Can't wait to play the same fucking game for the 17th time in 17 years

>can't wait to play the same fucking game for the 17th time in 17 years

You can meme about other series being the "same" with each release, but nothing is like Pokemon when it comes to putting out the same exact game every time,

>long boring tutorial
>chose starter
>fight rival
>go from city to city collecting pokemon and fighting gym leaders, occasionally being pulled off to do some side mission
Combat is so slow and methodical. Acceptable in 1997 but needs a makeover.

Cities look nice but never have anything to do in them. All the npcs do is tell you basic as fuck tutorial information or maybe offer trade which is nearly always a terrible deal for you. That plus garbage stories give you no reason to care about anything that is happening or to talk with anyone or explore.

It's just gathering new pokemon that look the least stupid. Get your team of fire, water, grass, electricity, psychic, and fighter trainer after trainer to be good enough to beat the gym leaders and then the final 4.

If you play more than 3 generations, doesn't matter where you started, you have some good form of autism where you don't get bored from severe repetition and tedium.

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I've only played gen one and two, am I allowed to be excited for this?


If I can play a cute girl and go around with other cute girls while having animals fight each other as I get best girl, It's fine.
Didn't play Pokémon since gold anyway.

>am I allowed to be excited for this?
Yes. Ya cunt.
What's yer bloody starter gonna be?

You have no argument.


FIFA, COD and Battlefield it’s the same shit.

>op likes game
>Yea Forums flies in to tell op how bad the game is

>op doesnt like game
>Yea Forums flies in to say how good the game is

Yea Forums users are robots who have the "must go against and disagree with everything" code written into their ai

Battlefield tries way harder than fifa and cod. I know its cool to hate popular games

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The bulk of the Pokemon experience comes after you're done with the solo content. Also each new generation brings a new bunch of cute girls to fap to.

I say that as a battlefield fan user it’s only slightly different each time get real. I like battlefield v better than niggerfield 1 though. It’s good to able to change all my guys to white men only. Dice learned their lesson when they were too political.

All of those have made far more advancements and changes than Pokemon.

With Fifa it at least makes sense for gameplay to not change drastically because it's a sport. And most of its consumers are casual and don't care if it's made huge improvements or not.

With Pokemon, it's an RPG. You would expect more out of such a series, especially one that "gamerz" always claim to love and play each release.

Removing the National Dex and the Battle Frontier and having Megas was so fucking retarded

t. played all pokemon gens

How is the Sun & Moon generation? Is it still the same old formula with the same hand holding from XY?

BW2 had the best post game content from the games that I have played. It gave you a decent challenge that didn't revolve around an infinite gauntlet where you needed perfectly bred mons that would eventually be beaten when the computer thought you had won too much and decided to rig the game against you.

If it ain’t broke don’t fix it. People keep buying so why bother to innovate? The Japanese are good business men better than whitey that’s why blunders like battleborn only happen in the west.

I agree in the sense that it's a perfect game for kids to experience for the first time or two.

Anyone who's played every entry and is still excited to play this new entry undeniably must have some form of autism.

I get that the Frontier can be frustrating but there are glitchless speedruns for all gold symbols in like 15 hours

Keep seething, Pokemon is the greatest game franchise ever made and you don't need to fix what isn't broken. Go cry about whatever literally who series you like not reaching Pokemon's glory somewhere else.

Much like the filth you mindlessly play on repeat so too are your posts

Hm... I wonder what you're gonna say? Oh I know.


I'd like to make a Pokemon like multiplayer experience.
I love what Pokemon meant at its beginning, but it's a shame that they didn't bother exploring new ideas

Why is it a bad thing to want to play something with the same formula? No one begs for innovation in dice games or basketball.

As explained before sports are a different matter

Pokemon battles are a sport.

oh que

Soccer, basketball, etc are "multiplayer sports"
There are still people playing old SF or Melee.
But if you make a new game, that's often an opportunity to "update" your game design, try new things, etc
Minor changes and content update are nice, but aren't interesting enough for a lot of people, and that's understandable, it's hard to be satisfied with "lazy" new games when you think that the game could have surprised you and make you live a totally new experience

Except that didn't happen here. All you had was one guy asking if it's okay to be excited if he didn't meet OP's criteria, and one guy going "ok."

pokemon fags really are the biggest shit eaters around. However the last I bought was alpha sapphire, X, then HG. So I don't feel too bad about buying shield on my based fucking switch, the greatest handheld device of all time.

I look forward to it because it’ll give me an excuse to buy the Switch.

