Open world

Is the open world video game trend that’s been going on since ~2012 finally dying down? While we’re still getting a lot of open worlds, it seems like more and more AAAs are trending towards open area instead now.

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I wouldnt know i play focused and linear games.

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isnt that just colored people in reverse?
thats like calling black people reggin


whats your favorite pizza topping

Seamless openworld is the future. Prove me wrong.

Pro tip: You can't.

Green pesto, spinach, mozzarella, tomatoes, basil, a little garlic

Stop posting, faggot.


Isn't that guy white? Why is he talking?

Lick a dick, nigger.

Unrelated but what does Yea Forums think of pieology?

based retard

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Toss up between feta cheese, anchovies, olives, and sundried tomatoes

He's an 'ally', he thinks he's exempt because he's a race traitor who thinks he's on the 'right side' of history.

The reality is that as soon as all the dumbfuck Judases like him that openly advocate for the destruction of their own race and culture, and arguably civilization as a whole, have served their purpose, they will all get shot up against the wall like the very people they stabbed in the back.

pineapples and sardines


This is why I vote.

There's one near me in Kailua but I haven't gotten around to trying it.

>Colored people
>People of Color

It doesn't even make any sense, black isn't technically a color and white is.

As with most things, the irony is lost on these people.

Open world is fine, they just need to fill it with much more content so it doesn't feel so empty. BOTW was fantastic. As long as the context is rich and in-depth, open world is fine.

Also, fuck this soi boy.

Ham and mushroom

Corn and beans

open world has been a lofty goal since WoW blew everyone away in like 2005
the funny thing is that no game has managed it ever since, I can't think of a single game that manages to emulate the scope and feel of WoW's azeroth, even the ones that are technically bigger.
A big problem is compromises with loading screens and point-and-click fast travel. Both of these are MASSIVE detractors to open world themes.

>tell someone they're less than human and they shouldn't do things like have opinions
>somehow this is supposed to get them on your side
If that works then why aren't niggers still in chains?

So they finally added the pedos?
Took longer than expected.

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Didn't that guy just speak without being spoken to?

He's like the jews that actually worked for the nazi party
It's a "if you can't beat them, join them" kind of thing.

Commonly called a traitor.

Also Europe is the most diverse continent on Earth. The idea that mass immigration from Africa and Middle Eastern countries would increase diversity when recessive genes like blue eyes, green eyes, hazel eyes, red hair, blond hair, etc would die out and all that would be left are people with brown hair and brown eyes because of dominant genes.

Leftists are genuinely retarded.

I genuinely wish i wasn't a pleb as I seem to enjoy every kind of topping, but my go to is ham and pepperoni since I usually never get pizza for just myself.

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Pepperoni and Jalapenos, tasty

Are you just realizing now that this has never had anything to do with equality or equity and the absolute goal of this is to wipe out white people for whatever reasons, real or imagined? Are you just now realizing all of these uppity faggots are just a tool being used to get rid of whites?

When the entirety of social justice and all of its various facets boiled down to their very core goals just becomes endless repetitions of 'kill whitey and everything he ever made', it becomes very apparent that this isn't just any old natural reactionary ideology. This is a targeted multi-front assault on an entire ethnic group.

Yes, and if you try explaining to a so-called "ally" on why using that term is fucked up they will turn anti-SJW in a second.

Meat, and I mean lots of meat and nothing else.

also mines mushrooms, spinach, garlic or oregano or salt, black olives and different types of meat usually.

double mushroom, fresh not canned

Pepperoni and anchovies, just like they ate on Samurai Pizza Cats.

Great slide thread, OP, really subtle. Long live Jim.


The trend is going down because devs are wanting to create more linear setpiece driven games. Look at how RDR2 plays vs something like GTA3 or the first RDR.


>clap emoji
how triggering, he should be more considerate of triggering people and use a jazz hands emoji.

>he should be more considerate of triggering people and use a jazz hands emoji.
I still can't believe this shit actually happened
we truly do live in clown world

> The reverse of POC is COP.

twitter is so fucking worthless

Cheese, obviously

Remember to delete all social media accounts and never go on Twitter.

pepperoni and mushrooms

I'm beginning to think that life is a comedy not a tragedy desu.

Banana curry

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Who is this meant to convince? Does he seriously think that some white shitlord will look at this and go "Oh well I better do what he says, it has clapping emojis after all".

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>commits to cucking out as hard as he can
>still perpetuals digital blackface
Dumb wh*teboi

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Its a satire account, note the soi mouth picture, and the use of black hand emojis (a real white ally would never use digital blackface)

ur mom