Just watched this and it made me really want to play a space 4X/Grand Strategy...

Just watched this and it made me really want to play a space 4X/Grand Strategy. Any good games that scratch the itch of wanting to see space empires rise and crumble and clash against each other?

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Why did the artstyle change to abruptly early on?

Masters of Orion maybe?

What do you mean? I didn't notice any big changes

I think it was around episode 7 the artstyle suddenly changes a bit compared to the initial episodes

I'm not entirely sure but I think it's cause the show got a lot of revised drawings due to the re-releases and the original animation itself was never transferred over to digital and what we have is a combination of the old animation and new animation used throughout.

Could be wrong though

SeeWhat we find nowdays is mostly a remaster of it. The original was much more dated.

LoGH is an easy watch now. Back when I did it was tough to find a good source to find it.

What said is correct. If you DL the rerelease the abrupt change is really noticeable after 20 ep or so. Before that most of the animations has that old look, but afterwards all the characters become much more clearer and better looking.

What did you guys think about the remaster? Gonna watch the movies?

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is it even worth watching?

I got halfway through the first season but it just seemed so dull compared to the original. Not using any classical music really killed the vibe for me.

>What did you guys think about the remaster? Gonna watch the movies?
Oh the reboot that was basically 100% made from Kuroko no Basuke staff? Surprisingly, I liked it. It looked like a BL show but otherwise it was pretty good, better than expected.

I'd rewatch a complete remake of it in that style.

>Not using any classical music really killed the vibe for me.
This was the only problem though.I just can't think of LoGH without Dvorak or Ravel coming to mind.

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Master of Orion 2 and Endless Space 2.

If you're looking for something a bit more combat orientated go play Sins of a Solar Empire. I think there's even a LOGH mod.

Some drawings in the earlier seasons have been lost to time due to VSH tapes corruption or were just too bad to keep so they had to be redrawn.

I watched the remaster first and then binged on the original, so at least it was good enough to make me want to watch the OG. Probably have to rewatch it to see the changes they made. I remember them taking Iserlohn bloodlessly in the remake while in the original madmen butcher plenty of people to take control. Also plenty of people complained changing Oberstein but I don't remember anything about that.

Think some scenes were animated by different studio, but it didn't really change the style. Just a bit different rendering style in some scenes.

It looks fucking awful. Sameface up the bum.

Stellaris is the most grand strategy and has a LoGH mod

Did they remove the option to transfer aliens to other planets?
I usually just killed them of or send them to shitty planets but I can't seem to do that anymore.
Why the fuck is there no exterminate option in the first place, I'm playing an evil empire god damn it.

>What did you guys think about the remaster?
Not good as the original one, but the cool effect

Attached: Lutz' Flaggschiff led up to FPA mutt's suicide.webm (720x480, 2.97M)

Stellaris has a mod of this anime.
Play Homewoeld 1&2 for space opera.

LoGH is a master piece. It's one piece of Japanese media that I would not mind if the west made remakes and re-envisions of it, it's just that good.

Admiral Bucock is the most based guy in the Free Planets Alliance. He's the star of every moment he is on-screen, and has the best death in the entire FPA side of the show.

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Why did almost every single officer in the series kill themselves or at least tried killing themselves? Was it because japs were all about honor?

In your own words, please describe this character and what you thought of him.

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hell no you know that if its done by west it will be just another sjw propaganda

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In the Galactic Empire, coming back alive from total loss means you get executed, you can see this when Oberstein escapes alone and would have been killed if Reinhard didn't intercede for him.

Being a PoW is shit, too. In the FPA, officers were under a lot of stress because their were losing the war and the FPA is technologically inferior.

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He did nothing wrong and is absolutely based.

Attached: August Wahlens Flaggschiff btfo FPA.webm (848x480, 1.02M)

see for the answer.

Attached: LoGH - Barbarossa Two Large Weapons.webm (848x480, 452K)

Both sides in the story are shown to be evil, corrupted and decadent. It's hardly a concern, although some of the shit would be problematic for today's viewers.

He was necessary. That the FPA did not have an equivalent of him was a major downside.

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He was calculating and cold, and thanks to that got the job done. He also really hated nobles.

The remake is a travesty that shouldn't exist. LOGH is a snapshot of its time period in animation. To see that people willingly accept digital and cgi is sickening.

