Can Halo Infinite save the franchise?
Can Halo Infinite save the franchise?
>500 million budget
Yeah....I'm thinking he's back
After the fuckups that were Halo 4 and 5? Not likely.
Nope, but Master Chief Collection on PC can...
It's got some damn good competition in MCC on PC.
Halo Infinite's going to need fucking everything shy of Cheat Engine. Game needs to be torn open. Massive Halo ring to explore, unified Forge and Campaign (so of course, working bots). Excellent casual play and good comp settings. Maybe even playable Elites/Soldiers/Grunts.
On top of completely trimming Spartan Abilities down and going about things much differently regarding Clamber's balance (making Clamber necessary for most jumps is the worst design decision ever made in Halo next to Armor Lock).
*Sheaths fedora
They can throw as much fucking money at it as they like, if it's the same team it's gonna be pretty damn mediocre.
Literally nothing that 343 Industries has created, has made me think they are capable of anything over 5/10.
Depends on many factors, biggest of which is whether or not the game is even a "Halo" game.
Everything they have announced about the game thus far makes it sound like its not even remotely similar to past games. Open world, dynamic weather, day/night cycle.
Shits probably a destiny clone where you have a hub of spartans who deploy onto a halo ring and do quests
>the franchise
>needing saving
If Infinite has sprinting it's DoA.
If it doesn't I'm buying it day 1.
>If Infinite has sprinting it's DoA.
That depends on campaign not having MC as the star again, Split Screen being cut again, and the game not having any features again but Infinite will have all of that so it will be alive.
Women in video games arent stem majors. 95% of them are art or communication majors.
Bonnie is literally telling bulldykes to learn to code.
Stop posting this, they don't hire trannies or bend over for them, that's Bungie, faggot
There is literally nothing wrong with women making videogames, as long as they're good at it. Make a game, I don't give a shit who you are as long as it's good.
This, he should be posting up the company hiring "non-binary" employees since they have mental illness.
No, don’t save it. Let it die, let him rest
Read a book, he's the series.
That's not even bad, you should see Bungie - Bungie unironically has SJW's. It has this chink that literally holds back community features in game because of 'muh toxicity'
You could of posted the screenshot of Bonnie Ross's twitter following feminist frequency to make a shitpost
>tfw you don't even know the names of important female game devs because they spend most of their time working and not virtue signalling on Twitter
There's nothing wrong with hiring women to make games. Women have been making games for a long damn time, and that's just the truth. And they've made some of the best games. There's nothing virtue signally about that.
No but Master Chief Collection on Nintendo Switch will when it gets announced at E3
>tfw bungie removed a piece of gear from destiny 2 because it resembled a symbol for kekistan
It would have to be a fucking massive reversal of everything they've done. They'd have to burn everything they attempted to the ground and build it back up.
>aesthetic issues
- Gritty military tacticool was replaced with generic and often retarded high sheen plastic designs. Way too many bulbous, misshapen, ugly-as-sin armors.
- Much of the Covenant was redesigned as "subspecies" for the worse, Elites especially.
- Prometheans, both the enemies and weapons, are pretty much a design dead-end so far.
>writing issues
- Writing is generally retarded and awful.
- Much of the characters and story within the games are propped up by fucktons of auxiliary material that are as equally if not more poorly written, but essentially required reading just to know what the fuck is going on.
>marketing issues
- #HuntfortheTruth
>music issues
- see if they can get Marty back
>general fundamental design issues
- microtransactions and all the usual horrors it entails
- designing a Halo that can't handle splitscreen is an achievement so fucking retarded the studio should have been shut down
There is nothing wrong with dedicated women and men making video games (see Team Silent).
Problems occur when people with mental issues make games and start pushing their own agendas through video games (most US devs nowadays). Shit is spreading like a cancer.
It means men aren't getting those jobs though
That's true
Oh yeah I forgot to mention that too. Seriously 343 is not bad because of women, it's bad because they are trying to catch the zoomer audience and 343 is fucking awful at management. I can't believe bungie gets a free pass on Yea Forums and how little people know how SJW it is while 343 gets shit on so much (not saying they don't deserve the hate, 343 nearly killed Halo) but still. Come the fuck on
But 343 has a lot of men. It also wasn't the women fucking the games up, that was some of the men, Kenneth Scott, Brian Reed, and Josh Holmes.