The last Nintendo console I owned was the Wii that I played Smash on with my brothers, and the only Pokémons I played were Yellow and Diamond, but I was just a dumb 3 year old when I had Yellow so I don’t think that counts.

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Not to mention lately they have become privy to long fucking cutscenes, as if I give a shit about the garbage story in these games. This is why I can't stand the newer games, the originals were the best because everything was short and sweet. All love and care went into the soul of design and atmosphere.

>inb4 genwunner

I wouldn’t go that far. There’s no such thing as a “greatest” franchise.

It’s a weird argument. As a longtime GTA fan, I’d find it weird if people complained about GTA VI having the same core concepts as all previous GTAs, which is stealing cars and being a petty criminal in an open-world sandbox.

I just hope it brings some new actually usable pokemon unlike all the slow trash in S/M.

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That a fakemon?

yes because Final Faggotry is so loved for being random shit every new entry

So select the option that makes combat faster you fuckwit.

>Combat is slow and methodical
So you don't like turn based combat? OHKO's exist commonly in this game, I don't think you've played a slow turned based game
>AlI NPCs do is tell you basic tutorial information
I like shorts, they're comfy and easy to wear!
>It's just gather a team of these typings and win
Sure if you're a boring faggot. Play a nuzlocke, or a team consistent only of your favorite type and shit is pretty fun, the appeal is that there's room to get creative with it.
There's alot of stuff to shit on pokemon for, but you just sound like a bitter child OP.

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I would rather get new ideas every game with the chance of it not being good than get the same thing over and over. That's just me though.

>the same game

I wish. It actually gets worse each time

Yes, that’s you, but developers and publishers want a consistently profitable formula.

don't fix what's not broken and kill all the identity a franchise has.


Why not just let the world have both though?

I love that Final Fantasy is utterly crazy and different every time it has a numbered release. It makes the series unpredictable and makes each experience very unique. I value that.

I also love that Pokemon is the exact same thing it's been for the past 20 years, to the point my Gardevoir I caught when I was 13 years old, back in Emerald is still with me to this day in my copy of UltraMoon. I love that turn based combat and the atmosphere. I love having a game concept I've grown up with and can continue to have with me be so consistent.

Why can't both of these have value to you?

These games are made very easy and simple so the children (who the franchise targets) can play them. They aren't made for your autistic ass, sorry. Grow up and move on.

Ok retard

Hey smooth brain, ever consider that someone who agrees with the OP will likely have nothing to add or argue about so they do not respond?

Who’s going to be autistic enough to buy the same game 3 times on the switch at 59.99 plus tip

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>this coping for shoveling the same shit for 17 years

>He says as he plays Grand Theft Auto V, Metal Gear Solid V, Madden NFL, Call of Duty, etc. on his PS4

Why can't pokemon ever do something different? I mean look at dragon quest, there is an open world minecraft version of it even their mainline games have a more dynamic playstyle than their old and decrepit turn based combat that they used to have.

People have been wanting an open world pokemon game with real time combat for years and all they do is churn out the same shit with a new coat of paint.

I like Pokemon

I hate Pokemon

Because I get bored. The new versions will be cool since it's on a completely new platform, and it looks pretty fresh. But I skip 2 - 3 of these games at a time usually.

>Yea Forums is one person


Only games that are literally same fucking games every year, are sports games
Gee I can't wait to buy """new""" NHL game for 69.99 USD

Battle Frontier

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Because people will buy it anyway, and also because Gamefreak are kind of terrible developers in the first place. They just don't make good planning decisions and can be rather poor programmers. They apparently find it difficult to do anything other than what they always do, evident by the fact that they found the Switch difficult to work on despite countless indie developers being able to do so.

I don't care much about jewesses and/or big tits but I want to smash her

>go from city to city collecting pokemon and fighting gym leaders, occasionally being pulled off to do some side mission

Its not broken and not particularly in need of fixing. If anything, it's been GF's attempts to focus more on story that are making the games less enjoyable.

>Combat is so slow and methodical. Acceptable in 1997 but needs a makeover

Says you. Most people are fine with turn based battles and again, if it ain't broke don't try to fix it. GF have actually done a decent job adding new mechanics and improving systems anyway.

People play pokemon for a relaxing adventure where they explore a world and collect creatures to battle with. It's really not to difficult a concept: just make the world explorable and give us a variety of shit to collect and people will be happy.

Nah, the entire location will by the building in the center (elite 4) and the red building on the right.
Maybe there will be some NPCs and items on the left. They'll tell you about Big Ben and how fun the rollercoaster thing is.

More handholding than ever

Why are you so mad? Most Pokemon fans will agree with you that game freak is lazy and puts no effort into their games.