What games make you happy?
What games make you happy?
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I want to touch those fluffy ears desu
Games where i can be a cute trap
unironically Garry's Mod with friends
Don't do it.
These days the only time I can be happy while playing video games is when I'm piss drunk.
All other times I'm just passing the time because I have nothing else better to do haha
streets of rogue, risk of rain 2, killing floor 2, deep rock galactic, earth 2150 if it would stop crashing, ion maiden, nu doom, classic doom
i get really bored with most live service games though. games like farcry, or wildlands get so boring so fast.
Games that let me play as an animal
Games that don't have DRM that I know I'll be able to revisit in 10 years
games where you can have daughterwife?
Russian VNs!
WoW Classic. I'm going home, and that makes me happy.
Name? Worth watching?
No game but being with my little sister sure does, we played lots of vidya and watched a movie together last night
Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari / The Rising of the Shield Hero
yes and no, it's mid-season currently.
amen brother
Mostly they just provide a brief distraction from how empty my life is.
It's great. Main hero gets #metoo'd at the start and buys himself a cute raccoon slave to murder for him.
raphtalia will win the naufumibowl
I require alcohol to truly get that sense of joy I had when I played vidya as a kid
desu i only started watching because it made the gayjews shriek
pretty good for an isekai with an edgy MC but it's still just an isekai with an edgy MC
Delet this
Secondlife when people arent idle or dead
I just started learning UNIST so that's been making me happy for the immediate future
For me that used to be Ragnarok Online but that's over now. Even if I play it, now it's no longer the same. I still enjoy games but not having a closely knit community that's idle and timeless has hit me. Hard.
This is why MMOs are like drugs. You'll always be chasing the high that only exists in the past. The present is only for coping.
Precasting SG on EMP room warp for 2 hours while laughing on Ventrilo with your guild about the clusterfuck of a rat race outside that room is something I will never relive again.
I have faith that MMOs will be good again one day. For that though, WoW has to die.
Before it dies I hope Classic will be successful, it could push people to reconsider what made MMOs good. I don't think modern MMOs are for coping, it's just that they're shit because they copy the wrong game. Datamining is also problematic.
For me it's the "quality of life" stuff. People want MMOs but don't want to compete for resources so you get multiple realms and channels, also instanced stuff. They don't want to wait around so you get party auto-queues, killing any chance of socialization outside your known group.
It's always about making MMOs more like single player games, as much as possible. Fuck convenience.
Good taste
Games that are fast with aggressive music and lengthy RPGs still do the trick for me. Nothing like going with the pace of the music in an action game or relaxing while grinding between story notes.
I don't get why these people play MMOs and how they managed to have vidya companies cater to them. I mean it nets Blizzard and SE a lot of money so I guess I get it but when you look at how cold, streamlined and cynical these games have turned, it's sad.
Touhou games. Marathoning them is frustrating but playing one or two runs for fun is always an enjoyable experience.
I call those people the "MMO Hoppers". They go around every single game, pointing out things they don't like and acting as a vocal as possible while actually not being that many people. They get everything their way and review-bomb the game otherwise, and then move on to the next new shiny MMO, leaving behind an empty husk of a game. Like grasshoppers.
Eternal daughter to protecc.
>tfw she accidentally levels up
I've been clinically depressed since before puberty, so nothing. Alcohol + video games with people I know takes away existential agony for a while, though. Then I realise I hate them and myself and it all crashes away.
Not really, its typical isekai trash. If you want an isekai, I recommend Re:Zero or .hack. Pretty much every other isekai series is the same thing.
Is there a better fucking OST in an anime than .hacks?
You didn't press B when you should have user. It's your fault.
Is complete garbage why would you want to recommend that?
Rezero fucking blows dude lmao
Re:Zero is one of the most influential shows of this decade. On top of that it's actually very good.
