Chapter 9, 10, 11

>chapter 9, 10, 11

Is this the most KINO set up of levels ever...? Holy shit this game is unforgettable and im sad its almost over

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fuck off Charlie, this game is garbage

Fuck you and eat my ass faggot. This game is god like

Great game. Some sections are pretty bullshit on MN like on water combat, but otherwise it's fantastic. No other game makes me feel like NG2 does.

Yeah i just beat it...the credits just finished rolling. I did it on acolyte, i hope thats cool since its sort of my first ng game. The last 3 chapters were surprisingly short but the remixed greater fiend bosses were well done. Beating alexei in that twisted web felt like there was serious stakes going on. It used hellish and depressing settings and imagery really well. Final boss was kind of odd...and cheap but this is definitely a must play. A complete step up from ninja gaiden black

If you want to keep playing the game on harder difficulty settings, you will need to master the guillotine throw (double tap X+A) and wind path (jumping on enemy heads). Both give you lots of i-frames. The throw also guarantees delimbing as long as the enemy hits a wall.

Note that X+A is different to regular jumping in that it is aimed at the nearest enemy.

Watch this dude play and see what he does:

Playing on Master Ninja I was holding block the entire time except for when I was hitting enemies. Note that holding block prevents you from absorbing the essence. You can stack essence while fighting this way and use it for UTs when needed.

Also, I finished the game without being aware of reblocking. If you get you guard broken, release and hold block and you will get back into blocking immediately. Or you can just dash out of the broken block which is what I did most of the time.

I assume you already know this, but the most important technique of all is on land charge. If you start holding Y right before landing after a jump, you skip the wind up animation and start charging immediately.

And of course, shuriken canceling. You can cancel moves with shurikens. This allows you to build custom juggling combos.

Oh yeah ive been using the shit out of that. My favorite weapons are the dragon sword, twin swords, twin claws, and scythe. The tonfa ultimate technique is unbeatable though, that shredded everything when i was struggling

Now this i didnt know. So thats why sometimes the essence wouldnt come to me, because i was blocking. I guess i shouldve realized it but every battle was a fight to the death and real tense. This makes dark souls feel like its for pussies

I figured that out while clawing my way out of chapter 11. It took a few tries to get the timing right but the landing hold y (not ultimate technique) attack with the dragon sword reliably cuts heads off most of the time. Im a bit sad the flails, lunar staff, tonfa, and kusari gama seemed useless. Maybe the next playthrough i will use those more

What makes tonfas great is the custom dash that you can start charging out of immediately.
See how this guys uses them. Example: 3:00

Lunar has the most powerful 360 super in the game. The 1lvl super is even better than the fully charged one. It's one of the moves people resort to on Master Ninja.

Impressive, it looks advanced though is it hard to use?

What do you mean 360 super? ultimate technique? 360?

I don't think it's hard to use, the dash is just part of the tonfa's moveset. You do a combo that goes into the dash, you can do a number of special moves out of the dash, or you can charge a super.

Do a 360 circle motion on your analogue and press Y. You can also charge this move.

What makes them great is their high delimbing rate from the UT, making it perfect in chapter 11 on MNM when enemies can survive stronger UTs like scythe UT

>360 super
Speaking of which, did NGII have Gleaming Blade? That shit was awesome in NGB, pity the DS is mostly overshadowed in II.

Ill keep those in mind next time i start a new game (probably tomorrow). I had no idea ult techs could even have a circular motion attack. Fuck i wish this was compatible on xbone. I have so many clips i just wanted to record :(

Nope, no gleaming blade in ng2.

Yeah, I really hope ms gets around to making it backwards compatible. I'd buy a One just for this game.

11 on MNM is some next level hell.

>Holy shit this game is unforgettable
I honestly don't remember much other than the weapons and I played it when it came out on a trip.

Damn. I guess it doesn't need it, but it's still a shame.

chapter 11 is probably the best mission in the game. absolutely ridiculous on master ninja.
like the other anons have said, use 360 stick spin UT with lunar to make mince meat out of crowds and demons. use scythe UT to kill mechs. and master the on-landing UT timing.
acolyte is a bit of a joke, though, dude. glad you liked the game, but you should have played on warrior. what makes ng2 so great is that unlike A LOT of games, they actually mix up the types of enemies you fight in each encounter, as well as making them take and do more damage.
i remember when i got pic related, i was in an almost zen state. i just stared at the credits, zoned out. best action game ever.

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I loved that this game was pretty much Classic NES levels of bulshit, maybe not an intentional throwback, but it works. And it was so sweet to beat precisely because of how unfair it was.

fucking hell. posted the wrong snip. i meant this one

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>Playing on Master Ninja I was holding block the entire time except for when I was hitting enemies.

If you don't UT chain non stop you're going to have a very bad time in MNM.

Personally, I agree with Op. It's my favorite action game, rivaled only by bayo 1.

