Based units

*bombs u*

Attached: bombs.jpg (300x300, 84K)

Other urls found in this thread:

*crashes your plane*
heh, nothing personel

Attached: Generals_EMP_Patriot.jpg (288x288, 75K)

How about we call this a draw, General?

Attached: ohok.png (331x327, 149K)

*utterly useless against arabs*
chinks are a mistake

Attached: Generals_Chinese_Nuke_Launch.jpg (1024x768, 127K)

mfw i see the chink flamethrowers coming over the mountain as I send over my 10 humvees with TOW missles filled with 5 missle launcher guys each

Attached: wtfthisguysayin.png (500x500, 257K)

>high attack skill, good damage, good armor
>resistance to psychological effects due to being an elf
>resistance to fire attacks
>only melee cavalry in the game that can attack flying units
>high elf masterrace

Attached: latest.png (144x144, 9K)

migs are better, they can fuck vehicles and aircraft up and also leave a firestorm when attacking buildings
US needs 2 separate planes for bombing buildings and striking aircraft and vehicles.
Also, migs burn infantry and US needs helicopters for attacking infantry.
MiGs are also cheaper to make.

>fires a neutron shell and takes your humvees

Attached: download.jpg (259x194, 8K)

you use 2 on the same spot or use one and have a strike force ready
its not that complicated

jokes on you, i main laser general

Got my missile launcher right here
Got my missile launcher right here
Got my missile launcher right here
Got my missile launcher right here
Got my missile launcher right here
Buckle up

>build upgraded Gatling Cannon perimeter around your base
>only way to pass it is superweapons
heh, nothing personel

Got my missile launcher right here
Got my missile launcher right here
Got my missile launcher right here
Got my missile launcher right here
Scope, cleaned and mounted

THEN, you buckle up

Sniper here
I see everything
Hidden identity
I'll be your spotter
Can't miss...

Zoomers don't know the game, bruh.

Still based.

pathfinder is so goddamn broken with his crazy fire rate

>people who build power buildings next to each other

Attached: 1413178262984.jpg (200x200, 17K)

>blocks your path

Attached: General's bodyguard.png (191x280, 106K)

not sure why i replied to you, ignore that

>poached IP
>significant departure from previous games
How the fuck was it so good? It just doesn't make sense.

>Map has some kind of natural fence
>spend a few minutes trying to snake a dozer inside without breaking the fence
>build shit inside fence, put defenses on each corner
w-who else

quad cannons were the best unit in Generals

Attached: gerls.jpg (1900x1255, 704K)

anyone tried rise of the reds mod yet?
i kinda like it

and thats a good thing

USA was incredibly boring in generals and so was GDI in earlier titles
basically you want to play as the "bad" guys because they are cooler and more versatile: game series

China Nuke is my most played one and GDI Trax is good one also

CnC games were good up to and including tiberium wars and its add on
anything after that is garbage


Attached: Locke.png (550x550, 165K)

>Goth Player has declared war on you!
>Get invaded by twenty siege-rams filled with units for maximum speed
>Deploy cavalry in a desperate defense
>The rams deploy their halberdiers
>They leave your base a smoldering pile, declaring war on your neighbour.

Attached: siegeram.png (1200x800, 1.1M)

Not me. I carpet bomb the place and build on the now flat and unobstructed territory. US military spending at its finest.

>rockets/missiles against King Raptors

Fuckin idiot

China will grow larger

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 24K)

based ,although undead are my fav faction

>america acts all high and mighty in the first one
>gets their ass handed to them in the middle east
>GLA fucking invades america and destroys their warships
>america goes back to full isolationist
>china saves the day and pretty much makes europe their puppet
>china still bans the game

I am invincible!

noone played the second generals

He was referring to Zerohour.

I will work :(

Attached: This hammer is heavy T_T.png (121x98, 24K)


Attached: Toxic_Tractor.jpg (491x260, 129K)

inland base? how quaint

Attached: 1537671322603.jpg (942x611, 359K)

thank you for the new shoes

>letting goths grow

I've replayed Generals like seven times, I reinstall it every couple of years because it's so damn good, but I've barely touched Zero Hour.
I just didn't like the way it changed the balance, I'm probably alone in that weird nitpick.

Like the USA's defences could get outranged by China and the GLA, that was their weakness, but then they added artillery platforms.

*moderate panting*

did you try the missions or the challenges?
or playing with friends

>reinstalled zero hour for the first time in years after I bought ultimate on origin
>play a 4 man map against 3 medium bots
>constantly get attacked by 2-3 TOW Humvees filled with missle launchers

no and no
but it has been like a decade, I should give it another try some time.

