>Phil is buying Deck13, Asobo & IO Interactive
absolutely fucking based
cant wait for E3!
Phil is buying Deck13, Asobo & IO Interactive
Jesus fucking Christ why does that picture scare me so much
>More Reddit fanfic
MS buying up all these studios actually has me pretty hype. It's obvious they know they fucked up this gen and are going in hard on exclusives for the next Xbox. And since they've basically brought PC in under the Xbox brand, I'll get to play them on my PC.
Xbox fans dont like japanese games
>343i (Halo)
>The Coalition (Gears 5 and 6 to finish the NuTrilogy, Gears Tactics, after that new IP)
>Playground Studio 1 (Forza Horizon)
>Playground Studio 2 (Fable ARPG)
>Compulsion Games (small scale story-driven adventures)
>Relic Entertainment (Age of Empires 4)
>Undead Labs (zombie survival)
>Mojang (Minecraft, who cares)
>The Initiative (Quadruple A "AAAA" third person action games [so far hired a bunch of devs from Rockstar, Sony Santa Monica, Crystal Dynamics and Insomniac)
>Ninja Theory (divided into 3 teams, all working on games on scale of Hellblade directed by Tameem) [3 teams]
>RARE (started working on a new IP and will let other studios work on their older IPs like with Battletoads atm) [2 teams]
>Turn10 (revolutionizing sim racers with Forza Motorsport 8)
>Obsidian Entertainment (new project directed by Sawyer already in development, best version of Outer Worlds in native 4k and 60FPS and possible sequels are exclusive) [2 teams]
>MSGP funding more 2nd and 3rd party games like Sunset Overdrive, Cuphead, Killer Instinct or Ori
>new Xbox Division in Asia
>inXile Entertainment (CRPGs) [2 teams]
>close to buying IO Interactive (Hitman), Giant Sparrow (What Remains of Edith Finch)
>the best versions of multiplats
>native 4k 60fps
>backwards compatibility
>they're not censoring games unlike Snoy
>using the W10 store means you're in the Xbox ecosystem
Sony is LITERALLY on life support next-gen
mhmm you were calling posts about MS buying studios before E3 2018 fanfic as well
Yeah, they ended up buying trash and shills. Good job, mantits.
playground will continue to make +90 rated games
and ninja theory will make actual games unlike Snoy devs
why are you scared
you will join us soon
to become part of the Xbox family.
>Hackgrounds will keep copy-pasting someone else's game
>Tameem will keep making three hour long cinematic garbage for Game Pass
Wow nice grabs Phil
>they'll keep dominating the racing genre
>they'll make a god-tier rpg
>ninja theory already said they're going back to more "fun" and traditional games like enslaved/dmc
keep seething revolverocelot
>They'll keep making forgotten repeats that get made for easy ticks from journalists
>They'll molest Fable's corpse
>NT will be making GaaS trash as per their recruitment adverts
Keep being a gameless Xcuck.
Shot in the heart
And you're to blame
The Cuckbox Juan
Has no games
>each game has more sales, players and gets higher rated than the one before
>they'll make a god-tier fable after 2 and 3 werent good
>NTs next game will be a spiritual successor to Enslaved
keep seething revolverocelot
>More spin, denial and wishcasting
Usual Xcuck MO
just like MS buying Obsidian was fanfic right revolverocelot
>Outer Worlds will be their swansong before Based Phil has them churning out low-budget CRPGs for Game Pass on PC
Stick to jerking off your boogeyman, Xcuck.
you're literally coping at this point elmayo
good that obsidian has 4 directors, 2 for crpgs and 2 for fps rpgs
Gonna be funny when the talent flees for the doors once Based Phil's boot gets tighter on their neck, as always.
if chris avellone is to be believed then obsidian being bought by MS is good for Obsidian
keep up the anti ms fanfic im sure you'll get some likes in the currytech comment section revolverocelot
>Get fucked over by MS once before
>"m-maybe it's good that Based Phil is allowed to fuck them over again"
/r/Gaming is calling you.
>Get fucked over by MS
Again, according to Avellone, this was mostly Urquharts fault.
>Truthhurts24 having another meltdown
This is why everyone hates Xcucks, FYI.
t. Dobby Playstation
>It's mostly Urquhart's fault
>It's mostly Kamiya's fault
>It's mostly everyone's fault except the common denominator
Really makes my acorn tingle
you should really read what avellone said, he literally left because of the constant bad decisions made by urquhart and the other higher-ups at Obsidian and said he'd join obsidian again once they are gone
Will this benefit my Microsoft stock?
t. Klobrille the middle-aged middle-management MS employee
>ninja theory