What will be the best fighting game of 2019?

What will be the best fighting game of 2019?

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Kill La Kill If.

Samurai showdown will play the best
Mk11 will sell the most

Samurai Shodown will probably get the most longevity from me. Granblue might be a fun game to play for the month.

Why do they keep making MKs? It looks literally the same every time. What's the difference? Also I never got into the MK fighting games because I cant get used to their block button.

Yea Forums fighting over censorship

Same reason they keep making madden and fifa I suppose. I'm not sure why they felt the need to move on from MK10. MK11 will play near identically to 10, the difference is the surge of new players and huge income boost.

>Sam Sho
Better Gameplay
Better Artstyle
Better characters, but smaller roster
Better content
Better online mode
Better Graphics
Bigger roster

Granblue has the highest potential there but we don't know anything about it apart that its designed to be more grounded like SFII and that its accesible enough for literal downies to play. Im all up for accesibility, I just hope its actually interesting. DBFZ got boring quick.

>MK11 will play near identically to 10

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Mortal Kombat sees some of the least gameplay changes from each iteration. We know it is going to be similar.

Every MK plays differently than the last.
>MK2 added combos
>MK3 added stamina and running
>MK4 was a 3D fighter
>MK5 added different stances
>MK6 added hazardous environments
>MK7 added kustom characters and Fatalities
>MK8 was rated T and had
>MK9 went backed to 2d and added EX/Xray moves
>MKX re-added run and Variations
>MK11 adds custom loadouts for characters, regeneration stamina and removed running.
Fuck off, retard.

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Samsho without a doubt, granblue might be worth a try

MK and DOA will have atrocious gameplay like usual

Street fighter has less changes with every iteration than MK between games.

Mk11 has the best gameplay objectively and for everyone who actually wants the arcade era of fighters back instead of just pretending to like muh mk2 an ST for e-cred


How? Every MK is dial a combo regardless of what new meter or combo breaker they tack on. Every street fighter is different enough that you can have preference for one and not the other.

samsho - maybe cool characters, looks like street fighter
doa6 - good gameplay, unfinished game
mk11 - never played it, looks likes trannies are taking over company like other western garbage
grandblue - anime shit

samsho maybe,
but I really enjoy doa6 so far

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mk11 will sell the most and have respectable gameplay, NRS is pretty vigilant with the patches

samsho will have the best gameplay

all the granblue hype about simple inputs and no combos makes it sound like trash. hopefully its failure shuts up the rising thunder fans once and for all.

doa6 already has one foot in the grave. only a director like shimbori is dumb enough to cause a schism in his own community.

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Samurai Spirits looking like the best Samurai Showdown game period, there's going to be no contest

MK will sell the most but for the best it's kinda hard to tell right now, Granblue didn't reveal much of its gameplay but I feel like it's gonna be either it or SamSho, mainly because they look like they will play pretty differently than most other fighters released lately.

They're all trash

>MK11 adds custom loadouts for characters,
This apparently can't be used in competitive or ranked though, which makes it kind of worthless

Man, i wish we had a good street fighter game currently. All these look better.

Based on? SNK bugs, shit netcode, the lack of any real gameplay that isn't scrubs or newbies, and high input lag due to massive post processing?

Samsho is showing a ton of red flags, but weebs eat it up since they've been pretending to play the games for years.

Attached: samsho tournament finals1.webm (1280x720, 2.79M)

>every game add its own unique mechanic.
>but they're the same because it has combos.

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Do you seriously think MK9 and MKX play the same? You might as well say Guilty Gear plays just like Blazblue let alone the 500 sequels to Blazblue alone that added as little as one new character sprite for $40.

trannies play DOA

NRS don't understand how to make fighting games so just rely on gore. Everything always devolves into the most mindless reliance on 50-50s while the animations make the game look like an abortion.
DoA is just tekken but worse in every way imaginable.
Granblue is being made by arcsys. Speaks for itself.
SamShow will be the best game. Mainly cos it's competition is bottom of the barrel garbage.

To be fair, SNK is trying to make a comeback and resurrect their franchises so i am willing to give them a pass in some aspects. Its not like Capcom that make a shitty SF game just because of lazyness.

Ehm Season 4

Attached: Bobbyshoryuken ryu.webm (888x500, 3M)

Damn man, reality hurts

11 frames lag

thanks for confirming you know literally nothing about mk11

>NRS don't understand how to make fighting games so just rely on gore
t. hasn't played 11
>Everything always devolves into the most mindless reliance on 50-50s while the animations make the game look like an abortion.
Wrong. MK11 has more startup on unga specials so they can be reacted to and the pressure game has risk if you try to go for a low or overhead like a gap in pressure or leaving you at minus. Neutral is also much better since combos don't start with long pokes and move you towards the opponent. There is a lot of pushback on certain moves and the moves that move you forward have more risk like a sobat.

>Better Artstyle
Literally Brianna Wu characters

Attached: Darli-Dagger.jpg (1280x720, 283K)

SF5 is really fucking awful. I just reinstalled it yesterday to see if it got better, and I think I hate it even more, also the game looks so fucking ugly.

hello keddit

Every time I see one of this guy's matches he mindbreaks his opponent just by understanding hitboxes and spacing, like they're concepts alien to the typical SF5 player

Better than MK11 at least, which is full of female characters that look like trannies and ugly looking chinks.The monsters and weird shit are the best mortal kombat characters.

SNK is owned by a very rich Chinese company and can afford to buy a slot at Evo with tons of advertising. The least they can do is get a rollback netcode even poor indie devs can afford before trying to shill their fucking game. Literal who games like Punch Planet or Omen of Sorrow have fucking GGPO.
They don't deserve shit until they put in the work.

>How to spot a streamboar

What was the Cammy supposed to do

>better than MK11

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This looks like a tranny to you?
Punk know hitboxes and spacing as well. Even Japs agree

Attached: 3508610-mk11-cassiecage-promo.jpg (1280x720, 93K)

Yea what a master of fundamentals. Must be hard predicting what a silver player will do when u have 5000 hours in the game.

Why do people keep posting this shit?

After the fifth time he swatted a Canon Spike out of the air you'd think he'd learn his lesson

that's an ultra diamond Cammy you blind retard

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Play ground game instead of non stop dive kicking like a giant retard. She wins in footsies and with meter can even stop him throwing fireballs. The real question in this match up with 2 good players is 'what is ryu even supposed to do?'

This dude just makes vids of him blowing up shitters and for some reason reddit eats it up.

>google image search

You really gonna defend the way he played there? His entire brain turned off.

>I'm going to talk like I know anything about the series also I never even played the series

Hes not wrong.

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nice alpha pic retard

Cope more. They made them all uglier. The got Biowared

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this actually looks way better than digger dagger

Her face looks great. People only complained about Jade because of the fucking hijab

she looks good
Are you really attracted to women or are you gay? Be honest, you've jerked it to anime "traps" haven't you .

>Her face looks great

Attached: 1554692993836.gif (232x196, 632K)

do we really need to start posting the tranny faces in MK9? for a mocapped video game face she looks great.

Cause MKX sold 11 million copies

> SNK bugs
Don't remember anything serious in KoF14

>the lack of any real gameplay that isn't scrubs or newbies
What the fuck does this even mean?

>and high input lag due
Only the KoF14 demo had high input lag

>/fgg/ meme webm
oh right, carry on. Netcode will be add though

The one (You) like best ofc.

I know I won't even try MK11 or DOA6. Will try both Granblue and Samsho, both look interesting.

>What the fuck does this even mean?
It means all the showcases have been terrible and I have no idea how it will play. It could be pretty terrible or great because shitty journalists usually play games the wrong way.

>Only the KoF14 demo had high input lag
KOF14 launch didn't have tons of post-processing effects. They are falling for the early SFV and MvCI trap.

>Based on? SNK bugs, shit netcode, the lack of any real gameplay that isn't scrubs or newbies, and high input lag due to massive post processing?
Most of those complaints really only apply to online play, which is a shitty way to play FTGs. FTGs are meant to be played in an arcade or local co-op.

>It means all the showcases have been terrible and I have no idea how it will play
It will play like SamSho, you don't have to see high level play to figure out what is there. Not like there is any crazy new system like when 4 added more combos. Most stuff is negative on block, buttons reach far and characters have all the old tools they use to. It isn't exactly hard to see how the game will pan out, plus we have Li Joe vs dev footage.

