What's the appeal?

I've tried hundreds of times to get into this fucking game (pre-sequel too) but I still can't even fathom how the entire internet orgasms over this so much.

The art style is horrible to look at and blends the enemies/surroundings into a mush, which is an absolute nightmare because the gunplay feels useless. Why does shooting enemies feel like I'm not doing any damage? Not to mention the humor in these games is irritating. It's so out of touch and I can't even laugh in a self-aware way, that retarded fucking robot makes me want to gouge my eyeballs. Also, how is Handsome Jack a villain? His motives seem pretty reasonable with everything considered.

I simply cannot grasp the appeal of this repetitive, unfunny dated grindathon bros

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i know this is bait but i have similar feelings
the whole game feels really... flat and boring, nothing about it sticks out. not the artstyle, not the mediocre shooting mechanics, not the hundreds of samey guns.
it all feels incredibly stale and i can't put my finger on why that is.

>i know this is bait
It's not. I want genuine Borderlands fans to explain why this game is so revered, because it fucking puts me to sleep in ways other looter shooters don't.

Does BL2 at least have better designed boss fights than 1?

1 is awful in that regard

I agree too OP. so weird to see everyone getting so hyped over these games when I just found them really boring and honesty ugly looking too.

also dont evn worry about epic launcher. Just wait til WeGame is released.

i haven't played bl1, but bl2 bosses either have annoying stage gimmicks, annoying AoE attacks, an annoying amount of enemies trying to distract you, or an annoying amount of health
sometimes its all 4

It's easy to set up a co-op with friends. Less stressful Diablo but with guns and good humour. Handsome Jack is also a great antagonist in one of the games and him progressing from teasing you to actually being fucking angry and aggressive was really cool. Weapons are really fun and it has some vehicle sections to break the tempo similar to Half Life 2. It's not that fun to play solo but it's still a 7/10 game and 9/10 with friends.

>I don't like it, why????
What are you honestly expecting?
Nice bait anyway, I hope you don't expect serious discussion on a board filled with perma virgins, waifuniggers, actual manchildren and n!ntendies

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>how can people enjoy spicy food; its spicy!

Inb4 food, also nice thread op

It's fun. I understand why you wouldn't like fun.

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Why do some people on this board feel like they have to like every game that they play it's an entertaining medium try other games. every game won't appeal to your taste

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Fuck off Randy

>I want genuine Borderlands fans to explain why this game is so revered.
Not. The game is a fun looty shooty with very big problems that posters who enjoy the game talk about alot.
Too bad most of the threads about it right now are filled to the brim with "Game bad because bad"

>What's the appeal?
shooting stuff with your gay friends.
the very moment you play borderlands alone you realize just how terribly repetitive, boring and cringeworthy the game is. I mean it's really fucking bad, it's so bad that the only somewhat likable character is the antagonist and I can guarantee it was done unintentionally. any other character you want to shoot to death, starting with that retarded little girl who has fucked up eye. you can tell it was made by people who overdose on onions

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>explain a game's fun
This is why nobody takes Yea Forums seriously

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>This is why nobody takes Yea Forums seriously
Then go back to R.eddit, you fat retard. I asked for a discussion not "hurr le fun look at this goy metaphor metaphor"


Community patch seems pretty good and necessary for BL2 but what about TPS

bump 2

>I asked for a discussion
Yeah dude for sure

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I used to hate it as well. I learned to enjoy it.

The thing is OP.. this is hard for people to understand so don't take it personal. But not every game is for every person

kill yourself already phoneposting reddit boy

It's just not for you. That doesn't make it a bad game.

When the fuck will this shithole learn this?

After dropping it years ago I was considering dropping it again this time around. Just ended up using the reborn mod, love all the changes they made.
Playing shock gaige, they changed it to let you instantly specialize in shock damage and get more out of it, deathtrap gets a manual recall which helps deal with his long cooldown, if you're done fighting while he's still out you can put him back on cooldown to save some time. I haven't used anarchy but they made it a manageable skill with 20+~60 stacks max, the tree seems nerfed overall but I like it. The normal 900 stacks of anarchy gimmick is terribly made, you don't even keep them when quitting the game normally. There's also a lot more loot from the start and it can stay relevant longer, I was actually using some severely powerful level 11 blue pistol until level 21. The game was pretty easy on normal with random enemies spiking the difficulty a bit, but TVHM seems better so far.

For real. Also everyone that installs the community "patch" that "rebalances" shit is a total shitter because it literally just buffs everything.

Same goes for me with Nitendo and Weeb shit. I like BL2 that it's brainless shooter and have coop to fuck with friends.

>other looter shooters

go on..

Not neccesarily a bad Thing, UVHM makes a lot of builds basically worthless.

It's just for Variety sake

It’s a game with a lot to do/ many ways to play and beat it.