Everyone's defenses could be outranged by arty units. That's just common across pretty much all RTS. I don't remember GLA and China defenses being long range at all.

And I'm fairly certain the arty building was still outranged by Scuds and Nuke cannons. (Although Search and Destroy might change that?)

>not the bad guys

Full steam ahead, Mr. Brackman!
based science man crashing the humanity with just a few survivors

>Conflict of interest? No. Heh heh... I've got interest in conflict!

>playing against frens
>fren is airforce general
>we all die in the first 3 minutes because of the atack Chinooks filled with missle guys
good times

>china still bans the game

It's pretty hard to tell because of the shitty graphics but the tiny dam you easily blow up as a part of the first GLA mission is actually supposed to be the biggest dam in the world, which would basically kill more people than the whole of WW1.
The first Chinese mission, again, satrts with a nuke going off in dead-center of Beijing.

It's basically the Chinese equivalent of a game where you have to blow up the WTC. And we both know just how many millions of dollars EA lost taking all copies of RA2 back to remove that from the game and make the towers indestructible.

Damn, for a 2 big powerful countries you sure act like little babies.

*nukes u*

Attached: RoN_Missile_Silo.png (304x198, 142K)

>no Kirov

fuck you guys

Attached: ki.png (250x207, 145K)

Any late empire becomes sensitive and weak. Early USA wouldve just rebuilt the WTC right on that spot and told them to fuck off

This. I remember trolling/turtling with laser general to the point other players would often surrender out of frustration.

Attached: 1531898949901.jpg (450x450, 79K)

USA was fun and great if you used the laser general

>*takes ur bank and rapes your helicopters*

Attached: OpticalCamoSoldier.png (600x400, 614K)

im planning on playing it thanks to uberdanger.cant wait to relive both generals and ra nostalgias at the same time.

act of war was so kino
2nd game was eh

>tfw stealth General vs. Stealth general on online

It was all about sniping each others radar vans. Lasted over 3 hours. Good Times. I miss the multilayer.

useless against rocketeers.
I like to tidy up my base

>pick USA
>enemy AI set to hard
>rush choppers
>kill workers
>win games
if I was autistic enough I would have gotten a medal for beating all maps on hard.i wuz geniuz

*Destroy every enemy unit*

Attached: Shaitan2.jpg (764x527, 130K)


China has big genitals

I agree. The balance was all over the place in the expansion, and ships especially were just completely broken.

The first game is the pinnacle of the C&C-formula in my opinion.


What the fuck is this, I've played the game a lot and I don't recognize it

its a mod

One of the massive hordes of mods Generals has.

Not that these even got built very often, but sometimes you got lucky and could drop a few in the opponent's resource line.

Attached: ARM_Maverick.jpg (2048x1536, 263K)

Nope. Scuds and Nukes do outrange, even with Search and Destroy. However, S&D gives nice boost to tomahawks, and them being supported by scout drones, results in somewhat good countermeasure.

Laser General best general.
In Shockwave mod, he gets actual laser choppers and railgun tanks, later being best countermeasure in siege.

*sells your own CC at the start of the game*
You're not completely horrible at the game, are you, Yea Forums?

Attached: post-145-1177289318.jpg (500x316, 89K)

sorry I like ______having fun_____

Many chinese units become stronger in groups implying they're weak and demoralized when not in a large horde, reckless use of nuclear technology for just about everything especially for nuke general, hackers literally steal money from random people, and buildings/upgrades literally called Propaganda Center and Propaganda Tower which improve the combat prowess of affected Chinese units. Come on, there is no way a country as sensitive and control freaky as China would approve any game as highly satirical as this featuring them in any form

my chinese frens love playing as china
should i tell them its satire

>with lan support
it's 2019 guys, time to move on

Chinese are not China, mate.
Red Alert 2 was banned in China as well and it's one of the biggest games among Chinese with hundreds of mobile knockoffs today, on top of a large community playing Red Alert 2 and 3.

Anyone got a good Zero hour repack download? I need to play this shit again

Attached: 1554625268753.gif (240x240, 1.63M)

Just look for a The First Decade torrent.

But I need my scrambles and tunnels as stealth General :(

There's my Rise of Nations friend. How are you today?

I think i tried that and not a single game worked. Is it compatible with win 10

Have you tried in compatibility mode?

There was a patch and a wrapper mod that worked for RA2 but Tiberium Sun and General wouldn't boot pre or post patch. I might try again

Zero Hour was nice proof of concept, but honestly too limited, Shockwave mod is what Zero Hour should have been if devs had more time and money given to them.
>because of the shitty graphics
I find generals visual style perfectly capturing the charm between dogshit early 3D and mid 2000s high definition graphics.

