Risk of Rain 2

>16 man modded run
>it's a "someone gets meteor+gesture of the drowned" episode
>10 of us die 3 seconds into the next stage

I'm not even mad.

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Other urls found in this thread:


This game is a lot of fun


>will o wisp now always triggers and stacks for damage and radius
Name a better green

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This pretty much. Though wisp is still top tier along with it.

>when the game refuses to drop any Infusion so every moment alive is a gift

Attached: Angry Bird.gif (540x387, 1.86M)

is that a Yea Forums reference? xD

>Play RoR 2 for first time
>Get Ukulele
>Think its worthless meme item due the description
>Avoid picking them up or choose always other items

>Think its worthless meme item due the description
What the fuck? Did you never play RoR1 where it was a staple item of proc builds?

When did you notice you have a brain damage?


Lay off the dummy juice

This picture but with engi and two turrets, pretty pls

Attached: 439.jpg (1280x720, 78K)

Yeah I didnt.
I just picked the game up because it looked nice and Artificier is cute!

EU non-modded 4 player lobby

We doing OC requests?

How about an Artificer nun?

Attached: bubblegum.png (657x613, 160K)

>picking a game up because you think a character is cute
You are cancer. Luckily you got something good this time, but God damn.

>Never played RoR original, don't like sidescrollers or roguelikes a whole lot.
>Buy RoR2 to see what it's like.
>In love with it after an hour.
Good game.

Feel like playing the first. Where's that one tip sheet that gives you a quick rundown on what to avoid and what to grab yadda yadda yadda?

Well user, I've got great news for you. Artificer is as viable as you are smart.


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Thanks Hotpoo.

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Feels good to finally have that over with, but god damn I forgot how hard those brass faggots hit for a moment

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Wow rude
All other items had straight to the point descriptions so I just thought it was a reference item to first game(that I didnt play) or something else.
Next day I checked logs and got smarter

Art style in general was nice and looting is fun too.
Cute grills help too

One more

Wax quail

>go into 16-man lobby
>spawn in as spectator


If you're not playing with Command it doesn't matter at all. Otherwise, it still doesn't matter too much. Just go in and pick what looks good.

First one is arguably better, and for sure has better atmosphere and a way better soundtrack. I'd recommend you give it a whirl.

any NA lobbies? i know you neets are out there

Just unlocked Art and the Mercenary in the same run. Now the fun begins.

>If you're not playing with Command it doesn't matter at all. Otherwise, it still doesn't matter too much. Just go in and pick what looks good.
It kinda matters for knowing when to dip into 3D printers or stacking shit off multishop terminals

both of them are shit and not fun to play though

>tfw you find 3 wisps and a gasoline printer on the same level
I think the game is trying to tell me something.

Attached: everything will be fire.jpg (600x600, 44K)

Nice. Those two are easily the most fun in the game.

Printers weren't a thing in 1. Multishops were, but even then the decision isn't that hard a lot of the time.

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>not fun
i shiggydiggy

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Why does the hidden timespace bazaar allow you to go like several hundred meters below the floor level, if there is nothing down there?

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alright dude
this looks like a job for commando

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>feel like playing the first
Yeah Im an idiot

I try to join but it just keeps me in the multiplayer options lobby.
Got the mod tho

new content when

the environmental log is down there

Know that I am right.

Really? Ok. I'll go and look again.

There's a log down there

What am I missing out on lads? Been too preoccupied with wagecuckery to pick this up yet.

no content
hunters ass

FUCK Wisps and FUCK Brassnigs

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>gift spare copy to gf
>play first run
>she gets clover
>she gets dagger
>she gets happy mask
>she gets tesla coil
>tfw i only got whites

Gonna need the finished version

I don't care if character is good or bad. I want to play characters I like.
Commando, Engie and Artificier are my favs

The brass bells are nothing.
Until you dash into them and shove them 50 miles into the stratosphere.

Stop having fun wrong.

>On a good run as Artificer, getting plenty of good items to handle mass waves of mobs
>In the hell level, lemurian enemies running around everywhere
>Land a clean charge shot ball that takes out most of them with the help of some of your items
>Finally got enough gold from those kills to pop open that legendary chest
>excitedly standing right where the item pops out, ready to get some gamebreaking shit
>CURSED BRACERS: Reptilian power.
>Is this some new item the devs added in the last patch? Game's still in early access you figure, so...
>Before you could finish your thought, a thick tail spurting from Artificer's behind catches your attention
>Then, suddenly all of your items disappear as her legs grow thicker, and more reptilian
>She leans forward taking on a more animalistic posture
>You try walking forward, except now Artificer isn't floating anymore, and uses the Lemurian enemy's walking animation. In fact, her jetpack she usually uses is discarded on the ground, and her bracers are replaced with the new item
>As you walk into the next area, a group of Lemurians spawn, and you get ready for an easy fight
>You aim your crosshair at the closest one and click on it, expecting to shoot a fireball at the unaware enemy, but instead Artificer strikes a seductive pose and gets it's attention
>Okay, left click is useless, let's try using the charge attack instead, the Lemurian is getting close now, might start shooting fireballs
>The icons in the bottom right that usually represented your attacks were now replaced with strange images, the first depicting a heart, which judging by it's effect, was some kind of flirt attack, and the second... it just dawned on you after you clicked it, but the right click ability's image was of two lemurians, one pounding the other one's ass
>You watched as Artificer turned herself around, revealing her backside to the Lemurian, and as it mounted her, you were powerless to stop it, having lost control of her at this point,

Attached: Cursed Bracers.png (842x1010, 56K)


workin on it

Thank you new friend, you are doing gods work.

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nice thighs

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Why is merc so fun to play, bros?

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>basically cuckshit

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yamato damashii way of the samurai

>getting items you have to unlock in the first run
Yeah, sure.

