You mean to tell me that you're over 30 years old and still playing video games?
You mean to tell me that you're over 30 years old and still playing video games?
who is this ugly jigaboo
Is this guy litterally handicapped?
Love this guy
desTINY is a
He's a black guy who hates niggers.
>smelly basedboy virgin gets BTFO by handicapped nig who only knows the words amazin' and beta
basedboy* my brain turned off 2 words in
Love this guy's show.
Gonna need a link for that
who the fuck is this nigger
No he's black
>who the fuck is this nigger
The only positive role-model for the countless fatherless blacks right now.
and still destroyed every alt-righter he's ever come up against.
Came here for this.
Anons, we all know there’s shame in being a childless 30 year old gamer. We shame people like that even on this site that’s supposed to be an outlet for incels, virgins, losers and such.
>that's supposed to be an outlet for incels, virgins, losers and such
>Playing cash traps thought up by 50 year old men
Im binning all my games the day i turn 30.
why does he look like RDJ in Tropic Thunder?
And yet he's still a disgusting pedophile manlet.
Based JLP blowing the liberal beta gaymers the fuck out.
I'll be gaming until my death.
Man your brain really did turn off huh. That's some Anton Babinski shit
I guess that makes 2 of us.
Family or not, I am not giving up on gaming. Especially with technology getting better and better each year.
shortly after this, destiny flew to new zealand and fucked some swedish nympho while her boyfriend took care of the stream
stfu n*gg*r!!! seriously though mind your business
You don't? Are you some kind of a BETA?
There is shame in not fucking up your life with a terrible decision like having children?
Damn, that's AMAZIN
"pedophile" is the alt-right's version of the left's "bigot"
just another silencing tactic used by identarians
Didn't he also abandon his son while at it?
harsh word
you think he left his child unattended and alone while away?
The only based person to ever treat Destiny properly as the joke that he is.
aw did destiny hurt your feelings, snowflake?
I'd amend that. Over 24.
white identitarian faggot spotted.
yo where's the games at?
do you like bla peepo?
Reminder that Destiny's fanbase actually send fake "shoops" of Destiny with a big dick after his a picture of his VERY SMALL dick was leaked on the internet, and they do it to cheer him up
>Unironically sucking up and defending a pedo incest loving hypocritical in every sense manlet
Man Destinytards are the most retarded and pathetic fanbase out there.
Metokur destroyed Destiny, Destiny can only resort to talking fast and loud when he is getting BTFO'd
Also, he thinks he'll get more viewers from being a lefty contrarian when he hovers around 2k viewers at best
It's gross how they think incest is ok.
What's his fucking problem? He legit sounds like a retard. Do people actually watch/listen to him?
Thats just Chris Chan levels of pathetic. I don't I ever met a fanbase so desperate to cling on to man as much as Destiny.
Yeah, it's amazing that Destiny actually has 2k pepega retards who are so brainwashed that they would agree to anything he says, no matter how stupid it is
lmao getting prime white pussay wherever he goes whenever he wants. /pol/ literally seething.
5 mins in and yeah this guy is obviously trolling
good enough satire if people are falling for it though, is this pol's beloved celebrity of the month or something?
>Destiny's own channel where he edits the interviewer to look like a idiot
what, nothing was edited as far as I'd seen
>Claims to be lefty
>Literally his history and actions are so far the exact opposite
Hes basically a conservative pretending to be a liberal.
his kids are literally fatherless blacks right now so no, a mentally deficient uncle tom who can't even provide for his family is not it
proof of editing to make a person appear like an idiot please
>People on Yea Forums are actually fans of Destiny
I thought the Japanese "A.I." girl was bad, but at least that was vidya.
go back to pol
you know /pol/ isn't exclusively for people with rightleaning opinions right? plenty of lefties there and in this thread that belong there
>Implying it isn't Destiny's retarded redditors coming to brigade again like they always do everytime thier beloved supreme leader gets dissed.
People who support twitch thots are more mentally stable than Destiny fans.
