Stop treating women like objects in videogames
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I only treat women in videogames like 77% of an object.
thats a man talking right? is my trap detector malfunctioning again
funny... I just got done jerking off to my Fallout 4 mods.
the interactivity makes this better than porn
I don't really care if people objectize women with horny mods, the problem is why the fuck would you install those at the first place
literally, literally a 56% mutt
i might not be the most attractive person in the world, but at least i'm not this thing
Wanna know how OP found this? By searching this shit on youtube 24/7, actively trying to get outraged. What a massive faggot.
have sex
>why would you watch porn
HMM I don't know
>why would you install mods that turn your game into interactive porn
HMM I don't know
I don't understand these talks about women being treated like objects. Like....what object? A screwdriver? Because those are pretty cool.
I still don't understand how an obscure, irrelevant indie dev having her pussy eaten at 5 Guys escalated into the whole #gamergate thing.
There aren't enough games where you can rape then murder women
La average Americana....
In videogames they are quite literally objects.
god that DLC was a fucking mess
>from CoA cannibals in a vault to nightclub underground mall
If you're developing a videogame, everything is an object.
>Implying it isn't the fag himself shilling his own video
>those other videos on that channel
Holy fuck
>the video games don't respect us wahmens
On what planet do you have to be to think in that manner? Video games don't respect us men because you can kill men in video games. Delusional.
i don't understand why people still talk about it
the butthurt never ends
Women are objects in video games, so are men for that matter. They're just not static.
they shouldn't allow crazy people on the internet
thanks OP really fucking got me salted up.
You could also make them worshippable objects in games, I guess.
I am an equal opportunity penetrator, just because I use dick on one and bullets on the other doesn't mean I consider one superior.
Based Todd
What the fuck is this youtube channel?
>Simulation of real life
So, where can I pay to have swarms of women beat each other to death while I lob grenades into the ring?
>low effort shitpost bait by an aussie on dial up wifi, on a phone
The island golems will soon be eradicated from the internet.
Source on mod?
WWE, byo grenades though.
Women can be used as a bludgeoning object or a crafting tool in videogames? Cool!
>she doesn't even know Fallout 4
Does she like the sound of her own voice?
>Having to bring my own grenades
What low-class bullshit is this, like having to bring my own spoon and fork to a restaurant.
literally says misty's outfit
your boner is hogging all of your blood user save some for your brain
watch her half life video.
So, have millennials run out of shit to be offended by, so they search for tweets that literally no one has read and videos nobody watched to feed their outrage addiction?
I'm not even sure if I want to look for it, user.
Please someone should sent her this to see lmao
>"I'm not a real clown."
You look like a clown to me, darling.
>what object?
dress up dolls
punching bags
who the fuck are you talking to lol?
What about her?
She's just the average American woman.
This is funny but so many dislikes. Mod name
Fuck off and get over it. You want it even? do it for men and call it even.
>bethesda game
>simulation of real-life
holy shit this entire youtube channel is such a trainwreck there's probably an alternate reality where she's a massive lolcow
No. You can’t have it both ways.
There is only one gender and women are property.
Prove me wrong.
Where is gore like NV?
Haha what is that image?
I dunno, man. This account has no views and it's some weird woman dressing up as a bald clown. Are you sure this one isn't some kind of weird joke? The description is giving off some red flags but I can never be sure these days because those people are actually that retarded.
>Mentall illness is real
Yeah I guessed from the thumbnails.
>women are objects
Why do they objectify themselves on Instagram then? Checkmate feminists.
>There is only one gender
Humans have two sexes, gender is a fabrication.
>women are property.
Property is also a fabrication
>people use it to smoke crack i uh learned the other day
What the fuck, i dont even know if this is satire or not, i literally cant fucking tell.
>Wanna know how OP found this?
By shilling their trash here.
Her voice almost made me think it was satire
>probably a third of those are from Yea Forums at this point
Pls leave lil lunchbox, I'd say nobody cares but apparently Yea Forums does enough to bother complaining
But women are objects.
but super mutant dont have genitals, some of them are even female but because of the fev they all become some genderless hulking monster
She actually sorta cute with hair. Too bad about the gay frog water getting to her though.
Yeah, i cant fucking tell whats satire and what isnt these days, half the shit on the onion could be fucking real for example.
Like we live in a world in which ' is air conditioning sexist? ' is a real article.