Fuel Cell

That plastic pre-cracked egg still messes with me

You gotta leave them all behind.

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like the other user said you cant get those on your first run why are you lying user? who are you trying to impress?

Vanilla US Monsoon.

Can someone tell me what exactly was happening here? This guy was literally BRRRAAAAAPPPPing blue jet streams of death at everything

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>*blazing boss appears*

they were playing multiplayer, meaning that as long as one person unlocked the items anyone else playing with them could as well, host or not

Maybe he was hosting and they were playing with his unlocks.

Whenever I pick up a 57 leaf clover I think:
>heh, just like 4channel, this must be the ultimate item...

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I like that you take damage just by beign close to a burning enemy

They're not really that much of a problem they're just more of the "big meaty flying enemy that takes forever to kill and can obliterate you if you aren't paying attention" thing that I feel like ror is having trouble with right now since its not finished yet. Greater wisps, brass bois, and these tanky fucking imps are the things that stand out to me as the only enemies with some over inflated aspect, everything else is generally manageable. Lemurians of both flavors can shit out some ridiculous firepower sometimes but its not as noticeable as fuckin imps taking as much damage to kill as bison but being tiny teleporting fucks.

Brainstalks completely removes your cooldowns after you kill an elite, so he could just hold down M2.

Lame story, lame person, lame world. Fuck this

his right click

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>100 hp will save me!
i would take almost any other green item over infusion.

Attached: risk of golems.png (768x1024, 80K)

what is that guy holding?

>greater wisps a problem
Never once had this issue, they feel so much less threatening this game than RoR1.

Thanks, I see - guy literally broke the game

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u r like little babby
im going for that 1000 minute stage 100 secret achievement

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black lotus

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Looks like a Black Lotus MTG card, stupidly expensive/rare card.

i'd prefer infusions instead of a seventh wisp/ukelele/etc

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Black Lotus, the most expensive (and arguably most powerful) Magic: the Gathering card.

3/4 Monsoon

This took me so long to get, I wish you didn't have to be on monsoon for it

smells like sacrifice

i'd be more impressed with drizzle

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>tfw traded my Black lotus and bunch of other cards for a Charizard in school...

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A Black Lotus.

Attached: chris.png (1280x720, 781K)

make atificer fat

damn nigga you dumb as fuck

>green items are worse than grey items such as syringe, glasses, teddy bear and sticky bombs

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Red whip buff/energy drink nerf when?

some "necessary" build items are specifically not as rare to make stacking them at least possible

Red whip should be removed. Literally a useless item.

what if the key just let you open chests for free each level equal to how many you have?

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>pic related
>melting everything that gets near me in seconds
>turrets actually staying alive and also melting everything near them in seconds
>soloing bosses like they're beetles in stage 2 because teammate keeps getting lasered
>anything i actually use M1 at dies instantly
>constantly getting launched out of bounds when i jump into any slight slope
>so fast i can barely control myself
>solo overloading worm easily from the top of the map
>chilling lobbing bombs down the map, getting ready to jump down and teleport
>stop moving for half a second
>stone titan fists me into oblivion from full health
always stay mobile until the map is empty lads, i learned the hard way

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I just spam small chests because greys are often better than greens, and greens are not worth twice the price unless its a shop for a cell/ukulele. Hotpoo needs to pull the bandaid off and nerf greys and buff greens.

teddy bear deflects damage and syringe/glasses/sticky are direct DPS upgrades

most of green items are too specific in their use, and most of good green stuff are just better versions of normal items

>buy meteor
>forget that you have already bough gesture of the drowned
Fun thing I've learned that day - engie shield doesn't save from meteors.

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Would actually be a pretty decent speed item. Just open up a bunch of shit, start the TP, take the rest, and go.

Literally nothing wrong with the key. You can get free red items out of the box and it's not that hard to spot except for couple of stages.

My Hips Are Moving On Their Own!

>it's a one guy rushes the teleport when others are on the otherside of map and gets killed instantly by the boss episode

You can also get a red item from a regular chest....

How do you play artificer? Everything feels so clunky with her. I know you need mobility items, but the spells feel odd, maybe I'm using them wrong.

>finally had a good huntress run
predatory instincts with crit glasses printer
on hit items for days
sips and infusions to not die
behemoth to top it off
would've went deep if buddy didn't need mercenary
she's drab af without incredible attack speed

I am that guy. Because it always happens that I don't find any chests, don't have any money, and the rest of my team is just busy killing things. I'm not some supersonic killing machine, I'm MEL-T, a humble, slow rapebot. Please be considerate of my early speed impediment.

ez mode runs every now and then are comfy, until you've been fucking playing for like 2 hours with no conceivable end in sight

I wish shit died as quickly in easy mode, but the game threw more enemies at you or they did more damage

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But chances are higher from rusty box with some stacked keys. It's just a free chance of getting free red, what's not to like about it?

That's it, I'm not touching this game until they fix fire.

>I'm not some supersonic killing machine, I'm MEL-T, a humble, slow rapebot

no you nigger your shift is better than anyone else's movement option

Just don't get hit bro.
If you can beat fire, then BECOME fire.

Does it also increase the number of rusted chests per level per stack tho

You circlestrafe while carefully managing your cooldowns to minimize downtime. She has a learning curve unlike a lot of the other characters. Her flamethrower is the best proc fuel in the game, but you need to be careful about using it. Her 1 is filler for her combos and does great damage. Her 2 is a survivability tool in that it stuns non-bosses in a really big radius and interrupts golem/wisp charges and it also does a lot of damage. Her wall is clunk as shit, but you should use it to stop enemies from buttfucking you.

t. merclet

And it also has longer CD and is not as good as blinking or even dodge rolling. I can't jump across chasms with my WHIRRR.