Imagine paying some boring white dude money just because you agree with him politically.
>plenty of lefties there
you can't fool me, I've been to pol, I know how the majority of faggots there react to anything left of hitler, it's completely impossible to have a lefty discussion there.
>/pol/ isn't exclusively for people with rightleaning opinions
>/pol/ isn't exclusively for people with rightleaning opinions
You mean to tell me that you're over 30 years old and still fighting demons?
>Implying /pol/ aren't faggots for Destiny as well
Destiny fanboys please, I know you literally can't handle making opinions of your own, or take one that isn't Destiny's, but try to break out of your shell soon
same to you and Jordan Peterson.
I did, with both your female and male relatives.
Imagine being so out of touch that you think this is a battle between Destiny fans and JBP fans.
>Thinks I'm a Juden peterson fanboy
Go on, name some other guy you want to associate me with
Did you just step out of a time-machine from 2012?
How about Sargon?
A based black guy who dabs on the libtards epic style
>left of Hitler
Hitler was a leftist
>veganism/animal rights
>anti-conservative revolutionary
>progressive (19th/20th century sense) utopian
Who's Destiny and what does it have to do with
>>/pol/ isn't exclusively for people with rightleaning opinions
Nah, Sargon of Cuck and his doxx army can go fuck themselves
>pro-worker coops
>anti-land ownership
>pro minimum wage
>pro universal healthcare
You mean to tell me that you're over 30 years old and still watch sports and gamble away your money on "fantasy" teams?
There's like a handful of anarchists and commies that raid from infinitychans leftypol but that's it, and since 2016 it's been infested by neocon magatards
>Hitler was a leftist
stopped reading there. Revisionist history belongs in a containment board.
Calm down there buddy
Syria general is a good example of a "lefty" general on /pol/
Lefties troll in right threads
Rights troll in lefty threads
be serious
what else is there to do?
Real anarchists are right wing.
Only fake anarchists who think some 19th century socialists had a monopoly on language are left wing.
>Real anarchists are right wing.
Bizzaro earth? Either that or opposite day.
>Real anarchists are right wing
I swear to god this site has the most smooth brain people in one place
Theres literally a thread up in /pol/ where the majority of you cucks are circlejerking about Destiny.
>A fucking leaf larping
a cuban commie and gamer. yeah
sage and disliking all his videos, thanks.
Spend time with your wife and kids
Yard work and house maintenance
Watch the big game with all your friends
He's a proud capitalist, shows how much you know him
>Actual watching his streams
Embarrasing as fuck desu
Nah, anarchism and communism go hand in hand since the goal of communism is a stateless classless society and anarchism is about no rulers or hierarchies
Both are fucking retarded though
>Voter ID is racist
t. Destiny
deflect all you want, he's mentioned this is most debates that he's a capitalist and loves it
Destiny is unironically retarded because he agreed to come on his show.
His fans are even more retarded for picturing him as a winner of this "debate" because there wasn't one to begin with.
Irony is, JLP and Destiny are both retarded
Why don't to you move your ass back to Cuba or even Venezuela instead of shilling your shit channel and your low-test face on places like Yea Forums for money?
yeah dude
>what do you mean it's unsustainable?
read a book, nigger.
see anarchism is from the greek
anarchy - without rulers
Any system of collective ownership of the means of production by necessity requires a ruling class. Left wing anarchists are logically incoherent.
just get mandatory voting like a fucking civilised country you fucking morons.
Shame SPLC is no longer online.
I've literally never played Destiny you slimy console fag and even if I did it wouldn't make me a lefty, now explain
isn't exclusively for people with rightleaning opinions
Destiny is a shit head with incorrect takes, but he's essentially a smarter and better MILO.
I didn't see you guys complaining about Milo when he was doing the same shtick? I wonder why.
nice bait
True, but the midget was the one who came on JLP's show, not the other way.
If he's really thought that this wasn't going to end up a gigantic embarrassment for him, than he should've kept being a wagecuck.
>Destiny is unironically retarded because he agreed to come on his show.
