Why are shills acting like it's morally righteous to pay for games on Epics Store...

Why are shills acting like it's morally righteous to pay for games on Epics Store? Do they really think AAA devs don't get enough money already?

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Just how much money does Epic have anyway? They’re throwing around millions of dollar tourneys but how many V-Bucks are people ACTUALLY buying their kids?

They are owned by Tencent aka China

Sweeney is one ugly motherfucker



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Imagine being so butthurt about a store because their product won't show up in your erp trap bait steam profile

Unreal Engine is used in a lot of games, Epic's own games like Gears of War and Unreal tournament made them huge in the past and now they have fortnite, plus they have a bunch of huge investors.

Too bad despite all that money their store is the most barebones one around.

Imagine still using a steam profile in 2019

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Fortnite generated 2.4 billion revenue in 2018

>Developers decide steam or >>>EBIG :DDDD
>consumers decide to play games for free via piracy

>"Capitalism totally works guys! What's best for the consumer will ultimately prevail!"

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have any games that were on steam, bought by epic been cheaper on epic over steam?
if they havent why would people choose to use epic if they were to buy the game and not another store?

Why would i give a fuck about what's good for developers, the EGS is inferior to Steam in literally every single way.
It doesn't even have offline play or library sharing, what a fucking joke.

You wouldn't have 99% of your precious video games if it weren't for capitalism.

>no consumers buying games from your store
based retard

Because Epic will make that game exclusive to their store.

Why are Steam shills acting like competition is bad for consumers?


I'm just waiting for EA, Disney, or China to buy Valve.

Because it's not competition based on who actually provides a better service, Steam became a thing because it offered a service better than piracy for many people.
Epic is simply pumping as much money as possible into forcing people to use their launcher, but is worse than Steam in every way.

what people think will happen
>bigger dev cut and bribes will make games cheaper
what will actually happen
>60$ game is still a 60$ game, devs get bigger cut on top of bribes
It's not like all of this matters for me, I barely buy new games.

This is stupid, Epic Launcher isn't shit because of spyware or even because of exclusives, it's shit because the interface is shit and there is little to no way to interact with other who use it.
It is much, much worse than Steam alone, the shitty practices are just the cum icing on the shit cake

>60$ game is still a 60$ game, devs get bigger cut on top of bribes
Almost right. It's publishers getting the bigger cut, devs get paid the same.

>he fell for the developer meme
Tim Sweeney doesn't give a fuck about developers he sucks the dicks of publishers.

Yikes for me dawg

This is nothing new. VHS beat Betamax because it was cheaper (i.e. better returns), not because it was better quality (it wasn't). The driving force behind that was porn producers, who you can compare to indie game developers. So it's not wrong. Consumers will consume what's being developed, where it's being published.

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Even they know the public is a bunch of morons who will buy shit regardless of who releases it and how much damage it causes to your privacy.

"Vote with your wallets"
It works, but people don't have the guts to do it.

>Epic Boss
what a fucking epic title

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>they need 51% for that
When epic requires more funding, tencent will not give it to them

The other board members are happily obliging since Tencent funds them, regardless of their board power

Competition is fine, have competitive prices and better features and let the better platform come out on top by player preference. This is not competition though, this is buying exclusivity so the consumer has no choice but to shop in their store, they offer nothing but the fact that the game is in their store because they paid through the nose for it.

This sets a precedent of other stores buying exclusivity, what is to stop EA or something making a store now and buying the exclusivity of whatever property they set their sights on, and doing the EA thing of never lowering the price of anything and even raising the price above the average cost of a game, and you wouldnt be able to do shit, since they have the rights and the only way to play is through them. They dont need to be competitive on the market they simply need to snatch enough titles so people have no choice but to shop with them.

You as a consumer should want better prices and the ability to shop around for them, cornering a product like this stops that because only they are allowed to sell said product and can dictate what price it is at all times, the only time you will see an offer for it is on their store.

I'm honestly surprised EA never tried buying out exclusives for Origin

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Steam is far cheaper than Epic and it will only become more clear as shareholders begin pressing Epic for a profit. Valve routinely has great sales, and an entire eco system through their free key distribution for devs enabling resale sites like Humble.

Do developers really think that Epic will keep their percentage? If Steam dies and Epic becomes the main store they will for sure fuck every developer over by raising the percentage up

Fortnite brings in more revenue than than some countries' entire GDP.

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Why are epic shills pretending competition hasn't existed the entire time?

>20 year old series will save steam

Imagine posting a webcomic.

Just pirate you retarded mutts.

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>Developers decide if consumers buy their product, not the consumers
Problem is that consumers are sheep and will buy it anyway, so in a sense they are correct.

Its not going to save Steam its just something people will be interested in
>people aren't interested in Halo because its 20 years old
okay retard

How is this competition? How can steam compete in quality over a game like Borderlands 3? They signed an exclusivity deal with EGS, there's nothing Steam can do except offer a bigger sum, which is not the type of competition you want. You want competition based on the merits of the store.
Epic knows that BL3 would outsell them on Steam by a huge margin, because Steam has more features. They KNOW they will lose the competition, because they have nothing to offer, which is why they resort to straight up buying exclusivity.

That is not competition. I don't understand why you cannot grasp this.

That's such an incredibly fucking retarded thing to say.

If no one buys shit on your store it isn't going to win shit.

Both communism and capitalism are retarded.
Any form of extremity does not work.

real question: why are you so invested in this? what does it matter to you on which virtual platform you buy your games?

Honestly it's going to be more a case of if a movie comes out at Blockbuster or Video 2000. It's obviously going to come out at both. As opposed to whether it's going to come out on Playstation or XBox.

The proconsumer steam is still big boss tho

>Do they really think AAA devs don't get enough money already?
They obviously dont

I definitely will, don't worry. Doesn't matter that we can't still discuss and oppose what EGS is doing verbally. I will vote with my wallet and debate the shills at the same time.

See: (You)
>tencent can't take user data without 51% stock
Not at all true. They have seats on the board, and they can threaten to pull their hefty investment if they do not comply.
>reviewbombing means reviews are bad
Try looking at how Valve actually presents reviews. See: , they show reviews over time so users can make an informed decision and see that bombing is going on. Bombing also isn't inherently flawed, as it gets the person looking at it to ask why it's being bombed and to get informed.
>devs a better cut
>devs would be better off

why are you defending a company who rather than tries to create a better store and service for customers instead holds games hostage and force you to use their shitty service that they can't be bothered to improve


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>When epic requires more funding, tencent will not give it to them
Do you even understand how funding work you fucking uneducated steam cuck?

>who you can compare to indie game developers
This is nonsense. Everyone wants porn, nobody wants indie shit.

Betamax lost simply because it was expensive. It's not like TV's were great back in the day (not to mention the devices playing the VHS/Betamax tapes), so the quality difference was barely noticeable.

Consumers will decide and they already have. Just look at the backlash already. If Red Dead 2 is exclusive shit will get real pretty fast.

Wow Steam is going to lose 20% of their market share. This is the end. They better play bank for bank in a battle they'll lose anyway!

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>the company who is able to pay the def better is getting the exclusive rights
that’s literally and i mean literally the definition of competition. before what steam did was monopolising the digital games market and dictating shares and prices. now they have a competitor

Exactly what I also said in the previous thread. I'd welcome some actual good alternative to Steam. However, EGS isn't that in the slightest. It's straight up a worse platform in every regard and is only forcing itself in the market by buying exclusive deals. That won't last forever and it will fade into obscurity before ever becoming relevant. People will rather pirate their games than go to Epic, while Steam gave a lot of pirates inclination to buy again.

Steam ain't much better these days mate.

>wanting to interact with vn playing pedos
yikes from me

80% of the budget is spent on marketing
its a broken system

What kind of fucking retarded logic is that? The devs get enough money already, if the industry nowadays sucks is because of corporate meddling.

see Steam led a lucrative and expansive resale market. They did this by allowing devs to give away keys of their games to be redeemed on Steam for free, or even for money. If you seriously think Epic is going to let their devs tied to exclusivity deals do that you're stupid.

>80% of the budget is spent on marketing
That's the case with all amerimutt entertainment these days (TV, jewlywood, pop music) which explainos why everything is shallow recycled cancer. How many dumbass capeshit movies have they shat out in the last 5 years?
The jews running the show just want maximum profit asap without making an effort to deliver a quality product.

They're totally going to bring about a resurgence of piracy.

Consumer goyim are nothing but cattle for publishers to feed on desu

It's a form of competition of who has the most cash.
Letting consumers decide to which platform they go, by having products available on all of them is competition for users. This is the type of competition you want. Anyone against this is literally a shill. If EGS makes a better store than Steam, and offers better prices, I would definitely have switched. However, they showed they have no interest in catering to the users, but just want to force people to come to them by keeping products they want hostage.

It's a great way to lose money in the long run, nobody will want to go to Epic for anything but exclusives.

My boy


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sweeney is a dipshit so yes it matters
Origin is owned by EA and EA has killed lots of studios and generally been cancerous for gaming, would you buy your games from origin despite all that?

If there is no system in place to keep capitalism in check it tends to spiral out of control. The USA is a great example.

>Developers will decide who wins the game store wars
>not consumers
This is exactly where they will fall flat on their face. Who the fuck do they think are games being made for? Game stores? I can't wait until his smug face goes bankrupt, when Tencent realises it's not working and withdraws.

>OP's image shows a quote from the boss of Epic saying he literally doesn't care about the consumer
>"Why are consumers so invested?"
Because I don't enjoy having somebody shit on me.

>before what steam did was monopolising the digital games market and dictating shares and prices.
I don't think you remember GFWL, now that was monopolizing, if it wasn't for valve we'd all be paying $5 a month for online just like xbox fags.