Thats how it all started for me. I kept seeing how good ninja gaiden black was and its on game pass. So i thought why not. I could see promise in the combat and it was fast fluid and brutal. But everything else really made it suck. I thought maybe this isnt for me but some anons said try 2 if you didnt like 1, you are almost guaranteed to like it. So i ordered and yadda we are now. All my problems with black were fixed with the sequel. Now that all the call of dutys, mass effects and other normie stuff is bc, that just leaves the gate open for games like this. Crossing my fingers

Yeah chapter 11 is amazing. I honestly liked all of them except chapter 3 and even that one was still ok (what a terrible boss though, that metal snake samurai holy shit). Acolyte was simple enough but it still threw me around a few times but i feel like i know a lot more now and can do better in warrior. Congrats on the master ninja achievement, youre the 1%. I hope i can get that achievement one day

Sure you can play like that, but there are plenty of other options that you can resort to for i-frames.

People seem to like Black for puzzles and interconnected world, but I'm actually glad ng2 dropped those in favor of constant action. Less running around and more fighting is what I like in action games. The combat is also so much better.

I love them but honestly Mission 5 will always be my favorite, fighting werewolves,demons, and ninjas in italy. You can't fucking beat it.

yeah, gigadeath (the metal snake in the subway boss) is terrible. just remember to go into the fight with lots of arrows and just arrow him to death. easiest boss in the game when you know how to kill him.
i thought zedonius in the clock tower was incredibly tough. his stomp basically one shots you on master ninja, and still does huge damage on other difficulties. elizabet is a dirty cunt, too. and that golden dragon boss is shit as well.
genshin duels are true kino. izuna dropping his minions into him for massive damage is the most satisfying shit ever.
cant believe only 1.60% of players beat mentor mode. its not even that bad.

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If you do it another way you're making it extremely difficult on yourself, and getting less essence to upgrade.

Bosses are random as fuck in NG2 so it's hard to gauge them, XXY on Lunar might stun them 3 times in a row, sometimes it won't and you have to gtfo.

Best evel, best enemies and best weapons. (Tonfa, but the KG and Scythe are good too). The fact that Lycans throw the dismembered body parts of dead Lycans at you is amazing.

Thats exactly it! I got up to the helicopter boss in the military base area. I was so tired of the backtracking through the same boring brown city. Switching weapons and healing on the dpad seemed like a no brainer, surprised it took a sequel to add that. I think the worst part of it though was the camera, platforming and bow. Shooting a bow is seamless in ng2 and you can even get 2 shots by tapping in the air. But it does a weird thing in ng1. And that military warehouse with the laser bots was infuriating. This also ties in to this There was a great sense of progression and adventure in ng2. You covered so much ground and interesting areas in a speedy pace. Chapter 5 starts in italy, then you get to some royal looking palaces and waterways, then a wine cellar, then an underground aqueduct. Chapter 9 was my favorite environment wise, the dark spooky forest and swamp, then a haunted green cave that seems to last forever and is claustrophobic as fuck...THEN A BIG ASS WORM OUT OF NOWHERE! and back to the forest, except its now day time and it ends off in a massive waterfall.

Gigadeath and the second zedonius fight was the toughest for me. I honestly didnt have problems with elizabeth using the falcon talons and spinning with Y or some twin sword spam. Zedonius was a test of patience, dodge his swing, hit him 4 times with the scythe. Just when i thought chapter 11 couldnt get more kino, you end with genshin at a volcano. The cutscenes were so simple but effective in what they were conveying, unlike the nonsensical garbage that lasted forever in bayonetta bleh

best weapon for werewolves is dual katana. theyre annoying as fuck because they have basically no hitstun on anything and just poise through your attacks. and yeah, them throwing severed limbs at you is fuck awesome.

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If you're chaining UTs, you are getting less essence. Abosrb essence to get a UT > you get more essence. Get another UT from this fresh essence > you are penalized with less essence.

You have to keep close to him. In melee range wait for him to go for a throw, dash and punish.

It's best to punish with short combos like XXY for lunar or YYY for the scythe.

Do these achievements unlock on any difficulty? Fighting gigadeath with anything but lunar on MN must be a pain.

yeah, you can get the weapon achievements on acolyte.

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>tfw by sheer boredom upgraded wooden sword all the way in NGB and got Unlabored Flawlessness without even knowing about it

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PC when?

I think you misunderstood me. I thought zedonious was pretty easy. But his second form in hell, he was in the air alot. It became a game of endurance but oh yeah i punished him good. Well i gotta sleep now. Even neets like me get tired. Im glad i was able to discuss such an incredible game with you all. I hope microsoft makes it bc on the xbox one this week or soon. And give those one x owners a treat by enhancing it. Keep killing ninjas, werewolves, scorpions, demons and take care. What an adrenaline rush it all was...

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never ever

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The first time you get the nunchuks in NGB was a fucking biblical moment, and then getting the Flails on top of them, but flexing on enemies byusingthe nunchuks again.

Lads, the slowdown stairway near the end. Hadso much fun watching OT and UTs in slow motion and seeing all those severed limbs and heads rolling down the steps.

>aggroing all the enemies then running to the base of the stairs and going ninja bowling with scythe UTs

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The enemy variety at the end of NG2 gets kinda bland which is my biggest complaint. I think I'm stuck on Chapter 8 Master Ninja but I haven't played in so long.

Sleep tight, Op. And thanks for the thread.