How is the fanslation?
Did the same people who translated AAI2 translate this?
How is the fanslation?
Did the same people who translated AAI2 translate this?
Other urls found in this thread:
It's shit.
No, they aren't.
>it's shit
My instinct is to not believe anyone on Yea Forums who says something is shit.
Explain why it's not a good translation.
it's not shit, some retard is buttmad they didn't accept his cringy joke names seen here
Post a cracked apk and I'll tell you how it is.
go back
>implying 3DS isn't mobile
See >I understand Japanese and gave it a look just to see. It's honestly a load of shit. They miss out on a load of puns and references to real stuff like Natsume Souseki's books (like the cat) and the quality of the translation in general seems like it was done by someone who only understood half of what was being said. It's cleaned up by a native English speaker after the fact so it may not be immediately apparent.
>There's also a bunch of straight-up rewrites which seem highly questionable, not sure if they did this as "localization" or because they straight up didn't understand any of the source text and just made up stuff to cover it.
>I'm sure people will come to defend how it's better than nothing but I just want to say that this does not at all represent how good the game actually is.
>Half of Natsume Souseki's lines (pretty much everything that references/quotes one of his books) are a load of nonsense.
>>They also inexplicably missed a load of Sherlock Holmes source material references like with the chapter 2 speckled band stuff.
>I guess maybe it's because they're not familiar with the Japanese translations of Sherlock Holmes stuff. Daigyakuten has tons of references to Holmes stuff because you know Holmes is in the game, but a lot of this English translation turns the wording into other stuff.
>Puns are one thing, but Daigyakuten has a famous writer as a character in the game talking in quotes from his own books.
>This fan translation does the equivalent of having a game where Shakespeare says "my kingdom for a horse", only to translate the line to "I will sell you my house for two donkeys". It's that bad.
>The translation quality all over is shoddy and filled with guesswork but Natsume's just a travesty.
>Do these people actually give a single shit about the content of the game? Because from how little they know about them it seems like they don't care/know at all about Natsume Souseki or Sherlock Holmes, at least.
>the translators are a bunch of circlejerking faggots who take any outside criticism as personal attacks and react by blocking the person. heck, they've taken internal criticism as personal attacks and that's why there was a bunch of drama a year and a half ago during the third case's translation
It's shit.
These seem like reasonable objections.
Same as eroge translations then.
Well yeah, that's just how fan translation groups are, ineptitude at translation included.
AAI2's group was based though, they even got good voices for the objections.
based two donkeys
Ok, that really sucks. Is the game good enough to sit through the shoddy translation? I heard the reason it never came West was because of Japanese wordplay being needed for the puzzles. I may be able to look past the missing references if the characters and cases are compelling enough. Listening to the music for years just isn't cutting it, I need my AA dose.
It's a great game, but you also need DGS2 for the full experience.
There's no Japanese wordplay in this. Also it's set in London.
They didn't bring it over to the west because the characters are OBVIOUSLY Japanese and British and they couldn't find a way to pretend they were American.
So just pretend their english folks??
>full experience
Is 1 lackluster if you don't play 2?
What a dumb reason, I hope that's not true but I don't doubt it.
>Is 1 lackluster if you don't play 2?
Kind of, there's a ton of setup with almost no payoff right from the game's first case. DGS2 answers everything.
All of that is understandable, but even though you pre-emptively called this argument out, I have to say: it's better than nothing.
Granted, I've only played a couple cases. But what I've seen so far has been superbly polished and well-written. Even if it's full of translation errors, it still conveys the functional content of the game to me without skipping a beat. I never expected DGS to ever be in English, but here it is. Unless someone wants to step up and do a better job, I'm going to play this release.
I'm not familiar with the history of this translation team, but I've heard that they're quick to fix reported errors with their scripts. Has all of this stuff been shown to them? If so, what was their response? I have a feeling I'm missing half of the story on this.
See the linked thread, they (or their cronies) immediately went into retarded defence force mode and started shitposting.
See the linked house, they (or their two donkeys) immediately went into retarded sell force mode and started selling houses for two donkeys.
Oh, I didn't realize that post was all quotes from that thread. Guess I'll have to get some popcorn and see what went down in there. Thanks.
Not much, the guy pointing out the mistakes just left and then some people started pasting the two donkey shit at them and they seriously though it was the same guy.
It's okay-ish but they changed a lot of shit needlessly and a lot of dialogue feels like cleaned up google translate, extremely stiff.
And fuck no, completely different people than AAI2 ones made it.