This thread was probably posted by the attention whore in question.
the fucking horrors you've released upon us
>ronald mcdonald crucified, clown oppression is real
all the way at the bottom, near the other vid already linked.
Is this a custom location? I thought I seen everywhere in Fallout 4 but I don't remember an interior with a ring outside the Combat Zone. Also that Misty outfit reminds me I'm long overdue for mods on my new PC.
thats very liberal of you, good on ya.
that whale tail on the player character though. whale tail is one of my major fetish, especially combined with high cut thongs
They want it both ways.
Name of the game at this video?
Every character in video game is an object.
The list is way longer user, also it's not like those are useless objects far from it.
Women are objects in real life
you're an object that i want to hug
>punching bags
So women can't be enemies?
>Stop treating women like objects in videogames.
I will when they stop acting like them.
hmm hard to stop treating them as something they are xD
Oblivion 4.
so.. are there mods for fallout4 vr to have naked loli sex slaves? I'm not sexist I can masturbate to little naked boys too, but I do have to kill them afterwards or I feel like a fucked up monster.
What kind of creature is this?
>waaa we are not property stop objectifying us patriarchs
>secretly plays slut games
>dreams about bad boy chad thundercock treating her like a cocksleeve
why are some women so hypocritical
Who care?
Post more FO4 sluts.
Tell me when you find a non hypocrite woman
>location: sweden
fucking kek
>I look like a c-...
$100 this person was going to call herself a clown, but not in a way she likes to "identify" or whatever the hell obsession she has with clowns.
>"Mental illness is REAL"
I agree, and she suffers from it severely.
Why not?
la creatura americana
no its a woman but ur alright for thinking otherwise, shes pretty dogfaced
i'm pretty sure everything in a videogame is an object, depending on the language they're written in.
I treat all characters in video games as objects if they're clearly designed to be there for a single purpose. I'm not going to view someone who just stands there and gives you quests as a person..
a literal american clown
Isn't everybody an object?
I mean, we all exist in the real world. We're physical and tangential.
>someone unironically takes this shit seriously
comedy gold
Why yes I'm american, how did you know?
>mentally ill la creatura from sweden dressed as a clown
Welcome to 21st century motherfucker
dios mio
women are objects
yes pure american
Women basically just want to do anything they want without any negative attention or criticism. They feel entitled to only receive the specific reactions they're fishing for from the specific people or type of people they want them from. They also can't comprehend how certain types of behavior in one place can color people's perceptions of them in everything they do. Basically, women want it all and don't want to be held to any kind of standards or rules ever.
Why do people have issues differentiating fantasy from reality? She does realise they're not real women... right?
Explain why one makes you his gimp in 2 or Marcus comment about the juices flowing again.
are these posts just flaseflags by americans?
This says a lot about our society, and yet we continue to live in one.
No sweetie, that's empowering because the women's doing it, and not a cis white male.
what if i treat everyone like an object? would that make you bigoted against autistic people?
I treat women like objects in real life don't worry
Fuck you I do what I want
Find a different crusade OP. You aren't gonna win this one.
No, fuck you
she fucked around to get her shit game reviewed positively.
the real travesty is the people that still paid any attention to mainstream reviewers
>invades a male space hobby
>gets treated exactly like how other males treats each other in their hobbies
>wahhhh why are men so toxic to me Abloo Ablooo AHsjffkkfkdkfjjejfbf
It's literally confirmed by the writer that Marcus was fucking with you, super mutants don't have genitals.
This is a troll right?
>women throughout history have always been treated like shit / meat / objects
>recently societies started realizing they are human beings with rights
>men live off their fantasies with imagination / virtual stuff to not hurt women anymore
What is this woman?
Is she pretending, or is she legitimately a schizophrenic clown?
just drove home from work and had the radio on, some old time ballad was on and the guy singing went "there goes my only possession" as it if was romantic. thought those kind of songs were banned now. surprised no one called in to complain.
>pay tribute at shrine of unscrupulous harlot
>+5 karma in Twitchington
>-500 shekels
But they literally are nothing but objects. Video game characters aren't real.
"treat women like an object"
what does that even mean, and how the fuck does that even work? i am seriously clueless. can someone give an example of treating a women like an object vs not treating like a non-object?
women treat themselves like objects, im just following their lead
imagine there is a image here of a collection of instagram thots
La Luz Extinguido
Basically, it all comes down to feminism and the desire to be completely free of male control.
