Name 1 (one) flaw about the Octo Expansion

Name 1 (one) flaw about the Octo Expansion.

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I couldn't choose to have big octoling hair from splatoon 1

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No replay value

Huh. Weird. I literally bought this yesterday after realising my Switch was barely getting gametime and I needed some single player shit to play (was this or Planet Coaster for the PC)

It’s absolutely brilliant. Amazed it doesn’t get as many plaudits as it deserves.

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The coins, just let me retry for free.
Also some of the limited ink challenges were too unforgiving.

its boring

Also no good male octoling hairstyles.

>basically all levels are break the targets, take the 8 ball to the goal, fight the green octoamazon instead of real levels
>the same 4 bosses from the main campaign again
>kinda expensive for its content

There are some good levels here and there and the final level and final boss are really good but this was a disappointment for me. I don,t get why people cant see the problems with this campaign.


After years of bitching and moaning about how the industry was bottlenecking people to purchase trite cosmetic DLC purchases, Nintendo comes out with a full-fledged, honest-to-goodness expansion pack. The likes of which unseen since roughly 16 years ago.

But nobody cares because "huurrr nintender iz 4 baybeez!"

>octo afro
>not good
Yeah well fuck you buddy

It really should have been the main campaign of the base game instead of the complete rehash of the first games.

it still has these awful ranked matches against bots missions

other than that it's my favorite 2018 game, it's genuinely brilliant

I wish it had unique bosses

>Amazed it doesn’t get as many plaudits as it deserves.
splatoon 2 in general occupies that weird position where it's a hugely popular game (it'll probably sell 10 million copies when all's said and done) but it's sort of ignored online

it's really weird because it's still one of the best designed, most mechanically solid games on the market

It sucks we couldn't have that hair but it's understandable why we couldn't have it

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it's too hard

I'm not really sure why it felt less like a slog when it was technically even more repetitive than the main quests, I finished the whole thing in 2 days in a row unlike the main story which I kept going back and stoping after a while

The final levels and boss (and secret boss) were real kino tho, if they ever make a 3rd I hope they take notes of the level design and difficulty of those

beating all challenges take a fair amount of time and the ticket trading system rewards playing more beyond that

The curse of Nintendo where people ignore it only because it's on their system.

It doesn't get praised enough, best single player experience on switch, better than botw, better than odyssey, but too bad, splatoon single player content "sucks" because it's a multiplayer game.

Agent 3 secret fight is probably the best boss fight I've ever experienced, and felt more rewarding than any souls game.

It gave me the desire to care for a cute octo girl that real life will never allow me to fulfill.

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that's a flaw of real life

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Oh so what your trying to say is;
>it’s a waste of time

>when it was technically even more repetitive than the main quests
I don't see how, it had far more variety than the regular campaigns

anything that deviates from the path leading to marriage and reproduction is a waste of time

It's a waste of time if you're bad at video games

Octo girl aint riding my dick

It's not fair.

The funny thing is I don't remember the Agent 4 story mode being repetitive. Lots of different mechanics get introduced often enough throughout the campaign, after all. It was just easy as balls. The only reason most people went through with it was to rescue Callie.

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I already have tons of tockets for working for the bear playing the same missions with a similar weapon isn’t replay value

the subway map changes color if you beat every challenge with every weapon

this tbqh

I legitimately don't remember any level from the normal campaign while I can describe most of octo expansion missions

my joycon keeps drifting so i cant play it

>still being a proconlet

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Splatoon 2 is just an uprezzed port of the original, didn't you know?

I can remember a handful of levels off the top my head. The first one with the unfurlers, the big bouncy beach-type level, the one with all the floating cubes you had to climb around vertically, the rollonium. The son of a bitch level in the last valley with the rotating platformings you had to manually trigger. Like I said, lots of variety but none of it holds a candle to OE's levels. Those were tailor-made for specific weapons so they're more fine-tuned and fun to play.

