This is what's ruining gaming right now. V, and real Vgoers should band together and oust these fucks, they're the roots, plaguing the site from the start, and to make this website good we should fix this
>Remove anonymity
>remove imagelimits
>add a post character limit
>filter incel and "Info graphic" posts
what do you think?
This is what's ruining gaming right now. V, and real Vgoers should band together and oust these fucks...
Other urls found in this thread:
rangeban the United States and everything will be fine
mad roastie
Bad OP, bad thread, bad argument, bad ideas.
Sage in all fields.
Redneck slur
>jeannu ruining vidya
Seriously. Why are we so transphobic here? They're our sisters. we should love them! dont you guys love astolfo? She's trans.
for me it's the discord trannies
have sex
git gud
>he plays gachashit instead of saving all the jpgs off websites
Her show was bad, and I even liked the concept.
add canada and the uk and post quality will drastically improve
Fuck the us. Fuck nazi presidents and nazi gamers. Fuck white scum.
Best post ITT
this is just americans. ban americans
You can only bury your head in the sand for so long until politics drastically and directly impacts your life. Our world has become more political. Deal with it.
You will never be a woman.
give it to me straight Yea Forums. I haven’t been on this board since December and i want to know if the board quality improved or decreased since then. I still see tuxedoshit and it feels like this board hasn’t fucking changed at all while i was busy finishing up my backlog.
>Remove anonymity
fuck off to anywhere else
>add a post character limit
there already is a character limit you retarded faggot
Clearly needs to be less of one for incels like you.
Brexit and Trump were political revolutions and the butthurt commies cant cope lol
please go back to resetera or twitter.
How is Destiny still streaming after he shot that guy in Baltimore
>No user, Jews don't run the worl-
I'm going to say the N word.
no i live in sweden and im gay try again roastie bitch
probably white. Scum
Ahh, A true Swedish man
Racism should be banned
its hateful and wrong.
sweden yes
Why not just ban Hate?
agr eed
damn, is that joquain phoenix from the oscar and golden globe movie JOKER??
wtf happened to the premium bait?
why are we getting human pollution tier bait now?
That means we have to tolerate and accept everyone, Including Nazis. Love trumps hate, user.
Nazis arent human and dont deserve rights. FUck nazis
Now now, We don't tolerate hate here on 4Channel, Leave your bigotry at the door friend.
Fuck off nazi incel
>what do you think?
I think you should kill yourself.
Keep it up, user, And i'll have to notify the moderators.
How is destiny an incel, is it just a buzzword now? He's literally been married, has a kid, and fucks nonstop.
Glow in the dark nigger cattle
It's not implying that he is an incel, it's implying that despite him not being relevant to gaming or gaming """culture""" he keeps being posted constantly by people to troll the board.
>V, and real Vgoers
whats the top left anyway
Prove it.
Incel shooter who shot up a fifa tourney
Even better, An incel Jew. his second name is Katz or something
He's white though. look at the pic
Look at his nose, Nigger
white people can have big noses
fuck off retard
Those ones are the Jews, They also have a neanderthal look about them
>merely coincidence
He shot something up. He's white. Notice how no non-whites commit shootings? it pays to look at the news.
Here's a slur for you: nigger faggot discord trannie you'll never be a real woman.
Arabs/ Middle eastern people also have huge noses being a semetic people like the Jews, They even fall into the Jewish stereotype more so than the "white" Jews, Always haggling, Can't trust any
The PS4 is worse than Switch now and there was never anything wrong with waifus
SJWs are worse than nazi..
Go back.
Seriously, fuck off newfag.
Haha cool thread OP. Did you know that despite making up a mere 13% of the population, blacks commit over half of the crime in the United States? Just a fun fact xD