Finished reading through it all. It actually sounds like the guy critiquing them is full of shit. People repeatedly told him to bring these issues to the translators or cite specific examples, and he just blows them off and tells them he can't be bothered.
Also no evidence that the guys arguing with him in there were the translators, and if one of them is to be believed, they actually provided corrections for Holmes references to the team and the fixes for those were implemented.
This all sounds like another case of Yea Forums kneejerking about something based off of one blowhard spouting shit, and I'm glad I read into this myself.
I've only played the first two cases, and the dialog felt very natural. Does it get worse in the later cases or something?
AAI2 fantranslation was an exception, not the norm.
It's not only one of the best fantranslations ever made but one of best videogame translations ever made period.
stupid fucking capcom. you've re-released the phoenix wright trilogy so fucking much you could have taken the opportunity to re-translate them correctly this time
>Is 1 lackluster if you don't play 2?
Vast majority of plot threads don't get resolved at all and the game literally ends on *cut to black* TO BE CONTINUED IN THE NEXT GAME...
>only reads surface shit posted to Yea Forums from a bunch of people not remotely involved with the translation
>I'm glad I read into this myself
Look up all the shit revolving around uwabami (one of the admins of the project and the source of all the internal drama that stalled its release for over a year)
Better yet, find one of the scarlet study's proofreaders and ask them to tell you about uwabami.
Im not that guy but i dont wanna find people to talk to unless they're on these threads, gimme a condensed version of the drama
>I've only played the first two cases, and the dialog felt very natural. Does it get worse in the later cases or something?
They rewrote cases 1-3 in the final patch, they were MUCH worse before.
I don't really care about internal drama. That happens with every fan mod team. What I care about is the quality of the end product, and so far, from what I can see, it looks great.
I googled that guy and couldn't find anything about drama anyway, so if you aren't gonna spoonfeed it to me then I won't ever see it.
>Tries to make translation only work with legitimately bought versions of the game
>Some guy makes a patch that enables the translation to work on pirated .cia/.3ds files
>Whenever anyone even mentions the patch on any website, uwabami mass reports that person's post and profile and literally screeches until mods do something
>Someone mentions how one part of case 2 is translated wrong and what the actual meaning is in Japanese and how it should be translated to english
>Discussion channels in discord get locked and hidden for about a week while uwabami throws a temper tantrum at the people who support the actual correct translation
>"ok fine retranslate EVERYTHING, from scratch"
>They were well into case 3 and suddenly had to restart from the beginning of case 1
>A bunch of people got fed up and left, which is why they started accepting new translators again a while back
So is it worth playing or not
>Because that's literally what he says
>We translated it right the first time, calm down
>Dude, that's what he fucking says, if we change it then it'll be wrong
ad nauseum.
It's always the lead diva fucking everything up, in every project, fuck that uwabami shitter lmao
Considering the quality of the threads where people complain about anime translations on Yea Forums, I wouldn't put much faith in random people on Yea Forums who say they know japanese either. Especially when there are no actual examples (original jp text and the translation).
That said, most translations are garbage anyway.
uwabami is one of the biggest faggots of all time and the project would be so much better without him
The translation is great, only issue is backlog being really broken and I noticed one missing word I think
The game itself is pretty good, great characters, but the resolutions to every case I've done so far have been kind of disappointing.
Yes, it's worth it. All this bitching is just about minor stuff and internal group drama. The game itself is good and the translation is more than adequate.
If you aren't aware, though, be warned: DGS1 is only one half of a complete story. It leaves things incomplete and relies on DGS2 to tie it together. If you don't want to be sitting in blue-balled agony for the next year or two, you might want to wait for the team to finish the second game. It'll be well worth it, though, because DGS2 is a hell of a ride. It's my actual favorite of the entire series.
Fuck you I don't care about that faggot
Here's a side-by-side comparison. My japanese is bad, but I believe what he's saying is "KUSOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" which would probably be translated as "SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT" or for more PG ratings, "DAMMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT"/"DARN IIIIIIIIIIIIT"
which is notably not what it was translated to.
That's cancerous, what a shit fantrans
What the fuck, dropped.
Then what do you care about senpai?
I don't remember that line in the translated game...
Oh, I fell for it? I'm so bad at very obvious bait.
I take "things that never happened" for 500, alex
I care about you user, how you doin??
this sounds made up. proof?
The thing about the antipiracy measure is definitely real. It was so fucking stupid.
I didn't see any drm shit. this thread is full of false flagging faggots
so? gbatemp is a shitfest. what else is new?