>KOF14 launch didn't have tons of post-processing effects. They are falling for the early SFV and MvCI trap.
Wait, so you are just assuming the input is high cause Capcom are incompetent?

I am not saying that they suck, NRS know how to do good looking females. All the female characters in Injustice 2 looked great and even god tier like Harley Quinn, but is obvious that they made them more "realistic" and sjw friendly for MK11.

>the lack of any real gameplay that isn't scrubs or newbies
I've not actively searched for it since I usually want to go relatively blind in new FGs but, LIJoe apparently did a stream with a build of the game, think SNK provided it.

You could go look for that if you wanna see gameplay from a seasoned player.

only one applies to online. Input lag and bugs happen offline and the lack of gameplay to judge whether it's a good purchase is a pre-release issue

>It will play like SamSho
SamShos play different with varying amounts of quality. There is a reason they had to say it will play like SS2. The problem is claiming they will play like SS2 is far different from playing like SS2. SFV claimed to play like SF2, yet they got basic things like pushback and air recovery so wrong it ruined the feeling, the meta, and the enjoyment of SFV for a lot of people. A lot of "under the hood" designs that people overlook can make or break a game. Samsho has already been broken due to shit design via SamSho VI, so you can't fucking tell me it will "play like le Samsho" you goddamn retard.

Seems boring so far. Only having 2 competitive variations suck and while pretty the game isn't interesting. It is 90% neutral in a game that doesn't make those moment to moment interactions intense. Will sell the best regardless.

is DoA, the game was kneecapped out the gate

Will be great, but underplayed with bad netcode. Probably get good views though cause watching people get got doesn't get old.

Is it even coming out this year? We've yet to see a full match so I can't judge, but the whole thing seems sidelined. Game will always be second (more like 4th or 5th) to the gacha.

That is just depressing.

LI Joe was struggling and only played an hour. Usually there will be people who have played for 10-30+ hours at gaming expos and can give a more comprehensive preview.

>nobody to play fightans against in a 50 miles radius
I wish I lived in a first world country bros

>been playing the same 10 or so australians in doa6 since launch

>last two Samshos were utter garbage
>it will be great I swear the advertisers told me so despite no demo to see for myself
Doubting so fucking much

>SamShos play different with varying amounts of quality.
Yet you fail to identify what is being done wrong. SFV we can straight away point out why it fails to be like SF2, even with limited footage you could see that getting round fireballs is easy, Vtrigger isn't like anything in SF2 and that normals are short. You're incapable of actually identifying an issue here.

>Usually there will be people who have played for 10-30+ hours at gaming expos and can give a more comprehensive preview.

Not a single fighting game is a quality experience online, that's not a real criticism.

Bummer. Again I had no idea since I didn't watch it, just wanted to help on that part. Still, I hope its good, the artstyle and setting always intrigued me since a wee lad but I wasn't into FGs at the time. Will try regardless of what anyone says form my own opinion and I feel anyone who's even a bit interested should reserve judgement until they play it too.

But ofc this is the 4chins so, shitpost freely.

Well it's not hard to be better than Sen and Tenkaichi.

Always liked Tekken 6's online. I hear TTT2's was better but I never got to play that one.

KI and IJ2. But that is about it. The industry standard certainly needs to improve, but acting like it is some grave sin only SNK is committing seems silly.

>Always liked Tekken 6's online. I hear TTT2's was better
Both had awful online. T7 is marginally better at best.

>Yet you fail to identify what is being done wrong.
Because I haven't played Samsho 2019. That's my whole fucking problem. I don't even know how it will play and I want either a demo or someone I can actually trust to play it for a while.

That doc is missing a lot of info and even admits to it.

Last Samurai Shodown game was released more than a decade ago. Fuck off.

>Both had awful online. T7 is marginally better at best.
I won't give MK a lot of credit but I'll be damned if NRS doesn't consistently have the best netcode in fighting games

>KI and IJ2. But that is about it
Punch Planet
Them's Fighting Herds
CCCaster for the pirated version of Melty Blood (the retail version is shit online, pirates win again!)
Lethal League
Darkstalkers Resurrection
Omen of Sorrow
Rising Thunder
Fantasy Strike
Pocket Rumble
All roms on Fightcade

Is that supposed to be a good thing? They haven't touched the series forever and it's supposed to magically be good?

What are they supposed to do? No netcode in the world can beat the basic rules of physics.

You can't simply remove latency. Fighting games will never, ever work online. They should have never left arcades, or else they're simply at risk of being dumbed down in order to make them actually suitable for online play.

I don't count small indie games or ports. Cause usually about 10 people play them and will shill every single aspect as wonderful. You can get away with saying a lot if no one plays your game.

>You can get away with saying a lot if no one plays your game.
Sounds like Samsho

Blame japanese developers insisting on developing their netcode in house because they have too much pride to license third party shit, while also simultaneously giving so little of a shit about netplay that they simply slap the most rudimentary shit imaginable together and call it a day.

>Muslim Koranbat
>Dead On Arrival
>Shit Fighter IVits

I don't even know Granblue Fantasy but that one wins automatically

Killer Instinct 2

The funny thing is that Capcom actually outsourced their shitty netcode to another Asian and got shit. Almost like they fucking hate westerners touching anything that isn't a port.

>Because I haven't played Samsho 2019. That's my whole fucking problem.
Actually first the problem was you had no idea how it played, then no good footage, then it was no extended thoughts from a demo and now you need it in your hands. Seems like you are making up issues on the spot.

Surely there are some steam player numbers you should be screaming about on /fgg/.

No, but that doesn't mean it has to be bad either. So far is looking at least as good as Sam Sho 4 or V, which arent the best, but weren't total shit either.

mkx had a rushdown meta. mk11 focuses more on footsies based on the beta
there are several gameplay changes:
>new crushing blow mechanic tied to various normals and specials. activation requirements differ, ranging from counters to consecutive hits etc. some requirements are nutty. many have additional properties such as DoT or popup or combo extension
>meter now 2 bars each for offense and defense and both fill automatically
>breakers replaced by dropouts from juggle for 2 bars. wakeup options are a roll to switch sides (which can be thrown on read) or create space for 1 bar, a popup, or an invincible check. the attacks use a bar each of offensive and defensive meter
>parry mechanic added to negate chip that can act as a reversal via wakeup attacks
>supers now separate from meter, available at 30% health and usable once per match on hit (whiffs trigger a cooldown)
>run was removed. short hops were added
>variation customization for casual mode. may be added to ranked in future
smashfags on Yea Forums larping as fgc exposing themselves

Kill la Kill hands down

>mk11 focuses more on footsies based on the beta
Only because people haven't played the game enough to discover all of its flaws yet.

>or someone I can trust to play it
Learn to read and quit making up your own narrative, fuckface

That's when a fighting game becomes fun though, exploiting the flaws to gain an advantage is part of it.

A flawless fighting game would be the most boring shit imaginable.

SonicFox and a lot of the MK pros have probably 50+ hours each on the game already from the betas. The major problem is going to be combo breakers, mastering spacing, and any potential meme characters like a possibly huge Shao Kahn that can't duck lows.

>I hear TTT2's was better

How is having unviable "meme" characters a problem? Most fighting games only have a handful of really viable characters, as long as the game is fun it doesn't really matter.

>Both had awful online. T7 is marginally better at best.
How? It's missing a bunch of features. There aren't even replays.

>duck lows.

sniffs getting exposed as usual

No he is right, stuff is extremely negative of block and without krushing blows there isn't many ways to extend your combos. The beta was pretty long and had a singleplayer mode which let people lab some stuff. It is very different from MKX, but no run alone did that. People weren't finding more than this, if anything the lack of wacky clips from the beta make the game seem a bit shallow.

>krushing blows
Hard ks haven't gotten any less kringe since 90s ended

You I'm a retard for that typo
Not afraid of him being nonviable, I'm afraid of him getting buffed with massive super armor and health ala MvC2 Sent to balance his inability to duck highs.

Too many devs these days try so hard to make their games balanced and "honest" when nobody actually wants any of that. Fighting games aren't fun without any bullshit.

I've never seen someone rage while winning before

Having only a few viable characters does make a game less fun though.

i know im just shitposting. im looking forward to that jank too. i like how NRS games in many ways have never ever moved on. the amount of janky, busted, clearly unplanned/tested shit they manage to sneak into their games even unto this day is astounding. its like they never want fighting games to lose that feeling of getting absolutely freed up by your older's brothers friend when you were a kid

No, not really. If anything, it can make the game better, since character matchups have a lesser influence and there is more emphasis on player skill. Fewer characters also means more time spent on studying each relevant matchup, and less fraudulent wins via pure gimmicks or character unfamiliarity.