Based and Machiavelli-pilled.

I mean yeah, I get why imps killed themselves in droves but FPA didn't have that good reason for suicides. It's better if an officer lives to see the next day than to just die.

Did nothing wrong.

>FPA didn't have that good reason for suicides. It's better if an officer lives to see the next day than to just die.
FPA commanders are the selfish idiots, who are always inconsiderate of other officers. They hate the idea of being surrendered to the german fleet.

Attached: Mittermeyers Blitzschnell Flaggschiff btfo FPA.webm (720x480, 2.48M)

true both sides are evil but you are naive to think that west would adopt the show this way

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Would you support somebody like Rudolph?

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Not really. I prefer supporting Reinhard von Lohengramm.

Attached: Königstiger Flaggschiff Missile Spam.webm (720x480, 1.67M)

See Every officer in the FPA that wasn't in High Command or directly under Yang Wenli was mostly incompetent. For both Yang and Reinhard, as they gained power and authority they also gained an endless hunger for talented officers until there were non left outside of their command.

I would.

by the way there is game from LOGH but it is not transladed

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So, Yea Forums.
Empire or FPA?

not a grand strategy but play freespace 2

yeah if it is translated, it could be a popular game for LOGH fans.

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Empire even though i liked more characters on the FPA side

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He did some good stuff but in my opinion he was too NRx. Reinhard was a sensible autocrat, Rudolph let the power go to his head, and it shows in the societies that each left behind

You'd have to be stupid to choose the FPA having watched the series. There was not a single moment in the FPA side of the story that was based. It was always fucking themselves over because democracy is a failed institution.

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Reinhard's empire > Yang's FPA > Rudolph's empire > FPA

Tech level - Reinhard's empire => Rudolph's empire >>>>>>>>> FPA = Yang's FPA

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No fucking way. LOGH makes a clear effort to show both democracy and autocracy in their full brightest potential and their darkest pit. If LOGH went to mainstream culture, you‘d have extremists on both sides being asshurt about their opponent‘s depiction.

That‘s a sign that the show perfectly fair in it‘s judgements of ideology.

The "long live democracy" thing was pretty based, but yeah nothing about Alliance politics is good.

>LOGH makes a clear effort to show both democracy in their full brightest potential
The democracy is shit and corrupt all the way through, they were always a step behind the empire.

>I would not mind if the west made remakes and re-envisions of it, it's just that good.
Nope, (((They))) would fuck it up more. They also omit the Phezzan/Fezzan because it reminds others of Israel too much. In addition, they would find a way to make German/Imp uncool.

Always a step behind geopolitically, sure, but that's always the way it works out. If you're sympathetic to representative democracy you probably like underdogs and the early Alliance shines at that.

Plus you can make a case that the Empire from Rudolf's death to Reinhard's ascendancy was just as shit and corrupt.

Psychopath but had a point more often than didn't. Viable asset, but dangerous as hell if left unchecked and he probably knows it himself.

>euthanasia for the mentally ill
Too subjective. There has not been a single person on this planet that hadn't had some form of mental illness according to someone's defition.

People who think they have some sort of fate-given position to execute natural selection are generally fucking morons.

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you are right but if it would be remade by the west part like this would be skipped

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I'd like to see some more 4x recommendations, please.

Of course, what do you expect from typical (((them)))?

Well yeah, there were a handful of good moments in the FPA but they always had to do with the characters, not with the FPA itself.

Being a step behind the Empire was because they were technologically inferior but pre-Reinhard Empire was just as much shit. Just recall back to Iserlohn and the disputes between the Garrison and the Fleet.

Phezzan was the best part of the series. The show is incredibly red pilled, specially when Best Dad and Dominique are talking.

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That‘s barely a counter point, if anything at all. There are a few virtuous people in FPA and Yang‘s insights further denote its meaning and goal. Not to mention that later on you get a legitimately good example of working democracy.

Endless Space 2
Master of Orion 2
Imperium Galatica
Sins of a Solar Empire
Galactic Civilization 2
Sword of the Stars
Alpha Centauri
Age of Wonder Planetfall (upcoming)
Pax Nova (upcoming)

The point is that with heavier decadence and chaotic liberalism is often sided by decadent and static puritanism. The essence instability is straying away from the moderation. People that go for liberties forgot their responsibilities, and people who uphold responsibilities become irrationally against liberties. If a totalitarian puritan system was good, people wouldn't stray away from them eventually.