You keep reposting this, but you never actually gave any specific examples.
Jfc people really cant handle criticism these days.
they retranlated those cases
>moving the goalpost
>Someone mentions how one part of case 2 is translated wrong and what the actual meaning is in Japanese and how it should be translated to english
>Discussion channels in discord get locked and hidden for about a week while uwabami throws a temper tantrum at the people who support the actual correct translation
>"ok fine retranslate EVERYTHING, from scratch"
>They were well into case 3 and suddenly had to restart from the beginning of case 1
Actual guy from the group here, none of the highlighted ever happened to my knowledge, and I've been in the group since episode 2 work started. There wasn't any retranslation in episodes 1 or 2 until after episode 4's release, and that was because I was unhappy with their quality.
>A bunch of people got fed up and left, which is why they started accepting new translators again a while back
No and also no. I also requested more translators just because it was the workflow we were going the most slowly in at the time.
Overall, your shitposting is really weird and it's immensely satisfying when people don't believe you.
Re: the backlog, unfortunately that's an engine issue that's present in the original game (and I'm told it's in the mobile port of DD, as well). Capcom's just fucking up their mobile ports, for some reason. I fantasize about us also outright fixing Capcom's shit, which we will actually have to do in DGS2 thanks to its rampant crashing issues.
they literally have site on github where you can report mistakes. I reported a typo and they were really quick about fixing it
you're full of shit
Do you have the translated apk version? I want to play that instead of the shitty 3DS emulator.
With the current pace, when do you think you'll get to translate 2? Also, thanks for the work.
Looks like someone is making forged evidence
The actual translation process is nearing the end of episode 2, so that's going well, and insertion isn't far behind. Stuff on the hacking side has been stalling a bit because one guy tried to port all the patches to DGS2 at once and then he just kinda died, along with the other guy who's good at that kind of stuff. So pretty much as soon as that gets dealt with, I'm going to try to push for the next big release.
Close, but no
Actual guy from the group here, none of the houses ever sold to my knowledge, and I've been in the group since 2 donkeys were the going price. There wasn't any sale in donkey 1 or 2 until after donkey 4's release, and that was because I was unhappy with not selling any houses.
Overall, your houseselling is really weird and it's immensely satisfying when people don't pay you two donkeys.
Oh hell I forgot to answer the actual question, sorry. They tell me not to give estimates but I'd probably kms if it took longer than mid-to-late-2020.
Hi, Tassu!
It's ok, fan translation usually leads to stalling so I won't have that info as hard fact. Don't worry.
>specific examples listed
>never actually gave any specific examples
>specific houses sold
>never actually gave any two donkeys
>hedging about some obscure reference but never goes into detail
>omg, look at all of my examples, I'm so much better at nipponese and shite
Specific. As in, you know, point out a line or two and explain what's wrong with it.
look at the image a bit more. it's a photoshopped fake translation mate
low quality bait by a low-effort false flagger
no, that's just how poor of a quality the translation is
anyne here bought the android version?
I did. Do you have any questions?
If so, can you post the translated apk?
If not, prove you did by posting an screenshot here.
maybe I could do something that could make everyone play this game
1. dump the apk with this
2. in Android/obb there is a folder called
can you upload that apk and that folder please?
good shit, you're getting him to leak his imei and phone number
what the fuck is with all the false flagging and bait in these threads? this is the third time I've seen this shit parroted and it's so weird. sounds like it's all coming from one guy who's butthurt over a falling out with the translation team or something.
how? I'm just asking for a vanilla dump of the patched game because I want to try to remove the DRM
Despite making up only 13% of the thread, two donkeys are accountable for 70% of its shitposting.
wait, I didn't hear about any drm
isn't the problem that there's literally no dump of the game anywhere?
all the AA games on mobile have a web-based DRM protection
it only checks at the start but still
it was pretty annoying to play DD on my phone when I went into a metro
I'm not the guy who originally posted that stuff but "Sousuke's cat" and "the speckled band in chapter 2" seem fairly specific enough to me.
also yes, no dump for the patched version
and the patcher doesn't work with the pirated one
I ran this, but the resulting APK is only 4MB in size, which obviously isn't right. I'm pretty sure if it was this easy, it would've been posted long ago; there's clearly some extra DRM layer at work here.
Normally I'd tell poorfags to fuck off, but it actually is pretty difficult to buy this fucking game. The only reliable store that sells Japanese Google Play cards is Play-Asia, and they're fresh out of all cards below 10,000 Yen. I got lucky and bought their very last 5,000 Yen card (which annoyingly is just short of having enough to buy both DGS1 and 2).