There is bullshit in neutral. It's just damage either requires a corner or a krushing blow with meter+fatal blow. I'm fucking tired of the combo autism and the fact Tekken 7 nerfed combos, UNIST is less combo heavy than most anime games, and 50 second combo games like Skullgirls is dead as shit is telling. I want a 2 player game, not a 1 player. Rewarding neutral and execution doesn't require combo vids.

MK11 will sell twice as much as all the others combined.
But i think SamSho will be most fun.

>UNIST is less combo heavy than most anime games

NRS obviously want MK11 to be esports, but I don't think they've done a good job at making a good viewing experience. They understand how to make high quality graphics, but then they do stuff like this. People want some craziness, SFV gets a lot of shit but the braindead fans love it cause the game is so back and forth with lots of big effects. MK11 really lacks those big somebodys getting fucked moments.

>I'm fucking tired of the combo autism
I don't think MK11's neutral is very interesting either. At best it is baby Tekken without the crazy movement.

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bullshit, games with like 40 characters and only 6 are viable are trash

Why do you need more than 6 characters?

How much variety could you possibly need when it's a PvP game and every opponent is going to be different even if they're playing the same character?

Then why waste resources to make so many characters in the first place then.

Selling point to attract casuals. But in any game, the vast majority of its content is basically going to amount to filler.

It is actually. The bullshit part is how long blockstrings are for certain characters.

Actually looking forward to Granblue Versus.

As long as GB Versus isnt boring shit like Dragonball then its probably going to be my go to side game

is the latest samsho a good way to get familiar with the series?

Unist already took 2017 and 2018. Can't they just have 2019?

>What are they supposed to do?

Make inputs less strict, nothing should require dumb shit like just frame inputs

The reason why fighting game netplay is bad has nothing to do with inputs and everything to do with reaction time

>grubbles is PS4 only

Yes. It's a soft reboot and the gameplay is simplified compared to earlier entries.

what about V special if im playing on PC?

Best game in the series and one of the best in the genre.

Will Dead or Alive have modern boob physics?
If so the that

nice. thats good to know :)

V Special has a few extra mechanics, but I'd say the new one combines aspects rather than straight up simplifies. Like you get issen in rage explosion rather than state of nothingness. Making hard a single button instead of A+B is just smart, and the functions D had seem to be there just by other inputs. So it is pretty comparable to SS4 but without combo slash. It is more complex than say 1 or 2 but less than V Special.

MK is the CoD of fighting games , lots of sales does not equal to quality .

Is she a ninja dagger

Carribean cutter

i agree with your comparison: mk gets shit on a lot but, like cod, it's mostly unearned and parroted

>cod getting shit on

Attached: 1377430929272.png (453x344, 231K)

i doubt you've played either cod or mk

Here is what we know about GBV so far

>Grounded fighter
>Small combos
>Compared to SF2, but the meaning behind that might be more a long lasting easy to pick up game
>No motions
>A game that someone who has never touched a controller could pick up
>2 different block effects suggest instant block
>Possibly multiple types of wakeup including aerial
>Esports focus, Cygames already sponsor players and EVO

This is mostly pieced together from what little info we have. It has all the elements of something that could be big but they've done nothing to promote the game, especially in the west.

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>these are the people that accuse you of shilling on Yea Forums

>No Motions
So cooldown ala Rising Thunder or Command Normal style like Power rangers? I am genuinely curious how they'll make this one accesible.

>No motions
So every character is SFV Ed? I know lots of people struggle with a dp, but surely a qcf is easy enough for normalfags?

>So cooldown ala Rising Thunder or Command Normal style like Power rangers?
We don't know, not sure how they will work. The browser game does have cooldown moves so they might make the icons appear like that so it feels familiar. I could see them making it functionally work as a cooldown, but having it appear like how you can't just do a hadoken right after one just came out. Cause cooldowns carry a certain stigma.

They might have mentioned having a special button in one interview. Have to remember they are wanting to scoop up GBF fans who don't play anything else.

SamSho 2019 easily. It seems to be based mainly on IV in terms of its control scheme and mechanics, while characters seem to have most of the moves they had in V Special - both were highlights of the series, in my opinion. The games have always had a unique pace and it's refreshing to see Samurai Shodown make a return when fighting games are either 30-minute blockstring/combofests or patronising in their dumbing-down of mechanics.
>tfw no basara in 2019

Attached: basara.gif (640x448, 993K)

BlazBlue will forever be number one in my heart

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>Ryan Gosling as Basara

I can see cooldowns being interesting to implement. RT's system had tons of promise before it got discontinued. Being able to chain together skills via cooldown and the cooldown speed being affected by starters was very interesting. If it does ever go down that route Id expect something more complex.

DLC for sure

Tekken 7


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this, its actually fucking hilarious how MK11 exposed all the "Muh soul" shitters who like the idea of classic fighting games but dont ACTUALLY want to play them let alone are good at them

MK11 is pick up and play, simple on the surface and overall mechanics but deep in the matchups, all neutral and footsies with small but powerful kits per character. Its literally like an alternate universe where MK got better from MK2/3 and not worse, yet all these fucking retards who literally know nothing about fighting games are still throwing their muh nrs memes around

Tekken 7 will continue being the best fighting game around.

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>but deep in the matchups, all neutral and footsies with small but powerful kits per character
Man these are some good buzzwords. Doesn't stop everyone being so samey and the variations being a set down from MKX. Now you can customise everyone to have a fireball, teleport and their one actually good unique move.

Probably SamSho . DoA6 floped hard , SC6 is dead , Mk11 is another Mk so dead in 2 or 3 weeks after release and T7 is a getting old .

the difference is that MK gets better with every new entry while CoD doesnt and are practically fifa tier "update" (but worse) X times a year

even every single modern cod kid would rather play WaW, cod4 or MW2 than anything since

>surely a qcf is easy enough for normalfags?
I have a friend who still can't do qcf in the air user. Most people don't wanna put in the work at all.

>Man these are some good buzzwords.
>Doesn't stop everyone being so samey

stopped reading there

Except the new Samsho has snail walkspeed that even makes old Samsho look fast

It's mostly because MK games mechanically were pretty bad and they had no clue what they were doing for a long time. COD games on the otherhand are still competent gameplaywise.

full movesets haven't been shown yet even for characters showcased on stream and featured in the beta

Afaik Mk9 pro scene was much more active than MkX even though MkX sold much more copies , is obvious that focusing so much on the casual audience wll hurt the pro scene a bit . And for what we have seen so far Mk11 is going for an even wider audience so no surprise if the pro's get bored of the game quick .

So when are they revealing more characters for Versus

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In rating and sales?
Is this shit even a serious question?!

>full movesets haven't been shown yet
Only for ones on stream, beta characters had everything unless they decided after to give more to a character which they are open to.

MK9 pro scene was more active because the objective quality of a game has nothing to do with how much people actually like playing/ watching it, its exactly why Injustice 2 died a pathetic death even though its objectively one of the best fighting games ever made with a cast that has batman, all ninja turtles and hellboy in the same roster. The game is almost perfectly balanced to a clinical degree but the game is just so retardedly dry that nobody could give a fuck after 1.5 years, most dropped it sooner

MK11 is not going for any more of a "wider audience" than any other fighting game on the planet, if the devs claim that its now "easier" they are selling snake oil to the retards who unironically struggle with special move inputs and its blatantly obvious to anyone who watches the kombat kasts. If anything, MKX is the far easier game for anyone to play because of the braindead rushdown and no neutral. Literally anyone can win at MKX because all it takes is forcing the opponent to guess over and over and over. It was the first fighting game I ever went online in and its telling that when I came across an actual competitive player, under 50 hours into my first fighting game, barely knowing anything about the genre, I took a round off of him and wasnt even sandbagging at all in the match

Pros like MK11. Tom Brady has some good breakdowns on why MK11 is much better than X or 9 in the middle of his long ass rants. Basically he explains why 11 is balanced between offense and defense so people can play the way they want.

nrs scenes die because WB pumps out bi-yearly titles. the pros have unanimously praised mk11

>so no surprise if the pro's get bored of the game quick .
They're talking it up right now, but I never actually see any cool tech being talked about or posted. I've seen more breakdowns of the problems in the game than I have why it is so good. Think SonicFox has made two lists of issues from the beta. Seems like a lot of hot air cause they want it to be good.


