Getting into Dark Souls

Is Dark Souls worth getting into? I've never played any souls game before, but obviously I've heard of it. I enjoy RPGs, and I have nothing against games being hard (I'm not sure how much of a meme this is). Which of the games would I be best starting with? I also only prefer to use keyboard/mouse, am I going to have a significantly worse experience than using a controller?

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the games are pretty bad and boring desu, you're better off looking for a better series

>I also only prefer to use keyboard/mouse, am I going to have a significantly worse experience than using a controller?
so you should play better game like Nioh

Start with Dark Souls 1. Don't waste money on the Remastered, it adds literally nothing, just use dsfix on PC. DON'T use guides outside of maybe basic combat tips, just do a blind playthrough and experience it how it's meant to be experienced. If you enjoy it, try Demons Souls, Dark Souls 3, and Bloodborne. Dark Souls 2 can be skipped.

I did that and died too much and gave up

the games are awful without a controller
>which one is best to get into
start with either DS1 or DS3
avoid DS2 in its entirety.

The games have decent aesthetics, stories, lore, combat, art direction, god-tier soundtracks, atmospheres, etc etc. But have one major backdraw; playerbase is retarded and loud and filled with jaded faggots. So, by all means enjoy the games but entirely avoid soulsborne discussions for the rest of your life if you want to keep a positive emotion on soulsborne after you delve deep into the games.

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Original DS plays like ass on mouse+keyboard. Still, I managed to beat it using only keyboard.

DS3 works great with M+KB

im playing with M+KB on ds3, ds1 is clunky as all fuck.
wrecking shitters currently.

dont listen to the People who tell you to skip 2, it's nowhere near as bad as People here make it out to be

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DeS, DaS1, BB and now Sekiro are all great.

DS2 sucks, we know that, but DS3 is alright if you are addicted to the series. Otherwise it's kinda played out and feels like warmed up leftovers from Bloodborne.

>Otherwise it's kinda played out and feels like warmed up leftovers from Bloodborne
same but also for fagiro

And this somehow affects gameplay in what way?

Honestly fucking embarassing

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you're absolutely right
lets take a look at the gameplay

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3 is the worst

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If you like really strong level design in games, play all of them, that's the best part.

Between us? I absolutely love the series, I want them to be good, but they're not, each and every game is an unorganized pile of steaming land whale shit besides the third game.

Dark Souls 1 is garbage from a technical stand point (If one of you faggots is gonna mention the remaster I'm gonna 4chin flip) and Dark Souls 2 is garbage by definition, after 3 games in the genre he got his shit together and made everything perfect in Dark Souls 3.

Play Dark Souls 3.

Fuck you, shove Dark Souls 1 and the remaster up the same asshole.

ADP doesn't matter if you're stationary

drape a towel over you arm and balance three coins on top

Great argument faggot.

Let's help OP out a bit here
>a good 2 boss vs a good 3 boss

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here's my "how i got into dark souls" story:

>it's 2016
>pretty much only played nintendo games my whole life, zelda was my favorite franchise
>also played stuff like soul calibur, tony hawk, mortal combat growing up
>stopped playing vidya from about age 14-23, so i'm heavily out of the loop when it comes to gaming
>last console owned was a wii
>recently back into vidya a bit, replaying OOT and playing ALTTP the first time on virtual console
>decide i may want to jump back into gaming
>looking for a new franchise to try out, see dark souls recommended a lot of places and called one of the hardest games ever
>decide to try it so i download it on my pc
>after about 5-10 hours it clicked and i fell in love

these games are on another level from other games and if you're mildly curious then you should def give them a try. i would probably recommend starting with bloodborne though, but if you don't have a ps4 then definitely start with dark souls 1.

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being a dragon is

>all those plebs recommending to skip DS2

Pleb filtered, all of them.
It's better than DS3

iits not an RPG. dont fall for that trap.

Its a hackan slash where you spam roll to win.

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not 2