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>no unique bosses in the train station
>not enough levels
>replayability declines sharply after you complete every level, get every memcake, and get the golden pin
>can't sit down on the train seats (minor issue)
If they implemented some sort of daily or even weekly challenge to get more CQ points to buy things like clothes or chunks it would be more replayable. Like Salmon Run. Have some rotating singleplayer challenges. My dream would be to have a monthly difficult challenge. But the game has "stopped updating" so they won't do that.
Otherwise it is my favorite DLC of any game.

Tower levels made rage like i never raged before.

If i wanted to play that mode i'd play it in online, but they're forcing to do it AND i have to replace the whole team of 4

git gud

Can't skip cutscenes

This mode is better then the story mode that shit had me falling asleep

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I can't beat it because I'm bad at splatoon

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Just the rehashed bosses really.
Otherwise it's a diamond, and the real reason to own Splatoon 2.

>replayability declines sharply after you complete every level, get every memcake, and get the golden pin
Wow, you mean once you've completed everything it has to offer there isn't anything left? Talk about a dealbreaker.

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Only shitposters day that.
Honestly Splatoon is far too good where both literal kids and hardcore austists can be functional contributing teammates

I used to hate those missions until I saw some shit from October expansion IRL.
I instantly knew to flank right bomb left and charge center
3 kills and an easy win

This is one of the few times I’m ok with that.
I didn’t have a WiiU anyways

those puzzle cgallanges where you had to form a doggo and stuff sucked dick

well meme'd

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What a qt.

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I love seeing her in different weird styles.

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God I love 8
She kind of looks like that cat girl from Night in the woods

Need to play through the whole final level rather than being able to replay specific sections whenever you want, i.e the turf war

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die octo scum

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It kind of sucks there isn't more art of Agent 8 getting to meet the Squid Sisters. It was their song that kickstarted her whole storyline, after all.

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>male 4
Oh fuck that’s rare

agent 4 has a variety of hairstyles and options (unlike 3 and 8) so seeing art of non-canon agent 4 with any different hairstyles is very rare.

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Not surprising, Agent 4 seems to be canon female. She's always shown as the yellow short-haired woomy without fail. Agent 3 has had various different official representations, though I personally prefer male.

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Octo ponytail is too short

But she's so cute!

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Really wish splatoon 2 credits had the same charm as 1 did, showcasing many different versions of agent 4 doing various of stuff.

Time to buy new joycons

The song was way better and hit me in the heart, so I'd say it was an even trade.

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Have you tried using gyro controls and not being a shitter

I think you can boil almost any game to simplest elements like this, to make it sound bad.

Really, what's one of your favourite games user? or any game for that matter, I'll try and do the same.

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Witchcraft and wizardry rules, baby.

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I can never understand this. The game's really popular, sold a ton of copies, has an active playerbase, but looking online it seems like nobody's that excited about it. Can't even have threads on Yea Forums talking about the actual game too often. What causes people to shrug it off like this, when way shittier games get discussed plenty? Or is it just big in Japan and not really that popular outside of it?

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How long until the inevitable Splatoon 3? will it be on the switch? or are we getting a spin off until a new console happen?

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Fact of the matter is the game has stagnated a bit in terms of what you can discuss. There's threads almost daily and I try to keep them going through either images or talking but there's only so much to say. The game came out a long time ago by now, OE came and went with great fanfare, and now the updates and splatfests will soon come to an end. We've all already discussed our favorite weapons, our favorite stages, the bullshit balancing issues. I play the game almost daily but it doesn't change the fact we'd need something new for these threads to receive some fresh material.

Most likely a spin-off. Despite everything I just typed out, the game is still going strong and 3 would have to be a MASSIVE sequel to justify still being on Switch when 2 was almost a launch title.

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Loved the stations, lots of interesting and creative challenges, the mem cakes were probably my favourite way of conveying a voiceless PC's feelings in any video game, the chat logs had lots of funny and cute dialogue, the gear you got was fresh
If anything I feel like it's the "real" single player of Splatoon 2 because it's not just a rehash of the first game and it has the new idols for Splat2, and so my only complaint is that it should have been included at launch

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Of course I personally don't have much to complain about since I still enjoy the game a lot and new veemo art comes out at a steady pace.

