Videogames will never excel the atmosphere and experience that Grand Theft Kino 4 delivered.
Videogames will never excel the atmosphere and experience that Grand Theft Kino 4 delivered
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I wholeheartedly agree, but keep in mind people are going to shit up your thread with whining about muh car boat physics.
Though the game was highly overrated
GTA IV is my favorite game of all time
>there are people browsing Yea Forums right now who killed Dwayne instead of Playboy
Of course they will, eventually, as long as progress continues unabated. Still, it's a remarkable pinnacle that still hasn't been surmounted.
>as long as progress continues unabated
It's stagnated for over a decade.
I love GTA IV so much although I wish it had a bit more stuff to do like in San Andreas. I might have a bit of bias to the story since I'm a wog and relate to the story more - oh also
>inb4 assblasted underage GTA V babbies shit up the thread
>I wish it had a bit more stuff to do like in San Andreas
Do you ever put Niko's phone on sleep mode and just walk around the city at night? Take the subway places, buy food from street vendors, use mods to smoke cigarettes and sit on park benches. It's very comfy stuff.
I disliked most things about gta 4, but the physics and car physics in particular were really fun once I got used to them.
literally everything in gta iv oozes soul
I'm not the same user but what is the best game to explore the map ? Vanilla or TBOGT ? Is there any difference between the two maps except for the filter ? Any place where you can't go in TBOGT ?
I would say vanilla GTA 4 just because I like the color palette and tone more than TBoGT. Gay Tony introduced too much of the GTA 5-like wackiness.
But Playboy gave me a cool phone, user. How could I kill him?
And Dwayne is your friend. Dwayne is just lonely and wants someone to go to burger shot and see shows with.
I like GTA 4, but the guns in this game make me want to puke. How hard would it have been for Rockstar to model an actual front sight for the Glock, instead of just mirroring the read sight?
At least they're not airsoft guns like in GTA V
I like both personnally, I didn't liked the tlad one, looked like piss
>Phone rings, it's Dwayne
>Dwayne: "Eh man, did you just call me?"
>Niko: "No man"
>Dwayne: "Ah I was in the shower and heard the phone ring, thought it could've been you. Call me if you wanna hang man"
Dwayne had a sad character arc
I still listen to Get Innocuous sometimes when I'm out walking, and I feel like Niko every time.
Best commercial ever.
is it true that they gutted gta 4 radio stations?
He likes cluckin bell and bowling though, he hates shows
Yes but the game is easy to downgrade to get them back
>not just adding the songs they removed to independence fm
Mafia 2 had better atmosphere
too bad it wasn't fun
But you can't get the proper dj plus I to put iconic 2000's songs in independence fm
thread theme
yeah but all the songs were just modded back in less than 5 minutes, same as when they cut tracks from vc and sa. it will be gta 5's turn in a few years.
I haven't played RDR2 yet, but Niko Bellic is my favorite R* protagonist.
Not as fun as IV though I'd agree but it still blows it out of the water in atmosphere
Arthur Morgan is better.
I saw the gunplay and lack of physicality in GTA V and straight up didn't bother playing it.
They made fucking Max Payne 3 before that game and zero of the progress made there was brought to V
I reinstalled episodes from liberty city on my new pc. I hope it works when I try to play it. I hear it’s a crapshoot to get working.
I can actually believe that. But I still haven't played it.
Just get it using 4 gb of ram. 32 bit application, so it can't use more than that.
>just walk around the city at night?
I sort of did that, I went into a helicopter and was amazed at the skyline reflecting into the ocean. The jump from 6th to 7th gen was so spectacular leaving you with a sense of wonderment
>use mods to smoke cigarettes and sit on park benches.
I played the majority of GTA IV on the 360 - so no mods. Only a couple of years ago when I built my high end rig I got to experience GTA IV on PC, even then I've literally played only vanilla
Anyway but what I meant by stuff to do in San Andreas was buffing up your character and stuff - they tried to expand on this on GTA V but it barely had any dev time focused on it and was useless. Also being able to steal ambulances and pick up people, or pick up a firetruck and put out fires. It's all the little things that add up that make a great experience.