I picked up the game today, it's pretty fun, got to stage 4 on my own before dying.

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I keep accidentally cancelling my flamethrower by sprinting, because you can sprint after you start charging the right click

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It's actually important to know when to do that to break away from danger. You can also go flamethrower->charge m2 to cancel->sprint->release if you need to, as well.

Nice job. Keep playing and always go in portals.


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What is ukulele's pick up text a reference to, anyway? It was the same deal in the first game, where it had the only description that didn't describe its function, so it feels weirdly out of place like a pop-culture reference with no context.

Does charging the m2 just increase damage, or also radius? I feel like I often waste time by charging it



This game fun to play with by yourself?
I don't have any friends to play this with but I kinda wanna try it.

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Kinda? But you can also always play with Yea Forums

Charges to double damage, no apparent radius change. Just tested. Only use the quickfire if you need to stun something ASAP.

I think it's just there to be cool. The log entry in 1 is probably what it's referring to.

can always make friends with the losers here pal

Just had a really fun 110 minute drizzle run with huntress that ended because I thought leech seed would work with transcendence shields.
How do I move on from babymode? Is another character better? I was happy with the items I had but not a single extra magazine dropped so I was still mostly left clicking and wasn't attacking fast enough to proc anything.

thats not how you spell rose buckler

Artificer isn't shit. Even though she has only 1 useful skill at endgame.

Thank you sir

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Yes. You kind end up too overpowered though but it's fun in its own way.

Thanks, the carge is gradual right, so I don't need to charge it to 100% to get good damage?

the problem with ez mode is that you get used to killing shit quickly, and in normal and hard I get bored with kiting things if I'm not geared to the tits with good stuff


I wish you get friends from these threads user!

>manage to die to a magma worm
>as merc

just take this sword away from me, I don't deserve it.

Also remember to use the ice wall to instakill low hp enemies
Aim at their feet, and they will be frozen for a very short time with the bottom 20% of their health being a block, if you drop them to that block while frozen, or they are frozen at that health level or lower, they instantly die
Really great for getting rid of stone golems since you can right click to stun them, making the ice wall easy to land since they aren't moving

post yfw

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no problem here is your delivery

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Sorry ._.

Eu lobby vanilla

Yeah, but I would recommend the full charge if you can spare it.

Yup. It's emergency CC and also just can wipe really tanky shit.

3D printers removed when
or they should be made a random spawn chance only in shops
or have escalating costs to usage

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>taking off glasses
not unless it's a sticky bomb printer

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oh lawd

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16 player lobby up?

>when your headstompers angle you away from the boss so you can step on that burning lemurian 2 feet next to it

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Thank you very much, I'll need to eventually do something my self but this sates the needs of the threads.

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Aw yea son

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host when


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Just get some magazines and spam M2. One of the best skills in the game.
But I've been playing only for a couple of hours, so I'm not sure about early game strat. Maybe it's good to quickly finish a few stages without picking up all items, because Artificer can kill bosses in under 10 seconds.

>it sacrifices a syringe instead of the 6th medkit

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>infusion printer
>have six whips, a willowisp and a ukelele
>eats the ukelele
>then eats the willowisp

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some things do not need auto aim
the headstompers are such a thing

>Been playing exclusively merc over the last few days
>First instincts are now to dive headfirst into the boss at any given chance
>Can't play any other survivor without dying instantly
I didn't choose the spin life, the spin life chose me

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I refuse to play anyone but artificer

Someone make a lobby.

Kill yourself scum

>Play huntress
>Loop once on monsoon
>Boss now takes an eternity to die
>Next map everything is souped up because of the time
This is suffering.

US West Vanilla

Monsoon is really driving me crazy. I feel like if I don't get decent DPS and movement items in the first two levels I should just reset. God help me if I get Magma Worm level 3 on Artificer with no hooves.


Modded 16 player lobby

Why you have to be rood?
Did I say something bad to you? D:

you did start breathing when you were born, sadly.

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If you're a drawfag and you're reading this I just want you to know that I love what you do and I'm saving every OC posted in these threads.

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>Stacked shrooms
>Gesture of the drowned
>N'Kuhana's opinion
>Hardlight afterburner
>both turrets out
>shield popped
>mines are out
Is there a comfier feel?

Attached: Cinnamon bun.jpg (1200x800, 107K)


Attached: 1553235357340.gif (320x180, 3.5M)

Has the drawfag who was going to make this with Enforcer delivered yet? I'm worried I may have missed it

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>Shrine of Chance gifts nothing 6 times in a row

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Attached: boku2NUT.png (155x154, 52K)

>Test Merc, convinced the close-quarters stuff will make him shit, or barely playable
>Suddently the game becomes Risk of MGR
>Best run yet
Holy shit, you guys weren't memeing.

Attached: 1549618432050m.jpg (1024x555, 76K)

i hope i didn't miss it either

Attached: haha.png (339x335, 11K)

>2 hardlight afterburners

Attached: Risk_of_Rain_2_D0fxIOgpHh.png (280x122, 43K)

>overloaded worm immediately comes out of nowhere and wrecks your shit


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Post a red item without posting it.

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Wouldn't even be mad desu.

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arti is pretty rough on monsoon since you have so much less value vs anything 4 stages deep unless you get really good drops. Try a different character?

Or just keep playing until you get lucky if that floats your boat

Had that exact thing happen to me on the 19th level of my long run.
It was the exact opposite of comfy.

Attached: how QUICKLY the tide turns.gif (500x500, 257K)

Getting really fucking tired of getting one shotted by burn damage when at full power.

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this should be easy.

