Here is your dose of Kanna hug
Here is your dose of Kanna hug
too bad screeching like lunatics over the latest outrage war is the only thing allowed on Yea Forums
Have a nice day
go look at porn, I'm so sick of you fucking waifu faggots, you don't care about blaster master at all, you just want to post ugly poorly drawn titties
I just want to discuss actual videogames ffs.
thanks doctor
Have you even seen what Yea Forums discusses most of the time? I'd seriously consider waifufagging over another 200 EGS VS Steam threads.
Thanks bro
I want to drink Kanna's melon milk
You clearly need a bigger dose of Kanna hug
Blame the dev team. People capitalizing on lewding an already lewd looking character is nothing new and an inevitability. However, the devs made a blatant and clear choice to make that her design.
>MFW I bought the first and second game because of her.
>First game was pretty good if a bit easy.
>Playing the second game now.
>its a vast improvement over the first and its actually somewhat challenging.
>Haven't gotten to Strangia yet.
>Have died a few times already.
Goddamn I'am glad thinking with my dick netted me some good fuckin videogames.
Fuck you nig tlk about the game then. no need to be a little bitch about it.
>You'll never robo jizz on an Alien plant and turn it into a proper young lady
Her feet are just adorable.
Thank you.
thanks mate.
This FoTM needs to die already.
some of us are here for the wholesome stuff man.
Everything is FOTM to bitchlords like you
oh no.
I made a thread about the game not too long ago trying to talk about the game itself and the thread died after one response. its pretty sad.
now post some more hugs and handholding
might as well post current writing stuff
and here's the currently ongoing story, don't know when the next chapter is though
No handholding yet but heres a tiddy hug.
that vinesauce stream was pretty nice glad hes enjoying the game and Kanna.
>Tfw no woman will ever love me
its okay to dream.
Yeah, this stuff is great
>upon arriving at the first kanna picture on the booru, vinny, without being prompted by chat, refers to her as “the plant wife”
Get crushed.
>Vinny has been to my booru.
oh shit
nah he's talking about the booru for vinesauce art deliveries
Can someone post video of Vinny talking about Kanna?
I've been dreaming for so long, I just want to wake up without the tears streaming from my face. God I'm going to die a virgin
>STILL no jevil vocaroo for kanna
it was this one, for reference
timestamps in comments, then there's some at the very end of this
Is this the new FotM waifu because of Vinesauce? You flocking faggots sicken me. Was Kumatora not good enough for you?
one of us one of us!
Thank you to the kind user who spent the 5 for the high quality version of this.
nah, she's been the new hotness since that nindie direct a few weeks ago
the internet fell in love with her at first sight
Kanna was waifud to a point of writing lewd stories before Vinesauce.
its not like at all Kanna was being waifued before Vinny even got to her.
>Next to no mutant eve art
Fee; bad for you guys. I really do.
What does it mean to demand a 'flower' from someone? What does Kanna interpret that sentence as, is she asking for a literal flower, or something else?
Kanna might be exotic. But eve is loving wife and child bearing material. The mutant cells most likely gave her the ability to reproduce!
Kenwood states that asking random people you dont know flowers is "rather rude". She probably wants more stuff to stick into her head. We'll find out more if the DLC hits and it just isn't the main campaign without any story.
It was canon before that Eve and Jason had a kid.
Real spoiler inc you've been warned.
They both die and their children take over sophia and continue to fight the war against the invem.
their oldest apparently feels that it was her fault Jason died.
>eve simply disintegrates because she just wants to be with jason.
Wasnt eve an energy alien in the old canon?
some energy droid or something like that.
I have the old lore here too.
also guys
We have a mega now.
>over 400 images
yeah Melonbro is a diligent motherfucker.
I find it weird that this series even had books/lore to begin with. Especially considering the completely fabricated American story (Though mildly clever for incorporating the out of place non Alium frog boss into the plot) or the forgettable japanese one which sounded like every 80's OVA ever conceived.
hey wholesomewritefag, if you're here, how is chapter 2 going?
God bless the mutation
Reminder that Jason is a big dumb loser with a slow MA.
>eve simply disintegrates because she just wants to be with jason.
goddammit now I'm imagining a tragic farewell scene interrupted by the in-game WOO WOO WOO WOO double backflip death and I can't stop laughing
funnily enough its Zero takes both pieces of the story and combines them. now they're expanding on them.
Shit as much as I love my big bosom'ed plant women I kinda wish there were more art for the other pilots. Gonbei and Stein and their droids need more art and more expansion.
God bless that the mutation didnt take the titties with it.
>no ones posted the album cover art yet.
Jokes on you, user. I love both.