He did it only to stroke his ego to his fanbase nothing else.
Imagine not only being a midget, but a midget with a tiny dick and lefty opinions he repeats over and over again to a 2k audience while living in moms house
>being a liberal in 2019
>incel memery
oh now i get your type.
seeya virgins B)
Imagine actually getting blow out by a black Boomer.
I literally wouldn't be able to sleep from all the seething.
imagine posting about politics on Yea Forums
>uncle tom
Sambo. Tom was the hero.
They're quite basically the same lol. They both try to debate retards of the other side and through being slightly less retarded to those they're debating, they "win".
>he's serious
destiny is such a manchild
Oh boy we got ourselves another school shooter did I push too hard, fuck
>cyclejerk to the max
>shit up Yea Forums and /pol/, sometimes other more apolitical boards
>resort to buzzwords and unfunny memes when called out
Destinyfags and Chapoincels are too fucking much even by Reddit's standarts.
How can you "be a capitalist" you pretentious teenager?
Hey man, Morrison was based and he doesn't hold it against Tony. Now if only he could rein in those crazy bitches
He's a fascist. He wants to use state regulation to yoke the market to the collective greater good. Using the state to manifest virtue. Textbook progressive/fascist. He doesn't actually like capitalism. He's just not so retarded as to not see how effective it is at helping the poor, so he has to somehow twist it to fit his shit-addled egalitarian/altruistic mindset.
how did people find out his dick size
>being against inces and pedophilia is /pol/
support private property and free markets
neither of which Destiny supports
That is still living under capitalism.
Economic system is not ideology you imbecile.
>/pol/ of all places advocates for you to get married and have kids in a stable household
the world is upside down
socialism isn't an ideology?
is playing video games above the age of 30 silly? most likely but i enjoy it so i will still do it.
So why he won't debate a traditional catholic priest or a any christian thinker? Why he doesn't engage in philosophical and metaphysics debates
wtf are you even talking about, retard? If you SUPPORT private property and free markets, then you are IDEOLOGICALLY a capitalist, faggot. But Destiny isn't. He's ideologically a progressive, which means he's ideologically a socialist. He's just smart enough not to actually advocate for fully-socialized MOP because it so obviously doesn't work, and settles for hyper-regulatory control instead.
implying this basedboy vegan manlet get white pussy or any pussy at all.
>Flirt with some Bluetea, while in a relationship with another girl
>Get her nudes
>Shares the nudes with his friends and makes fun of her
>She get angry and posts his mini-dick on his twitter
>Destiny responds by pulling out of a Starcraft 2 tournament he was in, putting his subreddit on lockdown and getting mad and exacting revenge on the girl for doing the same thing he did
"t's not about "teaching someone a lesson", it's just punishment. I'm pretty sure what she did was illegal on quite a few levels, and the fact that it's damaging to a business that I use to support my family makes me a little less willing to "turn the other cheek""
"Yeah, I acted pretty scumbaggish and shared her picture with a couple friends. But for her to leak a bunch of shit to 40k people? Why on earth wouldn't I share that with her employer and school when she tried to effectively destroy my livelihood?"
That's pretty dishonest, he can barely pull 2k viewers to his stream
No you retard.
All these words to confirm you don't know what you're talking about.
ask him
I doubt he wants to debate the mentally ill
I don't see how repeating yourself till you get the answer you want is BTFOing?
why not?
Honestly small dicks should just be euthanized.
Who would complain (besides them)? Literally who wouldn't see that as an improvement to the world?
Just take every male into a room and if their erection doesn't fill a certain volume incinerate them.
There, all the murderers and rapists are gone. All the warmongers are gone. Harems can simply replace marriage. It would be a golden age.
Go back
Nigger I spend literally all my time studying this shit. I objectively know more than you. You're so fucking stupid that you are actually asserting that "ideological capitalist" is incoherent.
Do you think Destiny fucks kids because it helps him pretend his penis isn't so small, or is he just a degenerate who likes fucking kids?
