How is the fanslation?
Did the same people who translated AAI2 translate this?
How is the fanslation?
Did the same people who translated AAI2 translate this?
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It's shit.
No, they aren't.
>it's shit
My instinct is to not believe anyone on Yea Forums who says something is shit.
Explain why it's not a good translation.
it's not shit, some retard is buttmad they didn't accept his cringy joke names seen here
Post a cracked apk and I'll tell you how it is.
go back
>implying 3DS isn't mobile
See >I understand Japanese and gave it a look just to see. It's honestly a load of shit. They miss out on a load of puns and references to real stuff like Natsume Souseki's books (like the cat) and the quality of the translation in general seems like it was done by someone who only understood half of what was being said. It's cleaned up by a native English speaker after the fact so it may not be immediately apparent.
>There's also a bunch of straight-up rewrites which seem highly questionable, not sure if they did this as "localization" or because they straight up didn't understand any of the source text and just made up stuff to cover it.
>I'm sure people will come to defend how it's better than nothing but I just want to say that this does not at all represent how good the game actually is.
>Half of Natsume Souseki's lines (pretty much everything that references/quotes one of his books) are a load of nonsense.
>>They also inexplicably missed a load of Sherlock Holmes source material references like with the chapter 2 speckled band stuff.
>I guess maybe it's because they're not familiar with the Japanese translations of Sherlock Holmes stuff. Daigyakuten has tons of references to Holmes stuff because you know Holmes is in the game, but a lot of this English translation turns the wording into other stuff.
>Puns are one thing, but Daigyakuten has a famous writer as a character in the game talking in quotes from his own books.
>This fan translation does the equivalent of having a game where Shakespeare says "my kingdom for a horse", only to translate the line to "I will sell you my house for two donkeys". It's that bad.
>The translation quality all over is shoddy and filled with guesswork but Natsume's just a travesty.
>Do these people actually give a single shit about the content of the game? Because from how little they know about them it seems like they don't care/know at all about Natsume Souseki or Sherlock Holmes, at least.
>the translators are a bunch of circlejerking faggots who take any outside criticism as personal attacks and react by blocking the person. heck, they've taken internal criticism as personal attacks and that's why there was a bunch of drama a year and a half ago during the third case's translation
It's shit.