Final boss kills himself

>Final boss kills himself

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>Final boss kills himself
>You are the final boss

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My favorite option of first Mass Effect

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>Final boss lets you win

>final boss can't be killed

>final boss hesitates and starts to realize he could change for the better
>protagonist cheaply murders him in that hesitation

>Final boss has two phases
>The first one is an unwinnable scripted loss
>The second one is an unlosable scripted win

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>boss is meant to be unwinnable
>but there is no indication of this
>use precious consumable items in the fight, just to lose them since you were actually supposed to lose
yes I really love this

>final boss has an unavoidable instant kill move that targets your entire party and the amount of times it can use it is tied to RNG

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>final boss is not immune to Death spells

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>final boss has an instant I WIN move
>it's attack animation literally has it condense your timeline into its hands and crush the timeline with its own fists
>you can survive with the right buffs

>boss kills himself if you do nothing against him

>You become the REAL final boss after killing the final boss

>final boss kills himself but doesn't actually die
>his body gets hijacked and he takes control of a different body

> final boss bends the rules of the game itself
> final boss then falls asleep

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>you marry the final boss

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>final boss exists in a shitty game

>game still makes redditers seethe with rage half a decade later

>final boss kills himself
>summons the real final boss doing so

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>final boss purposely trained you wrong, as a joke

>tutorial boss btfos your party when you attack him while its tail is up just like the npc suggestes

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The chad WRPG vs The virgin JRPG

Stream that film if you're so great

what game

>Flawlessly defeat an honorable boss
>He commits sepukku out of shame

name two bosses

>you still have to fight him
fuck you mass effect.

>the final boss uses you and humiliates you as a personal slave

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I can only name one though?
Sir Alonne from Dark souls 2


name zero point five (0.5) games that did this

>Fat women: This shows dont fit me i want shoes that are made for womyn who look like me
>Al: Mam i doubt t that we have shoes made for Asylum Demons
*laughing track*
>Fat women: HOW DARE YOU
*storms off*
*laughing track*

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>You become the final boss if you refuse to sacrifice your own brother, who was going to die either way and fight your party, killing everyone and dooming your daughteru

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>Final boss dies of heart attack.

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>Final boss dies but laughs maniacally so you don’t feel like you stopped him

>Final Boss gets convinced to drop his evilness and join your side of good
>As he's monologuing and giving his "giving up evil" speech, he gets killed by the ACTUAL final boss

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>In a twist of fate, the villain, after being defeated, couldn’t be purified because he was never corrupted. He just wanted to bang the actual final boss

>Final boss let's himself be captured

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fucking XBC2
>final boss casts aoe spell that deletes your entire party
>but you can avoid it if you chain attack him at the right time
>final boss can cast it or not once he reaches a certain treshold

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