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>but I never actually see any cool tech being talked about or posted.
A game isn't just tech. SF2 and 3 don't have amazing tech, yet it's universally praised. A lot of the depth in MK11 are the defensive properties and the neutral. Showing different ways to approach someone throwing out a raw 2 with your specific character isn't as exciting to tutorialboar as autism combos and setplay oki.
DBFZ had tons of tech being shared at launch and it's boring as fuck because it feels like taking turns than something organic.

because youre retarded, people dont even know what the final variations of the characters are, dont have access to practice mode and the movelists/ their properties had incomplete descriptions and stats in the beta so it wasnt even possible to learn what there was effectively

I do not know but I know its none of those.

Attached: terry.....jpg (418x438, 24K)

>SF2 and 3 don't have amazing tech
But they do, especially 3S. ST has stuff like O.Ryu's air tatsu randomly becomes unblockable 50% of the time. There is a load of weird shit in that game, tech that you use in the neutral. You don't seem to understand that tech doesn't just apply to combos. MK11's neutral is bland as you can get, I'm sure you'd have shilled IJ2 at the time as well. We even have matches where pros showed how overly easy it is to play lame in this game

I hope it's gonna have a lot of post-launch characters because the initial roster's already padded out with basic bitches

I hate when fuckers try to compare shit to SF2 and completely miss the point of the game. Same shit happened to FEXL and it killed all hype because people expected SF2 and not a game with a lot of running into crouching light. I'm not saying FEXL is a bad game, but you need to not create false expectations because FEXL would be an absolute trash SF2 game.

GBV looks like the same lie, but with legit bad neutral if there are normals that pull you towards the opponent from halfway across the screen.

>I know its none of those.

Attached: look at that fucking no brain nigger monkey.png (990x682, 308K)

>But they do, especially 3S. ST has stuff like O.Ryu's air tatsu randomly becomes unblockable 50% of the time. There is a load of weird shit in that game, tech that you use in the neutral. You don't seem to understand that tech doesn't just apply to combos.
O.Ryu has discovered over a decade later and it's a result of a bug that may or may not be tied to frame skipping. Tech like that doesn't show up over night. That's like expecting the IV Ultra glitch to show up day 0 when it took almost 2 years to be discovered if you count arcade.

>Basically he explains why 11 is balanced between offense and defense so people can play the way they want.
Is it? Characters like Scorpion have terrible offence if he doesn't have misery blade, which so far hasn't been part of his official variations. Even that just makes him safe, he still gives up his turn. You aren't going to be playing a very offensive Jade or Skarlet either. All there moves push you towards a defensive play style. There is very little in the game that seems rewarding of offensive play.

Attached: terry.jpg (1294x478, 69K)

>Tech like that doesn't show up over night.
So now the excuses come out cause you thought tech was just about combos. Call me when something interesting actually happens instead of begging that it will.

Is this a joke? Jade has a special low that can be performed before or after a high. She has a special that is safe on block and can be used in nasty corner combos. She has a move that makes her invincible to projectiles to say fuck you to most ranged moves. Jade is extremely versatile.

>Characters like Scorpion have terrible offence

maybe if youre a retarded reactionary who thinks every single character should be braindead and 100% figured out in the beta

I mained chain reaction in the beta without putting too much thought or time into it and only realized afterwards that I was playing the character completely wrong

What tech did other games discover day 0 that wasn't combos or legacy tech like kara throws or kbd.
Don't worry I'll wait.


That doesn't make her an offensive character, especially the last one which has a long start up that you would get punished for up close. Purple stuff is used for winning zoning battles, you don't go in after activating it. All that stuff favours her staying at mid to far range, she doesn't even have good combos unless you get them in the corner.

none are SF, so all will be dead in less than a year anyway. Even MK11 after selling like 8-10 millions.

Purple is used for closing in if you've been knocked back.

it's still smash ultimate

take a shower

>day 0
You mean the second demo that went on for ages?

Also Battle for the grid, people figured out lots of oddities in that game straight away including a glitch that made pink freeze basically creating another wall to use. Nice deflection but MK11 is still ass.

Ignore him, he probably owns zero fighting games

you dam well they bimbo-fied her after thw tweet storm, just like wonder woman and super girl. netherelam is literally has a new team of SJW on helm and you can see that in the designs. not being hateful but i think the head designer is gay. nothing wrong with that but obviously liking the buff naked men with out shirts beats putting women in skimpy clothes. again i can see the reason why, but out world women isn't as conservative and should be skimpy free spirits.

I'm not saying she's el atrocidad, but why are her cheeks so weak and deflated. It looks like she's very underweight or dehydrated.

Where you live my man. It can't be that bad unless it's brasil you mean

Battle for the Grid is legit a mess of a game that is going to need 100 patches and had a ton of FGC people working on it before they rushed it live. So you're saying MK11 should have more bugs that break the game? Maybe they should take the Battle for the Grid "tech" where you can stall the game indefinitely by comboing a dead character with zero infinite prevention.

You're a fucking retard

Finally someone who doesn't meme and shit on the game and sees the differences between 10 and 11

t. Faggotjuice slurping niggas

>b-b-but that game's bad so doesn't count
Hey, you asked the question and I gave a real answer. But you'd think a game with a about a combined weeks worth of beta, all the events and closed door stuff which pros were at would have a little bit more going on. Yet you can't name shit, aren't even fobbing me off with counter hit combos. I'm going to be nice, eventually people probably will figure some neat stuff about the game. But the simple fact that so little has been found by now, they aren't even pointing to threads with potential shows the game just doesn't have all that much going on. Cutting customs from ranked isn't going to help that either, you only get 2 now.

You're asking for MK to have shitload of bugs just so you can discover them. Do you realize how stupid that is? The game already has more going on than DBFZ considering people discover breaker-safe and anti-reversal setups. You want fucking bugs you fucking retard. Just admit you wanted comboshit from the start like I called you out for.

DOA is the best as usual
-best graphics
-best mechanics
-best stages
-best mind games
-best characters

Attached: 838380_screenshots_20190303141532_1.jpg (1920x1080, 409K)

all 3D is shit

she looks like a downy unironically

>have a pc and want to get into a good fighter
>UNIST - dead
>Skullgirls - dead
>GG - dead

Do I have to buy a ps4?

Play melty

No one plays ranked in anime fighters. Everyone plays lobbies. Same deal with PS4

I couldn't find any lobbies for it. Where would I start looking for some private ones?

I'll give it a try I guess.

For GG you have to be on the right time to get games. You can't come home after going out and play GG before going to bed. You need to play GG while everyone else is at dinner or going to a party.

Those games are Discord games so you can hit that one up. For GG, for some reason EU people are more active. For UNIST its recently more populous due to the Evo hype. You can also join the UNIST Yea Forums threads that pop up during midnight American time. They actually discuss and play lobbies there

Thanks. I really like UNIST/UNIEL and want to play it over Shit Fighter 5. I'll look for some discords.

DBFZ and Ultimate

Granblue and Samsho look fun though.


>I mained chain reaction in the beta without putting too much thought or time into it and only realized afterwards that I was playing the character completely wrong
Doesn't that just prove you are an idiot? Everyone was playing Kabal with nomad dash cancel, restand and low hook cause it was easy enough to figure out what is best. Barely ran into any Scorpions without misery blade cause why would anyone not take it? I guess everything you did being punished wasn't enough of a clue.

There is this game has some hidden depth we hadn't touched yet, then there is user clearly didn't even try experimenting and failed to figure out what everyone else did.

DB has already pretty much dried up. The tournament cancellation scare and general disinterest in the game has knocked it hard.

>ARR SAME blow dolls
>best characters

Attached: 1554442345450.png (352x844, 120K)

Please post actual best new boy

Attached: 1554442913762.png (723x911, 507K)

definitely gonna play this guy, not enough dudes use nagamakis

>anime shit
You mean Japanese game? Just like all fighters are outside muslim kombat? Dumb loli poster never change.

>anime fighters
Imagine being this retarded.