Also valve uses the same 30% cut console companies use AND they don't charge $5 a month like consoles do.

Do you think Steam having a monopoly is a good thing?

Besides, games are a luxury. Don't like, don't buy. And in a socialist society, you wouldn't even have games. Just look at the background story behind Tetris.

You have to remember that corps are worshipped like Gods in America. Corps are feared by mutts.
Remember when everyone lost their shit over red-shirt guy calling out Blizzard to fuck off with their mobile shit because nobody had the balls to come out and say it? That's how brainwashed they are.

problem is normalfags are little bitches so they won't care if sweeney says they don't matter, just wait for borderlands 3 to launch and watch people rush to the store

>Not at all true. They have seats on the board, and they can threaten to pull their hefty investment if they do not comply.
Bullshit. see

why do you care what devs do, what publishers do?
Why don't you just decide based on the fucking games you want to play? If a game looks good, buy it. If it doesn't, don't. it shouldn't be any more complicated than that.

why doesn’t steam cut their share and offer better prices to devs and publishers?

>why do you not want a lying scumbag to run the most massive launcher on PC? Just lie down and take it

throughout america's history, whenever capitalism has been left to its own devices and allowed to run amok, things have gotten much worse for everyone except the mega rich. the most prosperous times in american history have followed acts by SOCIALIST presidents such as theodore roosevelt or franklin d roosevelt, who btfo big exploitative companies of their times

of course, ever since the last time corporations were forced to get owned, they've started lobbying against all forms of socialism and communism like unions, minimum wage and so on, so now we have a new culture of 20 year old retards who want to fuck up their own lives in an effort to own the trannies


>why doesn’t steam cut their share and offer better prices to devs and publishers?
1) Why should they
2) They have much infrasturcture to support, so the cut is justified

Why are shills acting like everyone is morally obliged to pay Steam 30% cut? Do they really think Valve hasn't got enough money already?

>How can steam compete in quality over a game like Borderlands 3? They signed an exclusivity deal with EGS, there's nothing Steam can do except offer a bigger sum
That's competition moron.
It's why Sega Genesis had Sonic but Nintendo didn't
It's why SNES had Super Mario World but Genesis didn't

Stupid fucking zoomer steam shill

Steam isn't a monopoly user

>he thinks America isn't already a socialist state
That big Green bit? That's all Socialist programs.

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>Stupid fucking zoomer steam shill
>consolefag calls someone a zoomer and shill

they do but they have to earn it
>Now, for game sales between $10 million and $50 million, developers will earn revenue split at 25 percent. For every sale after $50 million, Steam will only take 20 percent from the game’s overall earnings.

For me it's Andrew Jackson, fuck the banks.


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who gives a fuck, you fags made your bed decades ago

Good, fuck middle men. Producers should get a tiny cut in every industry.

unions have to be regulated or they turn into more exploitative bullshit though. My local industrial worker's union (for an intel production plant) basically takes all of our money, doesn't offer us union lawyers, doesn't offer us increased wages, doesn't negotiate with intel ever, nothing. It's total shit and when people threatened to quit, they literally got them fired first. I expect intel's probably paying off the union leaders, but of course there's no way to prove it.

>no values or scale of any kind
>no source
>"money being spent? bad"

great post

yea yea you buy on sweeney terms, not sweeney sell you things on your terms, good goy

>1) Why should they
it’s in their own interest to compete with their new competitor
>2) They have much infrasturcture to support, so the cut is justified
why isn’t the infrastructure convincing the devs to staying in steam? also do you think the epic launcher won’t have the infrastructure in the near future? through supply and demand?

>americans unironically about to fall for the communism meme
ultima kek

By Valve you mean Epic.

Too bad, piracy only increases sales. I saw scientific proofs of that.

You seem to have a loose grasp on actual definitions
com·pe·ti·tion | \ ˌkäm-pə-ˈti-shən
>the effort of two or more parties acting independently to secure the business of a third party by offering the most favorable terms
Meaning Epic and Steam are competing for developers, not for consumers. You're technically right that it's competition, but it's not the kind of competition you want in a free market. You want the users to be able to decide what they prefer and 'vote with their wallet', not let companies decide for the consumer where they should go. If you'd ever attended a single business class you'd know.

mo·nop·o·ly | \ mə-ˈnä-p(ə-)lē
>1 : exclusive ownership through legal privilege, command of supply, or concerted action
>2 : exclusive possession or control
>3 : a commodity controlled by one party
Literally not the case with Steam.

com·pet·i·tor | \ kəm-ˈpe-tə-tər
>one that competes: such as
>a : RIVAL
>b : one selling or buying goods or services in the same market as another
>c : an organism that lives in competition with another
Like GOG, Battle.net, Origin, Uplay and Humble Bundle to name a few? Looks like they already had their fair share of competitors.

Your entire comment is false. Please do us all a favour and brush up on your definitions.


apparently these conditions aren’t convincing and
or lucrative. competition will change that

unions work fine in european countries. sadly the takeaway from unions being shit in america should've been "we should improve unions" instead of "lets abolish unions altogether and just trust corporations to have our best interests in mind for no reason"

>Why are Steam shills acting like competition is bad for consumers?

But there has been competition to steam for ages:

>Ubisoft store
>blizzard store
>microsoft store(s)

And no doubt many, many more. Why are people pretending that being anti-Epic is the same as being anti-competition?

i asked three of my friends of my friends if they heard that borderlands 3 was delayed to april 2020
and they said no its coming out in september
and then i said no check again
then they looked it up on their to prove me wrong and then showed me
and i said no see comes to the epic store in september but does actually get released until april

It will be on epic store after 1 year steam exclusivity period.

It's better than it ever was you retard. What even is this argument? They are literally starting to offer DRM free versions of games They have reviews, account share, steam sales, refunds. How is that not much better than it used to be?

>a competitor for Steam
Nigga Valve probably masturbates to
Humble. There is no better way for them to increase their install base.

duh, do you see him advocating unregulated communism?

>it’s in their own interest to compete with their new competitor
It's not competition, it's blackmail
>why isn’t the infrastructure convincing the devs to staying in steam?
Because devs doesnt give a single shit about consumer?
>also do you think the epic launcher won’t have the infrastructure in the near future?
Why I shoudl care aboput EGS future?
Not to mention Sweeney already said that 12% is temporary

>This is exactly where they will fall flat on their face. Who the fuck do they think are games being made for? Game stores?
Gamers flock to the platform/consoles where most developers are.
That's why Playstation 1 won.
That's why Playstation 2 won despite being a nightmare to develop for.
That's why PS360 won despite the Wii selling twice as much consoles.
Wherever developers flock to, gamers will flock to.

Does Epic's storefront even offer a multiplayer API like Steamworks?

>It's not competition, it's blackmail
you sound 12

Yeah, imagine that back in the day you had to pay for 2 machines to enjoy both Sonic and Mario.
Now you stupid underage brats are complaining about having to download 2 separate free launchers. Fuck outta here retards.

another thing american corporations have successfully lobbied for is the idea that everything works in binaries. if you aren't a conservative, you're a liberal. if you aren't a capitalist, you're a communist.

admittedly, it makes for good tv and allows for easy strawmen argumentation, but sadly it also has the effect of completely fucking up all societal improvement because every argument gets bogged down with nonsense retardation that no one benefits from except the ones who hold all the power (which happen to be corporations)

Even my most normalfag friends refuse to download EGS and will pirate BL3 to play together. If they can't pirate it, I can see them buying it on EGS, so I hope it will be cracked fast.

What kind of broken community were you raised in that you can ask that? Do you steal from banks, walmart, and liquor stores because you think they have enough money? Epic simply is providing more than Steam and they do make more product unlike your lazy ungrateful ass ever could.

valve had a huge problem with humble because people would pay 1 cent, get steam keys and then get access to all steams services for basically nothing

they made humble change their policy to $1 minimum donations to get steam keys

Source on the 12% being temporary?
Not that I don't believe you.

>Yeah, imagine that back in the day you had to pay for 2 machines to enjoy both Sonic and Mario.
Unrelated to PC. Go eat some poor doggo Cheng

>It's not competition, it's blackmail
always with the fucking retarded hyperbole lmfao

this is why we have the gamers rise up meme

Ubisoft, Origin, GOG sell their games through Steam too so not much of a competition really.

The others you mentioned are memes.

>Epic simply is providing more than Steam
Bitch please, tencent's own early access client literally has more features than epic's own client. It's fucking embarrassing. Epic doesn't provide shit other than money

>Point out a flaw in Capitalism
>What are you, a gommie?
When will people figure out that criticising something doesn't make you the polar opposite?

It isn't competition if it works against consumer. Prove me wrong

dont forget shit like Greenman which is basically the army surplus store of steam games

I guess we will see. No way to see in the future, but my guess is that EGS will fade in a few years. I think it mostly depends on how well BL3 does compared to predictions. If it undersells, other publishers will not want to sign an exclusivity deal because it will hurt their sales and tarnish their name.

the only thing USA is a great example of is how overt prosperity makes people go batshit insane from problems they have to invent for themselves

Devs wouldn't be going to Epic if they weren't providing more. You can't blame them for escaping Steams cut and going to Epic. Anyone would do the same in their position unless they were cucks who liked to get abused.

Yes. Satisfactory and Ashen use the same multiplayer api. Multiplayer crack for ashen worked with satisfactory.

does epic not allow games to be on both at the same time?

I dunno, but I plan on pirating all the EGS games anyways.
The devs don't give a fuck about consumers, so I don't give a fuck about them.
I'll let the Eurocucks and chinks pay for the trash they pump out.

