What's he thinking?
Keep it vidya, by the way.
What's he thinking?
Other urls found in this thread:
Here you go
Literally me
>didn't even bother to make an exploitable version
For fuck's sake, you twitterniggers are beyond lazy
What the fuck are those eyes? Was the artist literally too lazy to place them properly?
is there porn of this?
post handshake comics
thank you
Immunity cat
betty spaghetti
leather plether
finally someone did the thing I was waiting for
fuck (You)
gym on catborn
It's called an art style, it's pretty common
Can people really imagine whole images? I can only think of words and concepts, but It's not like I have a movie theater in my head.
it's a meme template, people don't have perfect clear vision of things except photographic memory faggots
Yes people can imagine whole images in their head.
No megaman, not you too!
You sick bastard!
Just like, try "remembering" what something that never actually happened looked like.
>he can't visualize naked highschool crush on command
I dread what easy access to porn has done to people's brains
you can visualise stuff, but it's not a crystal-clear image.
i’m sorry but your brain is faulty. i’d recommend getting it checked and possibly returned
fuck you
>are your legs ok?
Thank you for making this user
lmao good one
every FUCKING time
Fucking how dude? Can you not remember what your mom looks like?
lol fuk u
I didn't think it was weird. Of course I'll recognize my mom when I see her, but it's not like I can see faces inside of my head.
don't mind me
Source on the zelda image? I can't seem to find it
Bretty good
Thanks user
what did you mean by this
the eyes are disconnected from their faces. They're almost look like Shmup options.
you didn't need to circle that, it's just a gay stylistic choice
Can someone make an edit with this
rest in piece aniki
Uh, is a thing...
thank you danger mouse
>can't read
mega man is lying
>implying thats a good thing
Are reply to this post posts and feels guy/sadfrog edits peak cancer?
reply to this post are cancer, but they're usually creative and kinda funny while wojak/pepe is like a rectal tumor plugging your anus
die bich
i regret posting this, before posting this
also probably after posting this
also i regret making this and i regret being made myself
you guys are actually NPCs
I like this
who else here have dead mom and is immune?
based illiterate
>tfw mom still alive
>tfw have to wait for her to die before I can off myself
life is suffering
I'm sorry user, no need to pretend you don't care
fuck (you)
>imagination bad
>smooth brain good
i can both, but as soon as i go with pictures and "videos" i am basically daydreaming.
so in everyday situations i do it just like you do
I hate you
god I wish I was the girl
you are a nigger and sage
It still hurts.
>file deleted
Cute cat
I don't get it but I appreciate the effort
Thats a good idea but
>open paint
>copy pasta
Stop being lazy you dumb probably phone poster.
Now put this image in the bubble
>you just know
Nah, I doubt it. There's a reason it's always dogs, have you ever seen a feline penis?
who's that qt 4 eyes?
Yeah, she fucked so many dogs that even the biggest knot doesn't do it anymore, now she needs those barbs to shred her cunt to ribbons in order to feel anything
Actually me
>file deleted
As it should be.
I did it
Looks like a strange version of Marisa from Touhou
Ask /jp/ if you really must
I gained brouzouf
Its afrobull. Learn your basic porn artists.
I really cant stand RLM lately. They always put in some obnoxious joke in their episodes lately.
Like in that shazam video, they spend 3 minutes making fun of some old man who went to see the movie which is just a shitty thing to do.
Never should of come here
Fuck off with your non vidya cancer