The only thing it proves is that I wasnt desperately trying to learn a game where nothing is finalized

Never even tried baraka or jade, the one characters one variation I somewhat played I wasnt desperately trying to figure out the most optimal conversions, I was trying to figure out how the game works in general and actually play against people

>Everyone was playing Kabal with nomad dash cancel, restand and low hook cause it was easy enough to figure out what is best.
yes, retards are easily identified by their desperate attempts to scrape out a win at all costs no matter the long term consequences, the only thing that led to was everyone already figuring out you can option select/ fuzzy practically all of Kabals "mix"

>Barely ran into any Scorpions without misery blade cause why would anyone not take it?
because not everyone is retarded and desperate to inch out a win at all costs in the beta where nobody knows anything, its blatantly obvious that you know nothing about fighting games if youre unironically retarded enough to think that the fucking BETA means literally anything in the grand scheme of things. Like I cant actually believe someone is still retarded enough in 2019 to talk about how good X character or move is in the first year of a game let alone the FUCKING ONLINE BETA of a game without finalized characters

>I guess everything you did being punished wasn't enough of a clue.
or maybe im not a retard who throws out unsafe moves on block

words of truth

He is so edgy but I love it. I wish there were more new comers cause they've done a pretty good job with all three

Attached: feather.jpg (1280x720, 229K)

I feel 3 is a good number, any more than that and I feel people would complain about the lack of veterans

all new characters look like dogshit and are generally retarded as a design and not cool at all
also every single character in the game looks retarded and bad

He said best, not most popular. S2 for DBFZ is loads of fun, and the DLC isn’t done yet. Plus we all know they’re winding down for Super DBFZ next year or whatever. The scene will pick up again with the sequel.

He's not even particularly edgy, he's just a Japanese Batman


At the same time, you're trying to blame players who figured out the best stuff as desperate for a win while you admit failing to experiment. Purposefully ignoring most of the possibilities your character has isn't learning the game better than everyone else. Players using what seems like the best stuff and other adapting to that isn't bad. It is how you learn what is good. Not being completely ignorant of what you character can actually do. It isn't like everyone else didn't test Scorpions other moves, they just saw the flaws.

>or maybe im not a retard who throws out unsafe moves on block
Everything he had was unsafe, that's why it was so important for him.

God I wanna fuck Rocksy.

The roster is a bit low in general, 2 more new and 2 more old would have been perfect for launch.

>He's not even particularly edgy

Attached: eyes.png (1920x1080, 2.19M)

Get woke go broke is a shitty meme for reason beyond it being used by politicniggers who think they can meme

I give these mental gymnastics a 10 out of 10

>16 (20 with DLC)
>roster is a bit low
Better that than infinite bloat that nobody could possibly hope to learn without dedicating a thousand hours.

mk - sales
doa - keeping 3d alive with tekken
granblue - i don't even know. anime is saturated rn
samurai - fills void fora new non-american, non anime gameplay 2d fighter.

i'm glad they all exist.

>her face looks great

For an abbo, sure. You like fucking abbos, mate? Getting a toothless blowjob that leaves your dick faintly smelling of gasoline?

granblue is such a waste of the xrd art style

>At the same time, you're trying to blame players who figured out the best stuff as desperate for a win
blame for what? the only people I "blame" for anything are reactionary retards who actually think they know something about the game when even within the span of the beta everyone with a brain went from crying about Kabal to figuring out solutions to deal with his seemingly good mixups

>while you admit failing to experiment.
I wasnt playing the beta 12 hours every day like the people who have an interest in instantly getting to a good of a level as possible at it while also not being one of the people who got access to the online stress test let alone the initial offline event

>Purposefully ignoring most of the possibilities your character has
Are you fucking retarded? Yes, thats exactly what the misery blade mouthbreathers are doing, what the fuck are you even talking about retard?

> isn't learning the game better than everyone else.
It actually is, I was learning the game and not any character specific gimmick because I literally do not give a fuck about some epic online record, especially in a beta with custom variations and no practice mode

>It isn't like everyone else didn't test Scorpions other moves, they just saw the flaws.
yes, they saw that misery blade is easy to spam with when nobody knows what everyone is doing and chain reaction is hard to spam with because the death spin isnt something you throw out on block and the unique strings have more complex application than "throw it out for epic mix" like kabals gimmicks

>Everything he had was unsafe, that's why it was so important for him.
not being + doesnt mean being punishable, youre retarded if youre throwing out special moves or even certain strings wantonly instead of only on whiff/ punish/ hitconfirming into those specials

that would be xrd itself m8

MK11 will win sales but suck like all MK do
DOA has ostracised itself from its audience, it's DOA
Samurai Spirits is a literally who

MK11 will definitely sell the best in the West, but its gonna be the same casual shit that every MK has always been. DoA is going to be a mediocre waifu fighting simulator. Somehow SS went under my radar until this thread, so i have no idea what the mechanics will be like. Looks interesting though. I've never liked anime fighters, so I know I won't like GBV. It might fill a niche for some people who enjoy those types of fighting games, but i don't think it'll be too successful (defnintely not enough to dethrone Blazblue. At then end of the year, unless SS really surprises me (doubtful, as I prefer 3d fifghting games), I'll still be playing Tekken 7

>netherelam is literally has a new team of SJW on helm and you can see that in the designs.
The only thing I agree with the bikini fags about is this. I don't even call them sjws, but I agree. Take one look at the kombat kast and you know alot of the staff changed from MK9 to MK11. Hector left. A few others did too. If you look at the artists credits for MK11 on imdb, it's a bunch of Hollywood artists Warner Bros hired during Injustice II.

It explains the huge jump in graphical quality and other things as well.

For example:

and many more.

>DOA has ostracised itself from its audience
DOA never had an audience and the fighting game online or offline community sure as hell wasn't the waifufag community. They really need to drop DOA as a fighting game and make a Tecmo all-star fighter and just milk the soiboi waifucucks with cheap gacha games.

samsho is the farthest thing from an anime fighter that it ends up on the opposite side of the scale

>the fighting game online or offline community sure as hell wasn't the waifufag community
Every fighting game community is a waifufag community

Attached: sfv.jpg (637x138, 35K)

>Somehow SS went under my radar until this thread,
Because you don't know shit about fighting games.

>so i have no idea what the mechanics will be like.
Because you're a zoomer. Which invariably leads to

>I've never liked anime fighters,
You thinking it's an anime fighter.

vg is denegerate circlejerk central, only a fool would take it as a representation of any community

NOOO dont red pill me user !

Attached: 2565756856.jpg (750x1000, 68K)

He's talking about anime fighters in relation to Granblue
>what is reading comprehension

Smash Bros Ultimate has the most entrants at EVO and it's currently the best Smash game.

I'd say this one.

>no motions
gay casual shit for babies, I'll pass

yes and I was talking about samsho in comparison to anime fighters since they already know about them

Imagine gatekeeping a game because you dont like it or suck ass at it and cant handle that knowledge.

>Every fighting game community is a waifufag community
t. degenerate streamboar

Jesus dude you are such a casual. Everyone figuring out what is good isn't spam, labbing wasn't even hard in the beta. You didn't learn the game better cause you couldn't even figure out what was good.

Talking about something you know negative about, it shows.

Attached: 1550538708331.jpg (480x360, 18K)

normalfags gonna buy MK
DOA is just dead
Samsho is going to get its dick sucked all day but still die because its SNK
Gacha money game is the only one that could surprise us, but given ASW at the moment, it could just as easily be another game that feels like stylish mode is always on.

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Fuck off

>literal giant in Jaoanese media that will guarantee sales no matter what


>Jesus dude you are such a casual. Everyone figuring out what is good isn't spam,

actual yikes, have fun trying to get into the top 10000 ranked range once the game comes out

>You didn't learn the game better
youre the only one insecure and retarded enough to think that this was some epic point I was making at any point before some other kid like you was actually stupid enough to imply that I didnt

UNIST and GG are literally both anime fighters, and before you reply with
>bbbbbbut UNIST is a grounded game with no airdashing!
It's still a niche fighting game with an anime artstyle and is therefore an anime fighter. Literally only Capcom and SNK games dont have that tag.

How is it a waste? Granblue has to be the prettiest game that is stuck in gacha hell. If anything it would be a waste not to pull it out of gacha to actual games.

Bobbyshoryuken is a god, but don't pretend SFV plays anything like that. He puts himself at a massive disadvantage by playing honest footsies, and a lot of his opponents clearly aren't used to it for some ungodly reason. He does all that shit in spite of the game, not because of it.

Like, the mere fact that bobby's play is impressive should tell you everything you need to know about SFV.