Attached: 60929.gif (800x600, 139K)

>Shockwave mod
based, did they keep making it or is it dead now?

I love this game, the music and the units sounds are so nostalgic too bad I suck at rts games and can only play vs ai

>hidden identity

Attached: 1480507511154.jpg (364x364, 38K)

>chronosifts behind u
>"intensifying light trajectory"

What do?

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 54K)

There was always a hint that a bugfix patch and better AI may be released, but formally speaking Shockwave is a finished product, but they do work on RotR.
>dies when a timid breeze hits it

I return every now and then and find myself exclusively playing AoD maps online. My maps list is so large I have to cut it down because the game can't even use all of them at the same time.

Attached: 1310194824689.jpg (387x357, 12K)

>throw heads at you
>fucks up your morale and kills a lot of men
kino unit

Attached: rtw head hurlers.jpg (460x345, 40K)

what a God-tier game that was

C&C RA3 was pretty ok though.

never felt as close to how good shockwave was

Yeah, I've felt that gameplay changes were a bit too radical, but they've seem too invested in it to come back and work on Shockwave.
Also fuck the voice acting, for every good voiceover you get 3 horrible ones


*blocks your path*

Attached: MARVCnC3(1).jpg (1680x960, 250K)

>tfw its shit

shame, its my favorite plane

Attached: game_2015-02-07_21-05-28-00.jpg (1920x1080, 187K)

>resistance to psychological effects due to being an elf
Until he sees the big bad green GORNAK orc coming towards their wymyn.

>Fighting a literal gundam that charges straight at you for maximum damage +lasers
>Tanks the hit like a chad
>Infact, reel him in closer
>grind him into mush

Attached: RA3_ApocalypseTank_ConceptArt_1_1.jpg (891x525, 90K)

The bigger they are the harder they hit.

They weren't necessary at that point but I brought them to the field anyway just to see how fast the enemy base would be removed from the map.

Attached: relic00002.jpg (1919x1079, 1.77M)

>try and play UA
>any large battles even in 2v2 maps run like dogshit
Wasted potential to the extreme

You're in the front line chilling with your buddies until these guys slaps your soviet sniper gf in the ass. What do?

Please don't shitpost about this game with stale and dumb memes. A simple wyvern will scare dumb orcs away. Which High Elves have access to.

How much does the game struggle with units of that size? Whenever I see Ultimate Apocalypse screenshots I think of how Empire at War shits itself when modders put 19 km ships in the game and make it cope with it.

Attached: Executor.png (1364x768, 505K)

Tell me how to git gud at this game and its sequel. Which is the most brainlet-proof faction?

For performance the large units aren't the issue. It's the many squad units with their weapon fire and pathfinding that cause issues. If you're Imperial Guard you can reinforce a single conscript squad to have 52 units after all tech is researched that increases their cap. The only thing that matters for the huge units is having the room to move them because some passages may be too small for titans to get through, which is sadly a game limitation that can't be dodged as there's no mechanic for it. So the large titans have to take the same paths as the small units while they could realistically just stomp right over certain areas.

Play undead with a necromancer hero. Pause the game and take your time.

It's DOCTOR Brackman

More problematic than unit size is Dawn of War's default camera which is too close up and because of which a camera zoom mod should be installed that allows to zoom out further:

Devastator Online
Reactor stable

Attached: Devestator.jpg (620x465, 53K)

Prism tank is by far my favourite unit. Build several dozen + a dozen rocketeers for air cover and you can bulldoze everything, especialy if those tanks leveled up and gain the ability to partialy selfheal and be even more destructive with their beam attacks.

Attached: Prism tank.jpg (900x480, 61K)


cute tonk


Attached: topdown1.png (620x360, 240K)

>dump a couple of these fuckers around the base
>get them promoted
>base becomes basically immune to enemy infantry
Man they were too good.

Attached: Pathfinders.jpg (193x193, 9K)

How are goths even real lmao?
Just make hand canoneers and bombard cannons?
It's not like goth-fags are aware they can make archers and cavalry
Enjoy getting raeped by Cataphracts and Jaguar Warriors

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Attached: terrorist.jpg (758x505, 47K)

Okay Yea Forums, you win, i'm downloading this again.
What mods should i get? Are they easy to install?

*Bribes your units*

Attached: Lucius Spacefoy.jpg (400x600, 253K)

>*crashes your plane*

Attached: 1539477521645.jpg (474x379, 26K)

Shockwave and rise of the reds

Get Shockwave. It gives tons of unique stuff to each faction and general.

