What will happen to our games?

What will happen to our games?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Christ-willing, all spurious entertainment will slowly be infringed upon until the masses have nothing left to kill the time with besides violence and murder. With any luck they'll turn that violence upon those most deserving and humanity will enjoy something close to freedom, but more likely we'll all just suck it down and buy our pornography licences and live in our enormous, socially-enabled padded cells until we rot away into nothing like we deserve for our inaction.

I can see the 15 apathetic twats replying already.

At a certain point, websites/companies are just going to start banning UK IPs from their websites because its going to cost them more than they would stand to gain. Honestly I hope that happens sooner rather than later.

Expecting anyone on this island to fight back. Though I do agree that this could be a good thing. If White Brits actually lose the internet for 1 month we would have our Empire back by the end of the next month.

What's stopping YouTube from just making a UK only YouTube?

a lot of american news sites already do because they don't understand GDPR. Many youtube vids are blocked too

Good, can't let zoomers become a failed generation like millennials, hopefully set them on the right course and become sepf sufficient and less whiny

>host a livestream of a moslem massacre
>nothing happens to your platform whatsoever
what did they mean by this?

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>yfw when you live in the LAND OF THE FREE

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Reminder that this is what liberals aka democrats vote for

its pretty nice desu

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>daugther gets abducted and raped
>police says the can't find her
>manage it on your own and ready to free her
>police comes in and jails you for it
The island is long lost. Nothing happened after the "asian" rapegangs got outed, it's safe to assume that nothing else will make them move either way.

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>tfw you live in the land of the people who don't care about what other people do until it becomes an annoyance to others

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Every time you vote, this is what you vote for. The government hates you and wishes you were just an illiterate retard who waddled out to work and paid taxes on time.

sites will just ban uk based ip adresses, at this point if you live in yurop you should already be using a vpn anyway. Us burgers aren’t far behind, eventually we will need an internet 2.0 call it freedom net or liberty net or something.

Absolutely nothing. If anything if they reject the idea Google will just IP range ban the UK. It's not worth bowing down to a single countries ridiculous regulations

at least I'm not English

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>hate crime patrols on social media and police literally showing up at your door for wrongthink
>Muzzie rape gangs and shitskins blowing themselves up at pop concerts
The absolute state of the UK right now. Even NI looks like a fucking paradise compared to it right now

I'd love to see them do that shit.

Don't worry. We are here to tell you what is truth.

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Jesus fucking wept, what a sham of a “justice system” honk fucking honk

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>dumb br*tish flag will finally be replaced by the glorious US flag on all websites when picking the language

Should the USA simply invade the UK?

not our problem

honk honk

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somethingsomething about the price of freedom and security or something.

Invade? They should bomb it.

>UK has the worst quality of life
>because some landwhale journalist can't stop going to macdonalds
As someone who's moved to the UK, the QoL here is fucking amazing
I can find fresh produce in any supermarket for half the price I've seen in any other country I've lived in, after taking into account my basic salary
I have relatives in sweden who are super jealous of how healthy I can eat without destroying my bank account
fuck petrol prices though, thank god everything is so close

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I hope you have your NordVPN® subscription because you're about to get banned from a shitload of sites

>implying america is much better
started as the freest nation on earth, 200 years later it's on par with all the other welfare states

Brits seriously need to overthrow their entire government. Too bad they have absolutely no chance of doing that since they don't have a built in failsafe against government tyranny in the form of a shitload of civilian owned guns like the US does. It'd be amusing to see them try with plastic butter knives and whatever dull kiddy craft table-tier safety scissors their scissors license allows them to buy, though.

Like really I don't think even the diehard IRA types and all the bombs and guns they probably have squirelled away could help you at this point. You're fucked.

i dont think it would be that difficult finding a used pipe somewhere and smacking some cop over the head with it

I'll become an hero if they block Yea Forums, it's not like I can do anything else.

well realistically i suppose you'd only need a big rock, britain looks pretty good for ambushes and close combat

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>they take our games
>we kill them
Priorities. How the hell aren't video games an addiction?

>oy m80 ya got a rawk loicense?

It's not like banning things comes with banning the knowledge of making things. I mean there was this based Brit who got jailed for proving that point.