Honestly it’s a good time sinker if you’re dealing with something in Irl

Maya or Gaige?
Gaige looks fun to play but Maya got some hot skins

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Anarchy Gaige is ez mode
I found Maya fun, especially if you spec into elemental and use Maliwan guns


>900 stacks of anarchy
the max is 600 with a SoT

You're such an idiot

borderlands games are only fun with friends, youll hate the game if you don't have any friends like the autistic virgin you are

Borderlands 2 is genuinely a shitty, boring game made using the funds intended for another game but somehow even worse. Nothing about it is good and it's a chore to play, completely missing the "point" of the lonely, western-inspired atmosphere of Borderlands 1 where the dark humour helped accentuate how brutal and unforgiving the world was. Anthony Burch and his sister belong in a ditch crying and begging as the dirt slowly covers them and they suffocate to death.

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>start up BL2
>Gunzerker looks like stupid fun
>get downed constantly and have to be saved by my friends
I can't tell if I'm retarded or if he just sucks.

This guy gets it.
I just started playing the enhanced goty edition for 1 and it's so much comfier than the 2nd game, let alone PS..

I liken it to jumping from Saints Row 2 to 3. The game after 2 are pure trash. Also similar to jumping from Xenoblade Chronicles 1 to 2.

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Borderlands 1 isn't very good either, but at least it had the excuse of trying something new. It's still a boring fucking slog. Maybe I am insane but I would honestly wish for the entire Burch family to suffer for years before their eventual, combined deaths on live television. Everything they touch turns to shit.

>calls someone a redditor
>despite being an obvious newfag

1 was a decent game besides it's slow start, and it's even better now with the upgrade.

lol who tf likes these shitty games other than retarded 12 year olds? The first one was even released broken.

Funny thing is I played BL1 completely solo and had a decent time. It wasn't perfect but I liked it enough to keep going with some of the DLC, Mad Moxxi notwithstanding. I just could not give two shits about 2, though.

The scaling in BL2 goes completely off the rails late/end-game, which makes it boring and painful to play as anything but a 4 man group.

>havent played bordershit in ages
>start it up on the ole 360
>get to first mission
>claptrap starts talking
>"that donald trump guy sure is a douche"

ejected the disk right then and there

well he isn't wrong

It was good by 2012 standards, nowadays you have shooters with better AI and smoother gunplay.

I bought the complete Borderlands 2 pack from steam, and going back from Destiny 2 into Borderlands:TPS was mind boggling in terms of how worse everything felt.

It's a shit game only zoomers with unironic nostalgia for this game give it praise

>the scaling is bad
ok i thought you guys were just shitposting but one time i was playing with some anons and they felt the need to install a mod that "fixed scaling".
and they were like level 15
you guys really need to get good

That doesn't surprise me in the slightest. Maybe I'll give it another go sometime just for the hell of it, but I'll never be able to convince any of my friends to join me. We all gave up on the series right quick when 2 released.

So what does the "enhanced" versions of these games entail?

At end-game shit goes fucking nuts where the HP enemies have massively out-levels the damage new guns have. This is only after you beat the main game, however.

It's to have fun playing with friends, it's entirely designed around the co-op experience of fighting enemies and looting with people you're chatting to over mic.

If you are a no mates incel there's no point and you can go back to your weeb pedo dating sims.

I dont think im playing Maya right. I put a point in gas cloud(?) and im killing everything in one hit because of the cloud. Also im only using handguns because they are outdamaging everything else.

Even in 2012 the gunplay was a huge step backwards from the previous game.

>annoying stage gimmicks
That's pre-sequel though

i know
uvhm and the OP levels were designed like that because people complained on the gearbox fourms how easy normal and tvhm were

Unironically one of the best classes

>Decide to fuck around in BL1 Enhanced
>Beat Nine Toes
>Both his Skags drop fucking purples that can one-shot every enemy around me
Did this always happen? It has been a decade since I played BL1 while off my face on anti-depressants.

meant for

No, you got lucky cabron.

I guess I'm fucking retarded, then.

BL1 gives you a minimap, you automatically pick up ammo, you get a golden chest for Shift keys and some new legendaries.

Be warned that coop is a bit buggy at the moment

True chads go for MBGA which reworks characters instead of buffing or nerfing

I'd accept one purple but two seems extreme. The game dropping Clipper as a consolation prize felt comical.

He is prone to dying early on. Just gotta position yourself for second wind often.

I hope they didn't fuck up the loot system like they did in 2.

mmm.... same happened to me

People have bad taste. Lots of people have bad taste, a good way to know a game is actual shit is if they add the qualifier "its fun with friends", or "turn off your brain".
Like many games its more of a skinners box than anything with a barely there story and no real effort put into the graphics, loot or characters. Put bluntly most people find it scratches their addiction itch and don't really think much beyond that.