I also wish GTA IV explained or showed off how beneficial it was to have friends and girlfriends that gave you perks and stuff - so many people complain about it and don't realize how beneficial it is to the game
Arthur is just a modern decaf sóy latte sipping liberal reimagined as a 19th century cowsóyboy.
Okay, I get that the physics in IV was a contentious topic. But one thing I think literally everyone can agree upon is that they completely ruined helicopters in V.
They controlled so well in IV, and its like they took out all the maneuverability in V and made them feel like awkward fucking tanks.
if GTA IV had come out today, you'd shit on Niko for being foreign and having a big nose.
the "turbulence" in 5 is what ruined them for me
Only Kiki was useful though, Alex's power sucked ans Carmen's one don't work
I thought flying copters in IV was very unintuitive on PC, V had a much better control scheme
>if GTA IV had come out today
it wouldn't
Like this guy said There were missions with Niko dedicated to killing homophobes who beat on your gay friend in the park. The only reason you think Arthur Morgan is "sjw" is because of today's sensitive political climate, and you're playing right into it you dumb fool.
Yeah, I'll admit the kb+m controls for helicopters sucked. I just use a gamepad whenever I have to fly.
I'm not American
is there any mods for gta4 that give you something like an underground garage to store more cars??
>not having a physical copy
>dodging warhammer online
nah, arthur is a whiny bitch
the "gay friend" is niko's balkan war comrade and they probably committed some (war) crimes together also
>no fingerless gloves
He was also schizophrenic and a freaking caricature of gays
So Niko protecting his gay friend is justified in your eyes, but Arthur sympathizing with his black friend is crossing the line?
Plausible deniability
On an unrelated note, I hate how frumpy Niko is, proportion-wise, compared to his inspiration
Could of been better, user. But it was alright
I started playing this on PS3 a few days ago and I'm really liking it, but there's a problem with my controller where it rarely recognizes when R2 or L2 are held all the way. It happened when I tried V too, but in no other games. Missions where I have to aim at people and hold the button down all the way don't work right unless I change to R1 which has its own share of issues. I never saw anyone else with this issue so I presume it's the controller.
All that aside, one thing that worries me right now is that the map looks samey. Is this a real problem or is it just because I'm still on the first island?
>Buy game
>Publishers opt to remove music and patch the game to reflect this
So how the fuck are they allowed do this?
maybe try and give it a good cleaning?
i've not had any problems like that and i've played across all platforms with both the ps3 controller and 360 on PC as well.
>not using the objectively kino PC trailer
oy vey
>Used to run some virtual gang on GTA4
>Our hangout was the old sprunk factory in Alderney
>Got around 20-30 members at one time
>We used to ride motorbikes and and chase other players out of Alderney
>Some mexican dude joins who was way older than me and starts trying to divide us since he wanted to be leader
>It turns into some movie tier revenge shit where I don't know who the trust anymore
>Finally have a 1v1 with the guy and beat him by only a few kills
>We had gameshared in the past on PSN so he reports me and I get banned for a month and all my gang members go off to play other shit in the end
GTA4 online might have only been like a deathmatch free-roam mode but it goes to show you that if you're autistic enough you create your own fun.
It was great but it doesn't capture the dark aspect of the game like the other trailers
I'm legit seething they didn't do anything for the tenth anniversary. Some Rockstar dev imported liberty park into RAGE 2 engine (pic related) but nothing came out of it
RAGE 2 as in the Bethesda game?