It's good morally, much like Reinhard's Empire, but I don't know that Iserlohn was good democratic governance. It borders on a personality cult of Yang.

Phezzan always reminded me of Foundation.

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Greeks had that figured out thousands of years ago with the golden mean, but people these days somehow fail to grasp it, despite all the abundance of information. I attribute it to spitefulness, less in wanting better things for themselves, since they already have plenty and more for wanting others to have less.

The fact that people liked Yang was entirely separate from how things were run.

It's not a remaster/remake, it's another adaptation of the novels.

A man necessary for the functionality and wellbeing of every large-scale government structure. He knows he's doing awful things so that those who are the "face" of the government won't have their reputation and idealistic impressions tarnished, since majority of the masses are too stupid to understand the difficulty of balancing the needs of the many against the needs of the few. Is it bad that the few get fucked when it comes to the many? Yes. Can we avoid it? No. Was nuking Westerland bad? Yes. Did it save countless millions of civilian and soldier lives down the line and prevent a large scale civil war that could have engulfed the Empire for decades, even despite all the tactical acumen of Reinhard's posse? Yes.

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Thanks friend.

Stellar Monarch is closest to LOGH feel out of all 4x, it is flawed game though.

>tfw no Oberstein in your organization
Real talk, what qualities should I look for if I'm hiring?

>Age of Wonder Planetfall (upcoming)
oohh interesting.
>Pax Nova (upcoming)
It looks good.

I suggest you to check out:
- The Last Federation
- Pandora: First Contact
- Distant Worlds: Universe
- Horizon

100% of what this user said. Westerland was such a turning point for Reinhard but I feel the show didn't approach this as much as it should have.

Oberstein's death is the most depressing one. Just bad luck and for no reason, right at the end. Why did the author even do that?

Nobody will like that person. Own a cat.

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Integrity and ability to keep ego in check. People like him are rare, so it's not gonna be easy.

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Empire but I completely understand why people will support democracy and why future generations will continue to support it which is why politics and history are tragic.
pic rel from the FPA side shows why they'll always have appeal
I'd argue that the Empire doesn't want master-slave relationships, but you'll never get that through to FPA
i can't divorce him from the "dogs eat dog food" "fun things are fun" meme anymore

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>I want to have good friends and be a good friend to other people
That's the philosophy I try my darnedest to live by, having seen the old man utter that really pulled at some things in me.

>>I'd argue that the Empire doesn't want master-slave relationships, but you'll never get that through to FPA
pretty much. To them, FPA is all about Yang, but this looks like master-slave relationship ironically.

Pretty sure Oberstein gave the terraist the info of where Reinhardt was. It was actually is own office. He must the new era doesn't need a person like him anymore. No way in hell the information/black ops guy didn't know the terraist are coming that made that kind of stupid mistake.

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I think democracy is an okay idea in its proper place. We never really see what reforms Reinhard implements, since the show isn't really about that, but there's a happy medium between the formalized, rigid hierarchy of the Goldenbaum dynasty and the informal, unacknowledged and unassailable hierarchy of the late Alliance.

He's one of those people who aquire their position of power through a neutral view at situations just to claim that they're right.
They don't actually care about the outcome, they just want to gain more power by showing others that his calculation is correct and as such, valuable.
They also love having influence without having to worry about the consequences

The problem is that to institute what you have described, you first need to pacify the masses and create a rigid structure that could endure violent change and that requires the former. The most successful democracies in our present history have evolved form continued bloody conflicts and monarchies. FPA started out as democracy and there was its downfall, the Empire will fare better in the long run if it becomes a democracy by becoming a constitutional monarchy first as it will have a longer history of trying things out by trial and error of what works and what doesn't when comparing between the two extremes.

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Distant Worlds is what Stellaris should have been.

That's bullshit and you know it. Paul was perfectly capable of staging a coup to bring about destruction of the Goldenbaums he so despised, but he realized that he lacked the personal charisma to maintain a circle of valuable and competent subordinates, like Reinhard hard, who would share his vision instead of being terrified or forced into submission.