Not a fighting game

MK11 is changing up the systems drastically by giving you separate EX meters for offense and defense while putting X Rays as an Ultra instead of a metered super ave removing running. Still gonna play like shit but at least they're trying. In terms of graphical quality, sheer content, and story mode, NRS is unmatched, it's just that their games aren't fun.

I think pic related is really cool though.

Attached: maxresdefault-2.jpg (1280x720, 136K)

Standing medium kick and spiral arrow.

Not because she lacks other buttons, but because ryu cannot deal with a cammy who just bullies the fuck out of him with those.

The cammy players is just so out of her element when exposed to actual footsies that she explodes, despite her character flat out winning the footsies in this matchup 10/0

So I haven't been paying that close attention because the rushdown of MK11 was so godawful, but can you still confirm off neutral jump instant over head on some characters? Also is there still that stupid thing you can do in NRS games where you can confirm into EX versions after seeing if it hit or not?

I actually haven't heard anything about no motions. I'd kinda doubt it considering they've totally shown different versions of the same specials.

Also Progressive mode in FEXL is fine, so assuming they're just copying Arika I wouldn't have much problem with that.

That's why it's good.

The left two.

>but at least they're trying
to dumb it down even more, yes. Fatal Blow can whiff, and will still recharge. Basically, they're there until you hit it. You cannot miss. The game doesn't allow you to and it takes more than 30% dmg, AND it requires nothing more than a simple pressing of buttons. It's even more casualized than MKX and 9.

That's not even mentioning the shrunken combos strings. The usual nrs players are cumming all over each others tiddies talking about footsies, but it's gonna be 50/50 hell again. Watch Erron Black's stream.

Unist is Anime in everything but airdashing (and even then it's in the game, just bad). The whole "it has footsies" thing is just kinda a meme since you will definitely spend far more of your time in blockstrings than you will playing neutral, especially against the top tiers.

If the top tiers get nerfs then the game might have more footsies, but as it stands if you aren't playing a character who can ignore that shit you're playing a low tier.

All of those seem awful. Can we just DQ all of them?

>being this delusional.
No one's forcing anyone to do anything. The playerbase is made up of firstly, casuals, then wannabe sheep, then actual pros. The casuals don't give a fuck about online. The pros play whatever pays, they don't care about fun. And the wannabes follow and swallow whatever their precious pros do.

You fags learned nothing from SFV. Pros have financiall interest in playing the newest game. It's not based on quality.

NRS fanboys are addicted to novelty and hype. They don't care about deep gameplay at all. AT ALL. All it takes is for the next game to be announced - ANNOUNCED, not even revealed - for people to drop the game they were calling the best gaem evar. Logic tells you the games get boring fast, so they move on.

>Can we just Dragon Quest all of them

Disqualify, retard.

I'd say Granblue, but SamSho has its chances.

Attached: 1541881698412.png (1920x1080, 2.42M)

Depending on how Granblue plays then that. Its such a wildcard at this point. It has the most potential out of any of those games.

fighting games fucking suck. Literally fucking dota requires more skill than this dead ass genre.
tekken 7 is fun tho and im really looking forward to samsho

>"refutes" new build with old build

MKCHADS finna win FOTY again

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Power Rangers may take #2 after SamSho if the support is good. Dropping 3 characters for free is a good start, but that might be in part an apology for the small starting roster and being buggy at launch.

Attached: 3489066-tag_screenshot_v2.jpg (1920x1080, 282K)

Don't use the meme often but damn, it just looks soulless.

Also funny coming from a dying genre

show me your 6k mmr account if it doesnt take skill
also >26 million dollar prize pool

Visually yes because it's reusing models from a mobile game. Gameplay has a lot of soul put into it though, cl0ckwerk was the design lead and it's a fun hybrid of various tag games.

I feel visuals in FGs play a big part though, at least bigger than people in the community think. Even if a game has the tightest battle system, immense depth and good balance I still believe people will gravitate towards something that's visually appealing to them, that or brand appeal, something they're fans of like Power Rangers in this case.

Know about the people behind it but I'm still iffy on it. Hope it looks better on release.

It actually came out at the end of March on Switch/Bone. PS4 launch was this week, and PC is coming out in the Summer. I'm going to grab it on Switch mostly so I can have a portable hyper fighter to lab combos in whenever because I'm a lab monster and finding new routes is my shit.

Doa or ss will be the best

>It actually came out
Oh. Guess I'll try when its on PC and hope for an update.

>Muslim Kombat
>Toned down DoA
>Literal who's

>mk11 will follow typical nrs cycle
>doa6 doesn’t even have lobbies yet
>SamSho will have horrible netcode and be dropped once KOF XV comes
>GBV is casualised and will be dropped for GG mainline or the new type-moon fighting game

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MOBA is literal point and click were you kill minions for 40 minutes for items. It’s a dumber down mmorpg. and you just rely on your team there is 0 skill required just have a functioning right hand to move your mouse

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There's an update coming soon with 3 characters and some bug fixes which I hope is a sign of things to come. The game seems made so cheaply that any support will probably be enough to portion out some more content.

It also has crossplay between Switch/Bone/PC (PS4 doesn't bend unless you're as big as Fortnite or PS4/PC only) which is a really cool thing to see.

you literally just proved to me the only experience you have is with the most braindead game in the genre

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I'd say the problem is more when something is outright ugly, rather than lacking. Like MvCi is just not nice to look at, even ignoring the faces the game has a really horrible style. BftG isn't stunning visually, but the style never outright offends my eyes. There is never anything I see and go wow that just looks wrong.

Brand though is such a huge factor for sales

graphics look like a mobile game, they are selling it for $20? lmao

You and a couple more of gormless arcade dwellers knowing SS doesn´t make it a well known franchise. It will sell depending on how many streamers get sold out and will be dead in 2 weeks.

I’ve played LoL and DoTA 2 from 2013-2018 every other MOBA is dead irellevant trash. League is just farm and wait for your jungler to gank then group. DoTA is just farm and let your hard carry farm then group and win. There is almost no real skill other than don’t be brain dead and group.

Attached: DA12CF6E-16D7-453C-BBE4-F890A563055A.jpg (250x246, 8K)

>crossplay between Switch/Bone/PC
Nice. Consoles have it way too good on that part. PC really needs crossplay for FGs though, communities on PC are so small in comparison. Here's hoping more companies learn the importance of crossplay as connections continue to get better for a lot of countries over the world.

Woah, that Erron Black stream sure confirmed the game is exactly like MKX because Erron Black has a single hitting, unsafe fifty fifty where you have to do the overhead three times in a row for the krushing blow

Streamers don’t mean shit in the FGC you dumb zoomer

more like 9

Best fighting game of 2019. It will be the same game that was the best fighting game of 2017 and 2018. Tekken 7.

>NRS fanboys are addicted to novelty and hype. They don't care about deep gameplay at all. AT ALL. All it takes is for the next game to be announced - ANNOUNCED, not even revealed - for people to drop the game they were calling the best gaem evar.

Literally nobody has ever called MK9, injustice 1, MKX or Injustice 2 the "best game ever", its telling that you actually have to lie like the retard you are to make up some epic excuse for why the community has been quick to jump onto the next game from the last shitty one. I can guarantee you that literally nobody is going to be teary eyed and clutching onto SFV the second the next actually alive and good capcom fighting game is announced

Yeah this fully, but I’m still excited for Granblue versus a lot. I just want to see fucking more of it. They only did one trailer that showed one new character so far since December. I like what I’m seeing but god damn fuck off with this snail speed newsdrip. Especially when we know who the first 10 characters are since day 1 because of the title art.

>just let your hard carry farm and win
its very clear to me that your understanding of this genre is very basic so let me put it like this. Having any member of your team who is not doing their job will cause you to lose in high level play. the amount of time one must put into dota specifically to actually be good at it is pretty insane. it has a far higher learning curve than any fighting game ive played and i have a few thousand hours in various fighting games.
dota is objectively more complex you dumb animeposter

>Likes looking at women.
>Must be 9 year old.
All the 9 year olds I know are too busy chocking to death on Lego. Thats always fun to watch.

It’s not. You can improve your skill, but then it’s a team game which makes it irrelevant. You can be shit and still win because your team. So that’s why my statement is correct, you are clearly biased and I doubt you have played for that long.