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>britbongs get their own quarantined sections on sites on big platforms like Facebook and YouTube
>Yea Forums just range bans UK IPs so only bongs with a VPN can post
Sounds like a positive to me

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>crosses border
>changes demographics
>changes voting patters
>votes freedom away

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Finally being free from this place would be a blessing.


What voting patterns were changed, exactly?

>land of the free
Choose one and only one

How exactly does this work? I cannot into laws.


>Implying the NSA, or any other government organization, actually does anything.

Britbongs do nothing but drink all day anyway, they won't do shit as long they don't touch their pubs

>you will never be part of the radical moderate deathsquads that go killhunting all the political shiposters from far-right and left

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It's not that they don't understand it, it's that it is simply easier to just block the country. Think for a second, take 5 minutes to ipblock all of the UK, or keep staff on hand to review all content to make sure everything is GDPR compliant?

Not only do they need a VPN to post they'll need a Yea Forums pass because pretty much every VPN server IP is already banned here. So hiro wins big

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Let's be honest here, each country has its share of issues and the States definitely have issues.

>denying PRISM
I know burgers are delusional, but come on

>wanting basic freedoms makes you an anarchist
Double yikes

>use camera to livestream a moslem massacre
>nothing happens to camera manufacturers whatsoever

internet is a tool first and foremost. people should stop treating internet as extension of your real live.

>muh whore's shoe
It is babby's way of describing things when they're too scared of reading the specifics.

More like they want to keep selling on your information without your consent.

all websites should have a chance to NOT PROVIDE SERVICE to anyone affilited to the UK and its territories before this would pass, otherwise it would just be the UK government using more power than they deserve or have the right to.

The default option is actually to just do nothing. If you don't live in the UK, and your servers aren't in the UK, there isn't much the UK government can actually threaten you with.
If Yea Forums ever rangebans the UK, it's because Hiromoot is in the Queen's pocket.


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>leafposting on the rise as a result

>video games
That's a luxury. Basic freedoms are the ones like moving from A to B without being systematically prevented from doing so.

here's your tax payer money being put to good use bro

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>imagine being an Englishman

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I'm lately considering violence more and more as an option. The real question is not acquiring the correct tools, it's more thinking of the correct targets. It'd do no good to shoot a bunch of innocent civilians and low-level workers. I'd go after the boards of directors of banks and telecommunications companies. The problem is I have no clue how to track and intercept said targets.
I imagine it's a problem for every other person too, given how many violent activists shoot up a bunch of innocents rather than anyone actually responsible for the world's evils.

Nothing. It's just about privacy and cheese pizza.

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If the uk sinks to the bottom of the atlantic tomorrow, there would be absolutely nothing of value to be lost

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>wanting your nation's military to look like a bunch of diverse feminized cucks

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Those companies are going to make UK only version or just range ban the UK becuase it wouldn't be worth the money loss.


>encouraging troops to be more emotional
but wouldn't having a bunch of apathetic macho guys as soldiers be objectively better than people who will cry and feel emotions towards the other side?

Well, yes facts arent subjective despite what poltards will tell you

"we do this becaus we want to do this, fuck you that's how it works"

>Never having to deal with another Euro trash while gaming or using the Internet
Sounds great. Now we just need to segregate all Mexicans into their own servers and all will be good.

>imagine not carrying your sandwich license on your person

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Nukes were a fucking mistake. We really need a good ole fashioned war right about now

stop questioning the authority, you bigot

bongistan is an orwellian nightmare made reality.

>when your entire squad lays down their weapons in a firefight because it's mandatory prayer time

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Who needs a man in a nuke fight anyway? all you have to do is push a button!

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I hope every day someone would push that fucking button

>Trying to get a forensic psychology masters
>insults a mentally unstable person
Truly earning that masters

>that image

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t. discord tranny

>nanny state tries to police the internet
good one

I wouldn't be surprised if a neighbourhood in the UK declares itself a no-police zone and actively attacks police that approach.
Because if your police defend the muggers and rapists but will attack your civilians who complain or defend themselves, then your police are more harmful than helpful, and so I'd expect to see citizens think that not having police would be better than having them.

they will just block UK from accessing those sites
this is unironically a good thing since sites like facebook, twitter and youtube are the whole reason the world is such a shithole these days

the liberals in the UK just made the biggest mistake they could ever make

I wish I had the webm where is takes 20 british cops to take down a guy that has a butter knife.

here's your well trained police bro

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1: literally a daily mail article fucking hell, don't you americans know the daily mail is an outrage mag, it exists just to make people angry?
2: This is a desperate attempt to get anyone to join the army, nobody actually wants to fight and die for the government. So now they're trying to attract muslims instead of regular working folk.

u got a license for that post m8?