You're such a fucking SJW.
there will never be a good halo game again until people sit down and fucking admit that halo as a series sucks ass.
halo 1 is a god damn masterpiece and halo 2 and 3 revolutionized the multiplayer industry but that doesn't mean that they did everything right especially considering that the sucess of 2 and 3 led to the creation of games like ODST, Reach, 4, and all the other halo games that nobody cares about because they didn't understand what was good about halo
is there anything lamer than the forerunners or the archons or the precursors or whatever gay ass fractal re-adaptation of the same hellenic mythology are actually ancient aliens? #wow #whoa #italiano
sometimes I wonder if it's all just a scheme to get more competition among low-skill coders to drive down the cost of hiring them
This, that shit pisses me off to no end, Yea Forums still defends Bungie even though they are dead and never returning to what they were.
>All these damage controlling 404i turds replying
Fucking lol
That's like saying there will never be a good Metroid game even though it and Halo are my favorite series and I will never admit or agree to that.
>343bans a tranny on their site
>people state that they're not sjws
>343shills man
That's true I cannot lie. Ayoub too. Then there's Lawrence Metten who was a fucking 21 year old film school grad, put at lead gameplay designer.
Whatever you say man.
I had hope for PC Halo until I saw this.
Except ODST was good
9 8 9
>get btfo and proven wrong
>h-ha ha s-seething
Why? Ignoring their games at least they're optimized
Whoever's in charge of Sony's exclusives has taste. They pick stuff like Death Stranding and Ghost of Tsushima and Spider-Man and The Last of Us 2, while Microsoft picks crass has-beens like the later Halos and Gears, and farms them out to unrelated developers moreover, once even their creators have grown sick of them and want nothing more to do with them, and to top it all off they all end up running better on PC anyway.
What are the chances that these adoptive devs will feel as passionately about the properties they've been handed as Kojima and Sucker Punch feel about about the projects they themselves dreamt up? It doesn't matter how much money you throw around if you lack the taste to pick your targets well. Sony's superior exclusives will remain a huge draw because of their superior taste.
Why is XBOX practically offering Sony a monopoly on a silver plate?
>Why is XBOX practically offering Sony a monopoly on a silver plate?
yes but arguably not exactly because of the reasons you gave. Xbone is basically just the dreamcast of this generation
Wow, movies, yay?
Low quality outsider posts like this that reek of Reddit stench must be called out
If Halo 3 taught me anything it's to believe. And that's what I'll do.
Splash damage is great
ETQW was great
No and Bungie hasn't been any good either with their Destiny and Destiny 2 shit so they can't fix Halo either
Halo is dead, just let it rot and burn
nobody on Yea Forums knows or cares about what bungie is doing now.
They are irrelevant and make shitty western gatcha.
Death Stranding is the only one of those games that has a chance of being good though
>Xbone is basically just the dreamcast of this generation
Hardly. It's outlasted the Dreamcast by 3-4 years. If anything, it's the Xbox of this generation. 360 was a fluke that basically took advantage of Sony punching themselves in the face with an incredibly botched PS3 reveal/launch.
Only a redditor like yourself would know
your gay vomit typing habits are easily spotted as YouTube comment tier nigger retardation
the newer halo games aren't as good as Halo 1 because the original halo trilogy was built on shitloads of biblical symbolism. the first game is more or less the New Testament.
the master chief's name is john 117 and John 1:17 in the bible is "The Covenant came through Moses, but Truth and Grace come through Jesus Christ"
the bad guys in the game are literally pharisees. the whole game is about a covenant of religious zealots who use divinity as a tool of control who claim a bearer of truth to be a false prophet.
Halo is the Biblical book of john, btw
>he says posting le ebik facebook frog unironically
Don't make me dab on you
>ITT Frank O'Connor does his usual screeching and damage control
Shouldn't you be giving Bonnie a footrub right about now?
I agree completely with this, although I do think Reach's multiplayer was the best polished.
Or maybe he just watched CSI like many people did
Go back to Plebbit, Plebbitor
The only thing that can save Halo is gay romance between Chief and Arby.
Can't save a franchise that was always shit.
Only seething redditors will deny this is a pathetically reddit post. The worst type of human to ever exist.
Eldorado was the gleaming gold pinnacle of halo.