Whatever happened to Fable?

Whatever happened to Fable?

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They're working on a new one.

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And then they killed the dog.


Peter Molecule couldn't stop lying unapologetically and people had enough. Chasing the Kinect meme didn't help them either.

Shame because 1 and 2 at least had a fair bit of soul despite failing to reach hype

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Molyneux. He's literally the single reason why they've never even tried to surpass the already mediocre but at least comfy and soulful The Lost Chapters instead focusing on some retarded gimmick bullshit making it less and less of an actual videogame with each subsequent release.

Microsoft could've literally had their own system seller with this franchise but at least it serves as a cautionary tale of how whoring out franchises and lying to your audience can destroy a studio

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How does the second one compare to the first one? Idk if i should bother with it.

Better in almost every way. It's the 3rd that was the real letdown.

every single game was trash, that is what happened to fable. i wonder how it was succesful enough to warrant 2 sequels.

Fable 3 came out

fable 1 wasn't even that good
combat was pure shit and xp farming mechanic was a fucking joke, basically don't get hit and abuse ranged weapons to get a lots of xp

I think the combat was a lot worse in 2 than it was in 1 myself. Melee combat was pointless unless you did nothing but flourishes the whole time.

I really enjoyed fable II, III was tolarable I guess, but that kinect game was awful.

The man was hell bent on deconstructing the RPG. He went so far that he deconstructed the entire franchise and his career in the process.

Remember in Fable 3 when they replaced the equipment menu with a room you had to run around and select items in?

First game was, as its title suggest, a fable. A cool adventure story like you'd find in a fairy tale book. The world is unique and while not particularly realistic, it's immersive and imaginative.

The third game was a shitty cashgrab game that tried to emulate the first but failed miserably. It's a generic steampunk-medieval kind of setting with a very generic story and boring gameplay. It's still decent enough for a playthrough but it's not anywhere near as "magical" as the first one.

It's what happens when a guy like Molyneux is passionate about creating a game (first one) and when a company bangs a billion bucks together to create a product that gains them profit (third). Second is irrelevant as it's a silly exclusive and I never tried it.

>Remember in Fable 3 when they replaced the equipment menu with a room you had to run around and select items in?

Remember how it took a good thirty seconds to load those pause menu rooms?

new game in development

At least as good if you don't have nostalgia goggles.

Why did they think a 4 on 1 game was going to sell well? Also i just got a youtube add for some mobile spinoff

Its dead jim

>Remember in Fable 3 when they replaced the equipment menu with a room you had to run around and select items in?
so awful. wtf was he thinking?

Fable had a lot of faults, but 2 somehow delivered on an amazing final battle imo. Fighting on the beach with all 3 heroes vs Lucien's army is one of my favorite moments. Really wish 2 would come to PC.

Not worth bothering with until they port is to pc

Peter Molyneux, he is probably single handedly responsible for the series's downfall, his lying and bullshit broke a lot of people with Fable 3, one event for the game was him just bullshitting all the way through, none of what he said was in the game
Then they were releasing a slew of kinect games nobody asked for which sealed the fate of Fable and Lionhead
Fable was never really that good, played Fable 1 recently and its pretty generic, looking back the game feels unfinished and you can tell they wanted to make an open world sandbox that reacts to you but they never managed to do it because of development time constantly being shifted, likely due to molyneux and ended in crunch time development and you can kinda tell with the way its designed

Fable 4 is in development apparently.

>Really wish 2 would come to PC.
With Halo releasing on PC, it's certainly a possibility.

"Terranigma was an amazing Game"

And Microsoft basically bought a bunch of classic RPG devs, seems like Fable 4 is still years away.

Wait til E3, you will love the next one, but it won't an evolution of the fable formula, it will be a by the numbers open world rpg with a fable skin.

I wish I could play Fable 2 on the PC again. That game got me through most of middle school

Fable Legends actually looked perfectly fine for a spinoff, why did they cancel it?

>no fable 2 anniversary
Fuck you Microsoft, I can't even find my Fable 2 disc after all the moves I've done since Fable 2, haven't even gotten that Xbox 360 emulation for PC Microsoft mentioned, what a joke.

>it will be a by the numbers open world rpg with a fable skin.

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It got canned iirc