Yes it is related to PC. Because the same shit happened on PC's back in the day too.
There were a lot of games that were on DOS that weren't on Mac Computers and vice-versa.

You underage retards need to realize that complaining about having to download 2 free separate launchers is fucking stupid. Period.

USA has massive societal problems that you can easily point out in objective terms though (incarceration rate, poverty, etc)

>Game store wars.
Game journos should kills themselves un-ironically.

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>I can tolerate its annoyance!
Ok cool but what does it actually offer to the consumer?

I'm not going to care about a store that gives a better % to their (already) rich suppliers, no. Doesn't mean I'll steal from them, but it does mean I will go to another store if their services are inadequate. I don't care what their suppliers get, I care about what I get.

They're only buying timed exclusivity exclusivity.
Because that works out so well when Microsoft and Sony do it.

Yea, no, this doesn't really work on PC thanks to piracy.
If the service is shit people will just pirate all the games that require it.

What games has epics store had since launch that are any good? I haven't heard of any games that are exclusive to the store that would appeal to me in anyway. In fact, haven't heard of any games at all exclusive to the store outside fortshit

They're basically buying temporary exclusivity rights to PC releases of given games for short-term benefits. The new Metro and Borderlands will be on Steam next year.

They're not going to Epic for their cut, they're going to Epic because they got a huge sum of money for it.
There's plenty of stores who ask less than 30%, I think even as little as 1%. Why not go there if they cared about that?

>Yes it is related to PC.
Nope, it's consoles
>Mac Computers
AYYYY Hardcore Angry Birds player
>You underage retards need to realize that complaining about having to download 2 free separate launchers is fucking stupid.
Also, if developers trying to force me to do something like move to another launcher I will simply pirate it.

All they care about is money so of course they'll go to epic, they could sell 0 copies and still make money but that has nothing to do with me as a consumer.

i'm going to let you in on a secret user, Yea Forums doesn't have epic shills, they're just shitposters

Nigger, a lot of games still aren't on Mac, the fuck are you talking about?
None of the games Epic has paid to be exclusive have Mac versions either, and EGS doesn't even have Linux support.
Meanwhile Steam has Proton which can be used on Linux and OSX to play games that are only on Windows.

Are you even employed retard? Investors regularly do funding series. Tencent being an investor will not oblige if their demands are not met.

They do but you don't get any exclusivity money by doing that.

it burns down to this: steam virgins can’t stand the thought of them not being able to show others on their steam profile what kind of epic borderline pedo virtual novels they play. that’s the only problem they actually have and deep down they know it.

>this still gets 8 replies
when are you guys going to stop repeating this thread every 3 hours

It's a competition for publishers, not consumers. Literally nothing positive will come from this for us.

nigger you're the consumer, if you don't complain every chance you get , you're the retard

Been downloading Dreamcast games and burning them all weekend. It's a blast

but what im askings is that if 2K REALLY wants to be on the epic store, they can just put it on steam and epic at the same time, just minus the exclusivity fee right?

I would just think improved sales would be a bigger goal than a lump sum to a huge studio before release.

>You underage retards need to realize that complaining about having to download 2 free separate launchers is fucking stupid. Period.
I think there's only one underaged retard here user, and that's you. I'm 27 and I don't like a company deciding what's best for me. They can either go toe-to-toe with Steam in a fair way, by providing better prices and services, or fuck right off. They're bringing consolewar shitflinging to PC and I'm not having it.

He's a shill for Epic. He's not the consumer.

Only consoleniggers and children think complaining about things you don't like as a consumer is a bad thing.
And I guess women (usually white ones), but women are fucking retarded anyways.

>having to download 2 free separate launchers
Look at the pic in the OP.
Are you telling me that if your most hated company had a launcher and started buying up exclusives to sell to you you would bend over and take it? It's not just a launcher, it's a business philosophy. You as a customer do not matter, that's why you. the customer. has to wait 6 months for epic to add a basket to their store because they would rather spend all their resources buying up exclusives than making your experience as a customer better.

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You're attitude sucks for this. Everyone complaining has this "life is unfair", "fuck those rich people" attitude. They still need money for their projects and there are lots of indie devs doing deals with Epic who are self published and could use the money. You are probably some NEET who doesn't work and has no concept of hard work in others. You think anyone who creates something is automatically infinitely rich and shouldn't be able to seek out deals just to appease your fake view of how the world works.

in the current year of our lord. it is not recommended to buy games at launch, since every games has at least 10 patches and some dlc's in a year.
Just pirate, and wait for the GOTY version if you really wanna buy it.

The big 4 WILL band together bully Valve into submission now that EGS exists.
Even if a few games "underperform" at EGS.
what is a few million dollars in the overall journey to freedom?
The war of attrition is a war Valve can't handle and don't be surprised if gaben sells Valve in the next few years if the big 4 go all out war on steam

Why does he look like that zoomer that fucked that disgusting pornstar?

I get my copy for free, Epic is paying for me and my buddies

Nah, I think anyone who provides a product should have to compete for consumers by having a good product that consumers want to buy.
If you have no faith in your product and need to take Epic's bribe (don't fucking pretend it's about the cut, itch.io allows devs to take 100% of the revenue so the cut shit is obvious bullshit) then I'm not going to pay for your product.

Who gives a shit what they need money for? I need money too and they are clearly better off than I am.

>T-Think of the companies
Americucks should be hanged.

Niggers are already solving that problem

If the Steam community and service was providing enough they would have stayed there but they have reason to leave. I'm just answering OPs question of why people are defending it. I would prefer if every game stays on the same launcher but I would be an asshat to get mad at devs when it's perfectly reasonable for them to leave Steam. If I were angry at them it would be unjustified and I think everyone here is mad for them breaking up their Steam collection and nothing more.

*teleports behind you*
Tencent is going to swallow EGS whole, their store already has more features than EGS and since they basically own epic it's only a matter of time before they play their full hand

I hope niggers kill all the white Americans left, they're a cancer on the world with all their corporate cuckery.

>If the Steam community and service was providing enough they would have stayed there but they have reason to leave.
Of course, sweeety-sweety free cash,
>but I would be an asshat to get mad at devs when it's perfectly reasonable for them to leave Steam.
So instead you decided to became a cuck?

Are you okay Zhang?
Did someone disrupt your social credit score?

why does it matter you fucking nerd? you're there to play games not sightseeing

>you're there to play games
Exactly, to play games, not to download even more poorly written soft


Just because steam is a monopoly doesn't mean you should be supporting the shitty EGS just because you want it to stop being a monopoly.
All you're doing is encouraging their bullshit.
Competition is good, but it should be competition that's actually benefits the consumers.

30% cut of your profits is a big bite and only gets bigger the lower your budget is.
Reducing it would go a long way to encourage smaller AA studios back into existence, where there would be no corporations to meddle.

Don't excuse pre-web 2.0 trash. Epic is a multi billion dollar company and this is embarrassing

small AA studios exist and more and more B studios are popping up. Gaming is doing the best it ever has.

I'm just going to ignore games on Epic
no anger, no piracy
just indifference
I have too many games to play as it is, they're just doing me a favor

Your view is too basic. They can track and value a store and maybe they see Steams cut and all the porn/assetflips as not worth it. Epic is giving them a fair option and that' still competition. To say it isn't is just you being naive and thinking the world revolves around you. I also know it's not just about Epics cut I never claimed it was just about that. There are many factors that determine which store they end up in.

>I need money too
How would you like it if everyone just shat all over you for trying to get a better deal for your work? Even if you are hurt by the move it doesn't help by throwing shit everywhere.

OP asked why people defend them and you can't come with anything other than "the companies are evil". You could pick up a gamedev tutorial and make an indie game by yourself with no money would you suddenly transform into one of these evil companies? You just villianize anyone who works hard because you can't imagine working hard yourself.

>How would you like it if everyone just shat all over you for trying to get a better deal for your work? Even if you are hurt by the move it doesn't help by throwing shit everywhere.
How am I shitting on anyone more than regular? Big companies are cancer and I wish they all would dissolve to create huge amounts of smaller once. This was always my stance.

>To say it isn't is just you being naive and thinking the world revolves around you.
I am the consumer, so yes, in this regard the world of services and goods being offered for a price revolves around the consumer.
If you're not catering to me then I'm pirating your game.
Full stop.

>most of modern games
>anyone who works hard
Get a load of this faggot

>middle ground socialism is the way guys!
you must be that same guy that whines about not enough neutral options in games

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>I wish they all would dissolve to create huge amounts of smaller once
The Epic store would help that then too? A bigger cut/deal helps those small studios a lot where all the money goes into their next project. There are already lots of self-published games on the Epic store made by tiny teams.

It's literally not competition for consumers you braindead retard. It's competition between who offers a bigger sum of money and Steam refuses to play that game. If Steam starts playing that game, I would abandon them just as hard.




Publishers on Steam can generate keys for FREE and then sell them to 3rd party stores for a different cut. They can even set up their own store and get 100% cut. A lot of people buy games outside of Steam, since it is very often cheaper.
Epic doesn't have such option. Only recently they said that they (((partnered))) with Humble Bundle, which probably means that Epic will still get the cut from the HB store.

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>actively looking to debate someone online

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How much does Epic take? 20%? 12%? That's still a lot more than 0% or 1% that some already existing storefronts have. Why don't they go there to publish their games? Or better yet; why not just sell the game on your own website and make it a downloadable executable, not needing a storefront to sell it for you.

Epic is exactly the problem to begin with, a big guy who can bully smaller guys into submission.
Gaming quality has gone down in my honest opinion ever since PS2 era and back then devs were getting 40% at the best of times. So this whole "more cut for the devs" doesn't bring talent to the scene anywho, so who gives a shit.