Attached: BFC7DCB1-27F3-4F6E-817F-32752DFD8351.png (213x223, 31K)

>peoole are still falling for the "SFV is bad meme"
The game has come a long way since season 1, it's not the absolute shitshow it was then. Right now things are fine, balance is relatively good beside some of the really low characters and a lot of the stupid shit has been toned down.

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>Having any member of your team who is not doing their job will cause you to lose in high level play.
>you can lose thanks to [thing completely out of your control]
>therefore it's a hard game

it’s a shit show because it’s dumbed down sf. literal who’s winning left and right because of how easy the game is. The game still looks like shit, plays like shit and capcoms FG division is shit

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>It will sell depending on how many streamers get sold out
Are you stupid? Have you ever checked the numbers fighting games do on twitch? It most likely is the genre with the lowest amount of viewers on average by a huge margin, if streamers had any weight in which game gets played a lot, you would have like 2 entrants for each game at EVO except for Smash who would have like 5k.

I dropped the game late into S2 and I never really had the drive to return. Abigail was a character literally built for me (massive big body grappler with armor on fucking everything AND cool juggle combos? Sign me the fuck up, especially since Alex was consistently bad) and he still wasn't enough to keep me invested.

Right now I'm waiting for the new post-Ono Division 2 to make an all-Capcom hyper fighter, hopefully with cool reps like Asura, Gene, and The Arisen.

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I'm so tired of "sfv has come a long way, it is in a good place!" It is so non committal. You know it isn't that good so have to go in soft. Tekken and UNIst fans don't shill with it is getting there guys, they sing the games praises.

But that is easy to do when your game is actually good

>literal who’s winning left and right because of how easy the game is
Please give me a recent example then. NCR just recently and top 8 was all well known players.

>people still post about people not liking SFV
Like a scream of desperation. Best part is that you know it won't change a thing. Game had its chance at attracting the community multiple times, its over, whoever sticked with it will continue to do so. But you keep bitching and moaning about others, like you aren't happy the entire planet isn't playing your favrit gaem.


>Caring about prize money
Also show me your Tekken 7 rank if it doesnt take skill

Okay smashfag.

>hit a nerve
>y-you're a smashfag, other communities can't possibly think we're retarded r-right?

>Yea Forums is shitting on SamSho while praising MK11
As expected from the most anti-japanese board in the site.

It will sell depending on how many people pick it up and end up liking its playstyle compared to the competition. I don't expect autists to want to learn a mildly different style of game though, especially when they first get randomly shitrolled by some random online who got some lucky hits or predicted their "Top100-level" playing.

DOA is surprisingly a lot of fun

Why are NRShills always so quick to throw the last game under the bus?

call me when it has NRS netplay so people outside of japan/ very specific parts of muttland can actually play the game online properly

They still haven't fixed the terrible hitboxes, the fact that rushdown is the only strategy you see in competitive at all (even BONCHAN cannot deal with opponents when the start abusing sagat's blindspot right in front of him), or like any of the issues people actually have with the game.

well "argued" mouthbreather

We've had multiple bump limit threads of people getting excited over SamSho since PAX showed off gameplay and characters. There's people hype over it.

Also you must be blind not to see how many threads are shitting on MK11's female designs.

Most people here are happy about SamSho you dicklicker

>the fact that rushdown is the only strategy you see in competitive at all
Menat and Guile still exist, though it was funny that Guile got so much worse when his rushdown was nerfed. Also have to give some credit to Punk recently, though I feel like he will get blown up soon cause he relies heavily on good reads

It's just that only smashfags come here pretending to know what they're talking about because they've seen a thread or two on a game.

SFV was fucking trash at release, yes, but shitters pretend it's still the same as it was in 2016.

Menat I'll give you, but outside of jwong most of her players are feared due to their insane VT1 offense. Rushdown is so much better and common than all the other archetypes it's unforgivable.

KOF XIV is hands down the best fighter of its generation of games to come out at that time. It was really fun, had a ton of characters, tons of supers and animations, and DLC that was really fucking good. Even the newcomers in XIV are generally great (MuiMui, Nadj, Luong, Xanadu).

I always use someone's reaction to XIV to determine whether or not they know an actual fucking thing about fighters. Graphics-fags are easy to suss out with XIV since they only care about appearance and not gameplay- a useless opinion.

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I wouldn't underestimate Granblue in terms of sales. That IP is absolutely massive.
99% of the playerbase will quit after their first online match, but it'll still sell millions.

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Yeah, overall the game does push you into offence. Even though there are longer periods of neutral than before it often feels like characters are pretty incapable in it. You're mostly waiting for someone to go fuck it demon flip and then begin pressure. Even when Punk is playing his A game and whiff punishing it still turns into corner carry and pressure. I wouldn't mind this but the offence in this game is so linear. I get the impression they've balanced it to appease people rather than make the best out of SFV that they can. They've created something that was better than when they started, but it is a simple rushdown game contorted into something slightly different.

While I agree with you, your test will give some false positive when it comes to KOF players since they're mostly ambivalent on the game. A lot of them don't like max mode much at all and would rather play older games than XIV, although there aren't many who would call XIV bad.

Exactly how I feel too. Some stuff like rashid having a corner carry BLOCKSTRING just makes me scratch my head. Also their balance changes are almost always trying to make characters more powerful by increasing their offensive options, and whenever a character has been seeing success with zoning (S1 Nash, etc.) they've almost always gone after the zoning instead of decreasing offensive potential.

>why are people not playing the FG I want them to
>I bet they're "insert brand name"fags
And that's why nobody likes your kind.

Are meleefucks still salty about SamSho taking their spot? I've been ignoring the whole deal til now since the big trailer dropped.

>no Lord Zedd with teleport shenigans like he had in the SNES fighter

interested to see what a game without comboboaring and a game without motions play like

Granblue Versus, easily. We already know MK11 is typical NRS garbage gameplay now with worse character designs and cinematics everywhere. DOA6 is cool for a free to play but it's not anythign special. Samurai Spirits is a low budget game but the gameplay looks good.

Only Granblue Versus will have the godlike graphics, godlike gameplay, and godlike quality.

Attached: 1551840629242.webm (1280x720, 2.74M)

This. The reality is that all the normalfags are gonna for MK. Which was never a good series

meleeniggers are always salty, might be a side effect of the lack of bath

>Graphics-fags are easy to suss out with XIV
To be fair, even for me who usually doesn't really care about that and can still play old 3D games without any problems, the first KoFXIV trailer was really fucking rough.

>godlike gameplay,
ArcSys recent efforts haven't been great. BBtag was an interesting experiment that hasn't really panned out, DBFZ has fallen pretty hard and I'd say a lot of GG players have ended up mixed though generally positive about Xrd. This also isn't their general style, battle fantasia was flawed plus a while ago. There is also the risk of Cygames meddling.

I'm not convinced till I see more, cause stuff like summoning Yugu to play as (looked like she got super armour as well) could be mad kuso

I can't think of one mainline KoF where most of the newcomers were bad, it's something they knock out of the park every time

I'm in the "mixed" camp in regards to Xrd. YRC made rushdown/setplay just as good as everyone feared, Balance has been poor with Johnny/Ky/Elph STILL shitting all over everyone, and none of my characters are in in favor of a lot of new characters I don't want to play as or against.

BBtag was a low budget asset flip with awful DLC practices that people still praised for the gameplay, DBFZ was one of the biggest successes in fighting game history which is why you now have people pretending to hate popular things as usual, and GG is the most highly praised fighting game of the generation. The fact that Granblue Versus is yet another unique gameplay experiment that even has oversized playable summons and ridiculous installs from a company with a proven track record and already confirmed godlike graphics, is already enough to put it ahead of the other 3 on this list.

Is Granblue even coming out this year? They're not doing a good job of remindi everyone that their two games exist.

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I hope it's SS. I was memed hard into buying SC6 and I hope it can give me what that game didn't.

DOA is the best playing 3D fighter that doesn't have "Virtua" in the title. MK plays like ass judging from the beta. GBF will likely be good like most ArcSys stuff, although I don't expect it to last long. Never played Samurai Showdown before although the new one looks promising.
So I'd say DOA or possibly Samurai Showdown.

MK is shit but is going to sell realy well
DOD was shit and sold realy bad
No idea about the gatcha game

Samsho will play the best but will sell like shit


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>I was memed into buying a good game but I'm too much of an idiot or a shit player so I'll pretend the game itself is the problem

GBV could also suffer from ArcSys balancing, I'm sure there is a logic to it but I'd be dammed if I can figure it out. A larger audience might not being willing to deal with that, which could explain DBFZ's decline. No one really likes Bardock being so good, I'm against just ruining characters but it doesn't even feel like they tried.