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It's amazing how easily I can find fitting panels, just wish I had drawfag skills

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>Amass an army of drones
>1 jellyfish kills them all

berserker pauldrons

>In the small gap in defence while refreshing shield, both turrets get one-shot
>You lose all your healing; therefore opinion discarded
>Mines blown and on cooldown
>All the damage that was keeping enemies at bay from just waltzing into your bubble is gone
Bait and switch genre change from comfy camp life to psychological survival horror.

drones in 2 are fucking garbage.
I think they overbalanced them from 1 since in 1 they were hilariously strong

lobby with slots open modded


Attached: arti_1.jpg (480x360, 42K)

>it's on a cliff
>it dispenses into the abyss

They just need to fix them getting stuck is all.

Wake of vulture

just play merc

>not standing on top of it and catch it with your butt.

Might as well hail mary it and get rid of 5 more whips

Attached: AH LOVE TA CONGA.jpg (1920x1080, 433K)

You're joking, right? 1000 minutes? Or is it reach 100 within 1000 minutes?

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I absolutely loved commando in the first game, and I like him in this game.
However, is it just me being bad or does he seem very underpowered compared to all the other classes? His DPS is shit, he has no a-frame, his mobility for the most part is garbage, and his health is low.
Do I just need to git gud or did hopoo do some fuckery and make him underpowered?

can pirates join with genuine copies?

I dare you to name a single more more satisfying than eviscerate with behemoth.


Eviscerate with 40 Syringes.

nope, because genuine copies do multiplayer through steamworks

>buy two gesture of the drowned
>pick one up and suddenly shoot 10 lightning bolts at the lizard and get kicked out of the store

Hundreds of sticky bombs on Golem's body and explodes the moment it materialize.

how do pirates multiplayer then?

This arouses me.

No. It's a good game though so whether it's your friend or you, buy the game

you don't

how does gesture + equip infinite&instant combo work?
i picked up a gesture and it only worked as described in game and not bugged or whatever like i've seen in webms


You'll need more than one gesture, user.

i've seen it going with just 1 though

He may lack the natural survivability tools, but once items are added he's king. After a while, wax quaills, move speed increases and feathers beat abilities for mobility, and health and healing becomes irrelevant because you get one-shot regardless. He has the best kit for applying on-hit chance items, and in current game balance those are what you need to kill anything.
Engineer's 2 turrets may seem like disposable Commandos early game, but they can not dodge and helplessly become more worthless as enemy damage rises.

From what I remember you pick up a gesture before you pick up your first equip

>managed to grind moneys to activate giant space UFO turret
> ohdisgunbegud.mp4
>got bodied instantly on level 4 due to it being too big
RIP in piss, it was really fun while it was alive

Wake of Vultures.


>play engie
>get the tusks early on
>get healing items slowly over the run
>watch bosses get deleted
>watch entire stages get depleted of enemies
>watch a blazing titan go from full health to empty in 3 seconds during a bossfight
>get punched out of shield during a mountain challenge to get deleted by 3 blazing titans on stage 16
What was this bullshit?

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I remember hopoo shitposting his skeleton game years ago in /agdg/, what happened to that?

It turned to DEADBOLT.

>still don't have death + famine
I really need to get back to that

That is not a nice thing to say!
I wish you all kinds of nice things tho. Its nice to be nice to other people c:

>alien head
>hardlight afterburner
>3 magazines

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Here's one for my mercbros out there.

Attached: wurmfood.png (4462x1497, 2.47M)



Been doing commando too, but he has the opposite problem: decent mobility but entirely reliant on a suite of damage items to not get overwhelmed.

I love Merc until I eviscerate into a blazing contraption and take damage 5 feet away from it.

Fresh modded lobby 16 player slots open get in here

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Improving Artificer without adding defensive skills or damage:
>Give Snapfreeze a vertical indicator for placement
>Make Snapfreeze's effect consistent among non-bosses
>Allow her to sprint during Flamethrower and Charged Nano-Bomb without having them break sprint
>Have Snapfreeze place on the edge of a wall/rock if crosshair is on one (as of now you have to readjust Snapfreeze if the placement rectangle is too far into the wall/rock)

Breaking the rule:
>Have attack speed increase her tick rate and/or proc rate on Flamethrower
>Give Snapfreeze segments health bars and the ability to block damage until broken, make the wall taller

Returning to the rule:
>Turn Snapfreeze into an AoE freezing bomb instead of pussyfooting around her "all offensive" kit by making it a wall.
>Possibly give it a second or two to activate to add difficulty and maneuverability
>Possibly allow her to sprint while casting this new bomb (I just wanna go fast, man)

Attached: pixely arti.jpg (1296x1168, 80K)

run in spam r everything explodes i win

Attached: fun run.jpg (1920x1080, 226K)

I'd just make her ice/shift related ability Sub Zero's decoy thing, press shift to quickly dash/teleport backwards from wherever you're facing to leave a Frozen decoy of yourself. Enemies targeting you when you place the decoy have a 50% chance to switch targets to the decoy.

Decoy statue has the same health as the artificer, when it takes 'lethal' damage it explodes and freezes all enemies around it, dealing damage + the current freeze effect.

in the final panel have the merc on fire and/or laying down

How comfortable are the RoR escape pods?

Attached: 868473_rawgreen_huntress-risk-of-rain-2.png (1200x1150, 803K)

I like the classic news comic format

It's a game you play half the time yourself, and half the time with Yea Forums.

>that feel when RNG is buttering you up to skewer you later
s-send help

Attached: pls.png (1414x140, 209K)

still open?

Get that fruit son

Must be pretty snug and comfy since it absorbs the shock of a freefall from fucking orbit without hurting its crew.

>got all the unlocks for now
>all that's left is a lingering emptiness
I went too hard and now I'm regretting it, Yea Forums. What are some other roguelites I can play to fill the void until the next patch?

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enemies have stopped spawning and I want to see my score how the fuck do I kill myself on the first level?