No. Don't you know what RAGE is? It's the engine that powers GTA IV and Red Dead Redemption 1 - while RAGE 2 was made for GTA V and Red Dead Redemption 2
I'm an idiot
Hey guys rate me, on my first playthtough I killed dwayne instead of playboy x
Ice cold slavic killer / 10
It's fine. There is no "good" choice. If you kill dwayne playboy gets mad at you for actually doing, if you kill playboy then dwayne gets mad at you.
this was the location i used the most lmao
dwanye just regrets having to kill X, unlike X who just wants nothing with you anymore
Gta 4 sucks!!! >:(( why are the cars so hard to drive??? Gta5 is way cooler i get to fly the jetpack like nyooooom and put epic neons on my car!
If u like gta4 ur probably like 20 years old or something lmao fuck off grandpa
They already did.
I'm 27 and GTA V is an objectively better game than GTA IV in every single way. You're just pretending it isn't because you're desperate to be seen as "different" and "alternative". Yea Forums has always been afflicted by pathetic contrarian attention-seekers and you're no different.
why is there a picture of an asian guy
something to do with drifting maybe? just a guess
I spent so much time playing the Cops & Crooks multiplayer mode which should seriously be it's entirely own game, every round was like it's own action movie. Still fucking mad there's nothing like it in V.
This is the entire "argument" of Yea Forums contrarian losers. I'm 27 and, because I'm not a fucking loser desperate for some contrarian identity, I'm able to evaluate these games objectively. And GTA V is objectively better than GTA IV in every single way.
1. Better graphics
2. A much more varied and interesting game world (city, hills, desert, sea including detailed sea bed, et cetera)
3. A much wider range of vehicles, most notably including airplanes
4. A more interesting campaign with the variety of being able to play as three different characters
5. The most comprehensive multiplayer suite in a GTA game to date
GTA IV was a great game at the time but it was bettered by GTA V in every single way. You're just looking at everything through rose-tinted glasses. "EVERYTHING WAS BETTER IN MY DAY!" - what a pathetic crock of shit.
airplanes weeeeeeeeeeeee!
trevor is so epic!!! he crazy!! curhaaaazeee!!! whats he gonna do next!! who knows because he is crazy hahah!
zoom zoom supercar
nyoooooom fast fast fast nyoooooooom
mommy buy me a shark card
mommy nooooooo he killed me with the orbital blast mommy i need more shark cards
>I'm 27 and GTA V is an objectively better game than GTA IV in every single way.
where's the single player dlc for V?
Why are some people on Yea Forums so thick that they can't make any sort of argument? Seriously, I'm actually concerned - how is it possible to be as mentally deficient as you are? You realise that ad hominem and straw man arguments are both fallacies, don't you? Well you probably don't given how thick you obviously are.
So you think that a game's worth is entirely based on whether it has single-player DLC or not? That's a pretty strange attitude in my view.
>babby's first edgelord simulator
The absolute state of IVfags, pic related is a game with actual atmosphere
so where is it?
Here's my argument
1. You're a salty little bitchboy who hates cars and couldn't handle driving in IV.
2. You're a salty little bitchboy who needs bright flashy colours to identify with a game's setting, and can't understand the appeal of comfy rainy nights in Liberty City
3. See 1
4. See 1
5. See 1
spent many hours just getting into chases and crashes
the driving was engaging enough to be a game in itself
gta5 driving is boring, too easy
So does that mean The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, rated as the best video game of all time on Metacritic, is not a good game simply because it doesn't have single-player DLC? How stupid are you?
How does it feel to be so pathetic?
ok but where is it?
get good crybaby
Seething V-tard
I have never played this game or any other GTA except III and I didn't liked it. Played Sleepin Dogs and didn't think much of it.
Played RDR and I liked it but consider it overrated. Also loved Max Payne 3.
Is it still worth it to play this game in 2019? I respect the quality and attention to detail in Rockstar games I'm just not sure if this one is too dated now, and I will play GTA V for sure.
Unironically, cracked versions are easier to get working.
>Is it still worth it to play this game in 2019?
yes, it's excellent
writing is better than in V, sharper
there is a difference between a nigger and a faggot
4's driving is even better with some first person cockpit mods. they're fairly crude looking but it beats a bumper cam or zoomed out.
