What the fuck was their problem?

what the fuck was their problem?

Attached: senpou_battle_monk_enemy[1].png (1920x1080, 2.58M)

Some kids just want to be a spinning top when they grow up.
They made their dreams reality, what happened to yours?

If you can't handle them, sneak up from the side, stealth deathblow one, leave until the other two forget about you, then stealth deathblow them.

do they have any weakness? I tried every prosthetic and nothing works

their gigantic pride
use it to your advantage

Stealth deathblow the patrolling one, then stealh deathblow one of those two, then fight the last one.

Anti-air death blow

thats a bitch to get it right

Attached: 20190405191923_1.jpg (3840x1600, 762K)

Attached: imma gonna fuck your shit up.jpg (770x472, 124K)

shuriken them out of the air
Or try to hit them with High Monk / Senpou Kicks

Attached: monkman.webm (960x540, 2.98M)

Just fight them one by one

I never got that to trigger even once in my entire playthrough.

me too actually

It's pretty deliberate despite how broken it sounds.

You can actually farm those two for some nice exp, cash and candy/upgrade mats. Just run up to the one with his back to you, ninja smoke cloud him and back stab the other.

I managed to aggro them and then lure one around the corner and kill it, the rest went back to their posts and I stealth killed them.

How to time air deathblow on these assholes?

run past

AA deathblow only works on them when they are in the air winding up their big beyblade spinning attack that hurts like hell. It's not a perilous attack, it just hits you multiple times and they can come flying at you like a rocket from very far away w/ it

I found that you could just mash against these guys and they can't do anything.

that's bullshit, they block and parry your attack spam just like ninjas and samurai

upon deflect they do 1 thing, jump back. after they jump back, they either go for shuriken throws, which you fucking dodge and keep spam dabbing on them, or they do some pole jumping attack which you also fucking dodge and continue spam dabbing on them.

They just block all this spam dabbing unless they are actively in the middle of an attacking animation, where yo might get like 1 or 2 hits in sometimes, or if you're lucky you'll knock them on their back. Sure you can break their posture with constant back and forth sword clanging of blocks and deflects and occasional hits, but you can do that with any enemy. They are not weak to it

You have to wait for the moment when they jump in the air to do the heavy slam. He'll do a small spin in the place of the jump before he attacks, which gives you ample time to one shot him.

they are weak to fucking dying user, and im telling you how to make them dead. it takes like 10 seconds per enemy. you LITERALLY spam r1, dodge when you see them going for an attack and just follow up with spamming r1 again.

So what they just don't block attacks in your game? Because they definitely do in mine

they dont block every attack. little by little you end up breaking their posture. i dont have time to wait for him to have mercy to attack me so i can deflect, and im also not gonna spend any time timing my deflects against a regular +1 mook.

They're weak because they try to get away from you instead of blocking everything. If you just keep pressuring them, they keep falling back and you can keep hitting them. A lot of their attacks also have lots of windup, and I don't think they really have any super armor.

Floating passage works especially well against them, and it's useless against enemies that block a lot.

When they jump away from you, immediately chase with a dash.
If you see them get ready to jump, jump as well, boom, deathblow.
Never had an issue with these dudes.

So what you jump when they jump? These guys are just so time consuming I just run past them.

>puppeteer one of them
>they start fighting
>not even hitting each other because they're spinning and flipping all over the fucking place
>I can't get involved because they'll both hit me by accident
Yeah I'm just going to move on

autism monks

Yes, you both have to be in the air for the AA to work, looks just like a normal deathblow indicator.

I do it all the time to the centipedes and geckos, but it's easy on them, can never get it to work on the monks, prompt doesn't show.

99% of their moves are spinny-slashy ones. Jump on their heads to stun and slice away. Once u get a good combo going they'll fail to defend until their health or posture is chipped nicely.
You could also parry if you've slept enough hours to git gud @ reflexes but then you wouldn't be whining, eh?

that's just an air to ground one, it's easy af

Centipedes and geckos are different.
There's a loading screen prompt about crawling enemies and how you can always deathblow them.

You can jump slash, the jump into him rinse repeat. Works everytime.

I got the Platinum last night on NG+3 and I've never once fought any of these guys