You're better off just hacking a 3DS at this point.
I didn't see even a pirated one, only the chinese fan translation - only a retard would think patching that would work
Funny enough, Ace Attorney has the greatest eroge translation in Phoenix Drive.
the extra files are in that folder here
the apk is basically a launcher
it's nice of you that you'd leak your google account details to help us pirate bros out
Holy shit I didn't even know Souseki was a real guy.
yeah, really bad idea t post private info on Yea Forums
apk + obb is all we need
>sounds like it's all coming from one guy who's butthurt over a falling out with the translation team or something
Yeah, him, and some other guy that worked on the translation come into these threads and have an autism showdown.
Regarding Souseki's cat, the reference to the book is "I Am a Cat," or in romanized JP, Wagahai wa Neko de Aru. I'd say we did what we could with that; the cat COULD be named "I" I guess but that's even worse. Not sure what could be done better there.
As for the speckled band stuff, the best I can say is that I don't see anything wrong. Again, specific lines.
>I am a Cat
I suddenly get the joke
Where I can get demo of the second game?
As a professional translator this sounds accurate for bad translations.
You can absolutely NOT be a translator if you are incapable of admitting what you don't know, asking for other opinions, and accepting when you make a mistake.
Doesn't work even with those files. The game checks your Google account for the license and refuses to boot if you don't have it.
I'm just passing through and have no stake in this, is there somewhere where I could download only the translated text? I'm a translator and a fan of the game and could take a look at it for you.
They do accept outside feedback though, all the time. Just look at their git tracker for the project.
Take nothing in this thread as truth; it's full of false flaggers spouting shit.
If you're really interested, you could DM me at masterofmemes#8962. I figure there's nothing wrong with exporting some shitty spreadsheets and sending them over.
there is a way to circumvent it maybe
but I can't tell if you don't upload the files
I heard it was on 3DSISO
I don't do social media and don't want to share my linkedin or facebook on Yea Forums, can't you just upload the stuff?
this is tied to your google account. if you upload it, those faggots get your email
>shared google file
then i'll fuck off gladly and buy it for myself
>Making English puns using Japanese
Jesus Christ this hurt my entire weeb being.
To be fair, the official AA6 localization did the same thing, if DGS got an official translation it probably would have done something like that.
Post it anyway, the translators are a bunch of faggots here trying to not get their precious translation leaked straight up lying.
If DENUVO can be circumvented that DRM can too.
Yeah, to be fair they did, but I also thought SoJ was pretty bad overall.
Maybe I'm just biased from having god tier puns like Luke Atmey
Just to clarify, this DRM check is part of the original game, not anything Scarlet Study implemented.
Nobody anywhere else has bothered to crack it thus far, even for the older chapter releases, so I don't think me uploading it here would make a difference. If you poorfags are really that desperate to play it, just emulate the 3DS version, which is braindead easy to pirate.
It wasn't cracked before because it wasn't worth it without the game fully translated.
I'm pretty sure the AA5 android ver. had a similar protection and it got cracked.
AA5 is crackable no sweat
playing it RN on my bluestacks
Pees'lubn Andistan'dhin got me good though
>it seems like they don't care/know at all about Natsume Souseki
Why should I either, it's a fucking Ace Attorney game not some historically accurate document on these fucks
Show me some actual examples anyway
this guy is full of shit. see here for his ideas for localized names:
oh it's the same guy? lel
Upload the files user, don't keep us waiting.
Some of the people who worked on the translation are in this thread and tricked him into thinking that the apk and obb have his Google Play account info
In case the fantranslaters are here.
Fuck you faggots I'd buy the game if they brought it here I have 0 reason to give Crapcom money if they don't even bother translating their game. Kill yourselves.
stay mad piratecuck
get a fucking job instead of wanking to anime girls
I support this claim, word by word.
The fun part is that in the 3DS version they want you to hack your 3DS to patch the physical 3DS game you'd have to buy since the eshop is region locked.
I haven't even tried the translation yet but this already reads like a load of shit since they specifically reference the book I Am A Cat in the readme.
>kill yourselves, fan translators! I won't buy games
>why don't we get localizations and good fan translations?
kys piratecuck
lol howabout you spend more time wanking to anime girls and less time grinding money for some kike who gives you a pathetic pittance that you then throw at other kikes?
but i pirated it perfectly fine lol :D
idk what the other guy's problem is, probably one of you casuals
You are never getting paid by Capcom for sucking their dicks.