>BBtag was a low budget asset flip
Doesn't change how it turned out.

>DBFZ was one of the biggest successes in fighting game history
Not really, it did very well but compare it to something like MKX that sold 11 million. Didn't even break SFV's entrant records. And it is very easy to see the playerbase, views and entrants have dropped off a cliff.

>GG is the most highly praised fighting game of the generation
For the graphics. A lot of GG vets have never been completely happy with the game though

> yet another unique gameplay experiment that even has oversized playable summons and ridiculous installs
Just calling it unique doesn't mean that it should suddenly be praised. Be a ground based fighter with short combos and no air dash will make fighting such a thing very weird. Even if there recent track record was perfect that is a concept they actually need to prove instead of hiding the game away.

True goat right here

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butthurt sc fanboy

MK11 will be the best selling and probably the most discussed do to the normie influx around NRS games

SamSho will be the game that actually gets praised.

The other two will be a flash in the pan

Yeah, not trying to say that I had any faith in them before but after they nerfed Ky from S to S+ by not touching anything about him that mattered while nerfing everyone else I REALLY started to wonder what daisuke was smoking.


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>Just calling it unique doesn't mean that it should suddenly be praised
For me it does. There are dozens of fighting games available. Why should I play them? Especially when they're just rehashing shit like with MK and simply making the cinematics pretty and censoring characters as the only major change? Not interested. That's why DBFZ and GG are very interesting this generation.

I'm super hyped about this game but I want it to be somehow skilled, I hate bbcrosstag and its auto combo for that reason.

t. doesn't play fighting games

HOLY cringe

>Arc Sissys still think this will be good when already signs of it being brain dead garbage

Attached: ArcSoiboi.jpg (540x510, 74K)

not western shit thats for sure

Attached: 10000 years of pain 3.webm (1280x720, 2.41M)

>complaining about brain dead garbage
>on a MK thread

>5 kick combo
>5 kick combo

>Granblue Fantasy Versus
Great Gameplay
Best Artstyle
Great Graphics
Best Characters
Oldschool Gameplay
Shit Graphics
Great Graphics
Best Content
Shit Gameplay
Shit Roster


Post 30 seconds of you playing GG

>For me it does. There are dozens of fighting games available. Why should I play them?
Cause the mechanics actually work well together and are enjoyable.

>That's why DBFZ and GG are very interesting this generation.
But neither of them are super unique. The most unique part of DBFZ is the dragon balls, which is mostly a side mechanic for casuals. I've seen it happen less than 10 times in real sets. Even has bloody xfactor. It has got a lot of criticism for a cast with a homogeneous playstyle. Xrd is standard for an anime game, arguably the most atypical which is generally what people think of when they hear anime game.

>Muh MK
Nice try Arc Sissy, I'm looking more towards SamShodown's comeback.
You may have "purdy" graphics, but your games have shit gameplay.

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Looking back, SFIV is also mediocre. More fun casually, but revenge gauge is just as annoying to me as V trigger. Focus was cool, but too easy to abuse because you’ll probably have 2 free supers. V skills aren’t equal at all, and V reversal feels gimped because you’re throwing your broken away. SFV feels worse for sure, because of characters getting neutered to force the gimmick but they’re both more fun to watch then actually play. The 0 and III series are still really fun to me though.

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>>on a MK thread
lol this faggot again

SF4 was most interesting at high level, it allowed a huge range of styles. But getting to that point and keeping up with all the OS became a chore. At a casual level you could mostly ignore that stuff and it just felt like, well Street Fighter. I get why SFV tried to remove this barrier but it just didn't work out.


Attached: UMINEKO.webm (896x504, 2.98M)

mk has shitty graphics AND bad gameplay

Cool training mode broseph

Do samshow games have a high skill ceiling? I'm deciding between Spirits and MK11.

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>Still having SFV rent free in your head when everyone has moved on from it

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>A lot of GG vets have never been completely happy with the game though
It's not because some people don't like a game that it's shit.
You will always find vets that don't like a new game.


Is the Arc Sissy scared that SamShodown is gonna blow the fuck everything out of the water?

Attached: Soul Calibur 6.webm (1280x720, 2.48M)

>when already signs of it being brain dead garbage
It's not the case, retard.

im happy samshow is back
we getting 3 good fighting games this year
MK is not one of then
samshow is

>It's ok is Arc Sissy does it!

I kind of want this game even though I know I shouldn't because it's supposedly pretty bad. Gonna chalk it up to nostalgia. Although there's only what, two Mighty Morphin rangers in the game? Maybe if they put MMPR white and Zeo gold in I'll get it.

what the game is too fast for you thats why you hate it?

SamSho has the worst characters of the four games in the OP.

>I have no argument so I will just call them Arc Sissy
Maybe you are the one with brain damage

You know this is gonna turn out to be a girl

it has a cute and funny character
thats all that matters


The image had dead or alive so no
There isn't a single game with more basic bitch characters both male and female. Maybe VF

It looks generic as fuck and knowing Arc Sissy they will easily kike the fuck out of the gacha whales and get away with it. Also since PS4 only, they already cucked the fuck out when they pussied out on the Senran Kagura dlc for Boober Tag for the CORE VALUES.

It sure seems to make you cucks mad. So it sure seems to work.

DOA for me. I like MK but 11's beta felt sluggish. I play the GBF gacha and like the characters but the fighter sounds a little too simple. Never liked SamSho; call me when KoFXV is coming out.


>if i act retarded on the internet that will SURELY get them mad h-heh
very clever

he looks like a guy, just bishie

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All true. I honestly hope Capcom just says fuck it and revamps it with another edition at the end of the season. Not like they or Sony have cared about their customers with this release, at least try to fix it before moving on or abandoning it. Arcade was too little to late, go full Ultra. Maybe even include an “alpha” mode where you have what you should have, and the V trigger actually just amplifies key abilities; not time limits them.

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DOA's characters are better. For all the duds there are still plenty of memorable ones like Ryu, Brad, Kasumi, Ayane, Nyotengu, Tina, etc.

Couch play with friends worthless..

I wish online multiplayer was never born

>ogre nigress wrapped in 14 belts and clumsy glasses-wearing thot got in first

Attached: ch.jpg (1025x750, 299K)

>mary sue with no personality
>another drunk chink
>shy apologetic dainty princess
>cocky cunt
>generic seductress and the 90th long black hair gook in the cast
>loud american
Not a single one of them is memorable

>What will be the best fighting game of 2019?
Tekken S3

Attached: nina-williams-3000x1688-tekken-blood-vengeance-hd-2044.jpg (3000x1688, 624K)

Oof , no wonder Mk is such of joke game .

Nah, SNK and Capcom fighting game character designs are impossible to compete with. For every dud there are 10 amazing ones.

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Are we talking designs or personalities? Either way SamSho loses. The best characters aren't even in the new game.
We aren't discussing Capcom.

Nigger there is barely any gameplay breakdown of Granblue
DBFZ is an absolute disappointment, because for a tag based fighting game, its such a one-note game in terms of team synergy and overall gameplay. Where's the archetypes? Anyone who's played UMVC3 and even Power Rangers and Skullgirls could see that its a boring game. it doesn;t have any playstyle apart from picking the best characters in terms of rushdown and 50/50 as well as a good beam assist and a lockdown assist.

Guilty Gear Xrd is close to being the gold standard if it weren't for highly questionable mechanics like Danger Time and dumb as fuck balancing, You even have archaic as fuck mechanics like mash to tech which shouldn't exist in this day and age.

SamSho will literally die after Evo. It's one of those series that people will claim to play for e-cred like VSAV, Garou, 3S, CvS2 and GGXX

>Are we talking designs or personalities?
i was talking about personality, but there's nothing to write home about design-wise either
>The best characters aren't even in the new game.
well that's actually true

you could start by not posting a dud

There are two (2) characters in DOA6 with long black hair. The new SamSho has four. It's irrelevant though, because all of them (both in DOA and SamSho) wear their hair in distinct styles so they don't appear similar.
If you want to shit on DOA's design then go after Phase 4. The rest are defensible but she is just a lazy design.

Yeah. Watch some high level play; it's an absolute joy to watch.