Attached: XCOM-EU_Sectoid.jpg (400x400, 21K)

Feels slow and not that good since it's completely reliant on enemies for the freeze effect.

How about:
>Press shift
>Dash backwards
>Decoy Artificer in your place
>Enemies targeting you can focus it, might not
>Explodes in X seconds after placement (probably like 2-4), fairly large freezing aoe, same effect as wall
>If an enemy kills the decoy it explodes early
Basically the same but with a timer to make it a faster ability.

Think it's similar to the frost bomb idea but more functionality and survivability to make up for the lower range. It's kinda against what Hopoo seems to have made Artificer for though, all-in damage, but then again, so is a wall.


I love Huntress's big ol' booty.

is the portal to unlock merc the same as the one that goes to the shop. I mean does it look the same and it's random where you end up?

Probably not a whole lot, because you're supposed to be wearing extra armor during the launch. Besides the fact that it's designed for both humanoids and robots like HAN-D/MEL-T means that comfort is absolutely minimal.
I'd say it's about as comfortable as being thrown down niagara falls in a metal barrel.

Dead Cells
It's actually quite similar to Risk of Rain in that you'll have 4 active buttons to press and the levels are semi-randomly generated with linear paths

i didn't mention it but if the ability made it in then i would've expected the decoy to detonate when it expires if it doesn't 'die' of course.

The message is different.
Jew lizard is BLUE
Suicide is CELESTIAL

Risk of Rain.

ok thanks

>Try to 3d printer away my fucking shitty bundle of fireworks for tougher times
>End up getting 9 of them without even realizing.
>Still have the memeworks



Attached: no help arrived.png (800x476, 235K)

The shop portal is smaller. It is the easiest way to tell them apart when they both spawn.

also it's FAST

>2 hour + monsoon
>Fourteen (14) fireworks
>open a money pod
>fireworks kill an elite boss

Attached: 1542184442410.jpg (345x345, 25K)

Literally how do I die? Is there acommand or something that can be done? I'm just standing here and elite bosses are dying? Dropping from on high doesn't do damage and I heal for like 700 a tick right now what the fuck.

Obliterate yourself

>sequenced to have 30 fireworks
>every map is now christmas-themed
>fireworks kill enough enemies to create perpetual flow of money
>fun stops once you get to wetlands because fireworks get blocked all the time
>die like a little bitch

Obliterate urself my man

Would chef be possible if he got mixed with another character?

Attached: 1502563464882.gif (641x538, 742K)

literally an ingame function for this

Any way to guarantee the portal?

>Acrid with a chefhat

spawns on snow level

Thank god, it's finally over with.

Attached: ror1gladitisover.png (1440x900, 1.06M)

i cant
not now

Attached: 1b99ec50388bab4a33062e598ff284d76587b292.jpg (1000x1000, 185K)

The amount of OC is fucking insane, I love it

Attached: 1502983697420.png (634x623, 1.01M)

>Monsoon RoR2 session
>90 minutes
>Go back to RoR for good times sake
>Get my shit slapped 15 min on Rainstorm

something I just whipped up

Attached: blazing titan.png (2500x1200, 693K)

i thought magazines stack but i was playing artificer and could only throw 2 orbs despite having at least 4 mags. what the fuck

it's gonna reset before release anyway

Updated the Artificer/Huntress collection a bunch if you're interested

Imgurs if you prefer. Would recommend the Mega for PG stuff.
Artificer (and duo stuff):

Attached: 2019_04_08_06_58_27_Photos.png (472x813, 347K)


Can't say why but I had the same feeling, like I wasn't able to throw as many orbs as I should.

Also fuck accidentally throwing uncharged orbs right after a charged one just because you held the button a tad too long.

Play with Yea Forums user. Haven't had a bad experience yet.

Attached: 1554065664262.jpg (2208x657, 311K)

Is there a single lunar item that is actually worth it?

I only now just saw that the elite elder lemurians that have the two rings in the aqueduct also use the rings.
Like the fire elite besides inflicting burn also has the 8% chance of summoning that fire tornado.

I am now scared to think what Hopoo will do with this.

did you let them recharge? it takes a moment for them to refill
if you have 4 mags, it takes 4x as long to get them all filled

>Also fuck accidentally throwing uncharged orbs right after a charged one just because you held the button a tad too long
i completely agree

Burner I guess?

Glass and Drowned
Meteorite if you went far in your run and you want to end it in a funny way.

Misshapen glass, transcendence (if you stack them up), brittle crown if you can dodge shit or are an engineer, meteor and gesture of the drowned is really funny.
All in all it could be worse, they are pretty good

Attached: maybe wet 2.gif (500x506, 149K)

Drowned is good, and Meteor is good with drowned.

Is there a way to track which newt altars i opened? Need 8, i think i got 5 so far, but i already forgot half of the locations i already claimed and now when i find one i dont know if i already found it or not.

The only one that's genuinely never a good idea is Corpsebloom.
The use items are pretty iffy too.
Everything else at least can be pretty good.

>just activated 3 (three) shrines of the mountain in abyssal depths on monsoon
W-What's gonna happen now, bros?

Attached: pepe.jpg (231x218, 7K)

Attached: gesture of the drowned.webm (640x480, 1.84M)

Overloading worms obviously.
Have FUN

Name that item drop that makes you go "ugh"
>old-war stealthkit

Attached: Capture.png (163x148, 45K)


>Shrine of the mountain
>its a blazing stone titan episode
>win, somehow
>old-war stealthkit

Attached: more anger.png (629x1173, 131K)

bandolier as mountain boss drop

Attached: fuck.png (66x66, 5K)

not lewd

Is it possible to kill the newt?

Should I be charging my right click with Artificer?

buckler from bosses

With enough soldier syringes it takes no time to charge.

