fucking going.
>You get the imp earlier than hunters get a pet. You get a tank pet at 10.

I've played both and I like locks more than hunters. They're both fun, but locks scale better and have more utility.

Does anyone have any experience with ranking? I want to get the blue PvP set on a priest so I can fuck around with shadow, but I'm not sure how difficult it will be to get rank 10. I got rank 7 back in the day by playing solo, but I played a lot so I'm not sure how much time I would need to invest for rank 10.

Nostalrius was also questionably legal and could be shut down at a moment's notice. The 'it was free' argument never accounts for the amount of people unwilling to go through the process, or the people ignorant of p.servers in general.

>every shaman is one less rogue/fury
No, every shaman is one less healer. Shamans are healers.

And that is without warriors on the list, who are better ranked than all of the top 20.

if you play bgs all day you can get rank 11 easily, after that it becomes a bit more difficult and you gonna need a premade

huh it doesn't work like that
it depends entirely on the server and rankers

It was also a pirate server. That doesn't stop you and me but I know a lot of gamers who are too normie to go there. Even just having to edit the server list was a big barrier stopping people from playing but they are perfectly willing to pay for an official wow server.

What do prot paladins offer over prot warriors?

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im just saying til rank 11 is possible to go solo

Nothing. Classic has terrible class balance

Nothing, but then again prot warriors offer nothing as well.

lay on hands on ur main tank kek

you can solo to r14 dude
plenty of people do that

Nothing. Classic was a shitshow. That´s why the only people shilling it is those who missed the train.

If you REALLY want to get a headstart by doing the Teldrassil quests, I think the strategy is this:
>level 1: Complete the imp quest, then immediately go to Teldrassil. Set hearthstone in Stormwind/Ironforge
>level 6: hearthstone back to Ironforge/Stormwind, train skills and fly back to Menethil Harbor and head back to Teldrassil
>level 10: Go back again, train everything and get your voidwalker
>From here you have to make the call if you want to go back every 2 levels for not while you go from 10-20. Might not be necessary as you should have gathered the linen needed to make a wand by the time you're level 10.

It's inefficient as hell but I think this is the most optimal strategy if you're going in on day 1. Alternatively you can make your warlock your 2nd character and just send him in at level 1 with imp, then rank 1 shadow bolt spam until level 5 and wand your way to level 10. This will probably be the most efficient way to level because enchanting wand dps is busted at low levels, it's just hard getting 60 linen cloth on a fresh character on a fresh server.

There are multiple routes, and one should be possible even with classic client. If there's a beta, I'll check it out.

You realize those guilds bring like, 6 healers total or even less. They use consumables for dispels.
One is a priest with shadow weaving.
One is a druid for MotW.

Hey some fag posted you on reddit

>6 healers total
Around 8 healers is optimal, one has to be a druid, one has to be a priest, leaving you with 6 shamans. You don't run shadow priests in speed runs.

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>Core damage dealing ability is a core damage dealing ability
>You can use it at will and do respectable damage
>Plenty of CDs to mix in for bursts of damage like fire blast, frost nova, and cone of cold
>still use arcane missiles on people running away because they still leash beyond the max range limit
>polymorph isn't shit
>snares don't break to a stray fart
>grenades and other gadget too

Meanwhile on retail, you have a 3 button proc based rotation where you have to pray to RNG that you get your fingers of frost proc so that you can actually cast an ability that does damage, and between all that you have 2 AOE ability rotation and 2 offensive CDs and 2 defensive CDs

And you can copy paste this formula for every class in the game.

For a couple of months. Then they will move on.

Literally the only people that will reach 1 year+ and keep subscription will be the nostalgic boomer autists. And they are the minority.

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Troll Holy priest until I have an excuse to go power infusion. Hopefully my Warrior buddy can carry my ass in PvP because as tempting as speccing Shadow will be i'm not dedicating enough time to pvp to respecc between raids

>PvE faggots are still seething
Newsflash, retard, PvE was always braindead easy, the difficulty came from organizing and finding 39/24/19 other non-retards.

bro you could bring a lot of retards to 40

>going to play a warlock on an RP server
>gonna hide the fact that I'm warlock and pretend to be a mage
>not going to use demons or anything overly demonic like demon skin, soulstones, drain soul, etc. in group content, only immolate and shadowbolt
>if get questioned about shadowbolt will just claim its a very potent fireball spell that looks dark because of the smoke
>will never ever break character
who's with me?

True, but that doesn't change the fact that PvE is still for mouthbreathing subhumans and only serves as means of obtaining gear without having to NEET for 3 months.

