Dark Souls 2 trending higher than Sekiro and all other Souls games combined

>Dark Souls 2 trending higher than Sekiro and all other Souls games combined


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When did DaS 2 get so popular with zoom zooms?

why do zoomers love watching others play games more than playing themselves

This was probably during Otz's no hit run.

Playing games is too hard, you have to press buttons in specific orders and stuff.

Isn't that the insufferably annoying Spaniard?

>Royal rat authority
>actually is a dog

Attached: rrr.jpg (257x196, 9K)

>dog has authority over rats

>they are all from this guy

Attached: 1543069922049.jpg (521x533, 40K)

>Japanese says Trial of the Rat King
>Localization team: hurr durr that's boring, something like Royal Rat Authority sounds cooler
God, why is it so hard to get a proper translation for a game?

Is it so hard to understand that this is the "authority" of the royal rat, meaning the "police"? How is there confusion over this?

Rats have their own police force? That's quite deep, Myazaki best writer.
Do they have cute little uniforms?

Dark Souls 2 is the best one.

Tried playing Ds2 again recently. Still feels like fucking ass.
Mobs of enemies are constant and fucking annoying.
Drop attack is so bad that your model can touch the enemy and it still won't hit.
Game sucks.

>Mobs of enemies are constant and fucking annoying.
There's only one thing to say. Git gud.

>"Dark" Souls 2
>is actually on max brightness

Attached: comparison.jpg (3838x3020, 2.36M)

Why is DS2 so fucking ugly?

No, the dogs are the police officers you doofus.

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SotFS is genuinely my favorite Souls game.

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For me it was when I played SOTFS on ps4. 60fps, did not play a shit dext build. I still hate a couple areas but I enjoyed it far more maybe as much as DaS 1.

So the dogs police the rats? On whose authority?
It smacks of repression, are you sure they don't call themselves Geheime Staatspolizei?

Drangleic looks cool
Heide is nice
DLC areas look great
Shrine of Amana is nice

Rest is fairly ugly

I'd still kill to have this game remade properly. SoTFS was a good effort but it seems like most of the team didn't return. Not a fair shake.

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Make the graphics better and a few bosses better and I would gladly pay full price again.


I unironically love DaS2 and it's my favorite Souls game ever.

(DaS2 > DaS1 > DaS3)

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Very good taste.

Torch system was scrapped at the last second and they were too lazy to fix it so they just turned up the brightness.

A police force is radically different from a bunch of animals in a room meant to kill you to test your mettle.

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I wanted to like DaS2. The hub area is my favorite by far and it has some good ideas, but it fucks up in a lot of places for me. The first bit that made the game immediately drop off was that bonfire where the enemies literally aggro onto you when you get up. The second was the Iron Keep. Should I give it another try?

I don't even care about the graphics I just want the game finished. Drangleic with full staircases and interiors just like Anor Londo. Enemy designs that are actually competent, and have real poise break points and moveset depth aside from the DLC.

Where's Dark Souls 3, nigger?



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because it's a cherrypick

It deserves more praise.
The game is fantastic.

I'm convinced that the only people who don't like it are lore nerds and shitters. Period.

Not in my experience. 99% of the game looks awful.

The Rat King's authority

The Rat King even let humans take part in his covenant, so a giant dog doesn't sound too unreasonable.

I'm playing through it with a friend for the 9th time or something now

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B-but...DS2 is the worst one...

Lore is good on DaS2
No Man's Wharf is the best Souls area (excluding BB)
Not only it has more weapon variety, it also has more weapon types and great movesets (Heide Sword, Santiers Spear, Syan Halberd)

Only people who started with DeS when it released should comment on DaS2. I appreciate it for what it is.

The true redpilled opinion, all those DS3/BB fags are spending so much time shitting on DS2 just because they're insecure and know deep inside they're wrong.

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Honestly it feels like i'm looking at a grey piece of paper whenever I watch Sekiro streams, Tried out the game and I had to use reshader to even give it a chance. uninstalled it after 2 hrs of exploring.

Some games just don't fit well with everyone.

the most autistic kind of gatekeeping I've ever read

Are these posts all ironic? I can't even last an hour with DS2 before i go back playing 1 again

Ds2 is a pain to look at but it has it's good moments, ds1 was the best out of all the series for me.

>educated opinion is gatekeeping

Back to plebbit with you

>You can have played Demon Souls, but ONLY if you played it when it was released
no, retard.

>Only people who have played [NOT THE GAME IN QUESTION] at release can comment on [GAME IN QUESTION]
It's a pretty pretentious gatekeep

They are, no-one actually thinks DS2 is a good game.

>using twitch as a metric
found the zoomer

tits way too small

>caring about metrics
Complaining about which succesful game sold more than the other succesful game is retarded.
You homos are just as bad as sportsfags.

DS2 was killed by Bloodborne. They were being developed at the same time, and Bloodborne got the special treatment, while DS2 did it's best with what it could. Look at the DS2 dlcs, they are so nicely structured and unuique. THAT'S what it could have been, but nevertheless, it was a good game!

Won what exactly?

Of course DS2 has the most viewers.
No one wants to play this shit.