>you know /pol/ isn't exclusively for people with rightleaning opinions right?
Maybe in 2015 sure. Now it is just r/donald retards
He did and Destiny got btfo
pedos are always just looking to scale their partner to their penis size
>unironically implying /pol/ is full of magapedes
>this fucking retarded
Whew, you to lurk moar my friend.
I already did. /pol/ is a shadow of its former self, and it has no one to blame but itself
Can we push for small tits? fake tits/implants should be outlawed
>Now it is just r/donald retards
oh look.
another centrist telling us what /pol/ is like despite never going there.
Just lol, so he just picks the easiest targets but refuses to engage in any real intellectual debate with proper wise individuals
Yeah, the real world is too above your cognitive capacities, so keep being a thinker on your meme eco chamber world with your TrannyERA audience
your face when this mentally challenged woman could become your president. lol the absolute state of amerimutts
But he's right, it is now
It was based when pol was following crimea/syria unfold or posting ebola-chan, but now it's unironic politician (celebrity) worship
nigga I was doomposting and bitching about TTIP before you election tourist came along
i have a big dick and i want to bulge a kids stomach
He literally cant falsify the christian god.
Fuck off retard there's no female equivalent of small penis because tits don't destroy sexual pleasure
There are plenty of guys that like smaller tits but no female likes smaller penises
if you think dawkins came out on top in that conversation you have some major brain damage my dude
It has shifted considerably in the last year. Most people there have jumped of the Trump train some time ago. It's actually further to the "right" than it used to be, except mostly more left leaning economically and even more reactionary than ever since they began shunning the more moderate magaposters.
She's already done, she played her cards wrong and is a non-entity
member SOPA and how it was btfo but they just did it again but made it political so then 50% of the nation would support it?
This is Yea Forums, why the fuck would you expect to find video games?
What about gaping assholes and vaginas that can fit a fist+ extra?
Nobody actually takes her seriously anymore thank god
Legit thought he was cosplaying as a TOS Star Trek Klingon.
>*destroys every alt right "intellectual"*
A retard who "debates" with other retards. You would think it's a satirical 3 am show on Adult Swim than actual human beings. Enjoy the ride that is Jesse Lee Peterson.
>STILL believing in the penis size meme
yikes my dude
I guess that's what a basement dwelling virgin only reading doomposting all day would be like I guess
>implying a congresswoman on her first term has a chance of being president
At least give her 10 years when she can legally run
This guy looks like a mid 2000's 3D rendering.
They're never big enough that a big dick can't enjoy them
Gaping is something you do to an orifice not its default state, otherwise they'd just be shitting constantly
Jim destroyed him
She's already getting buried by "the left", follow actual news and not dumb gaffs like some tween dude.
When even Nancy fucking Pelosi is against you, you know you have no chance at a platform on the left.
She can run in 2024, no?
go to bed jim
>making fun of that manlet is suddenly politics
Americans deserve each other desu
Reminder that destiny was a berniecuck and stated categorically that trump wouldn't win. He and his fans are delusional.
Also reminder that he got cucked by a sweden
Put a peptobismol between your legs Destiny, it's way more impressing than your dick size
>fucked some pasty twitch thot
fixed that for ya
At least 35yr old to be able to run
She's too young and already said she wouldnt think of running that soon.
Nah, she can run in the next election cycle. Nor should she run anyway since she is way more effective pushing legislation for now than going for the presidency.
Yeah, and she's 30 now right?
Nice cope dicklet
I'm sure 5 inch dildos are less popular than 8 inch ones because of media brainwashing right?
Except for alt hype which he'll never have on his platform anymore citing the reason being that he doesn't wanna debate with people too far gone and platform people who're too extreme.
There was also JF, who he ad-hom and continued to in their debate using that as the moral reason he'd no longer choose to debate JF. Destiny would go on to however be a hypocritical retard by eventually fucking a 19 year old girl in Sweden despite his recent protest to the idea of JF doing the exact same thing just slightly more braindead.
After Trump, i lost all hope for americans