It's possible, but you get nothing.

with a lot of damage, yes

I've been playing for 20 hours and only have 5 lunar coins. Is there a strat for farming them or what


Just be patient

Seriously? Not even an achievement or some free lunar? Damn that's gay.

Farm stage 1 monsoon, die at boss repeat. Die after you collect 2 because it resets the drop values or whatever that one user datamined it as.

Generally yes, but if you need a stun quickly of if you know it's gonna finish them off no matter what, just tap it.

Same here, being on the ground is insufferable for me at this point

>not stacking 10 bucklers as huntress and becoming invincible

Attached: 1554427047948.png (1078x1134, 59K)

>die on a sharp turn because you stopped sprinting
>die during blink because you can't sprint in midair
>die during your R
>die during your M2
>i n v i n c i b l e

>waiting to use 75% sacrificial shrine after just using it for the first time
>wisp spawns behind you
>turn around to shoot it
>wisp spawns behind you and just manages to shoot you
>turn around to shoot it in anger from it stopping your regen
>another wisp spawns behind you
>also just manages to shoot you

Attached: 1553904813378.jpg (960x612, 36K)

does anyone have that class guide and item tier image on hand

Attached: 1554584894615.png (750x937, 81K)

kinda want to draw some huntress, any ideas?

Draw everyone laughing at her for wearing glasses wrong.

Consider playing the game instead.

Based drawfriend

Got glacial titans. And 4 rose bucklers as reward.

Attached: 4bb.png (900x900, 409K)

>fighting 3 worms on a monsoon 3+ loop as artificer

Attached: e.jpg (750x1000, 98K)

First time I've seen this item in like 100 hours of play. It better knock my socks off.

Attached: new.jpg (3440x1440, 925K)

Shaped Glass is very good, as long as you know you will die if you get hit even once. You can blast through the early stages of the game if you pick one up and know how to play well. Stacking it twice is guaranteed death the moment you get a single fire tick so I dont recommend it.

Transcendence is also really powerful, but only if you stack it. You lose out on all your healing but the shields increase by 25% every time you stack it so you can actually gain a huge amount of shield very easily as long as you have coins. Additionally it stacks with infusions. Considering no HP regen can save you in later stages its a pretty good deal.

Drowned is literally the best item in the game. Stack it with the missile launcher, BFG or royal capacitor and you win the game.

The rest are just not worth it.

It wont. One of the most underwhelming reds

modded 16 lobby bros where we at? least laggy host I've ever played with

It does if you're engie and have a bazillion fungus

Otherwise its meh at best

I do already bud I'd just like a reference to see if I'm sure of what I'm doing, don't be a fag.

It's only good if you're an engineer with a lot of fungus.

it only truly shrines on fungus engi

how do i add more than 4 people

be turret boy and have mushroom then good item

Call some backup

Attached: Fun bots.jpg (2048x1152, 556K)

Someone told me fire is bugged and applies the dot 24 times, is that true

The stealthkit isn't that bad. especially if you stack them. It actually makes the fungus good on a non engie.
At least till you reach the point where attacks instantly kill you.

How does Tougher Times work bros?

Attached: 1554472468343.png (425x670, 30K)

afaik on RNG like the rest of the game, every damage instance has a chance to be nullified

so why is Overloading Worm's boss subtitle 'The Reminder'?

Attached: 1519814115971.jpg (640x775, 36K)

It's like the Hermit's scarf from the first game. You get a X% chance to block any hit.

>all those cute drones
I really want a character who is support focused, who gives out buffs rather than directly attacks. Like an AoE heal or attack speed/damage buff for himself, allies and drones. He could apply some AoE DoT to enemies as his main attack, or something similar.

A plague doctor would be amazing

I feel like the game is now 3D, and multiplayer is bigger than in RoR1 its justifiable.

Attached: 124434567.jpg (299x168, 6K)

>having a great run
>walk near a clay pot with frost relic active
>die a peasants death
Fucking hell this happens too often.

it reminds you of wiping at ror1


use the 1.4.1 dll in pastebin.com/nf8RuPnj and if hosting type "sv_maxplayers 16" in console (ctrl+alt+~)

>b-but you lose gold

Attached: 1393653713556[1].gif (500x281, 2.41M)

Attached: 1554276543618.png (1600x2035, 1.26M)

God i love featureless characters.

>Item that slows enemies
>The most threatening enemies in the game don't have to budge an inch to rape you

What did Hopoo mean by this?

Attached: 1365206648573.gif (377x298, 58K)

>that feel when chasing crabs off the ledge
>I stupidly picked up a beetle guard and he's killed like half of them

16 player lobby command+sacrifice rainstorm
no jewing all the green boss drops edition, use to join

Attached: commando default.gif (200x200, 28K)

>shitters leave eventually as they die
>fuckton of chests

>AoE heal
Fuck no. The moment you add healer to any game everything will fall apart and you now need to re-balance every damn little thing considering you can have a healer now. It's absolute nightmare.
Self healing class would be interesting though.

Wow this is so bad it hurts

I wish there was a way to trick the game into scaling for more players even when you're alone.

>shitters leave eventually as they die
>one of the shitters was the host
I fucking hate quickplays because as soon as the host dies FOR THE FIRST TIME IN THE ENTIRE GAME they fucking leave and ruin everything.

>Engages on a blazing wisp while at half health
Nigga u dumb. I'm not even gonna pretend Blazing isn't ridiculous right now. It should definitely be nerfed, but for now you've gotta play around it, and that was fucking suicide you just did.

>Meteor in good tier
what's wrong user

The fuck does proc mean

What does 57-leaf clover affect, beyond chance shrines? It doesn't feel worth it as a red at all, if it's just chance shrines. By 45 mins, I'm always overflowing with so much gold, I can afford to pump all the money I need to into them, to get the 2 rewards.