>A bigger cut/deal helps those small studios a lot
But dioes they deserved it? Remember there is not a single indie dev who was hurted by this 30%, Rimworld did just fine.

Anyone who acts like this with no regard for others makes any environment a worse place but if that's what you want go ahead.

I can't wait to see what kind of cut epic games has on HB
I will be very surprised if it's still the same 5% devs get now

1989 tiananmen square massacre

Except Epic IS a big guy, so they need to go too.
The best result would be indie devs offering their games on their own websites.

indie devs actually don't want that because trying to get people to use some random ass website is a pain, for them steam and epic double as marketing

By trying to force me out of specific markets the devs are acting exactly like that, so I'll do the same in return.

He has a very punchable face.

The shills are studiofags pretending to be people, if you haven't figured it out by now.

I'm not going to complain about things that benefit me, no.
I don't need every game to be in my Steam hugbox.

If hardly anyone buys the games released on Epic Store, then the consumers are the ones deciding regardless of what the fuck Devs and Publishers want.
On an unrelated topic though, I wonder how Sweeney feels about the company he founded, that created Unreal Tournament, Gears of War, and the Unreal Engine, is going to only be known as the Fortnite company.

Sorry, it's JUST A LAUNCHER.
You don't have to pay anything for it so it's just a launcher. Period.

>not to download even more poorly written soft
Yes because a fucking launcher takes so many gigabytes in your hard drive space...oh wait, no it fucking doesn't.

The indie scene is at its highest, what are you smoking? Literally anyone can make and publish a videogame, and now that early access is a thing you don't even need to finish the game before selling it.

So they're using steam for free marketing. Kinda seems like a 30% cut isn't too bad after all, now is it? Sure, Epic offers a better cut, but your game won't get the same exposure on Epic as it does on Steam.
This is exactly the reason why developers don't go to other storefronts already mentioned ITT. Steam has a huge exposure, which is why they can ask 30%. Nobody is forcing these devs to go to Steam, they just want free marketing AND still cry that 30% is too much. Can't have your cake and eat it too, bunch of greedy fucks.


Trannies making 10 minute visual novels on Itch.io do not an industry make.

Only underage redditors like you complain about a company competing with your beloved Steam.

Give me a fucking break, this is not the first time this has happened either.
You cunts complained about Origin, Ubisoft Store, GOG etc. all the same way years ago. You're not fooling anybody.

You are the reason we don't have real Physical Releases anymore, now go choke on Gaben's fat ballsack you fucking neckbeard.

Okay. I don't want EGS launcher. I will not download it to play some games that they bought. I am explaining why I won't. What's the problem exactly? They'll probably start crying that gamers are toxic because they won't download their storefront.

>If it's not on Steam I WILL PIRATE IT Waaaaaaaah
Pathetic child.

I agree, and it's not just a store either because valve had created a lot of services that let devs do stuff like have multiplayer handled by valve instead of sourcing their own servers. I don't know if epic does this for devs since most of the games there are single player or not out yet.

Yea no, kill yourself, those companies made their own games and made them exclusives, they didn't buy out third party devs.
Fuck off back to consoles.

Stop bringing up Steam. I'm angry they're buying exclusivity. I don't even like Steam. So stop your whataboutism and focus on the topic being discussed.
Epic is buying games to be exclusive to their store. This is a problem to me.

Any indie dev that isn't Studio MDHR is worthless anyways.

>You are the reason we don't have real Physical Releases anymore
Wrong, publishers are. Publishers decide where to sell there games and how they sell them, they could make every game DRM free right now but they won't because there's no money in it for them.

Define a currently active AA company then because I lack any reference.
But honestly I don't think the issue would be steam taking 30%, but the market is saturated, and the biggest piece of the pie is taken by phone gaming. Epic solves nothing.

>>If it's not on Steam I
Or GOG, or battlenet
I already have 3 launchers and after bethesda Launcher I don't want to install 4th one.

There are many factors to consider besides cut. Some bigger games which have an audience do make their own launchers since they know their audience will follow. Other games without an audience will be fine with Steams share and some do go on the sites with 0-1%. The thing that makes Epic stand out is that they do have a large userbase and are offering a good cut + deals, I think overall most devs are going to publish everywhere but big companies who have an audience might find Epics store the most appealing choice because it strikes the balance of userbase, cut, and deals while also implementing features faster than the 0-1% stores.

I think there are people who it helps. Big games like the Witcher and indie games like Shovelknight have improved with their success and while I agree some studios don't get more talent there are some that do. So for the ones that do I'm happy they get more money for their next project.

Yes they deserve it. Everyone likes to bring up how studios don't improve with the extra money but what about Valve? With the huge success of Steam look how their games have turned out recently. I'd rather that extra percent go to the devs because I see some really improve with their new projects and an extra 18% is huge for them (not to say they can't live without it but it does help).

user they sold Gears to Microsoft

>You cunts complained about GOG etc.
>souce: my ass

You won't download it because it isn't Steam.
Let's be real here, you want all the games you buy in one platform.
Give me a fucking break with this moralfaggotry.

I'd make the arguement that it is on a quantifiable dimension due to the fact the producer of the good gets more of the share rather than a middle man.

At the end of the day leeches get it anyway though.

Because it isn't competition. Competition would be having a store that has equal or better attributes than the reigning champ and trying to coax market share away from them.

Epic is straight up saying "Fuck that, we'll pay companies for exclusive rights to put their shit on our launcher."

>Yes they deserve it.
>but what about Valve?
They added a lot of features.
>I see some really improve with their new projects and an extra 18% is huge for them (not to say they can't live without it but it does help).
Such as..?
Also, dont forget your drink-food

The only good thing about this whole thing is exposing the cancerous steam drones as screeching cockroaches they were. Litterall low iq console fags.

wasn't battle net supposed to start selling 3rd games? what happened?

I barely buy video games anymore anyway. You are delusional if you think video games are worth buying for any more than 10 dollars these days

>wasn't battle net supposed to start selling 3rd games?
There were a huge shitstorm after Destiny and CoD, so may be Activision decide to withdrew their plans for a while

you aren't being forced out though. This is just as accessible and they are trying to make a better environment for the future. Before this store stuff Epic has had a great track record of being kind to the industry and has done a lot to benefit gaming with Unreal Engine. They probably see all these big games leaving Steam for their own launchers and are helping by making a store with a cut/userbase worth sticking together. If this was their genuine goal they would have to nail the biggest games like Rockstars by having a store with lots of big games and are doing this process right now. In this hypothetical situation they would be saving the industry that is on track to get worse before they stepped in.

>*acts like it's morally right to try and make Steam a monopoly or else I'll download an illegal cracked copy*

Well, everything to this date is exactly what casuals wanted it. Capitalism is terrible for hobbyists.

Steam drones are fucking cancer
t. Pirate who never had a launcher

>Epic has had a great track record of being kind to the industry and has done a lot to benefit gaming with Unreal Engine.
>literally killed shooter genre

>a currently active AA company
That's the problem. They all got bought up by EA and parted out.


Call of Duty says hi
Plenty of 3rd party exclusives on Steam

>Saving the industry by introducing the equivalent of cheap Chinese labor

Damn, yet here we have a lot of cucks saying consumers shouldn't voice their displeasure with devs/publishers who go to epic.

Some people's justifications are literally just as terrible as "b-b-b-b Epic Chink Store takes a smaller cut than Steam!!!". Why in the literal fuck should this matter to the consumer? As a consumer, your first issue should be price, then features. Despite recent Steam sales being hot garbage, it's still overall much cheaper than the EGS. Comparing features, it's fucking laughable how bare bones EGS is to Steam. This doesn't even take into consideration the fact that every shitty dev is now making their own launcher so people now have 10 different ones already, or the fact that EGS is literal spyware run by Chink overlords.

what is the tl;dr on this matter?

>I'm angry they're buying exclusivity
Literally why?
You don't even need to buy a different machine to play it. You just need to download another program.

I just checked the size of the installer and it's only 32mb or so, pretty lightweight so it's not like it takes a lot of space in your drive either.

Then why do Consoles still have physical releases?
OH that's right, because Console Users don't buy digital shit and prefer physical copies.

It's because of you neckbeards fellating Gaben's cock that we lost physical releases.

>>Then why do Consoles still have physical releases?
Consoles aren't PCs. You will be hard press to fine PCs that even come with DVD drives anymore, the technology is that outdated.

Next question.

>Epic is straight up saying "Fuck that, we'll pay companies for exclusive rights to put their shit on our launcher."
That's literally how competition works.
It's about the games not about dumb features nobody will use like "OMG STEAM FORUMS, OMG STEAM LINK, OMG STEAM REVIEWS"

>Then why do Consoles still have physical releases?
Because console users are too poor to have internet

This in a nutshell.
Steambrats remind me of Nint0ddlers back in the day bitching about how Squaresoft betrayed Nintendo by making FF7 exclusive to PlayStation.

Steam has the best sales in the industry. I doubt they'll start getting better because of competition. Especially if that competition forces them to go from 30% cut to 10%. But even disregarding that sales aren't going to get better than they already are.

so many retarded babies on Yea Forums

devs choose where they sell their game. Most consumers don't care about stupid game launcher wars and probably already have it for fortnite. If epic gives them like 20% more money it's not that hard of a choice

As a consumer, my only concern should be GAMES - not launchers. Steam is cancer. Epic is as well, but lesser one. You`ll buy games from whatever they are sold, there is no specific right for them to be sold at specific places. The only concern as gamer should be game quality.

Steam drones revealed why the Steam as platform must be killed - because steam drones exist and are menace to mankind iq level.