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Too bad there isn’t many official merch of her
I was hoping that she’d at least get a figma alongside the Woomies (I heard that yebbies are getting one next)

Or the Amiibo should be available separately at the very least.
Fuck paying 40 bucks for the one I want.

If I see that fucking octo one more time

use the ask for help feature lol

This is a total lie.
Splatoon is a fucking phenomenon in japan. It’s only ignored here because people are fucking stupid.

They are though. I ordered a single veemo amiibo from play-asia.

I would pay an unreasonable amount of money for my own veemo to hug. If you really want her amiibo so bad just import it, it's 15 burger bucks on play-asia. I have all 3 from a birthday gift.

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then you will be happy?

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>I heard that yebbies are getting one next
Source? I though the Squid Sisters will surely be next.

I have a bit of unofficial merch

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I don't think you're supposed to eat them

Damn, that's super cute.

Probably not, but they are based on a specific type of japanese fish snack. Most gaijin just think they're erasers.

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of course you are supposed to eat them, they are cakes after all

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>Most gaijin just think they're erasers
Literally me

Where the FUCK is my octo merch, Nintendo? I want my damn octo pillows.

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If it weren't for the bullshit homing bombs, that fight wouldn't have been anywhere near as hard

It took Off The Hook 2 years to get plushies.

>If it weren't for a challenge, the fight wouldn't have been challenging
who woulda funk it

And it still pisses me off. They know damn well how much people love this game. They never even made Callie and Marie reprints.

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Finish the remaining challenges and IA3. Plus most stations have multiple different weapons to pass with.

The fight has 5 stages, 4 of them are fairly challenging but the autobomb stage was just wankery

This is how it should have been

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If they make a 3 they'd have to make yet another new group, we went from pop idols to rapper/DJ so what's next?

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Octos wear too much clothing

Punk Rock

Boy band.

>Splatoon 2 is just an uprezzed port of the original,
>uses entirely new assets throughout the game even for the player model

It wasnt longer. Octo expansion was fucking great and filled that void of 80s, 90s in my heart.

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Literally Daft Punk

Actually that would be pretty cool

Fuck no

Rock duo consisting of an octo girl and an inkling boy so they can do the inevitable boys vs girls splatfest.

I understood every fucking reference and it make me grin like an idiot.

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twenty one pilots

No squidification no explanation just, twenty one pilots

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>every single octoling musician introduced has been a DJ
Why is that?

It ends up being these two.

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It just felt good to remember but in a way that was still experiencing something new. I imagine some of the devs in japan are as apathetic about the current world as I am

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Oh yeah wasn’t there a concept artwork of male 3 being a DJ?

If you’re bad, sure

>Raft Funk

They are busy

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>on rails crate shooting with bamboozler

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Is there? I know 3 has been portrayed as male more than once but that's news to me. I just think it's a cute idea.

Gotta do something after the honeymoon.

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>marrying your former enemy
now that's how you do it

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I want my customizable rooms Nintendo

Calibrate it

It lets you skip if you fail too many times so you have players walking around inkopolis as octolings that didn't even complete the challenge.

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>stopped a hostile invasion with a cool old guy
>probably got to fuck Callie and Marie afterwards
>went off on a mission that ended with the world being saved
>fell in love with a cute octo
Agent 3 is who we should all aspire to be.

Oh damn, that's slick.

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>not enough levels
There's 80

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that artist almost got the default male octoling hairstyle right

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i like to see squid/octo relationships please do post more

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I personally know the guy who does these, I've been trying to get his friend to suggest OE octo models. Not sure if it's taking.

>maybe that one squid dude from squid squad who formed a band with that new octogirl
there isn't much to work with.

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I don't have a whole lot on me.

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Well we can always trust the good artists out there for this right?
Bless your heart user

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I love 2's concept art so much. It raises so many questions.

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Okay, maybe I had more than I thought.

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user he's a guy...

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>covering Pearl's eyes
Even when she's 21 people still treat her like a kid

Acting like one will have that effect.