I don't know why I did this, I should be working.

Attached: Fungus.png (640x672, 474K)


it also affects proc chances, making basically everything more likely

What the fuck?

Attached: 1550208431612.jpg (800x666, 77K)

It's probably an in-joke. Also, the effect is immediately noticeable when hitting a monster, so it's fine.

This post was brought to you by the ENGINEER GANG.

Attached: 1554700397570.png (2000x2000, 59K)

Jesus that's good then.

What kind of brainlet doesn't know what proc means. You can just google it too.

He said he couldn’t figure out a way to make the necrodancer game fun

Attached: wurmfood_edit.png (3896x1497, 2.23M)

Soldier Syringes aren't actually good for Artificer, right? Since left click is a cooldown it's not like you'll actually put out more dps.

>Her flamethrower is the best proc fuel in the game
I'm callin' bullshit. It's good early on but since it doesn't properly benefit from syringes, everyone else's attacks do better with items.

3/16 come have fun

Right click charge time.

The shop portal looks like a blue circle with a ring around it, like it’s framed. The celestial portal is a lighter blue and is a solid ring


It doesnt do anything for her M1 or E. But it does work on her M2 and flamethrower.

Its insanely powerful if you stack magazines with it, throwing out fully charged M2s over and over, but you need to stack a lot of attack speed.


Imagine being this retarded.

Attached: file.png (526x98, 3K)

Ah alright that's actually pretty cool.


Man, I just want her wall to work like a freaking wall. It should block enemies and projectiles and it should persist over the duration so it could hit multiple things, instead of each spike only being able to hit one enemy.

Blazing is literally bugged so yeah either use mod or wait for patch

programmed random occurrence

just dont get hit :^)


confirmed bad player.

at last i truly see

Thank you

>just had a run where I had 20 stacks of fuel cells on missiles making them infinite
fuck me it wasnt even that great but it felt so good to not even give those lizard and imp bastards time to spawn

god dammit Yea Forums

Are moon coin drops entirely random?

Attached: JPEG_20190220_131817.jpg (253x253, 17K)

Huntress in a seiza pose(pic) looking up at the viewer. Bonus points for a cum shot version

Attached: C-564-set-3.jpg (600x600, 22K)

Attached: Extremely Impressive dining Room.jpg (1403x1028, 200K)

It's amazing on engi though.

Is that orlando bloom

yes, I've gotten 4 coins first stage in a drizzle run and no coins what so ever in three monsoon runs. Just play the game.

Attached: smug guild girl.png (342x327, 51K)

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Should I buy the game now or wait for a sale?

Attached: thinkfrog.jpg (1713x1597, 232K)

buy it, its great fun, support the dev.

Is my game bugged? Alien Head appeared on the bazaar in exchange for 5 items and I can't trade for it? I have like 20 items desu.

Considering its an early build, it wouldnt surprise me.

When the fuck do elite bosses start spawning in Monsoon? Lots of 45+ minute runs where they won't fucking spawn.

Has to be 5 green items

pic related. No option to reforge for it.

Attached: Untitled.jpg (1366x768, 207K)

Has there been any mention of more tracks being added to the game? Nothing quite matches up to youtube.com/watch?v=mgCmmax-unE yet

The cauldron on the left takes 3 white items for a green. The one on the right takes 5 green items for a red. You don't have 5 green items.

You need 5 green items. See how the text is green for that one and white for the other one?

5 greens, doofus. If you really want it, trade 6 whites for 2 greens at the other pot.

Attached: 777d323d056183feaa3228e380da4f98.jpg (253x220, 22K)

Can a drawfag make huntress in this pic?

oh you big dummy.

this game gets FUCKED UP at around the 180 minute mark

bosses dont spawn, enemies dont respawn, chests stop spawning

Attached: Risk_of_Rain_2_2019-04-08_08-20-06.jpg (2560x1440, 396K)

Attached: med_1480473050_image.jpg (500x500, 57K)

Thanks broskies. My laptop display's colors are kinda shit.

how can i find and join lobbies on a pirate

wish there was a way to volunteer as host in QP. keep getting games where I'm having fun then whatever retard is picked to host dies at the start of the level and quits

You can only play with other pirates because the game uses steamplay to manage its multiplayer

didn't know the new berserk chapter was out

Get a patched version and download payday 2 demo. not even download just leave it paused at 1% and just play the pirated copy.
works on my machine

Still, I'm glad you did. This is art.

Could you try running mega.nz/#!SgkQCAxL!9AZvG-z6U0KyfpxCwwO2iEnyjq_pfERXunBU7iCr9OQ & see if it gets fixed?

First you gotta use your imagination, then, you're playing online.


Attached: marge.png (152x369, 39K)

im in the middle of my 1000minute run. someone else do this and check it 4 me :^)

Does charging M2 increase damage by that much? It didn't seem worth it to me.

So I just had a bug where my hp keep falling down to 1 no matter what I did

Anyone else have that?

thanks anons, i'll wait until i can buy it then

>takes 2 to 3 seconds to charge
>does reducing that charge time to ms rather than seconds increase damage
Let me think about that one.....

ill try for another run tomorrow on drizzle with this on for sure

>1000 minute run
fucking why

My idea was to change Snapfreeze into an ice shield that blocks damage then bursts after x seconds, freezing all nearby enemies. Maybe you could burst the shield early by tapping the button again while it's active if you just wanted an instant ice nova.


Attached: hello anon.png (162x180, 42K)

for the secret achievement

I was messing around with sniper and at some point enemies started being invisible and I was bodyblocking my scope with my own body. Next stage I was entirely invisible.
He's probably low on the list of priorities, but that's a pretty big bug.

