He ripped hate so that means he's doing great damage

>he ripped hate so that means he's doing great damage
When is FFXIV going to get an in-game damage meter? the number of people in this game who believe this is too damn high.

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when is ffxiv going to be a good game lmao

Hey now it has the biggest cash shop of any mmo it must be the best game!!

*you have to wait 2.5s to post*

>Use diverion on pull
>Nin uses shadewalk on the tank
>Tank is in Grit the entire time
Still got aggro after 20 sec, some people should just not be allowed to play.

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>muh damage
>muh parses
the reason nu mmos are garbage for antisocial trannies

>When is FFXIV going to get an in-game damage meter?
Hopefully never.
Keep your toxic bullshit in WoW.

>being not shit at the game is toxic

You might have a point if nearly every difficult boss in the game is literally built around two things. "Stand in the right place, not the wrong place" and "dps checks". The game gives you visualizations if you're correctly doing the former. But there's no in-game way other than "the raid wiped" to tell the latter.

Like it or not, FF XIV is not FF XI or EQ or UO. It's a game where dps being at the right number is literally a boss mechanic 99% of the time. The concept is introduced to you at fucking tutorial Ifrit, early on. The game needs dps meters.

the problem is with the game attracting braindead retards. if your game had a casual filter there wouldnt be a need for excel sheets worth of data just to prove you can do a minigame skill rotation correctly.

based and Tanakapilled

they're cherry's though

I wanna fuck a cat

I genuinely do not believe you

God, every time I see the word "toxic" being used I'm one more step to finally ending it all.

When they stop making the same reskinned expansion every year

And I cant blame you for it, some people are so fucking retarded in this game that it fucking unbelivable.
Like a smn that dosent put up and dots and dose nothing but spam the heal and at the end of the run gets out dpsed by the healer and his own fucking buncle.
Or drg that dont keep heavy thrust up and only spam one rotation.
Or the BLMs that actually use blizzard 2.
You get my point.

Maybe the game should be good instead.

it is ridiculously easy for a tank to hold agro, especially single target during a raid

tanks have enough of a toolkit to hold agro in a dps stance and do a white person amount of damage

but most tanks are just aspie downs playstation brown kids

that's because he is lying

even if he isn't lying, he's a retard for not using diversion (and a threat cutter if his job has it)

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No i genuinely do not believe you. If everyone is using there aggro modifiers. And the pull tank is really doing that shitty even on grit. The ot will pull before you hell the healer will pull before you. But if everything you said is true its still hard as fuck to pull from a tank within 20 seconds in tank stance, even if they are just spamming the same gcd

>>use diversion
>he's a retard for not using diversion

which fairy is the bigger slut, selene or eos?

>Still 3-4 more weeks till benchmark and live letter soon after
God I'm so fucking impatient I want to know more about DNC

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I had a tank that didn't want to use shield oath in Aurum Vale the other day for some reason so I basically couldn't do anything without pulling things.

Is shaming people not a thing anymore in this game? Just do your thing and when you pull hate, tell him to put on shield oath. What's he gonna say? It's literally his job and it's not a very hard one.

They could at least make some kind of result screen when a duty is complete if they want to avoid the whole bullying thing.

speaking of, do tanks receive less aggro if you get a shadewalker while the ninja has diversion up?

With the new change to chat everyone don't want to say anything so you don't offend some thin skinned faggot and get reported.

You can get banned for doing that now.

Most dps opener these days will do 10 times the aggro a healer will. If the tank was some WAR retard not doing a single aggro action it is possible.

If people don't use act they don't join our raid group. A damage meter is such a crucial tool for self improvement that you can't optimize yourself without it.

People can rigidly stick to their rotations, but every fight is different and you need to experiment to do as much damage as you can. It's impossible to do this without it.

This is just a flat out lie.

Diversion makes you generate less enmity and shadewalk just moves the enmity you generate to the target so I would assume it dose.

Yes they recieve less enmity.
Never use diversion and shadewalker at the same time.
t. former nin main

You have any idea if ninja is still good? Or compared to samurai? I wanna gear one of my dps classes, but i'd hate to waste my time if ninja got bad or something in the year or so I was gone.

I'm trying to understand how sync works. If you go into Doma castle (lists a level sync but not an ilvl sync) in full 400 gear, does your gear stay at ilvl 400 despite your level syncing to 68? Or is ilvl sync part of level sync by default?

The sats will go down to the maximum possible for a level 68. So you'll be wearing your usual gear but temporarely nerfed to lvl 68 standarts.

Nin brings much wanted raidbuffs Sam brings nothing but dps. So yes nins are good and wanted.


Ninja is and always was an essential job that pretty much every party wants to have in their roster because of TA. Unless they already have 2 faggots that insist on playing SAM or MNK.
The Downside is that your personal dps on average is lower than all the other melee jobs (based on sims).
Also 95% of ninjas in this game just can't play this job properly for whatever reason I have no idea why I always thought it was piss easy but you might fall into the trash category.
If you're good however it's easy to outdps other melees because ofc they fucking suck at what they're doing too.
I fucking hate this games community.

Ninja js still good and sought after for the utility. It's just that it has to compete with bard and DRG for a spot. The level 70 rotation is also really awkward with ten chi jin. So ninja is kind of in the middle ground where it doesn't do as much damage than DRG and doesn't beat BRD utility.

It's still a solid class till the next expansion. Trick Attack is actually overrated in your typical uncoordinated pug party finder, but no one immediately rolls their eyes at you when you join.

>but no one immediately rolls their eyes at you when you join.
nobody does that for any class

MCH would be the most likely one but this

>Cast 3 Fire IV
Keep up tank.

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I laugh at Red Mages, but only because I am a Black Mage and they dilute themselves with pathetic white magic.

I mean I have a DRG at 60 as well, is it better to just go DRG? I usually just tank, and haven't really played dps since early heavensward.

>tfw your katana is just a really big, really sharp glowing icicle

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I, too, laugh at people who actually play a class for fun instead of just spamming fire 4 because MUH DPS

I never said anything about DPS.

Cats > Potatoes prove me wrong

you don't play fire4 mage for fun.

you don't play jolt mage for fun.

Stick to Susano. There are actual cliques and lone wolves among the 7 random players with nothing better to do then to push numbers and goof around on alt jobs.

>jolt mage
anyone who calls red mage this knows fucking nothing about how to play the class. The entire point of red mage is NOT casting jolt.

it was from 2.0 to 2.4

I do though.
I've loved Black Mage from the very start.
At any rate, the context was from a lore perspective. A Black Mage mocking Red Mages for balancing with White Magic.

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Play what you have fun with. All jobs are good and all jobs can do big numbers if you get good with them.

Not him but I do play BLM for fun. Nuking shit with explosions that fill the screen is satisfying as fuck.