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that's one lewd octo

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>Race mixing

Now that's progressive.

Ponytail octo girl best octo girl.

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I bet Agent 3 is secretly a huge dork who's only level 30 and averages out as a B rank despite being a great hero due to his dedication to the cause!

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For the whole family.

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Sean's cooking both horrifies and intrigues me.

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Reused bosses

No sunken scrolls, the ones in hero mode in splatoon 2 were awful, I was hoping they'd expand on what's it like living underground with the octarians, instead of just stating it in the new artbook.
the chat logs are nice though.

Now I think I'm almost done.

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goodbye then

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Yep, that was it. Have one of the very first examples as a gift.

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When I found out they recycled the bosses I was pretty disappointed. Other than that it's pretty excellent though.

I don't have much more but allow me to add one to your collection.

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Don't hit the veemo

>not Pearl covering Marina's pure eyes

She's being spanked for dressing so provocatively. She shouldn't be displaying her delicious rear to the world so shamelessly.

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Can I at least pet the veemo?

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I believe so

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man, this artist really really likes these two together

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How about giving them a nice new backpack?

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Can you blame him? It's the cutest shit I've ever seen come out of Splatoon.

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Post more C.Q

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You gotta post the whole thing in order, man.

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They made the octolings be like niggers and mutts instead of actual pure breed octolings.

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Bruh Shelton’s Pick has changed the meta hard

reuses bosses from the main campaign

You can't take Iso Padre with you.

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Possibly the biggest crime of all time.

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Fuck genetically engineered Cat girls
Genetically engineered Veemos fucking when?

sea hares when

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Hare vs Tortoise is the closest thing we got.
It's a bad idea but I like that judd is still the same.

Creating your own daughteru sounds like a sin against nature, but my heart wants it.

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its pedophile pandering

Normally I’m against milking a franchise but fucking take my money
I need those fucking pillows

Probably at least 20 years from now before it is viable

They did pop stars
They did female Tupac and Biggie
Daft punk rip off sounds pretty dope

You’re hired

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Frankly the only reason I don’t have my veemo yet is
1. Too lazy-ADD to complete octo expansion
2. Too proudful to use the skip level button

Old washed up 70s rock stars
I just want to see Ozzy Octoling

I kinda wish they’d go Army of 2 style
1 inkling 1 octo

Worse part she’s older than Mariana

You mean best.

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kpop (krab pop)

I can see that being an individual side band like The Squid Squad

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I can’t marry the octo girl

The problem is that you have to both be good and able to understand what you're doing to be able to talk about it beyond "I'm a kid, I'm a squid. I shoot ink and hate my team."

Distract her by cumming on her bare feet.

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>I can’t adopt the octo girl
Fixed that for you.

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>those thighs

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You can do it user, just practice! It helped me, and I'm a filthy casual!

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Not being in the base game and it being dlc, shows how rushed and recycled Splatoon 2 was.

Emo boys (don't have the picture but it's great)

You have to romance her

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Goddamn I wanna see the current human form of octavio.

git gud
Then by the time you've learned the fight you'll wish there was more

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Pressure her into a corner by boxing her in with ink so that she's forced to get stuck in it. During the Splashdown phase go back and forth on the little sides of the box with the stalks.

>tfw no single player where the IA3 fight is the baseline difficulty and it only gets harder from there.

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plessure her*

Oh gosh.



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She is pretty adorable

They could just retool the rabbits as aliens that came from the moon, and were previously inhabitants of a human research base.

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Damn right.

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I’ll never get used to the octopus form, they all look like mini Octavio.
It’s not as cute as the squid forms.

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Speak for yourself, I wanna hug.

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>all these straight pairings
fucking garbage

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Fuck off fujo

I was wondering when one of you weirdos would pop in to take offense.

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Wish I had an Octo daughter

>nobody cares
literally every online match I play has at least half of the people using octolings
it probably sold like fucking crazy

That makes two of us.

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The levels were hit or miss.


It was the hidden 2018 goty.