I thought it was the consumers who dictated that?

They don't have DVD drives anymore because games stopped being released physically you Valve cocksucker.

Console users are literally much richer than PC ones.
They spend much more on games on average and they have to even spend yearly to play online despite already paying for an internet connection.

Steam/Epic bussiness is not with "consumers", but with Developers/Publishers. Its their money they get.

Same as Patreon does not "own" money paid to Patreons, but just a payment processing platform. If steam can't remain competiting by providing devs/publishers better offer - too bad for it.

Steam didn't pay to make CoD exclusive you dumb nigger, and new CoD games are on battle.net, not Steam.

Try reddit

It's not all about sales.
It might force Valve to actually stop making meme VR trash and go back to making actual games for once. It might cause Valve to not let devs release Denuvo trash in their system anymore etc.
The potential is endless.

Maybe all these indies shouldn't come into the market without a dime and decent financial backing? Most of you shills don't remember this but 15 years ago, indie wasn't really a game description. Now it's 5,000 games a year from them on Steam. How they expect to sell big numbers with how much choice the consumer has is beyond me. Too much cheap trash is being rightfully ignored by it's millions of users, but at least Valve let's them sell their game regardless. Meanwhile, GoG rejects 9/10 indie games because they don't sugarcoat shit and need things people will actually buy.

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HOW CAN IT BE MORALLY RIGHEOUS GIVE SOMEONE EXCEPT FOR GABE MONEY?!?!?!?!? How dare those evil, greedy developers demand more money than the platform that sells them?!?!?! Oy gevalt, the goyim are cutting out the middleman! Shut it down, SHUT IT DOWN!

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Most fortnite players play on console so you're wrong.

>Too bad
why would a pirate give a damn about sales?

>benefit me

you're right, fuck sweeney that money should go to china directly

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20% is not enough for devs to outright forfeit their largest potential customer on Steam.
Epic outright bribed the dev with a guaranteed amount of sales and this is the shit that sealed the deal.

Once the money dry out this kind of shit will slow down or completely stop.

Oh no, Chinese mass produced low effort insectainment. I'm so scared, this is competing directly with muh games!

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Real question, do you guys think EGS' exclusivity faggotry will cause the exclusives to be pirated in higher numbers than if released on Steam (and GOG and everywhere else)? How many people, when given the choice to download another launcher that's literally spyware for the Chinese government or download the game for free, will choose to go with EGS?

>tencent own wegames
>tencent own 40% of epic games
guess what happens next

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meeemeeemeeeeeeeeeeeeeee IT's ABOUT MEEEEE! I'm the consumer I have all the say. The customer is always right, me the customer is all that matters. You think those companies need money? NO! I need money they have infinite money and could create infinite games if they wanted to but they are just greedy corperations chingchongchang run by the chinese. Oh did I mention the Tiananmen square masacre? I just showed those china owned shills who is boss. Fuck epic for ruining my pristine steam collection and for being the most anti-consumer company in the world. And you retards better learn what the world monopoly means because Steam is not that, if you look at the other PC stores they can easily just post there and compete. Competition is CONSUMER run and has nothing to do with anyone besides ME, the CONSUMER.

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Probably the ones with apathy who don't care how much harm they cause, just getting their fix. Just like the Chinese!

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Quiet shill or I'll pirate your games

It's hilarious that this is the same argument Steamtards used to use with Consolefags.
>"B-b-but Steam gives more money to the developers than Sony/MS/Nintendo"

Now it's come full circle. Steamtards now all of a sudden don't care about the developers. Priceless.

Brainlet detected. PlayStation was a pure upgrade for the consumer from N64 in every single way. Epic is worse in every single way for the consumer. It's not the same in the slightest.


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Thank you kind Tencent employee for your elaborate shitpost. I have given you 20 Vbucks for your hard work.

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arr righteo my pirate bro! Lets show how we sail the seven seas and that we consumers rule these tides. We will smash the coorperations and once we all pirate the games Epic will lose. I relish the scurvy upon their brimey corpses as they swim with davey jones locker yar har fiddledeedee.

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>"B-b-but Steam gives more money to the developers than Sony/MS/Nintendo"
They literally take the same 30%

On what fucking planet did anyone say
>"B-b-but Steam gives more money to the developers than Sony/MS/Nintendo"?

If you're going to strawman, at least put some fucking effort into it. There are a plethora of reasons why PC is better than console and nowhere on that list was the fact that Steam allegedly takes a smaller cut.

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Post yfw you dgaf about any of the exclusives being swiped up.

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>why doesn’t steam cut their share and offer better prices to devs and publishers?
They don't take a share when dealing with keys sold off of Steam.
>offer better prices
??? Steam doesn't set game prices, the publishers do. They also don't pay companies to put their games on Steam, beyond what they earn through selling their product. So I don't know what "better prices" they have to offer?

Prior to 4 they were all exclusive to Steam.
I don't give a shit about your ethicsfaggotry, they were still Steam exclusives.

ops wrong fie, but we can still laugh at star citizen

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How is it wrong?
DVD drives stopped being a thing in PC because you fags fellated Steam. That's a fact.

>console exclusives
>sold by every major retailer, all in competition with each other
>EGS exclusives
>sold by the EGS competing with.... the EGS
There is a huge difference between a STORE exclusive and a console exclusive.

>imagine defending a launcher with worse features and who is actively building a monopoly, unlike steam
>imagine defending publishers who get less taxes by going on a worse launcher but still price their games at $60
>imagine thinking this excess money will go to the devs and not the publisher's CEO
>imagine caring about companies you don't have a single share in more than your rights and comfort as a customer
How did capitalism manage to create such loyal dogs? It's so devilishly efficient

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Well this piece of shit wont get a single cent from me ever so yeah I think the wallet will decide in the end and since piracy is still the easiest and most convenient way of playing a game they can fuck off!

>Prior to 4
Consolenigger confirmed.
CoD wasn't even on Steam until MW2, back then they released actual physical copies.

>before what steam did was monopolising the digital games market and dictating shares and prices

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That's not completely true since they arranged prices in local currency.
60 usd games sell for 50 usd, according to the exchange rate.

top kek steamshills BTFO

Devs get bigger cut
No shovelware gargabe

I have used stores that give a bigger cut in the past. Hopefully Epic store will capture a bigger market.

rip mac and linux gaming, they have to be sacrificed for the evil steam monopoly to end

>It's all about the cut
Discord takes 10%
Humble takes 5%
Why is Epic so greedy?

Ahahahaha all these people mad over a store ooooohohoooahahahahaaaaa, imagine having trouble clicking an extra button aahaahahaheeeeeee maybe mommy will click it for you when she brings down some chicken nuggets! HAAAAAAhehahahahaaaa

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The funny thing about that statement despite the backlash that came from it is that he's probably right, and he will actually win if RDR2 is an Epic exclusive

>No shovelware gargabe

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>Devs get bigger cut
Publishers. The publishers get bigger cuts. The devs still get paid all the same.

He isn't wrong. Consumers don't have loyalty, they have appetites. If Epic has good game exclusives they'll go there and buy it.
That doesn't mean steam will automatically die though, this market is big enough for two.

No! I can pirate and press magnet link like a big boy!

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Steam literally helped to create the modern indie game scene by giving them equal representation on a major storefront
The excessively low barrier of entry and visibility helps actual indie devs way more than another 15% of the profit
The EGS is an advantage to devs that are indie in name only, who have access to resources and connections in the industry, and enough groundswell already to be worth paying tons of money to

>PlayStation was a pure upgrade for the consumer from N64 in every single way
No, not really. Unless you meant to say it was an upgrade to the SNES.
N64 was a more capable console overall despite the use of carts.

But the same thing is happening here.
Sony offered Square and other devs a much better deal than Nintendo the same way Epic is doing it now.

Read up on China's Social Credit system and you'll understand why they shill 24/7

because platform exclusives have always been a thing.
remember the kickstarter that promised the [vita/wiiu] versions and didn't deliver? you didn't complain then because you had a PC. you said it was ok. now it's your turn.

>Most of you shills don't remember this but 15 years ago, indie wasn't really a game description.
You don't remember this but 30 years ago, indie was the default.
People ran videogame companies out of their garage, selling shareware over the phone.

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The majority of devs you see bitching are new to the industry and have only been around since after Steam established itself. Many vets love working with Valve, and used to deal only with retail boxed copies only paying back 20% in the end. Now it's 70% and that's still not enough to them. The big issue devs have is not the cut itself, but the discoverability issue, which is something Amazon can't even figure out. In fact no other store that uses Algorithms to advertise it's products has one that works well enough to sell 5K new games each year. People can claim "Valve shouldn't allow trash on the store" but they also believe every game should be allowed to be sold to people. GoG rejects 9/10 indie games because they need games that sell to stay afloat. Epic does the same except pays certain ones to remove themselves off sale if they think loads of people will disregard the laucher to buy the game.

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>It's not competition, it's blackmail
So the dev should be legally obligated to sell their game trough all available channels?

Oh good the Epic boss is a moron.
The consumer always decides.
Poaching all the developers does nothing if ultimately no-one buys any games.

>But the same thing is happening here.
>Sony offered Square and other devs a much better deal than Nintendo the same way Epic is doing it now.
Consoles are not stores. The EGS is a store. Buying exclusive right of sale is very different than a game being made for one product that is being sold by every major retailer.

Reminder that the epic shill is actually Barry/XVkun.

Add this too

Attached: Game.png (388x291, 113K)

If you put your game on the epic store, you already got paid. There's no reason I should pay you on top of that.

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Good job user

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Hey, gorogoa is fucking great.