Attached: quick bite.png (873x2780, 116K)

Post proof of it existing or fuck off.

Compared to firing it with no charge?

About a few hundred percentage difference

NEVER fire M2 without charge

im only 500 minutes in so im half way there

>Leave game running all day in a safe spot
>Receive cheevo
As far as That Kid lies go, this one is pretty low-tier, my man.

Fully charged does 3x the damage of uncharged.

Attached: arti.png (599x137, 82K)

Wait, there's a secret achievement? Does it have an unlock?

>tfw playing at 0% music but blasting Possibility of Precipitation 1 music in the background
I miss the ringing bells when a new difficulty tier is about to arrive

Attached: 1554094786314.gif (212x225, 90K)

you also have to get to stage 100

Have you finally found what you've been looking for?

my turrets just obliterated 2 combat shrines worth of overloading worms instantly
I think it's time for the celestial portal

However I want to point out that as time passes the damage of this skill becomes utter trash compared to proccing item effects and barely tickles bosses and large enemies.


yeah I think sniper is what makes shit invisible

Attached: jluBOqn[1].png (971x431, 781K)

>Leave game running all day in a safe spot
>Charge through 100 portals because nothing spawns anymore
Who cares

artificer has an extremely high skill ceiling
>everyone else just holds m1 to kill

>tfw just found out there are invisible chests that dont require money to open

Attached: 1550245118341.gif (269x318, 2M)

>Comic doesn't start with fall damage for his WHOPPING 500 HP

Yeah this sucks dick. That 1200% damage per fully charged slow projectile is meaningless when someone like commando can shit out 2500% stickies every other hit with his zero cooldown M1.

I've only ever accidentally run into one because it was in the middle of the cave in the first area.

Fuck off shitposter

They're fucking impossible to see against the ground in most places because of all the flat colors.

>rerolls ALL chance based events essentially giving you better chances at nor only procing items but getting good shit from chests and being successful at chance shrines

it's stupid good

Am I wrong?

I think a pet class could be cool. You have a companion that shares your items like Engi, but actually moves around with you. One of your abilities could set it to attack a specific enemy (maybe also debuffing said enemy's defences for everyone, like a "marked target" sort of thing). Maybe your utility/shift ability could be calling it back to ride it around.

No, you arent
he's just trying to justify his shitty magician

>the server has shut down
does that mean the host left?

Nice samefag

I have an engi run right now with 3 clovers and a fuckton of AtG missiles
there's just an enormous swarm of what seems to be max damage missiles flying around at all times murdering anything that spawns instantly
insanely good


worst green in the game not counting


Attached: lolo.jpg (524x464, 62K)

Dumbdumb user here. How the fuck do I get up there without having 10 feathers?

Attached: Capture.jpg (1366x768, 198K)

not as exciting as syringe printers or fungus printers

couldn't you just jump, use arrow rain and then teleport up there?

Be Mercenary.

There's a fan somewhere at the bottom you can activate. I don't know what you're supposed to do if you somehow have no money and you're playing a class with no mobility skills though, since the tp can actually spawn up there. Huntress I know can blink up onto a ledge further down.

Attached: 20190406213452_1.jpg (1920x1080, 279K)

that and MUL-T rebar gun. basically useless late game. his ram attack scales with speed so at least that goes up in damage rather easily. even with crowbars it doesn't pack much of punch.

As Mul-T, i tend to hang onto a radar, since it can locate them.

Yeah, you keep trying to save face on everyone blowing you the fuck out every thread when you shitpost on artfiicer. Dumb baby.

Attached: 1554728259433.jpg (524x464, 60K)

Shame I only found this when I already had over 10 fungus.

Attached: engineer's wet dream.png (629x656, 504K)

I gave up. Fuck that shit. Maybe that's just a slug printer

Attached: Capture.jpg (1366x768, 204K)

I've been doing at least three hour runs every weekend and I'm lucky if I see a single coin in a run at all

SOMEONE host modded in EU

p sure thats just a newt

took you a while to shop that huh?
it took me 2 minutes to post my screenshot
nice reply 7 minutes later lmao

I need a very poorly "Obliterate yourself" MS edit of this

Attached: tumblr_lrdca80se91qbm41oo1_500.jpg (481x610, 58K)

Why are Artificer players so stupid

Artificer is dummy thicc and the clap of her asscheeks keeps distracting them

if archival fag is here, this version should finally not be low quality unless Yea Forums fucks it up

Attached: inside view.png (2380x2000, 326K)

Because 9 out of 10 either edit their file to get her or the coins and/or use cheat engine.
>Ping shroom and say "Engi"
>She picks it up
>Artificer starts throwing fireballs like she snorted a bunch of cocaine and chased it with soldier's syringe
>Still dies

Attached: 341aeb2d4d60d5ecb3b509027b530f5b2533b7e86cd6cad37162aa5d097a6ab1_1.jpg (748x471, 38K)

Still upset about getting rekt the other day, get a life loser. You know instead of shitposting you could do something productive with your life samefag.

Here is your only (you) and dont bother with the shitty paint edit trying to save face.

MORE modded 16 player lobby


Attached: engineerfsjal.png (299x276, 6K)

wait what are those question marks?

Lunar Coins were a mistake.


Arti is fun and I'd say pretty good early on because player base damage and enemy health are in a favorable ratio so her M1 and M2 really fuck shit up without the player needing many items at all.
The problem later on is that player base damage doesn't scale nearly as quickly as enemy health, so skills that are supposed to be nukes fall off in usefulness because they hit relatively infrequently and the bulk of lategame damage comes from on-hit effects. That eventually leaves flamethrower as your main damage dealer as Arti, which procs stuff like a beast but puts you very close to danger at the same time as making you slow. Basically Arti needs better base damage scaling so the rest of her skills stay relevant after a loop or two.