Were you dropped on the head as a child?
GTA V has a user score of 8.3 on Metacritic, while GTA IV only has a 7.9. That's because GTA V is an objectively better game in every single way. Sorry that you're seething so much, it must be unpleasant to be experiencing such an inexpressible amount of butthurt.
fuck no, hes worse in every way possible. most overrated protagonist in history
There are gay niggers though
why can't you answer a simple question?
millenial homo btfo
imagine being a seething vtard and going into an IV thread and getting angry nobody likes V lmao
sure, but why avoid a simple, single question?
bitch that's Viktor Tsoi
also he's half asian half ruskie.
good god what a homo
Viktor Tsoi
Russian rock legend, his songs are really kino and perfectly fits Gta 4 atmosphere.
Lmao, seeing internet kiddies so desperately trying to seem "different" and "alternative" is always amusing.
it's literally a tech demo you zoomer turd, none of Rockstar's game have a SOUL anymore since the start of HD era
fucking hell he's having a stroke
it's a tech demo with soul
unlike soulless vice city
who are you quoting?
imagine being this guy
based Vtard
Man that's pathetic.
we broke him
he played himself from the get go.
>this guy
Saints Row was much better.
Imagine the smell
zoomer faggot
oh no no no no no no
I miss how simple the online was Just spending all my time either at the airport racing around and jumping over the sides or having ramming fights in helicopters
I'm trying not to.
Back when Rockstar's games still had soul...
>1. Better graphics
Poor argument since V is a sequel that was made five years later. The 3D trilogy of III, VC, and SA are now obsolete according to that point.
>2. A much more varied and interesting game world (city, hills, desert, sea including detailed sea bed, et cetera)
Sure it's a bigger map that has more variety, but there's literally a highway road that can take you around the whole map in under 10 minutes that makes it feel small. Every part of the map is also unlocked from the beginning which is why the other GTA games have a little more replay value. There's more reward to finishing missions and unlocking sections of the map, also random mountains take a quarter of the map.
>3. A much wider range of vehicles, most notably including airplanes
Yes. Also mention that 8/10 of the vehicles drive almost exactly the same and can go up the hills with no effort. The car physics in the game is a third-rate Saints Row 4 driving system that perfectly simulates the experience of driving on ice.
>4. A more interesting campaign with the variety of being able to play as three different characters
69 missions and over a dozen of them are just shit like buying outfits for a heist, or getting equipment for an actual mission. No DLCs. The three protagonists are one-dimensional and show little to no character at all. There is no single scene in the campaign that provokes emotion. The story is just dull, especially if you compare it to the other GTA games. It's the epitome of a shitty B-movie where nothing bad happens except for two optional end games that last five minutes max.
>5. The most comprehensive multiplayer suite in a GTA game to date
Ah yes. Have a feature where you could get everything in a flash. Sweet, sweet shark cards where it puts the non-buyers million years behind. Completely broken system.
I was born in '91 and even I can recognise how superior GTA V is to GTA IV. Which isn't to say that IV is bad; it's just to say that V is much better.
The butthurt just reeks from this post.
Agreed completely.
"Why are some people on Yea Forums so thick that they can't make any sort of argument? Seriously, I'm actually concerned - how is it possible to be as mentally deficient as you are? You realise that ad hominem and straw man arguments are both fallacies, don't you? Well you probably don't given how thick you obviously are."
Has no points to refute my post, so he does the exact same thing he criticized. Really makes you think, my man.