He can't into business too well and didn't plan ahead. This is the same guy who ditched PCs in the 2000's, blamed everyone was pirates, then came back after Valve spent the last decade converting countries notorious for piracy into their top sellers. What a crook.

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so this is the power of epic game's curation...
I wonder if they'll remove games that turn out to be shit, like imagine if anthem was on their store

On Earth.
PCF@ts used to say this shit all the time back in the day.

how do they make money then

>This is the same guy who ditched PCs in the 2000's, blamed everyone was pirates,
This shit really pisses me off, we were not even good enough to be considered epic's market at one point and now they want back in.

fortnite, what do you think?

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I was referring to Black Ops 4 you retard.

There's no difference whatsoever.
Majority of retailers sold the game at the recommended price when New even back then.

zoomer detected

They don't gaf about quality, just if they can sell units to people.

He is smart this is the only way they can beat Steam. Everyone has sunken cost fallacy with Steam and would never leave it if Epic left them with a choice. By forcing over every game they are investing towards getting bigger games. Their goal will be to snag big games like Rockstars and are already on track to do so with games like Borderlands.


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That's activision choosing that. Not Valve.

the outer worlds being an epic exclusive was the best thing to happen to obsidian fanboys
once the game fails they get to blame the launcher and not the shitty game or its shitty devs because nothing is ever obsidian's fault

Yes, and because they were all in competition they couldn't just raise the price to whatever they wanted. Remove all other retailers, be the sole source of a product and what stops you from hiking the price?

He is fucking right.

Back when HL2 was released and forced Steam on people, there was a huge uproar. Now Steam is THE arbiter of PC gaming.

To some lesser extent people were up in arms about Origin (BF3) and UPlay as well. And they're still around.

Why would this mean "monopoly"? Last I checked, steam didn't require them to put the game nowhere else. Epic does just that.

But you could still buy those games from Walmart, Amazon, and other retailers. Store exclusivity is not the same as platform exclusivity.

>Buying exclusive right of sale is very different than a game being made for one product that is being sold by every major retailer.
It literally is the same from the consumer perspective.

>So the dev should be legally obligated to sell their game trough all available channels?

I don't know. The original image he's replying to intentionally has monopoly and competition switched to show the idiocy of the claim. By having a clear example of a monopoly in the EGS' offerings, the reverse labeling becomes satirical. By having two examples of a not monopoly labeled as a monopoly it just comes off as a retard trying to prove a bad point.

Contracts aren't required for something to be exclusive.

>And they're still around.
How is battlefornt 2 and battlefield 5 doing?

I'm assuming you've heard the line about HL2 being 1st party a dozen times and you're just shitposting for attention?

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They do realize that we hate developers right? They push stupid microtransactions and shit. Why should they decide who wins?
Pirate and boycott.

That's completely right. You zoomers don't remember it, but when Steam came out everyone hated it, but developers kept joining the platform because gamers are bootlicking cucks and now we've had an entire generation raised on thinking Steam is good. Just like millennials ate shit and were forced to use Steam, so will zoomers eat shit and be forced to use EGS.

It's not Epic exclusive though.
You can buy it on the Microsoft store which ironically has become more preferable now.

More like Microsoft bought him out.

>It literally is the same from the consumer perspective.
No? In the console exclusive case: as a consumer I have to choice of which retailer I can purchase product from, I can shop around for deals as they're all in competition with eachother and want my sale. In the case of a store exclusive I can purchase the game from that store, or not at all.

Store exclusivity is not the same as platform exclusivity.

Steam isnt a monopoly. You stupid fucking retard.

But they indicate the cause of the exclusivity. I'm not going to blame Valve when a third party company decides that one store is enough for their product. That's not their fault.

The image shows it's not a case of store exclusivity, as it shows that the product is available from various retailers, all with various sale figures. There's a reason why the post that image was in reply to, is set up the way it is.

>steam didn't require them to put the game nowhere else
Your average Steam drone, ladies and gents.

The problem is he has the wrong idea.
So in the past we've had launchers like origin and GFWL and Uplay pop up, the problem is they all fucking sucked, not one of them could compete with steam in any meaningful way. GFWL is dead, origin is around and still trash, and no one uses uplay because who the fuck plays ubisoft games.
Tim sees this and thinks 'damn I can't make a better service so I'll just buy some exclusives' instead of saying 'hey steam isn't perfect, people have some legit complaints about the client, maybe I should make a client that's better and get everything valve does wrong right'. So now he has the ire of people who grew entrenched in steam because ever couple years some shitty company comes only trying to push their shitty client and every time people fucking hate it.

He is literally setting himself up for failure when he has so much information to go on, imagine making the same mistakes as every single one of your competitors after being the newest competitor to the scene, it makes no fucking sense.

Why would I blame Valve because third party companies don't offer their games in other stores?

Epic store just launched recently didn't it?
They will surely integrate Amazon and all that middleware junk eventually.

>Their goal will be to snag big games like Rockstars
If anything it proves to Rockstar who are big in their own right, is that they can go it alone and we get another Laucher/DRM combo. They've already got the skeleton for it with the social club.

You mongoloid, that was in regards to sales, not dicksucking developers.

He is right. There are plenty of games that are DRM free and on steam or DRM free outside of steam. Publishers choose their DRM, steam cannot choose for them, there's a reason why so many games on steam have different forms of DRM instead of just Steam DRM.

None of that stops an exclusive from being an exclusive.

It's Steam exclusive.

If everyone hated it why did everyone use it?

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You forget that Epic is still competing with consoles too just like Steam is, so no, they can't hike up the price to any unreasonable degree.

>piracy is a service problem

Sneed Sweeney:
>developers will decide and basically you all are fucking stupid

Why would you blame Epic for something 4A/Deep Silver chose to do?

I can't see how anyone can prefer epic and not be a shill honestly

Pretty much.
Valve killed physical releases on PC but zoomies weren't around when that happened.

What's your point? A Steam exclusive is a Steam exclusive.

Because Epic was the one that offered them money for the deal.

Store exclusivity is not the same as platform exclusivity.

If you're going to use the whole "buying a Steam key just gives Valve money either way" argument, you're wrong. See: partner.steamgames.com/doc/features/keys Publishers generate the keys, for free, and re-sell them elsewhere without Valve getting a cut.

So tell the publisher to offer the game on other launchers as well, instead of whining about steam?
Because as is, the contract with Epic forbids adding the game to other, better launchers. To be clear, I blame 4A/DS just as much, if not more, for having signed it, but Epic has been acting in bad faith in a way that steam hasn't.

Epic paid them to not release anywhere else in exchange for upfront cash. Both are to blame, but Epic is the ringleader

The only steam exclusives are valves own games, same as origin, same as battlenet, same as the microsoft store

Not an excuse zoomer.
Valve killed the physical market, whether it was with a 1st party game or not.
They forced people into their shit platform, but of course you weren't around then.

Ah, yes, I forgot about taking my PS4 disc and playing it on my PC. Silly me.

So? Valve offers a 30% cut (which used to be extremely competitive) and a large customer base.

1.7 million people tried OnLive during it's beta period.

Because it was the only way to play Counter Strike Source online.

Keep in mind that "game journalists" have been declaring customers and consumers as the enemy of the game industry for the past 5 years.

Sweeney thinks that good games will sell no matter where they are at. Maybe he is wrong and Steam drones won't budge an inch.

Steam keys are not to be used for avoiding the 30% cut from Steam.

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>Fortnite is now bankrolling a store that is actively scooping up games to make exclusive
It's insane how much money that thing makes off of parents who don't think twice over throwing their kids the credit card for a $10-20 purchase every now and again
how many skins does one person need?

Sorry but there is no reason I should have to use this launcher no matter how dumb you want to make that position seem.

>Valve killed the physical market, whether it was with a 1st party game or not.
Pic related says otherwise, but of course, you werent around then.

Attached: p1_30704155358507[1].jpg (1612x1081, 292K)

But they don't literally offer them a bundle of cash in exchange for an extended exclusivity contract, if these devs picked up Epic store solely because of the higher profit margin, there wouldn't be nearly as much of a shitshow.

Wrong. Every CoD from MW2-WWII except IW is Steam exclusive.

I'm not sure he even knows what a good game is when he is ready to sell Hello Neighbor and fucking Haze.


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>sell a few thousand copies on Steam but request 500,000 steam keys
Yes, I bet that faggot wasn't doing anything sketchy at all.
The reason they put a stop to unlimited keys is because russians were exploiting them to farm trading cards from their shovelware to sell on the market as gems.

And the act of buying exclusivity is the entire point of the anti-epic sentiment

>Steam keys are not to be used for avoiding the 30% cut from Steam.
That's not what that image is saying, at all. Steam has a strict policy of you not treating their customers worse than you treat the customers of any other retailer. If you're offering the game for $30 on Steam, and they see you're offering a permenant price of $20 elsewhere, they are going to take action. Similarly if you're running sales elsewhere, but not on Steam. This has nothing to do with skirting the 30% cut.

With how wrong your take is, are you sure you're not a games journalist?

>In the console exclusive case: as a consumer I have to choice of which retailer I can purchase product from
And all of them will be 60 dollars more or less.
Sure, sometimes some of them might have a better deal but it all depends on your physical location.

You're also delusional if you think Epic is retarded enough that they will limit consumers into only buying through their launcher/website.
They just haven't set the thing up properly yet, they will allow other means of purchase, it's just a matter of time.

The physical market killed itself, it was inevitable thing for PC with easy distribution and retailers not caring. Consoles are next Tim.

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Why can I buy them from other sites then?

>If this were a completely different situation, then the reaction would be different
No shit Sherlock.

>Store exclusivity is not the same as platform exclusivity.
You're absolutely retarded.