Now fuck off and go back to plebbit.
At least i don't make boogeyman to justify why i am a waste of the society and I got gud with life
why would you support capcom for not translating the goddamn game?
daily reminder: only Yea Forumseddit is butthurted about piracy
Yeah, totally buying from the JAPANESE google store will show capcom our support!!
Are there really some faggots lurking to avoid people from uploading a translated apk?
Is this some nightwolve faggotry drama all over again?
Did you really chicken out because of the supposed google account stuff? Sad
If you are really scared about that but you were as rich as you claimed, you'd buy the game again with an spare account.
Capcom is a Japanese company...
Buying from the japanese store using a japanes credit card, otherrwise they won't let you buy it
I thought it was because the Sherlock estate blocked the use of the character in the game outside of a Japanese release
Just use luckypatcher and patch the license info? I'm not sure why anyone would want to play the android version anyway.
Not necessarily from the fan translation team, they could be simply anti piracy fags.
I guess not everyone has a 3DS.
But they don't know that is a gaijin buying it, this won't show "western support" at all
>sudden spike in sales that puts it at Top #4 paid
>"Gee, I wonder why?"
The real reason is simply because Capcom hasn't given a shit about this series in the west outside of the mainline entries since AAI. If AA was in the hands of a smaller localisation company we would have every entry localised, but unfortunately Capcom is too big and would rather milk a larger IP like Monster Hunter or Street Fighter.
Brit boys finna boutta get dabbed on
That is barely noticeable for Capcom, who just released DMC V.
This is the absolute best part of 2-2. JR quality shoots right the fuck up in DGS2.
the app store is the biggest gaming platform, belive it or not
it brings more money an app than a actual game those days because everyone has a phone, not everyone has a way to play modern AAA games sice they require really expensive equipement
>you'll never make $3 million a day selling JPEGs
God I wish that were me
Okay, now post Dai Gyakuten Saiban sells, not that p2w game not related to Capcom
DMC V is well above 2 million sells
Wrong, retard
Typical shitty fan translator bullshit, setting up straw men and changing goals
Yeah it was so funny. The Ghost Trick sfxs really help too
Android apk cracked and English translated when please
There has to be someone who have it right?
>Installs: 5,000+
Wow, breaking walls here. Not even 10.000+ but, hey, capcom's salarymen will surely see how excited people are with the fantranslation of this niche game
Give me the translated apk or you'll see this woman naked Yea Forums
Check this guy
A no lifer from the translation team blackmailed him to not leak it because
>people may see your google account data and email even if they only care about cracking the game.
>not having a 3ds
pirate it then retard
There's a based dude at mobilism that will get it
that doesn't even make sense
if thay didn't add or remove drms and the game only has vanilla AA drm, it checks your account via google play games
so they're full of shit
t. buyed both SoJ and DD on my phone, i can post my apk for proof
I just finished Case 2, and so far this game isn't really holding my interest. The resolution of Case 1 and Case 2 was kinda lame. I do like Sherlock Holmes though
Based. I don't know how to thank the guys doing this but really thank you thank you thank you
>this sounds made up
>he's never experienced fan translation drama before
This shit is rampant among scanlators. If you have any experience with online translations, you would know that it's a magnet for drama queens that can't handle anything other than their e-peens getting stroked.
That looks like a way older version.
I played through the case just 15 minutes ago and there was nothing such
>People hype because this may never come ove officially
>People finally play it and lose their shit
>No one is impressed and the game is a bog
Still a better game than Apollo Justice, even if it spends a lot of time on the setup.
In a sense, it feels a bit like Trails in the Sky FC in that regard
AJ wasn't directed by Shuu Takumi, while DGS1 and DGS 2 were.
People are still playing it. But i think it's at least better than the fanfiction we were getting in the last 10 years
Post the link to that thread, I tried searching but failed miserably.
Thanks, looks promising, I'll look forward to it.
I played it already. The bad news is it ends in a cliffhanger that will get resolved in DGS 2, so we need even more patience.
I swear to god Ace Attorney fans are some of the most autistic on the internet for all the drama they pull. They genuinely believe they are all lawyers for enjoying this series and that mentality makes it impossible for them to work together.
>Ace Attorney fans are some of the most autistic on the internet for all the drama they pull
now this is some historical revisioning
I haven't read the translation yet. How did they handle the cat's name? Is it just Wagahai?
It's the truth
>Director: Mitsuru Endo
Yep, they didn't localize the names.
Uh oh, the guy who said he has a japanese google play account is no longer online.