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I'd try to beat IA3 but I get enough frustration from multiplayer matches, thanks.

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You only have to beat IA3 once and it's over. It's honestly not that bad once you get a pattern going. Multiplayer frustrations, on the other hand are eternal.

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Why do they have to be brown? Why do so many players make them look dark skinned?

Canon 8 has dark skin.

It's called delicious brown for a reason.

Attached: 1529625697684.png (309x471, 148K)

I guess I don't mind that but where does it even come from? None of the actual octolings are dark skinned and now all of a sudden they are everywhere. Was that ever addressed or was is some throw away line about Marina being from a different octoling subset species or whatever?

I would not call it delicious per se...

I just want to git gud with Hydra and the Splatoon gods throw everything against me.
Fuck multiple chargers or splooshes in the opposite team especially if they're japs.

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I can't date Pearl

They just can be, there's not much else to it. They weren't going to have 10 different otoling enemy models, but now that they were playable it makes sense for them to be whatever. Canon Agent 8 at the very least seems to be fairly brown-skinned.

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Don’t know but most of the old concept art for octo expansion or the new Octolings have them in a pretty black environment (the Afro was almost going to be the default hairstyle for the male, an Afro and cornrow were one of the scrapped hairstyles for the female octoling) .
Basically they somewhat had black people in mind when designing the new Octolings.

I didn't make my octo snow white but I think she's slightly lighter than canon Agent 8. Either way I love her.

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Octo Expansion is the cutest DLC.

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I wish I was good enough to draw cute veemos on the corners of my notebooks.

The octofro would have been cool if it had suckers on it, but it looks like a poofy swim cap.

Attached: octos.png (1000x1000, 1.2M)

>The octofro would have been cool if it had suckers on it
it almost had tentacles, probably looked too weird when they modeled it.

Attached: afro.png (895x328, 707K)

You some kind of jive turkey? Afros gotta be smooth like your soul, brother.

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It couldnt last forever

8 a best

Attached: 8 vs 3.png (1280x875, 894K)

didnt come early enough for Sakurai to add them in the Smash echo fighter roster

She ought to be another character entirely with Splatoon 2 weaponry and specials. Still, getting into the game at all would be great. Free echo fighters might still be in the cards if they just straight up said that the fight passes will all be brand new characters.

Attached: 1529237294813.jpg (449x849, 42K)

It'll happen. I can see them being more of a semi-clone than an echo, especially with the amount of weapons and specials to choose from.
but maybe not this smash though.

>Octo Expansion stage with C.Q in the bg
>Off The Hook assist trophy
>Agent 8 being the default meaning a newer, better amiibo
>Witch veemo alt
>Octo Expansion soundtrack
make it happen

>ask for octolings
>they give us octolings without the reason people liked them

Its so that gear, especially headgear, can be easily interchangeable with inklings. Its that simple.

Attached: CFDC75B0-92E3-41BA-94F7-DC6F83073DA8.jpg (4000x3752, 447K)

OE and SSBU were announced in the same direct

I obviously know that but its still not okay.

I still feel like they could have made it work, when they managed to get the big puffy afros to work

he means when the planning ended
which a ex-Namco employee, Sonobe, confirmed it was conpleted since the month before month he left BN to Nintendo

will they at least get a mii costume?

>Witch veemo alt
I told you last time to not get my damn hopes up.

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It’s pretty much possible though
The inkling girl got an alt based on her amiibo so why not?

Name the challenge that made you rage the hardest.

For me, it was the on-rails crate busting mission. Available weapons were:
jet squelcher (easy)
splattershot (easy)
bamboozler (pic related)

Attached: skeleton rage intensifies.gif (500x394, 1011K)

Okay I'm looking up woomy amiibo and I don't see it. She has Agent 3, schoolgirl, and chocolate alts and none of those are an amiibo.

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Hey, user. If you're still here, I just wanted to let you know that you motivated me to try IA3 once again. This time it only took me 30 minutes. Got to the last phase a few times, but couldn't quite work it out. I kept rushing all the time and every phase, and I finally got her in the last phase, right after initial 3 splashdowns.
Thank You.