>You're also delusional if you think Epic is retarded enough that they will limit consumers into only buying through their launcher/website.
>They just haven't set the thing up properly yet, they will allow other means of purchase, it's just a matter of time.
So you're saying they're throwing big money into exclusivity contracts, all so they can offer the produt elsewhere?

People will go to consoles if they get offered a better deal.
You don't know how the market works.

By your logic, exclusives don't even exist because the second hand market exists.

If the only way to legally play a video game is to launch it through one specific launcher, it is an exclusive to that launcher. Kind of like console exclusives.

You might want to get that checked out user, because there is a huge difference.

Because bought exclusivity is an anti-consumer practice, socrates, and most people would rather not have the third party market arbitrarily divided between every launcher in the world.
Are you implying a smaller or nonexistent shitstorm is merely "Different" instead of "Better"?

>But they don't literally offer them a bundle of cash in exchange for an extended exclusivity contract
It's the same fucking shit.

So tell Activision to spread the love.

>devs are lazy and just put shit on steam because it's the default
>don't wanna remove drm for GoG
>don't bother releasing on windows store or origin because not big enough user base

>somehow epic comes along and spins this to look like steam is a monopoly
>retards actually fall for publishers Jewish tricks actually insisting having a launcher with less features is better because the "developer" gets more money
>developers actually don't get a bigger cut, this is just publihser bonuses
>people are still defending this

Attached: 1547450368503.gif (192x192, 1.3M)

Fuck off Randy

The second hand market isn't a primary market though, whereas Amazon for instance is selling a new copy.

If it has Steam DRM in it it's a Steam Exclusive, period.

wasn't there an issue preventing valve from keeping the prices low? remember for a while console games had $60 games but on PC it was $50, then all of a sudden AAA games started costing $60 on PC and people were pissed.

Nah, people will just pirate.
This is PC, not cucksoles, if we don't like what a dev/publisher is doing we can easily just pirate.
Except Americucks, they're all shills and are forced to buy like the good little boys and girls they are.


The second hand market isn't a primary market though, whereas Amazon for instance is selling a new copy.
But it isn't, because there's a contract involved that isn't involved in the other scenario. Picking a store for a better deal isn't the same as being bought.

Store exclusivity is not the same as platform exclusivity.

Any way to shit on Steam for (you)s will be picked

>Sweeney thinks that good games will sell no matter where they are at.
He's not wrong in the context of the PC market since a launcher costs nothing.

For some reason though Steamshills treat a launcher as if it was a separate piece of hardware.

He straight up says that they will not bear the costs while developers take the whole cut while using their service. Keys are to be used in good faith in conjunction with Steam, not to resell at a lower cost on other websites, which is commonly used to make Valve look like "good guys who give shit away for free".

No, he means ditched.
Microsoft didn't buy out shit, Epic chose to focus on Gears over everything else they had, so they can get fucked.
They need to fuck off back to consoles where they belong.

Just about everything businesses do is anti-consumer.

Who's gonna buy shit, fuckhead? Developer's mom?

Yes so great, can't play any of these games without installing the Steam DRM included in the disk.
Fuck off shill, they killed the physical market on PC. They're the reason we get meme physical release with a blank CD case with a fucking steam code in them nowadays.


Why exactly are you defending this singular practice, then? Why is this one practice not worth being pushed back against?

Because in China-land, developers are the customers, and the buyers the product?

>implying implications that imply other implicationes
Level 10 face-it pro right here.

>The physical market killed itself
Nope. Valve killed the physical market by putting Steam DRM bullcrap in HL2 and Counter-Strike Source and incentivizing other devs to pull the same shit with their releases.

A Steam exclusive is still a Steam exclusive, it doesn't matter if chang sells you his unactivated key or his stolen account details.

And, socrates, you can't claim equivalence to non-equivalent situations and appear sane to many passerby.

It's mind blowing because people have no idea how the industry works, valve needs to have some kind of wiki or FAQ explaining all this shit because a lot of it is lost in articles and forum posts that have been buried over the years

The last time I installed a game from disc on PC I might as well just have downloaded it, that's how long it took. Fuck optical.

They won't offer it on Steam or Origin or whatever but they will integrate the service with Amazon and other middleware shopping websites.

I agree that at this point piracy may be the best option, but steam didn't censor those reviews. You can still easily see them if you go to the game's reviews section.

Again: So tell Activision to spread the love. Why is Activision being lazy an issue here?

>not to resell at a lower cost on other websites,
Yes, that is the point he is making. Not that you can't use it to avoid the Steam cut, just that you can't offer a better deal elsewhere for a product that has to be honored by Steam. The Steam Key system, where they get the keys for free and Valve doesn't take a cut, is the proper system to sell games through retailers that aren't Steam. The problem in your post that you are dead-set on misinterpretting, is that the publisher is selling massive amounts of keys off of Steam, because they are offering a better deal off of Steam. There are very few rules to using those keys, but the main one is to not screw over Steam customers by charging them more.

From the Steam Key Rules and Guidelines:
>You should use keys to sell your game on other stores in a similar way to how you sell your game on Steam. It is important that you don't give Steam customers a worse deal.
>Steam keys shouldn't be given away for free if you aren't also offering the same deal (i.e., give the game away for free) to Steam customers.
>We reserve the right to deny requests for keys or revoke key requesting privileges for partners that are abusing them or disadvantaging Steam customers.

>CS Source
Oh guys, he's going full damage control.

>tries to play a blizzard game
>has to use battle.net
WOOOOOOOOOOOW you mean I have to use blizzard's service to play blizzard's game? These mechanics are so broken

Another spyware

I'm not, I'm pointing out the hypocrisy of Valve drones who perform mental gymnastics to protect Valve while bashing every other company that does it while happily buying other exclusives, including Valve exclusives

Why would they do that when they have a stranglehold on the pricing and supply as it is?

Activision have their own store now.
They kinda cucked Steam.

Kek you actually believe this

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You tell me, your panties are in a twist over exclusives.

I'm not defending Valve, I'm attacking Epic.

That has nothing to do with a Steam exclusive being a Steam exclusive.

See, no problem.
Will you ever understand between a publisher choosing where to release their game (and where not, including the choice to change their mind), and a store contractually mandating a game be released only in their store?

>don't bother releasing on windows store or origin because not big enough user base
They don't release their games there because Steamfags are such cancer and keep crying about how MS and EA are Evil to the point where devs are afraid of the reputation being hurt by releasing their games there.

The mind control Valve has on consumers is terrifying.

>valve drone
And you've presented yourself as biased and lost your arguement


They are, often, exclusive to the platform. But not the store. Which is the entire point of what you replied to in the first place.

Look at this duuude. Look at the top of his head.

>Picking a store for a better deal isn't the same as being bought.
Yes it is.
At the end of the day it's the dev/publisher picking the choice which they think is best for them.

>about how MS and EA are Evil
You don't need to be a steamfag to agree with that. MS and EA are fucking cancer.

>They need to fuck off back to consoles where they belong.
Cry more Valveshill.

Not really. Even before Steam you had games with drm that required online authentication, see SecuROM.
What Valve did was providing a single point of reference for activation, so the devs didn't have to come up with their own authentication process.

The switch from physical to digital wasn't forced by Valve by any means. It was more of a result of technological improvements. Steam was conveniently already in place to facilitate digital distribution.

It is not, and you are being willfully ignorant in the attempt to make this argument.

Absolutely. Will you ever give good reasoning why that matters when an exclusive is an exclusive at the end of the day to consumers?

"made" as in past tense you retard

it is not bad but as a customer i do prefer steam as they clearly the most pro consumer company in the video game industry if developers want to release games only on epic then i will simply not buy it

I don't give a shit about your experience.

BREAKING NEWS:Zoomers can't comprehend games without DRM

Nah, you're still hypocrites as I've clearly pointed out.

>I only like steam for my computer games

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Not him, but I'll give you a reason. Bought exclusivity will inevitably expand the subset of games that are exclusive, as publishers with their own platforms will divide up all promising third party titles. There's no reason for them not to use this as an avenue to push their storefronts if it becomes accepted.

>same shill bait

Eat a dick consolenigger, can't wait for your shit platforms to be replaced by streaming since zoomers don't give a fuck.

>BREAKING NEWS:Zoomers can't comprehend games without DRM
Oh look, a zoomer pretending to be an oldfag. Did you think Steam invented DRM? This shit has been a part of it since the floppy disk days, my friendo. CD Keys? DRM. Unique peripherals to plug into your printer port for the program to work (See: Windows 3.1 era AutoCAD)? DRM. Strange questions where the only answer was in the manual? DRM. On the contrary, DRM like Steam was a breath of fresh air. No more CD keys (for the most part) or other random hoops. Just one login.

>Consumer isn't the most important factor

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>Will you ever give good reasoning why that matters when an exclusive is an exclusive at the end of the day to consumers?
In the case of Metro: It matters because the game was already advertised on steam, with clear intentions to release there. An additional release on Epic store without forced exclusivity wouldn't have changed this. The forced exlusivity has changed the situation for the worse for me as a consumer.
And that's just a case where it was plain as day. It's not unique, though usually they're trying to make it less obvious, but the truth is: In those instances, the publisher had intended to give me choice, and Epic shut that down. That's a negative impact for me.

>What Valve did was providing a single point of reference for activation, so the devs didn't have to come up with their own authentication process.
Exactly the point I was making.
Steam made it easy for devs to release what are essentially worthless physical releases thereby eventually killing the physical release to the point where now "physical" PC games come out with a blank case and a steam code inside them.

Nope it has nothing to do with tech improvements since physical is an option on Consoles unlike in PC.
It's Valve's fault.