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Unironically better then this

There's also some rural homeowner who got told to remove his barbed wire fence because burglars might get hurt by it

>perceived to be
So it doesn't have to actually proven to be motivated by X an Y, just assumed by someone to be such?

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The one on the right is guy in fancy dress

Nice fake news circle jerk you guys have going in this thread.

>Butter knife
It was bigger than that and it took 1 cop with a tazer to get him but the webm cuts off before then.

You know this is faked right?

What the fuck is the point of the cops in Britain?

what an absolute joke of a country

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I knew this was coming, and that this was the real reason for the "porn" ban. Putting the infrastructure in place to police the whole internet.

To arrest people saying mean things on the internet


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That looks pretty real me me, the black looks pretty drunk looking by those movements.

>tfw growing more anti-government by the day
I just wanted to shut myself out of the world and enjoy the net, why can't they leave my world alone?

you know, all those old Rareware games, up to and including Nuts&Bolts all made fun of and mocked the police, i wonder if new rare has the balls to do that anymore.

Attached: rareware.gif (347x385, 193K)

to arrest whites.


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UK is a perfect example why you should never give up your guns.

they're there to arrest law abiding white people, not muslim/black criminals

Here comes the seething britcuck

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>tranny cops


So you admit it's fake?

I came to post this.
We stopped putting up with the UK’s shit back in the 18th century why would we put up with it now?


Noone is innocent, all the rich shits that run this planet would be powerless against the whole of mankind who have everything to gain from ousting them. Herd mentality is the root of this world's evil, every single person is responsible.

Like this isn't happening everywhere.

>So it doesn't have to actually proven to be motivated by X an Y, just assumed by someone to be such?
Are you really unfamiliar with the tale of Count Dankula? He trained his pug, whom his girlfriend thought was the cutest thing in the world that could do no wrong, so salute to various nazi phrases. Like "gas the jews" or "zieg hiel", the pug would then put up its paw to do a nazi salute. He made a video of it, had a laugh, and was fined 800 pounds for hate speech. With the judge citing that the context was irrelevant.

>The guy has a shirt around his shoe for no reason
>Swaying side side when he stands still and moves like he drunk
>That many fucking cops and cars used to fake something
Ya, I doubt that is fake.

they arrest the dissenters

Fuck no, the UK is literally 1984 tier.

You guys do realize that they will ban Yea Forums, right? Yea Forums is a target for leftists. And what they don't understand is that Yea Forums is not a political leaning site, it's just that leftists have completely went crazy and now call for censorship and other retarded shit conservatives used to call for.

So that's why Harry was criticizing Fortnite the other day. It was to drum up support against social media and gaming in general.

Britain is slowly getting more and more fucked it feels. TV licenses, pornography censorship and licenses, banned video games and social media.

To arrest the populace for wrong think and to keep the labor party in control.

I'm starting to think people intentionally fall for clickbait like this, even when they know it's bullshit.

>The FBI would like to know your location

>all that history destroyed
that can't be true
>look it up and it's actually true
my god what have they done

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>the daily mail is an outrage mag, it exists just to make people angry?
Working as intended.

Is there really a guy in thread just screaming everything is fake? Does he live in the UK or something?

Nope, doesn't work like that
If non muzzie, non shitskin people declare their area a no police zone, the full force of the police will come down on them and intimidate and threaten the people who dared try it

But if a muslim/shitskin area declares their area under sharia law and have private sharia police, that's completely fine and encouraged even!

UK is completely fucked and their entire island should be glassed as an act of mercy

You're technically correct but violence can't cure stupidity and "it's somebody elses fault"ism. It CAN cure tyranny.

jews and shitskins working together to harm white children
this is what our great grandfathers fought in the war for



Making sure Muslim child rapists can easily get their targets

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It's a bit tonedeaf

going to the uk to get edumacated was the worst 3 years I have spent
I had my comp sci course (in the MMU) interrupted for some tranny fucks and their beta orbiters to abloblo for 2 hours about how oppressed they are

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Tell me about your ISP market.

epic f*ckin libtard ownage


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