>Re:Zero is one of the most influential shows of this decade
if you're a fucking redditor maybe
>Re:Zero is one of the most influential shows of this decade
>its typical isekai trash
>I recommend Re:Zero
Imagine being a redditor and sharing your opinions and not being embarrassed
You can measure how much an anime is influential by checking how much it breaks the internet. Re:Zero still makes waves even today.
Seems to be influencing you a whole lot right now.
Rimworld or RomeTW
watched it 'til ep 7 now I'm waiting for the end, so I can digest it in a day or two
Once a year every year I take the free time to replay witcher 1-3 it always manages to make me feel like a kid again and honestly I'd say it's one of the things that truly makes me happy now that I'm getting older and my time is slipping away
Morrowind, but only if you are Divayth Fyr
Shield hero is a neat take on the genre, but if you want somehting that actually understands the games its trying to base the anime on and one that actually delves into the consequences of Isekai: watch Log Horizon
mostly cause log horizon is catually good
>people want to get rewards without effort.
That's a big reason why real life sucks too.
Melty is cuter than the stupid racoon
This is an excellent post.
Rune Factory
>start literally any isekai
>can't stop watching because it's so interesting
>the next day I have forgotten everything about it
Games where Humanity prevails over all of its threats on a Galactic Scale.
Also this.
Devil May Cry
I want to kiss her forhead
Thanks to the English dub of that show, it's impossible for me not to imagine cat people being voiced by black people.
Lying with a slave seal on results in punishment, Bitchie.
its amazing how well that worked in the dub yeah
MGS5 putting me in a nice meditative state of calm. I know its a horribly designed game and I know I'm wasting my time capturing the same fucking outpost again and again but there is something comfy to it.
On the down side, it made me unable to replay any older MGS title because they all control like dog shit.
I don't enjoy games anymore
Games where I can enjoy myself slowly with another person of equal interest and tastes that I can tease and be teased back in the same manner while we just have a grand fun time going through it. I've long given up.
Yes. Shieldbro is one of the original isekis
It really didn't do much.
None really, I enjoy shitposting about games more than I do playing them
Nothing makes me happy anymore. Not even favorite video games.
I keep working on phd in solid state ionics and Im close to finish which is even more sad when considering that when it will be over, I won't have goals in life left anymore. And be without job since almost no companies in my country have R&D departments.
Only games with character customization that let me be a cute girl. Mostly MMOs.
I don't really enjoy games anymore these days, though. I spend my days working, sleeping, lying on my bed doing nothing and shitposting.
Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood makes me happy!
Not influential enough for a season 2.
Any game where I can escape the droll reality and go on an adventure after work.
Will you be happy with the next expansion?
Good for you user. Its nice seeing other people still having fun with vidya nowadays
Most likely. Was hoping for a new healer class but the story stuff looks interesting and the game has never disappointed me before with endgame content like trials or raids. Nomura and Taro coming on to design the raids is super exciting.
I think it'll be neat, too. I am interested in the new tank option, but I'll probably wait a little bit for the devs to figure out where they want it, balance-wise. Hrothgars look cool, though. I admit I didn't think that part of the rumor was real.
Why couldn't they keep her as a cute little daughter? Why did they make her grow up?
I'm not a tank main (still gearing my MNK to max) but I'm glad we are getting a gunblade job. It looks cool. I'm really excited about the new balance options, especially for the TP changes. I laughed my ass off at how butthurt some of the """fans"""" were at the genderlocked Viera.
Melty and bird exist user
Think again buckaroo
games where someone loves me.
The reaction does seem pretty absurd, especially the people framing it as an attack on homosexuals.
None because I've finally understood that videogames are just time drain and a way to overwrite your personality with content of videogames. Other mediums are the same, the only way out is to become creator.
Which is strange considering that we got a male-only race as well. The dwarf reveal was something only YoshiP could come up with though.
>Titanfall 2
>Civ 5
I measure how successful an anime by looking at how much doujins it spawned