To reach a wider audience retard.

To be fair consoles lag like six years behind PCs.

additional files installed outside of where you installed the launcher

You do realise I can just pirate if i dont like the launcher

He's trying to hard, spewing data he heard from Youtube.
That's so sad. Kudos for you not calling him a retard.

So is Valve.

But what if all the consumers decide to not use your service due itsa inherent evils? Then who was it that decided what?

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nah, it's been eating him inside that he's been proven a fool, so he's back to make sure this time we are all pirates

They don't seem to be currently concerned with that.

That's already happened and there's nothing wrong with using other launchers

Valve drones virtue signal about competition, but the real reason they're so upset is because they've been groomed into using Steam and soon they won't be able to buy all the games they want on that platform.

This is competition in action.

Imagine being so dumb you can't even answer a simple question

>there's nothing wrong with using other launchers
There's plenty wrong with being obligated to use every launcher on the market because they bought exclusives.


I'll give you that it was shitty of 4A/Deep Silver to pull out last minute, but the game went from being an exclusive on one platform to another- not a huge deal.

Yes it is.
It boils down to the dev picking and choosing.
It's not like Epic forcefully bought Borderlands 3 Exclusivity from Take-Two Interactive(since let's face it, if Take-Two make their own store they will destroy anyone).
It's not like Take-Two had no say in this whatsoever.

>iOS filename

I sure miss shitty DRM like securom that could literally destroy your hardware.

Wrong. Don't like it, don't buy it.

It was on platforms other than Steam, though. Now it isn't on any platform other than Epic.

Eat a dick Valvenigger, you destroyed the physical PC market.

I'm using three launchers already and that's not a problem for me.
> This is competition in action.
No, it isn't. This is buying out competition. This is spending money so you don't have to compete.
The good situation would've been that it was released on Epic additionally. That's the best situation for the consumer, now stores have to compete to get my money. If Epic spends money to avoid that, they're reducing my options, negatively impacting me.


>went from being an exclusive on one platform to another- not a huge deal.
The problem is the exclusivity on the other platform extended to the store as well. Prior to the Epic contract there was a 20% discount available from the Razer Game Store. Once they announced EGS exclusivity that was shut down. Because it can only be sold from one store. One store that doesn't have to compete with the sales of other stores.

I don't think you've used other launchers desu
Trying to play online with my friends on origin is a fucking nightmare
>play battlefield
>squad up with my friend
>somehow we end up on opposite teams and there's no team swap

>play anthem
>squad up again
>end up in a mission with 3 randoms and my friend can't join

Yeah yeah I know that's what I get for playing EA games, but I have first hand experience with their garbage systems

Prior to Denuvo, Steam invented the most cancerous DRM to ever exist and killed physical games on PC.

Why are shills acting like it's morally righteous to pay for games on Steam? Do they really think taxing 1/3 of the PC industry's revenue just for providing some download links is justified?

Attached: 1554396668265.gif (138x132, 17K)

Physical is inferior, ancient shit at this point. Or do you still fancy riding your mule to the market to see if your audio cassette tape is in stock before picking up 7 trees worth of a news paper so you can stay up to date with information?

Stunning argument, I assume you have every launcher from every dev downloaded and running this very second, you wouldn't want to be a hypocrite right?
The publishers are being given a choice they've never had before and are acting in a way that is against the interest of their consumer base, and you are pretending this is the same for the consumers and they shouldn't get riled up because you like being reductive. Willful ignorance.

New thread

So buy it second hand like people do with other exclusives.

That's a shitty response and has already been hashed out.
Store exclusivity is not the same as platform exclusivity, especially in the context market competition.

greedy shill detected

Tim Swindle:
>PC is not viable market, piracy rampant, we're going full console
Gabe Chadwell:
>piracy is a service problem, we earn billions
Tim Swindle:
>n-no you watch, I'll make them into pirates

EGS is literally an early access storefront

Imagine if any other market says "fuck the consumer. Facturesr makes the cal now"

Attached: 1541157935715.jpg (490x490, 116K)

New thread

Why would I run every launcher at the same time and why would it make me a hypocrite to use another launcher?

>Why are shills acting like it's morally righteous to pay for games on Steam?
Point out where that is happening. Because all I see is people saying that about Epic, which isn't even the best deal for publishers in terms of the cut the store takes.

>roadmap for a fucking laucher
> android store plans while accused of stealing user information

You should really have them all downloaded, o harbinger of the glorious PC future. Go on, get them all, run them to save up on the boot times. Sacrifice 2gb of ram on the altar of THE FUTURE.

That's a shitty response and has already been hashed out.

Steam is so pro-consumer that they literally killed the Physical Market right?
Less options is better...right?

New thread

>You should really have them all downloaded, o harbinger of the glorious PC future. Go on, get them all, run them to save up on the boot times. Sacrifice 2gb of ram on the altar of THE FUTURE.
This is your brain on Steam

But the physical market still exists.

>buy exclusivity rights to every game with the chinese government's money

I know it's hard to form a train of thought when you're below the 60 IQ mark, but please try to apply yourself at least

>Physical is inferior, ancient shit at this point.
Valvenigger Zoomers in a nutshell, everybody.

>it's okay when Valve has an android app which they try to push on you for 2-step verification

Go on, practice what you preach. If it isn't bad at all having to use every launcher in existence, you should already be using them all. Fucking do it.

New thread

>no argument
>just project your double-digit IQ onto everyone else that disagrees
Steam drones lmao

Epic Games, The company that never made a good game since ut2004 and shit on their PC fanbase in the past, Fuck no Valve is already bad enough we dont need another Valve.

>disk rot

You're literally just pointing back to previous points in the argument, all because you have no response to where it ended up

I only use launchers for games I want to play because I'm not a corporate cuck like you Valve drones rofl

Well as we've discussed, game you'll want to play will be bought exclusives for every launcher in the future, so go download them and get to know them.This is your ideal utopia after all.

You're literally just pointing back to previous points in the argument, all because you have no response to where it ended up

>Point out where that is happening
this whole fucking anti-epic outrage is about that you retard

it's steam drones trying to fight off the competition, in the fear that they might occasionally have to click on a different icon to purchase a game

Yes, this is totally what is happening and not exclusively epic-shill narrative.

revenue is not profits

Doesn't bother me at all.


saying that, while protecting the corporation that taxes 3 times more money from gaming, and contributes to you getting games with worse production values

you retards are so fucking blind about not understanding this shit. Sure, not every dev/publisher makes good use of their revenue, but in general this is the only way you will see studios grow and produce games with higher production values, or even just stay alive; if they become financially more successful.

Then go do it and prove it to yourself.

steam gave the best prices to developers for a long time, the standard before steam was a minimum 60% cut

God, you can really pick out the epic shills because they pretend that the disparity in producer profit is significant.

Come and make me, Gabe

Tough luck
Maybe try making good games instead of vehicles for dlc and people might buy them more

6 years?
Make it about 12 now and still going.

Console Gamers drew a shitstorm over Xbox One used games DRM bullshit in 2013 meanwhile PC Players take it in the ass by Valve.

I don't need to, your tacit refusal has proven your hypocrisy and made me feel very smug about winning an argument on the internet.

Because you're a mentally ill steamshill.
Normal people go to where the games are and don't give a shit about installing a fucking free launcher.

There's no such thing as a used games controversy on PC, there's already family sharing and they are tied to an account, not any kind of physical hardware like the Xbone.

consoles and PC aren't the same, copying a game is far easier than copying a disc or a folder
besides, don't you fags pay $5 a month to play online? you don't have room to talk about anything

The service is still very new.

>Valve drones virtue signal about competition, but the real reason they're so upset is because they've been groomed into using Steam and soon they won't be able to buy all the games they want on that platform.
Yup, that's it.
It's the same with Consoleniggers who got invested in the Xbox Live/PSN ecosystem starting with the 7th generation.

They don't need much time to implement such things, now do they? But they refused.

Why do you faggots always have to be so disingenuous with your "facts".
Every big game already gets the cut lowered to 20% after 50m revenue easily. That's less than 900k sales at full price.

>It's wrong for me to have to install a free program to buy a game
Holy fuck, just kill yourself already.

Cool goalposts
>Why are shills acting like it's morally righteous to pay for games on Steam
>where is that happening

No you don't since Denuvo is still here and Steam openly advocates it.

Yeah, it's just a free, innocuous program, that has no restrictions or obligations besides half a gig of RAM.

Store exclusivity is not the same as platform exclusivity.

why the fuck are you doing this?
seriously, I give you the benefit of the doubt that you aren't a paid shill, and actually interested in gaming, and would really love to see games get better production values, or just get more games in general

why are you coming up with bullshit like this? What are you trying to achive?

in a few months EGS is going to be the exact same shit as steam with the same features, the only difference is going to be that EGS will take away almost 3 times less money from deves/publishers, which is a very significant difference (especially if you count in the free UE usage)

why are you retards so fucking desperate in defending an objectively greedier system that just holds gaming back? Even if you believe that "it is not that significant", there is no point in defending this shit.
you steamniggers go so fucking out of your way to shittalk epic, but for what? So you don't have to click on a different launcher?

why are you retards so fucking desperate in defending an objectively greedier system that just holds gaming back. Storefronts like Humble and Discord offer much lower cuts to publishers!

New thread

>The publishers are being given a choice they've never had before and are acting in a way that is against the interest of their consumer base, and you are pretending this is the same for the consumers and they shouldn't get riled up because you like being reductive
I fail to see how more competition is worse for consumers.
Maybe Valve will actually wake up and release real games again now and add some real value to their shit platform instead of making trashy VR memes nobody cares about.

Valve needs a real swift kick in the ass.