Attached: 1546393973757.gif (160x170, 1.87M)

I want veemo to pee in my mouth

Wear your prize and wear it with pride, because only you earned that thing. The world will know you earned your cute octo and didn't skip like a filthy casual.

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user, I meant the gear the inkling girl amiibo gives which happen to be the school girl alt.

I used to have a hard time fighting her so I just didn't try it at all for the last few months. I tried it again today and realized it's actually super easy if you rush her. Or maybe I've gotten better at this game since I last tried?

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Oh. I guess you have a point there, but it still feels too good to be true. Then again so did the two big bois we got so I suppose anything is possible.

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Likely a mixture of both. I'm of the opinion that her aim is bullshit but it's simple enough to exploit her AI. It was all worth it for the gold, though.

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It's not EPIC store exclusive ?

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i want her to hit me back twice as hard

But she's just a little octo baby.

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Attached: 1543276179845.webm (640x360, 931K)

To answer the first poster, just make big octo hair a piece of headgear only octos can wear, just like how octos and squids have different default tee shirts

then she can just hit me as many times as she wants until she gets bored

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It didn't add more octoling hairstyles.

surprisingly I found the octarian society to have more similarities to North Korea than nigs
I "fondly" remember experimentarium on island 4 when farming for hero skins


Why did no one ever tell me this game was so fun?

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Glad you like it user.

Marina's doing it so pearl doesn't get any ideas about switching sides or becoming bi.

Great to hear that you are having fun

power couple right there

Attached: DvV9-ItVYAEkyTm.png (695x578, 464K)

I dont have one, it was just a no-bullshit actual Expansion Pack that did everything an expansion pack should do

>New campaign, one thats actually bigger and more ambitious than base game with new assets and mechanics
>New character to play as
>New area with it's own aesthetic distinct from the base game
>Actually challenging at points but with built-in ways to get less skilled players through if they're just trying to complete the campaign
>New lore
>Is entirely optional, contains nothing that actually affects Multiplayer for instance

It's absolutely worth the 20 bucks it costs and it kills me that Zelda's DLC did exactly none of this despite costing the same amount

>more octo witch

Nigga I been trying to tell you since the Wii U days.

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I can't believe I got that pun. Now that I think of it, I have no idea what inklings are called in japan.

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Reminder that Marina was 10 when she joined the octarian army.

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I would do wonderful, horrible, loving things to that squid.

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Marie's Maries

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But would she be okay to do these wonderful, horrible, loving things with you?
Of course she wouldn't because she'd do them with me instead

Attached: 1529250563120.jpg (480x480, 24K)

Is this a real line sticker? Are there more?


Attached: 1547064941737.png (342x463, 119K)

The Squid Sisters had so much charm
I miss Splatoon 1

Both 1 and 2 had line stickers here check them our yourself

Little did you know she was here the entire time.

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weyyos are adorable (although woomys are a close second)

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sleepy marie

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Weyyo are terrible and should be killed

It took me a while to get used to them but they're alright.

Attached: D3fDFH6UEAAKOyh-orig.png (463x655, 96K)

Obviously veemos being number one.

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what would it be like to be dogpiled on by a bunch of veemos?

Surly Marie

Attached: 1528148960315.jpg (540x554, 61K)

Adorably squishy.

Attached: 1554610579070.png (1024x768, 614K)

please do not be rude!

Attached: file.png (1040x1200, 668K)

I like hime-cut Woomy the best. maybe if Veemo gets out I might consider liking her more. Octos overall deserve new hairstyles, really.


Attached: DzvbRVXUUAAFxyR.png (550x550, 119K)

you cant buy it separately

fuck, i'm so tired.

The sewer smells would make anyone puke

I wish I was a squid

Attached: relaxcade.jpg (1200x1600, 135K)

I wish squids were real

Hime cuts are top tier, I just have too much love to give for octos. I think we can all agree they need more styles, though. They only got two each while the damn squids get, what, 5? Not cool.