It is fun until UVHM ad you realize all guns aside from legendaries are the same

woah its like the legendary guns are special

>"turn off your brain"
this is what ruins it
people hear turn off your brain so they go in expecting a mindless COD knock off when this game actually requires planning when it comes to character builds
this game has very deep mechanics that Yea Forums overlooks because of meme writing

the appeal is that i like it


Enemy variety was always the biggest factor for me
Hope they make unique models for special enemies instead of them being a reskin of something you already fought except it's bigger our ridiculously small

Hey, fuck you, Scooter and Zed are alright

T.K. Baha was pretty based for a character who had all of 5 minutes of screentime alive.

>good humor
are you 12? honest question.

I hadn’t played the game in ages, but you guys really weren’t kidding about that shit. I just reached endgame and had a fucking awesome Jakobs sniper with +critical hit damage. I was popping everything, but 2 levels later and it’s taking half their health. Are you shitting me?

>i just reached the endgame
>2 levels later

this is pretty much true. it's the same reason people "play" clicker/idle apps (they aren't games) where you just watch numbers get bigger for no reason.

to be fair 2048 requires more brain power than most modern games

2048 is a puzzle game, not what I'm talking about. think of something like egg inc or cookie clicker.

>I asked for a discussion
No you fucking didn't. You said it was shit and then told us to tell you why you feel that way. You're just shitstirring. You don't actually care about discussion. You're just shitposting because borderlands has people talking right now and you want to fit in with the "le edgy contrarian" crowd.

I too hate the Epic Games Store! Praise Gaben!

not op but Borderlands 2 is really not very good so i can see why he would be confused by its popularity. it is poorly designed/unbalanced and the writing/humor is the worst I've ever encountered in a game. somehow it still has a large devoted following and even more strangely those fans seem to actually like and celebrate the worst parts of the game.

it doesn't hold up on multiple playthrough. It unironically was one of my favourite game when it came out and the first two playthrough were great.
But then you have to go through the same unskippable dialogues again and again if you want to play in UVH mode or do other characters (so you have to do normal mode and then UVH and TVH), it becomes really jarring.
Also after you stop being 13 the humour quickly become grating

>if someone likes something I don't like - they have shit taste

wew nice superiority(inferiority) complex

Maya was the first character I raised to lvl 72, she felt pretty nice to play
Gaige is great if you go for the Anarchy skilltree; I'm not sure if DeathTrap scales well though

no he doesnt
all his attacks do half damage by the time your level 40

>I asked for a discussion
>But I liked it.
What the absolute fuck is wrong with the fucking retards who browse this place?

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Gaige is best girl.

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They're all transplants that think the only thing going on here is shitposting.

I agree but for different reasons

The guns just aren't any fun to use and feel like shit

The rng weapons end up looking like one of 5 different archetype weapons making it way more boring than having a dozen truly unique set weapons

1 skill that you get to use once every 5 minutes or so and just passive skills for progression

I spent over 200 hours on it trying every class both solo and with friends and it still bored the shit outta me

the weapons in bl2 are much worse than the first game.

I get drunk, I play a space western shooter in a medieval area cross genre thing, and I get better guns that do different shit, and mow down hundreds of enemies with different sayings. Honestly Rage is better, but it is still a simple game that fulfills an itch that many creators don't do (space westerns and cross genre shit like Quake)

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I was going to try and explain it but I won't bother. It doesn't look like your type of game so go play something else.

so based

The gameplay itself is horribly repetitive with zero variety, graphics give eyecancer as everything on the screen blends into a puddle of mess, but hey you can at be bored together with 3 of your friends!!!!

It's basically just an FPS diablo. It's not an amazing game by any means but sometimes its fun to just mindlessly shoot people for randomized loot

I like the sidequests and bossfights in these games.

I could barely play past the beggining, that fucking robot annoyed me so much.


Nobody explained shit.

why didnt you just kill him

The game is 1000 times better with the Borderlands 2 Reborn mod,adds all these community fixes and makes the game a bit more interesting to play.

If you can look past the terrible humour, play it with the mod, i've picked it up again and have been enjoying myself so far.

My biggest gripe with the game is that it's forcing you to replay the game two times per character on the first two difficulties.
>b-but it's the same with every loot RPG
It doesn't work for a fucking shooter. You don't have a billion talents and abilities to experiment with. It gets boring fast. And when the loot on normal is garbage and meaningless it becomes a slog.

youre not forced to replay it
hell your not even forced to do anything in life

Playing through reborn atm and I love the changes.
>it's now possible to play gaige without anarchy and it not be complete shit

Back in my retarded teenage years i used to put Sargon on in the background and play BL2 for 8 hours straight for months. Gunzerker is the most fun (and OP in the lategame)

it's a perfect kinda "zoning out" game. If you don't have anything else to do.

Just look at the humour as a satire of 9GAG or somethin lol

The BL2 DLC bosses have some gimmicky shit
Not the main game tho

It’s only fun if you play co-op, but if you do that, it becomes very fun