>not camping fNEs and fhumans trannies

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Godspeed. I got to IF airfield once and the area below it where there are dwarven farmers and a tunnel leading to a blue void.

>You don't run shadow priests in speed runs.
They play 13-18-20 or some variation of it.
They don't take them for fortitude, lmao.

>blood dk

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Its the same fucking thing in retail, difference is here the frost bolt is doing damage, in retail you're praying that you get a fucking fingers of frost proc so you can cast your real spell once

How good is the purple PvP set? Is it better than T1, T2, T3 etc?

And what about the blue pvp set? Is that just garbage?

You take priests for healing.

Depends, PVP epics were always insanely overpowered and they kept buffing it as tiers got released.

>we will never get these models

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How are you enjoying BfA?

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>people are going to have fun with a game for a few months
>O N L Y

For someone who makes fun of autists, you sure sound like one who plays 1-2 games exclusively for years.

well you had like one third of one expansion where blood was a viable dps spec, you're right.

Im not.

good for some classes, worse than dungeon gear for others.

Lack of LFD or even LFG will be a crippling blow to Classic.
Remember the "you think you do but you don't" quote? Right after that the very first thing he said was "remember when you had to sit in a city spamming NEED A TANK NEED A TANK NEED A TANK for an hour"?
He's completely fucking right. Casuals don't want to. You don't want to. It's one of the stupidest fucking parts of the game and it has no reason to be like that.
And there's no summoning stones either. Why would I do instances while leveling up if finding a group for them requires one to two fucking hours of bot-like sitting around spamming a channel and then waiting 20 minute minutes for people to physically get to the dungeon?
And I'm not exaggerating one bit. What I just described is blizzlike. And I experienced it AS A TANK all the time.

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imagine being you, knowing nothing about the subject, be completely ignorant to the existence of OSRS, and fail on a fundamental level to predict popularity of anything.

people said the same fucking shot about osrs and look where its now. some of the biggest twitch streamers are hardcore classic fans, and the impact of twitch streamers on player numbers has been observed many times, the latest being Apex.

If dungeon finder was server specific and didn't port you to the dungeon there would be nothing wrong with it

I still can't believe people prefer the new shittily streamlined "talent trees" over the old system.

That's literally what the LFG tool in BC was. The vanilla NEED A TANK NEED A TANK NEED A TANK shit was so bad they fixed it in just one expansion.

>And there's no summoning stones either.
warlocks can summon. it's actually part of why you'd want to take that class.

>so the great WoW Classic will keep him fed and entertained for only a month he says

The absolute state.

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Lack of matchmaking, phasing and crossrealm is what people want from classic.

Even casual MMO players want this, they want to play with other people without having to commit to the game like a second fucking job that is modern WOW's end game scene outside of PUGs and LFR because you have to grind azerite and ilvl to stay relevant and not get benched by any competent guild.

Is classic going to filter out the 'go go go, rush rush rush' faggots? Yeah, it will, and thats a good thing.

Yeah, sometimes, rarely, if you get lucky, you have to wait like 20% less.
Cold fucking comfort.

there was no lfg tool in BC?

Look at this drooling retard

someone make a fucking collection of these retard posts

i dont get paying for less content?

LFG wasn't LFD. In BC LFG you literally just signed up for dungeons and you could see everyone else in the server signed up for that dungeon so you could whisper them.
So basically, same as sitting in a city spamming trade except you don't need to be in a city and people don't need to see your spam.

>wahh why do i have to interact with people in an MMO

Off yourself, brainlet

Archer here, why would anyone use a wolf or a spider as a companion haha that would be silly

>In BC LFG you literally just signed up for dungeons and you could see everyone else in the server signed up for that dungeon so you could whisper them.
Pretty sure this was not a thing unless you did it with some addon.

>spamming the same copypasted message for an hour is "interaction"

There was an addon that did this in vanilla but less than 10% people used it so it was a crapshoot. BC just made that addon official.

We had LFG channels in vanilla as well, just because you faggots were too stupid to know how to join regional channels remotely doesn't mean people didn't use them, and almost every server had a public global LFG channel that you could easily look up on the forums.

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Crossbows are so OP. The first substantial upgrade(raid dps-wise) to the AV crossbow is Chromaggus'. Then, it's naxx.
Some AQ weapons and random naxx ones are upgrades to the AV crossbow, but in the natural progression for a hunter there really only exist three weapons at 60.