Attached: 1554598601598.png (1280x1832, 1.95M)

The squids have 6 for each gender
a travesty that there aren't more for octos

>The likes of which unseen since roughly 16 years ago.
you're forgetting this niche game called "witcher 3", bud

I'm guessing they're having a hard time designing some because of the 4 tentacles only rule? It's a shame since I really liked that scrapped boy (?) Octobang, it's kinda cute.

Attached: hairstyles.png (1614x520, 551K)

It really sucks, especially considering the ideas they had for them. At least the very best one made it into the game.

Attached: 1553470562386.png (1700x1668, 974K)

They stopped with that rule as soon as we saw footage of Splatoon 2. Neither octo boy's hairstyle completse 4 limbs anyway, only girl's default does that. Probably the ponytail too since her hair is up but you never know. Point being, those rules don't matter anyway so give us more hair.

Attached: 1552771063880.png (700x528, 207K)

It's probably too late for that.
maybe splatoon 3 will deliver.

There wasn't any actual octo-expansion

Attached: tumblr_pd3o2m5GIF1vo0b6po2_1280.png (1280x800, 791K)

Only because Nintendo are being assholes about online as always. Lots of companies support their popular multiplayer games for a long time after release and they give up after 2 years. It may be more than they've ever done for a game but it's still a pittance compared to the average. Oh well.

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It ended.

>Nothing that effects multiplayer
The golden hairpin is the best way to say your dick is the biggest.

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I dunno, I got it after about an hour of trying and I still constantly get my shit pushed in during ranked matches. I'm still proud and happy I got it but it's not much of an ego boost.

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too cute

That's the best part

Imagibe giving it a squooshy massage

this is the most effective strategy at beating IA3

Attached: 1552861174842.jpg (850x1200, 220K)

>tfw no x rank gamer mom to carry me

Attached: 1551692453686.png (700x856, 461K)

Damn I should've thought of that one

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I love the idea that even after escaping the undersea metro, 8 still does missions with 3 and 4 just because.

I'm always a bit surprised to see more OE art from this person, I keep assuming they mostly jumped off the wagon after 1. It wouldn't be the first time.

Of course 8 would still go on missions, she's an agent of the new squidbeak splatoon now

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Still, after what she went through I don't think anyone would blame her for wanting to settle into a normal life.

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I don't getuh

It costs $30.


I guess once an agent, always an agent
But considering YOU are agent 8, I guess she mostly just plays turf/ranked and works part-time for grizzco as well, so pretty normal all things considered

Attached: 1554326131803.png (2224x1668, 918K)

Technically we are all Agent 8, so I just like to imagine what the canon girl is like. I mostly see her as someone I help as opposed to a self-insert. Thank you for more ponytail octo.

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Grinding that one mission for enough points to brute force your way through the game.

Were past the point of limited lives in video games, just start the stage over when you die.

the secret final boss, and I still can't beat her. That bullshit splat reach.

Me neither

Attached: 7e0d3639-4ce5-411f-8820-34c3be25a894.png (1250x1400, 3.9M)

I finally got this golden pin tingie yesterday, after months of not being able to beat the secret boss.

Attached: chrome_2019-04-08_15-30-00.png (984x552, 869K)

Fug a woomy in the bum

Welcome to the club.

>not enough levels
The original SP had 25
This one has 80
That's more than triple for a goddamn expansion pack

Where 2 get?

OE levels are much shorter though.

Got it from etsy

>Start thread from start
>Hit all that Agent 8 / Agent 3 shipping art


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Stop my non-existant heart

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do you have to play as this brown squid throughout the Splatoon 2 campaign and Octo Expansion?
I unironically dislike playing as women in games because muh autism

Attached: 1495009707594.jpg (600x451, 98K)

No, but you should get your head checked

There's a character creation screen for both modes

You can customize the skin color

No you can play as a squid boy, Are you retarded?

Attached: file.png (200x351, 12K)

I can't see Agent 8's underwear
The rail shooting segments weren't great, would have felt a lot better if you just snapped to the rail when you jumped to either side. Gave me Sonic Adventure 2 flashbacks.