>Mann is one of my favorite filmmakers, and the heist film is one of my favorite genres, so I'm always hyped when there's a heist mission in video games, especially if it homages Heat
>still remember the bank heist from Vice City
>still remember the casino heist from San Andreas
>still remember the bank heist from GTA4
>also still fondly remember the bank heist from Mafia 1, and even enjoyed Kane & Lynch 1 for its heist and Mann dickriding
>was so excited when Rockstar announced GTA5 would actually be revolving a heist team, committing multiple heists throughout the game with proper prep and buildup, and heavily influenced by Mann
>can't remember any heist from GTA5
>actually can't remember anything from GTA5's main missions, only the side-game bullshit like the marital trouble, shrink sessions, how boring the nigger was, and the random edgy moments whenever you switched to Trevor
what went so wrong bros
>cops try to arrest you instead of just opening fire
I'm glad they fixed it for GTA5.
Your garbage isn't worth responding to because you're not actually saying anything.
>Poor argument since V is a sequel that was made five years later. The 3D trilogy of III, VC, and SA are now obsolete according to that point.
They're inferior games to IV and V, yes, although that isn't simply because of graphical advances - it's due to advances throughout the entire game.
>the other GTA games have a little more replay value
I disagree. I've been replaying V recently. I have replayed IV before. But nowadays I see little reason to go back to the old ones when V is so much better. Maybe I will go back to them in the future because they're still good games, they're just not AS good as V.
>there's literally a highway road that can take you around the whole map in under 10 minutes that makes it feel small
The tricks they employed in SA to make it feel big were novel at the time, and yes, the first time you play the game, when you get moved to Angel Pine, you think "wow this is quite far away". But in my view the indirect roads between the cities, designed to make the map feel larger, just get incredibly annoying after a short period of time. And you soon realise that Angel Pine is actually not that far from Los Santos.
>8/10 of the vehicles drive almost exactly the same
So a Bodhi drives the same as an Infernus? Could have fooled me mate.
>The car physics
Are much more enjoyable than the slow-ass cars in GTA IV, I agree.
>shooting the guns off cops hands and watch them run
Pretty fun desu
>69 missions and over a dozen of them are just shit like buying outfits for a heist
You mean like those missions in GTA IV where you have to buy different outfits for Niko? I distinctly remember a mission where you have to buy new clothes from some Russian clothes store early in the game. Then later in the game you have to buy a suit from Perseus. Meanwhile, YOU DON'T HAVE TO DO THE OUTFIT-BUYING MISSIONS FOR HEISTS IN GTA V. You realise you can choose which way you complete the heists, right? You realise you don't have to get the exterminator uniforms for the jewellery store heist, right? Or were you too stupid to work that one out?
>The three protagonists are one-dimensional blah blah blah
"YOUR GAME BAD, MY GAME GOOD!" - wow, what an insightful analysis.
>Sweet, sweet shark cards where it puts the non-buyers million years behind
GTA V still has all the game modes of GTA IV, plus more, which don't require you to spend any money whatsoever. If you want to play deathmatch you can still do that. Or if you want to do races you can do that too. Or if you want to play custom game modes, which I've played a lot of, then you can do that as well. In fact I think the custom game modes is one of the best features - e.g. user-created assault courses, where one team has to navigate the course while the other team tries to knock them off with cars. And user-created races are great too. The multiplayer is objectively superior to GTA IV in every way - it has the same stuff as before plus tons of other stuff. I've never bought a shark card and never will, because I think that's dumb, but yeah the choice is there if people want to. I don't know why you think it's compulsory to buy them.
rockstar is trash and libshit now
They went full multiplayer shekelgrubbing. The singleplayer in gta5 was like some phone developer nightmare of minigames and lazily designed zero difficulty missions dont think I died once to enemies in missions and hell the last one you just walk up to the big bad and shoot his ass.
why does a single car in gtavo cost as much as a triple A title?
seethe more
because retards keep buying it
also lack of good car games with open world, last I remember was The Crew
Are there any good mods for GTA4? Something that makes cars control better would be nice.
Yeah, here's the handling mod I use
just unzip it to your directory, make sure you use ultimate asi loader
This had better be dolphin porn.
Niko > John > Arthur
RDR2 is amazing, closest thing they've done to GTA IV
Agreed. Seeing Arthur change in Chapter 6 as tensions start to mount was intense.