Lmao, aren't those Emperor: Battle for Dune quotes?

Yep. I love this game.


>Snipes the driver of your bulldozer
>Take the enemy's technology as your own.

Nothing personal, kid.

Attached: GLA_JarmenKellIngame.jpg (241x195, 15K)


Nuke cannon does the same job and can blow up shit too

>A friend paradrops his infantry
>Doggos wait below

Attached: 1494821785741.jpg (480x490, 26K)

>laughs in radiation

Attached: Desolator.jpg (610x547, 155K)

That is the emp version. Granted, you need to build a few to overwhelm that lazer.

Niggah you invade Europe in that game, not the US.

>"I love a crowd!"
unironically how did they get away with this considering the game came out in 2003

for fun I used to team a bunch of ai against me and ctrl fire base entry points with a bunch of these and watch the body count pile up.

Migs might be chill and all but are they SUPERSONIC AIRCRAFT

>10 humvees with TOW missles filled with 5 missle launcher guys
discovering this tactic ruined the game for me
It's basically the be all end all boring meta

RA3 is decent but they just had to go full retard with 4.

Cartoony look and satirical intent.
Same as how Achmed the Terrorist got a pass.

Attached: wXxke1B.jpg (788x456, 166K)

>not aurora
Literally unstoppable. That was its unique feature, invulnerable to all damage when attacking

In the final RA1 soviet missino you have to kill tanja. For this they have a special setup (you start with just infantry which she destroys). But I would awlays collect all the dogs you get in the mission and storm her. They could usually get to her before the last one died

they're glass cannons
easy to take out with aircraft and generals powers

Back then it's not even edgy to want to bomb terrorists I think.

>RA2 Yuri's Revenge has 3 action stars in one of the missions
>the first patch make them soulless by turning their responses into generic ones
literally why

Buy bunker busters you mongoloid.

why do you think

Patriotic frevor was so how it was edgy NOT to support bombing sandnigs

Those are one pump chumps. Besides, they usually only appear in late game/turtles and are expensive as fuck.

Combat Chinook with 7 missile launchers and a sniper with counter measures and weapon range boost

No, only missiles.
Quads and gatlings would still shoot them down. But you needed a few of them to do so.

no they were completely invincible on their attack run

Wew good work commander, really great stuff, the reds didnt know what hit them. Now exvuse me for a moment as I step out of my office

Attached: UnrealisticDizzyHochstettersfrog-mobile.jpg (480x360, 13K)

Does this game still not work on win10 unless you by the origin version or pirate? I have the original discs set but last time it crashed on install I didn't put much effort in after that though, don't know if there are new work arounds.
>inb4 compatibility mode
did not work

...or the Hammer tank that would take in a weapon from killed unit. Now that was something.

Ah here is our room service commander user.

Attached: ill get it.jpg (480x360, 17K)

Reality turned into a parody version of itself in 2007/2008. Earlier than that was still "fine".

*after install

>no cawadooty RTS anymore

Attached: GenZH_Tigress_Defeat.png (185x182, 57K)

get a no-cd crack to get rid of the cd-check drm

Okay so look, Washington DC has been taken over and literally everyone in the government is directly mind controlled by the Soviet Union. Lets just fucking attack our capital, you and me, lets go


Attached: hqdefault (4).jpg (480x360, 19K)

Yes ma'am.

Attached: 1377779155117.jpg (300x300, 21K)

She was gorgeous. So was Kari Wuhrer as Tanya.

Remember that cutscene where she realizea you can see her cleavage in picture-in-picture and shes kind of bashful about it but flirtatious

Attached: tanya_command_and_conquer_pictureboxart_160w.png (149x210, 46K)

Attached: RA3.webm (660x744, 1.03M)

Mhm. And in the end of Yuri's Revenge, she was quite jelly that was eyeing up Commander (that is you/us - player/s).

>rear-charges you

Attached: wild riders.png (120x260, 84K)

>Vee spam isn't versatile



my feet hurt :(

ooh yes..

Attached: Dr._Gustaf_Brackman.png (170x192, 53K)

cold war world domination was the best campaing

just what the fuck did they put in those heads??

She's too fucking perfect lads I can't handle it

Attached: Lt. Eva Lee.jpg (640x480, 146K)

*Rapes your carefully laid out redundant base shields
Heh, nothing personnel commander

I know the unit is kind of shit in terms of how glitchy and resource intensive it is to make but goddamn I can't get over the cool factor of a mobile artillery revolver.

Attached: Cybran_Scathis.jpg (663x961, 186K)

Since the other two have already been posted, I may as well post the last and worst RA2 girl.