You're not allowed to tell women what they can and can't do, even if its for their own good.
It's like kids complaining their parents tell them not to take candy from stranders
That's an Ogro de las Americas. Dios. Mio.
Except this isn't exclusive to women. EVERYONE except a very few people had a shit time through history and now women look at those few powerful men in history and say that all men were exactly the same which is bullshit. Your average feudal serf had just as much power as his wife. None.
el famoso
>first thumb
What a fucking joyless bitch.
They still have genitals mate, they’re just infertile
>this is whose opinions were supposed to take seriously when they don't even take themselves seriously
Clown world
>my psychologist broke up with me
This girl is going somewhere her parents don't understand.
I think that channel is one big advert for the upcoming joker movie
Holy shit man.
Clown world stopped being a meme before it even became one apparently.
>my psychologist broke up with me
Is that meta humor or just retard speak?
The video is obviously satire
>that description
Jesus fucking christ lmao
thank you OP for introducing me to this trainwreck of a fucking channel
dios mío...
El Monstruo...
la creatura
Women are objects. In real life too
le ebic samefag
i'm pretty sure OP found this by way of /biz/ who recently had a thread about her.
that's the way i found her, and then spent FAR too long looking at her and her husband fuck up their relationship, possibly for youtube dramabucks.
Stop using object-oriented languages to make your games then.
>Not treating everything as objects
I'm so fresh you can suck my nuts
This is too whack to not be satire, right?
le epic moron
>Stop treating women like objects in videogames
But women in videogames ARE literally objects. Just like everything else that's in a videogame. Are you mentally ill perhaps? You seem to have trouble separating reality and fiction.
Took a look at the other videos on that channel, and holy shit what the fuck is this?
damn now i'm hungry user
>"You could say its just a game"
>"But this is a simulation of real life"
bros how come lefties always act this retarded?
I'll make YOU a mother instead.
Sorry do these people expect to have an emotional connection to every women we meet or see? Porn is purely an object, sex workers are basically walking objects. Doesnt matter if theyre people. Do you have a connection with every shlub you walk past? Not how people work
fuck you
I want a woman to treat me like an object.
So does this girl have fur or not? Her shoulders look furry but her arms and thighs are smooth.
But women in games are video game objects though, like men and other models.
she does, it's thicker at some places and short, velvet smooth at others
which and where is up to your imagination, apart from the spots that are obviously visibile
Don't worry about it, user.
Lazy, obvious parody.
i cant be the only one getting aroused by the way she speaks r-right?
A timeline.
So basically only this thread, yet everyone is still acting like this is a popular opinion.
not sure if mentally ill clown woman or master troll
the way she looks definitely supports the former
Because they're intending the message in OP towards beta males who play video games to make it easier for them to find Chad.
>moves to sweden
Why does this country attract so many fucking degenerates?
Pretty simple. It’s just the idea of not thinking of a woman as a human being. It’s just a more dramatic way of saying that you’re not thinking of a woman’s thoughts and emotions and instead just see her as a thing to fulfill your sexual desires. And it’s true that games can objectify women in the sense that they can encourage you to view women for their bodies, but to ask someone not to treat a video game women as an object is retarded because they literally are objects.
unironically because /pol/tards keep memeing it up to be a degeneracy paradise
its a self fulfilling prophecy, once you are vocal enough that all weirdos live there, weirdos move to live there because they think they'll be among comrades
This has to be a troll clown girl. Literally clowning around
Someone needs to give her a honk maybe she'll stop bitching
women in video games ARE objects, they are not people.
sweden was lost long ago
it's better if they all gather there
>Limp Bizkit
Jesus fuck
>people are screaming about legs being broken
How the fuck it's possible to go from pic related to this Mental illness is real indeed.
So stop putting women in video games?
Women are property.
>Stop treating women like objects in videogames
nice shilling there baybee
>its a self fulfilling prophecy
Wait a second, it doesn't work for anything else.
Where are the people complaining about men being killed and objectified in video games?
>"This is a simulation of real life"
>Immediate next scene has one of the girls floating in the air because there are too many of them in the ring
Man of taste
Raise your hand if the only times you see shit like this is when some faggot like OP posts it on here.
>mfw took me a second to figure out this channel is a master bait channel meant to troll incels.
This thread is full of babbys.