I remember something like this at the very very end of the expansion, but that's it. I'm pretty sure people still did group finding in /2 for the majority of the expansion. It might've even been the WotLK pre-patch that added it.

they are better than t2 in most cases because of the high stam and you dont lose much dps with them, but they still lose to AQ+ gear
thats why we cant have pvp rewards at launch, people grinding pvp rankings will have bwl equivalent gear in like 2 months

I can't also choose between warlock and hunter. Played Hunter in wotlk and bc and really can play it in pvp but find the raid progress more fun with warlock. Beside the warlock t3 give me a hard dick but the way to naxx is a long and hard way.

>getting teleported to the dungeon with 4 randoms you don't know and have no reason to speak to is any better


how does it feel being the biggest retard on Yea Forums right now?

That's what guilds are for, you drooling retard. And during leveling you just directly whisper to people.

I know that. I had macros to spam /lfg and /world and /trade at the same time. Most of the replies came from /trade anyways, because the other channels had less people.
And it's STILL sitting around diddling your thumb up your dick spamming a macro for a long-ass time.

Wow, damn. You're right. What a massive blow to the working mans income.

Are crossbows the main endgame weapons for Hunters?

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>thats why we cant have pvp rewards at launch, people grinding pvp rankings will have bwl equivalent gear in like 2 months
But will we? Haven't been following the development plan

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This is why Catacylsm launch crashed so hard, cataclysm heroics weren't even hard, but because you were expecting 5 randos to communicate post healer nerfs and use CC after WOTLK's faceroll heroics and making AOE tanking standard, of course they were going to dumb everything down.

This: is the best option.
You still have to talk to people to invite them and they're all from the same server.


nobody cares about your cancerous /wpsg/ edrama

glad you faggots will be forcibly split up with region locked servers

I would be cool with blizzard adding this back in. It is better than spamming chat and sending whispers to everyone in who lol.

>caring about racials
>caring about 5% stat differences as if they actually matter
>caring about race+class combos
>implying Vanilla raiding was "hard"
>Aghhhh guys please we are having a really hard time doing this simple spread mechanic I think we need to have an officer chat and seriously reconsider our comp jeez we'll get em next week.

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fear ward is the only racial that matters

Rotaions are a meme. A stupid meme at that. It started with some spells have good synergy togeather and increase dps. I really wasnt that many spells a class might have like 4 things tops unless you were a warlock or SP. But it was good. I like using the mahe as a example to get my point across more clearly

Vanilla mage
>spamming frost bolt is the best way to deal damage
>but you have other spells for different scenarios cone of cold, arcane blast etc

>Best way to deal damage is through rotation
>Rotation is 6-7 spells all including dots, self buffs and procs
>Also have other spels for other scenarios

It doesnt make it more interesting it just makes it more complicated. And crowds up your screen with unnecessary shit. Dots used to have a point for you to slap it on so you are constantly doing damage even when you have to do something else. Now dots last 7 seconds and have to be reapplied so often its stupid

>he was one of those peasants who spammed chat all day instead of whispering people from /who or simply joining a leveling guild or making friends

Fucking lol, I always laughed at morons like you. There are a myriad of tools in the game given to you to interact with people and find players to play with and you choose to just spam the public chat in a frenzied keyboard rage like a 12 year old.

Look at him. Look at him and laugh.

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In fact, Classic would be better if they ported class mechanics from TBC and adjusted them accordingly to level 60. But alas, Blizz won't bother AND purist autists would screech so hard that it would kill the game.

probably not

>less content

Every expansion makes more content obsolete then it adds in.

There is more content in BRD then the entire end game dungeon content of BFA.

are server getting region locked? im gonna be working @EU on summer i dont wanna play with eurofaggits fuck fuck fuck

I know this may come as a shock to you but vanilla wow has more relevant content than modern wow does.

You're not wrong. People should play what they want to play and have fun. Minmaxing is what will kill the community. It's kinda funny too since shit like dwarf was the least popular alliance priest race in actual vanilla.

Nah but the real talk is which is more aesthetic- a human male warlock or a gnome female warlock?

but at one point your content "ends" right? there wont be anything left to do.

The people like the current shit system like to bleet that its better than the old trees because the trees were forced into a cookie cutter design at end game

There's something missing from your theory.
If finding a group truly is that easy, why did nobody whip out their super group finding skills to complete a 4/5 group during the 45 minutes it took to find the healer?
None of those people ever had friends?
None of those people ever had guilds?
None of those people ever tried spamming /who?
Or could it be even with all that, it still sucked ass because none of those are guaranteed and 3k pop is shit?