Attached: me on the left.jpg (800x600, 46K)

Meh?! But that smile though.

Attached: Cataphract.gif (155x162, 42K)

Nigger, don't you fucking dare to ever, ever say that again.

Attached: Zofia.jpg (640x480, 33K)

Its endearing. My bad, judged by thumbnail and haircut.

>183 replies
>still not posted

Attached: imgettingturnedon.png (107x70, 7K)


because being OP cheat unit is exactly opposite of "based"

I miss the sci-fi era of RTS where every unit had chessy voice lines


Attached: Monkeylord.jpg (1455x1156, 539K)

They coated them with Quicklime, which made getting hit also burn the shit out you.


Attached: rockvee.jpg (1121x759, 90K)

Attached: 1368315111611.jpg (300x300, 24K)

shockwave to keep some resemblance of balance and the Zero Hour feel, RotR if you want more factions, it runs like shit on old computers tho, and Contra and pretty much every other mod if you want crazy unbalanced, but fun shit

fucking gay ass shit that its a shitty ass mobile game


Attached: 1541893151105.jpg (580x548, 34K)


they should make one of the recent one showing them getting fucked up

Fuck man, RoN is so good, i renember playing it back when the gamespy servers were still up and not liking it that much because i was a dumb kid and since spamming 1 unit didn't work like in every other RTS ever i didn't like it, but i came back to it a few years back and i completely feel in love with it, there's nothing quite like it anywhere else, everything from the sound, the graphics, and the gameplay just holds out so well, this game was so ahead of its time it feels like it was made by geniuses, i wish i could have played it and understood it back when it was released but i didn't even had an internet connection back then

also the Conquer the World campaing is the thighest shit ever, i have tried to find others RTS with something similar but had no luck so far, i could play that shit forever and never get bored, i just wish the AI in that mode put up a challenge instead of being such a cakewall and that you didn't snowball out of control so easily

Attached: 1550697454226.png (235x235, 21K)

either this or the ghost stalker were my favorite
also i used to wall off my base and sacrifice shitloads of infantry in tiberium to make visceroids that run around the map raping everything

Attached: 526435135426346.jpg (1280x720, 68K)

>also i used to wall off my base and sacrifice shitloads of infantry in tiberium to make visceroids that run around the map raping everything
Holy shit, me too, I did that in every single map in the campaign.

I have Rise of Nations on steam and never played it. Is it still really great?

You try the EaW Remake mod?

Attached: 20181109193839_1.jpg (1920x1080, 126K)

>go 100/100 in food against some dumb AI
>one shot all their buildings, one by one
best way to kill a couple hours as a kid

Attached: chimaera.gif (169x171, 17K)

Am I the only one to dislike how frail building are in General?

>rushes you with fully upgraded ACU
nothing personal

Attached: Illuminate_acu.png (340x443, 349K)

Repack was made by russian R.G. but includes english versiong of game and installer. [They let you choose a language before installation]

everything is very frail. Like if you move a bit too far half your army is evaporated. But this is a C&C thing. In RA2 you could get smoked in a second with some GIs set up

gg terran :)

Attached: Viper.jpg (511x569, 51K)

it's a nautical joke
first officer is "mister", just like the ship's commander is always "captain"

>crashes your economy with no survivors

Attached: drobes.png (600x604, 147K)

Playing as Osean Federation wannabees. To solitary with you.

Attached: AWACS_Bandog_Official_Portrait.jpg (214x270, 35K)

Imagine the negative reviews this would get today.

Hahahahahahahaah faggots.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 360K)

Some of the playable nations are honestly shafted when it comes to unique units and bonuses, also modern and information age are honestly very sloppy, but barring that it has some cool world campaigns and pretty visual style.
I don't want to be rude towards the creator, but making a Crysis uplift in graphics for a 32 bit game is retarded, majority of the mods already struggle to run, but with models with this level of texture/geometry quality is just kills any hope for a semi-stable framerate.
Plus Thrawn's Revenge is better

>attach scope
>deletes enemy units by clicking on them
Half of my serpent army would just be these guys.

Attached: latest.jpg (850x1106, 1.18M)

>Picking Serpent
Based and pragmaticpilled


For me? Its Undead Crab Cav (Guns)

Attached: 20181112212724_1.jpg (1920x1080, 550K)

you've played neither

>teleports past all of your defenses

Attached: Scrin_Eradicator_Hi-Rez.jpg (1280x989, 360K)

>hammer and anvil some light infantry
>only one horseman dies
>somehow it's the general

Attached: (banter stops).jpg (602x709, 67K)