The overall story arc between both games is incredible
User scores generally don't mean much though, anyone can sign up for multiple accounts
Seething PC tards always review bomb Rockstar games when they launch anyways
Seethe more.
>Minecraft is bigger than GTA 4 and 5 combined
Fuck. That's terrifying.
How is Skyrim that low, though? I would have expected it to have beat at least half the titles above it.
Imagine if IV got a remake with the graphical power behind V
I liked IV more, especially:
> the gunplay
> the weight behind cars
> the wanted system
> the atmosphere
> the characters/writing
> the map not being fucking empty desert and mountains
> cops n crooks (BASED gamemode that was never added into V fucking WHY)
Yeah Minecraft has sold a lot. Remember it's incredibly popular with children. Many parents will probably buy it for their children because they think it's a good educational tool or something.
As for Skyrim, I think it's done exceptionally well. 13th best-selling video game of all time is not a bad position to occupy. Especially considering that in-depth medieval/fantasy RPG games are not always massive sellers.
Minecraft was cheaper and more accessible to the family audience, it's not that bad. Also it counts mobile sales for some reason.
It wouldn't work. V is basically a remake of San Andreas as it is, but it's not as good. I mean, V is obviously a better game by any objective measure, but it wasn't nearly as impressive in 2013 as SA was in 2004.
GTA games are at their best when they're trying new shit and trying to push their own limits.
I kind of wish they set the next game outside the US.
Nah. The ugly and disheveled look Niko has adds more to his character. Looking too “badass” or “elite” would make his character unrelatable.
>not listening to Massive B
>not using the bolt action rifle and cancelling the animation between shouts by crouching/standing up
get ahhhda heeyh
It's not just a problem with Niko though, every ped and character model has the same goofy proportions (big heads, hands, squat height), they look like the cartoony concept art (not the loading art) which would be fine if the game itself wasn't aiming for realism.
Here's the concept art I was talking about
How dumb are you. It's not aiming for realism. Never did. Wow. This place is becoming even more stupid by the day.
everyone in IV looks like they have a bit of a belly for some reason. Still the best GTA tho
>driving around an empty night time Liberty City, going down a dimly lit street while
Legit kino feel
Could've fooled me
GTA V doesn't have Cop's N Crooks and all the supposed extra content is locked behind pay 2 win so no it isn't better multiplayer
GTA IV did push new limits in physics, driving, shooting, world building, graphics, story, multiplayer. Just cos it doesn't have fucking jetpacks i SWEAR.......
i miss niko guys
San Andreas is still a better GTA game. It's a god tier sandbox world with a fuck ton of shit to do and play with. GTA4 is still good, just not as good as SA. GTAV absolutely fucking dropped the ball hard though, that game just straight up sucks ass
GTA IV fags need to be gassed.
The seventh generation of video games is such shit. So many shitty, forgettable games and failed experiments. It sucks that zoomers are starting to get nostalgic about it because it was all so bland.
IV made SA obselte. SA's bigger range of guns aren't fun any more when people react exactly the same way to being shot but a shotgun and a pistol, likewise the bigger range of vehicles all handle roughly the same and the crash damage is woeful. IV is doing or more overall with nominally less than SA does with vastly more
The fun isn't the amount of guns it's everything else, especially the cheat codes. I mean if you want to count mods then gta 4 is better but vanilla, SA is much better. Nothing more fun in GTA than flying cars and using jetpacks and shit. I also like the map a lot more with it's variety in scenery
>Nothing more fun in GTA than flying cars and using jetpacks and shit
I gotta say i strongly disagree. for me there is nothing more fun that awesome multiplayer gunfights and car chases the way 4 did it. Playing against bots just pales in comparison to the potential fun you can have in MP
I enjoy just walking around the city. It has such a detailed, lived in feel that no other game has really captured.
the story is worse
>like sales means anything