Vanilla MM hunter was unironically harder than any current retail spec. Current WoW is so braindead it isn't even funny anymore, its like the webm you posted but with the 2 occasional procs and 2 offensive CDs added ontop for every class.

it was really sad I played the first few months of cata and really liked it. First raid tier wasn't that bad either, and the heroics were actually challenging. Then they hit everything wtih the nerf bat because people couldn't clear it with randos.

>theres people ITT going to roll nelf priest over dwarf

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thats a big YIKES from me

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Look at the doomer we got here. Cheer up, bucko.

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>patch 8.2 will safe it, r-right?
They literally jerking off, because they get shit with apple taste instead of normal shit

>receive whisper "Hey we're looking for a tank for Scholo, you up for it? :)"
>shift-click his name
>Level 60, Class: Warrior

Every. Fucking. Time.

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I used to create a female night elf, strip her naked, hide in some bushes in the start area, press /dance and fap away...

Might do the same thing again for old times sake. Please don't bully me if you see me doing it.


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Remind me. Did that turtle boss from BFD keep it's insane armor after you tame it?

Every class is so shit in vanilla. Shamans have shitty totem quests, can only heal in raids and have to wear gayass cloth armor. Paladins basically the same but better since they get a mount and don't have such annoying quests. Warriors are overplayed and slow to level, Druid can only heal in raids and can't even rezz, Rogues and Mages overplayed, Warlocks get a cheaper mount but have to farm shards and play like worse mages, hunters aren't that needed in raids and everyone has one for farming... Think I'll go with either a Mage, Priest or Warrior but none of them are that fun to play.


Forget the doomer, embrace the boomer. Be happy and have fun. Life is short, so why be a pessimistic fuck?

Ghamoo-Ra, yes.

>A game has a point where theres nothing left to do
Whew lad I can't think of any other games that do this

>bearded man in dress


>and play like worse mages

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>I am paying more money to enjoy much less content and undoing any progress the game has done over 15 years
>b-because I'm based that's why
>n-n-now...let me post t-those monster energy boomer memes I have stored like the good circlejerking cultist-like retard that I am
>we are going home....aren't we bros?
>hehe....yes we are

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Both spam one button, one deals damage and the other doesn't. When it comes to leveling one can efficiently AoE farm and the other can't.

We all agree that using potions, profession stuff (bandages, engi shit) etc. in duels is for losers, but how do we feel about healing spells? Yay or nay?

>undoing any progress the game has done over
Stopped reading right there.

You're in.

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I'm going to do play a meme starshards disc build and there is NOTHING you can do to stop me!

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Ÿes, but it will be ruined by players, not Blizzard.


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Spells are part of the class, so it's fair game. Hybrids have to heal to stay alive and live through damage.

>BFA sub comes with WoW Classic
>You can make 100k gold for a WoW Token in probably 2-3 hours of farming or by simply playing the auction house (buy mats on the weekends and sell consumables on Tuesday nights)

Imagine actually spending real money on a subscription

Goes to show how delusional you are...


>speaks about delusions
>is literally the one shilling for a multi billionaire company that hates him and only sees him as a good little pay piggy

Go play in your garrison, cuck

Yeah 100%. You can't beat those attack speeds, it's hugely important for a hunter

With the large absence since their last blue post and a looming summer release i'm certain they'll announce a date for a Classic Q&A in their next blue post. Just to address lots of small issues and finally reveal the release date

>And he expects that same company to treat him and his delusions with respect
Oh my god you guys are total retards and blind af.

They were probably lazy. I always ended up having to be the one to do it, even when I wasn't the group leader.

>Lack of LFD or even LFG will be a crippling blow to Classic

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There we go. Doesn't go through IF airport, but gets you to wetlands without any walljumping. Not sure if there's a way to get down without dying (I ended up slipping down and dying), but you spawn the GY next to menethil, so you can safely jump down to your death.

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It's more about sending a message to Blizzard at this point.

Classic people are unironically doing more to save your shitty game, than you are. And we're not even playing it.

yeah. blizzard did the unthinkable and added spell batching for the classic bulls. meanwhile retail cucks are still seething because no high elves

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come naxx, I wonder if you could tell which one is the one that does the damage.

Naxx is last raid though, Mages are literally how I descibed them for 99% of your playtime in the game.

>Removing features will save the game
How will the game be saved if normies and newfags drop it after less than a month or so because it's archaic af? How will that send a message to Blizzard?

Total retards.

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holy shit what

>>Removing features will save the game
Well that's been world of warcraft since cataclysm.

if classic fails we can just go back to private servers again, and with updated data this time, its a win win situation for us lol

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