You can play as a boy or girl of any skin tone if you're that much of a faggot

Attached: octo.jpg (1000x1640, 151K)

Attached: 60a888550e143a9f9021c9a7a414f6cf.jpg (600x425, 51K)

Idk what it really was but Octo Expansion really did repair my interest in Splatoon. Nothings ever as satisfying as improving in multiplayer after getting the golden pin.

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took me about 2 hours. Don't know what to say other than don't get cornered. And have a trail of ink ready for escape most of the time.

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2 inkling 2 octo boyband. They all take different sides every splatfest but it's always 2 v 2. I think this would make more interesting character interactions about choices than 'I take the side on the left and she takes the side on the right'.

You'll take your waifu idols and you'll like them.

I'm always surprised by how damn good the models look for those holo-concerts.

Attached: cute.png (384x400, 101K)

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No actual expansion of inklings/octolings.


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>scientist/doctor with syringe sniper
I want this in the game so bad, so it would get fanart. It's so cool!

Took me like 20 minutes, I don't even think that I'm that good at the game. One of the most fun things in the game tho IMO.
What are some other games with hard boss battles I might like?

>looped version of Fly Octo Fly
I want it.

I-Is the game still going strong desu? I really want to play this game again

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Yeah, there's still three splatfests left

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Pedo game

Octo Expansion really was something great

It really did show that the Splatoon people are totally capable of making a really good singleplayer experience, and it makes me anxious for whatever Splatoon 3 could bring

Will they stop supporting this game after then?

We don't know yet if there'll be anymore major updates/additions/dlc, but there'll probably be some patches afterwards
Supposedly the developers must also work on the new Animal Crossing first and foremost

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Thanks user
I'm playing my first match in months
I'm a bucket user

That Weyyo has the right priority

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think this over, would you let your Daughter date someone from another species?

Attached: Woomy steler.jpg (800x566, 212K)


no because i would be the one dating them

That's what she gets for tempting pure squid boys with her lewd Octo body.

I would cuck my daughter

No, I woudn't let her date a nigger

The thang levels were really weird, and I wish there were more original boss battles

Other than that it was perfect

Would that make Lil' Judd Scrappy?

>He does it!

Attached: heavy laugh.jpg (500x500, 25K)

>notices your broken shield
OwO whats this?

Attached: Autobomb-Splatoon2.png (608x525, 279K)

This shit is worse than the ink mines from splatoon 1.

Attached: Weemy.png (700x898, 1.26M)

*kicks it away*

I unironically hope matthewmatosis makes a video about it as he said he'd play it last year and he's the only critic I could see talking about it, game needs more exposure

>have to leave for hours
>come back
>thread is still here
It was worth losing a full night's sleep. You guys are alright. Props to my niggas in this thread that got their golden toothpick.

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but MK8 and Hyrule Warriors had better DLC on the Wii U

Been here since the beginning, wanted to stay up all night but ended up falling asleep

Attached: 15555e21-40e4-4b97-a383-aa11535d78d5.png (800x1551, 2.35M)

And here you are still giving me new octos to save. I love it.

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you are quite the trooper then, but you also need to sleep, there's turf wars to win tomorrow!

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Attached: best girl.jpg (502x502, 58K)

I bet she has naughty, naughty thoughts about humans.

More Octo Hairstyles when?

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well, we only got a few image spaces left so might as well fill it up

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>Name 1 (one) flaw about the Octo Expansion.
>water themed game
>no swimwear
Now that I think about it, I guess that's a fault with the game, not the DLC. In general, I wish some of the gear you got from the expansion had abilities I actually like using.
>cuttlefish outfit is comeback, thermal ink, and run speed
I guess that's something. I wish that the story gear was more customizable

>forgot to attach pic related

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The most beautiful daughter.

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That was totally worth the wait. Now I can pass out, but I probably won't. Might go play some salmon run with best daughter.

Love you guys.

love you too

>cuttlefish and octavio were both very handsome hunks when younger
Wish we could have seen them like that in the game proper.