I hated it. It dragged on way too much and Miyano as Reinhard is as charismatic as a fucking zucchini. All of the characters were directed way better in the old version, especially in the case of Schenkopp who's new design and direction is an absolute disgrace. I hope the films never get made because I don't want them to tarnish my space waifu.

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No update since 2014

That's just an excuse to appear brighter. Most powertripper refuse or are hesitant to accept positions of power to show everyone that "they don't care and just want to do their job"
It's just another ruse because they know they will get it eventually anyways or try to influence their superiors through other means

That's a lot of conjecture. Do you have any examples that support your theory?

Only if his social policies weren't so blatantly self-destructive. He didn't give self-preservation for a large section of society and likely claimed a lot of property and liberties from political enemies which made him hated. The only reason the Goldenbaum's lived forward was because of changes the next rulers made to soften the Empire's stance on its citizens and instead took out their military economy needs on the FPA. If anything Reinhard is a lot better of a ruler as he at least follows Hobbes to a fairly good degree as he doesn't make people hate him even among most of the hardcore democrats of the FPA.

>go to steam page
>copy exact steam name of mod
>google skymods [name of mod]
You're welcome.
They update their mods almost instantly. Also LOGH mod works but without the human portraits mod(this shit is not updated and crashes the game for me).

>being so much of a sperglord that you give flowers to your booty call

Is he /our Kaiser/?

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Oberstein's influence was undeniably positive, he acted like a healthy counterbalance to Reinhard's passion, same way Kircheis used to balance his outbursts of anger. He didn't just "appear brighter", he was bright and even the characters themselves within the show acknowledged it. I don't know what is your problem with Oberstein, but it was exactly the subversion of this that makes him so memorable. You expect him to be a power hungry sociopath, but he turned out to be a man driven by his personal principles with an unshakable sense of duty and desire to do what is "right" and not "What you feel like doing". And if he were what you believe he is, he wouldn't have put himself between Reinhard and the assassin.

Forgot the image.

Attached: logh26.jpg (640x480, 48K)

>7 of them are Gintama

God's in his heaven, all's right with the world

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No, of course not
Though, over the course of my years I've met many people like Oberstein and they all act like this.
user wanted my opinion and I've come to realize he might be one of those perpetually lying psychopaths who'd sell their grandma for an advantage

wut... Are you talking about that mod for Stellaris?

i was really glad to see them put some neurodiverse representation in the show

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To be fair, Hilda is a pretty solid booty call for both sexes as well as a decent Kaiserin.

Attached: logh hilda X frederica.jpg (947x865, 395K)

Hey thanks for posting this image I wrote an entire essay on this topic

Yeah, I mean i thought you wanted something a bit more updated?

yeah, but I like to see that mod for Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion being updated.

OP here, thanks for that. Gotta check out MoO2 and Sins, they seem to be highly regarded. Anything you'd recommend personally?

One thing the new anime did right was make Frederica a qt

Truly /our guy/.
He did what was best among a sea of romantics that couldn't accept the truth.
Loved it when he btfo'd Bittenfield.

if you are not into micromanagement, check out MoO1. However, I like MoO3 cuz it will do what I tell them to do. a bit more Macromanagement.

Endless Space 2, since it has some cool lore and connects with Endless Legend

Remember, in the final episodes both Reinhard and Hilda acknowledge that he was always, always right - and that's exactly why people hated him.


I still like old Freddy more. She just has this motherly charm that I love, nu-Freddy just looks like an average cute blondie.

Attached: frederica logh.jpg (960x720, 130K)

That was a mod for SotSE. Maybe check the link next time before you run off with it.

Honestly, did Oberstein purposefully darken the wedding? Why didn't he just wait until it was over. Would've been like 10 minutes and it was probably days until the fleet launched.

Sequels and movie-spinoffs get a bonus of at least +1.5 score just because there's next to nobody who watches them without already being invested

>FMA number one

The artstyle only changes in remasters and DVD versions. Original was full of really janky faces.


Also the war had been going on for a hundred years. Pretty much anyone with talent was killed a long time ago.

only thing i like about this is the op

Emperor of Fading Suns

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>Kimi no Na Wa in 2nd place


Yeah like I said, blessed.