PCfags really think EGS is the real problem

Launchers are aids regardless, they're all bloated botnets. You can't even use physical copies of games without a launcher. Why hasn't Yea Forums switched to superior consoles?

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Other urls found in this thread:


As much as I hate all these launchers as the next person, why would you have all of them open at the same time?

gay and cringepilled

It's surprising how bloated Galaxy is, I thought GOG were based

>have to open every launcher one by one every day to update your shitty ass games
By now I only use steam and epic launcher, I have both of them closed at the start and its a fucking pain in the ass when you want to start an epic game and need to open the launcher and wait 10 mins to update your gayme

You don't need to use the launcher as far as I'm aware

You don't have to use Galaxy to play GOG games, unlike all the other stores.

>even bethesda's launcher is trash in terms of optimization

wow would you have all these launchers open at once?
at best i have 2 open.

i am more worry about how DRM works and if steam for example was deleted today, half of the games i "own" would just disappear

Just use one you fucking retard, if a game you like is on another one then deal with it or fuck off

of course bethesda's launcher takes up the most memory.

>Launchers are aids regardless
>Why hasn't Yea Forums switched to superior consoles?
Because pirated games don't have this problem.

Also what do Discord and Twitch have to do with it?

>Launchers are aids regardless, they're all bloated botnets.
You dont even know what that means

>You can't even use physical copies of games without a launcher.
You can

>Why hasn't Yea Forums switched to superior consoles?
You have to be an absolute retard to own a console to begin with, let alone think its a superior platform for anything

0/10 terrible bait

They were asked about this years ago and they said there would always be a way to download your games in a worst case scenario where Steam dies, but the outage last week or so has a few people worried again

Close programs when you are done with them, or get moar RAM. 2.52GB is nothing when you got 32.
Or don't use launchers at all if it bothers you that much.

I rather use different launchers than consoles desu. You lose all games either way so...

>pirating games: 0KB

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I thought you guys were rich, why not just buy more RAM?

Why haven't you joined the pirate master race?

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I've said it before and I'll say it again: The problem you're describing can be entirely fixed by not having shit taste in games.

So? Why the hell don't have 16 gb ram these days? If you can't keep up with modernizing your rig, get a new hobby, like smashing rocks or peeing on trees or something, animal

>hidden miner kills your card while you sleep
Heh, I might pay another thousand bucks, but at least I got a free game!

>pirate video game
>it's now mine forever and I can modify it and copy it as I please

>legally buy video game
>have to download bloated launcher, have to go online to verify it, can only download it once per computer, company can take it away anytime, "YOU'RE JUST RENTING IT"
>not even mentioning the unethical spying their software can do to you

And paypigs wonder why piracy becomes rampant.

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Both of them have games

>hidden miner kills your card while you sleep
Why is your PC on while you sleep? Do you hate the environment that much?

You know you can check the load on your GPU right?

Use CS 2019 and you'll be fine.

Fucking hell. When did this happen?

Society has betrayed me so many times, destroying this rotten humanity's habitat is my way of repaying for all the suffering I've endured, you wouldn't understand the darkness within me.

>look at epic's roadmap
>see that they have it all under control

Attached: roadmapforposting_finalversion.png (1684x859, 1.1M)

Sure, but there's miners specifically activating after inactivity, and shutting down either at spesific times like just before mornings or when it registers activity. Hell there's one ruskie miner that runs and stops based on movement detected by webcams or sounds by microphone.


this is why i pirate

How the FUCK does the bethesda launcher have 3 times the ram usage for the ONE (1) game on it?

>features and timing are subject to change
Oh boy.

>Uplay 130MB
based WUBisoft programmers

Windows Store really not that bad all things considered. Minimal bloat since it's bundled with the OS and you have to have it anyways. If they had sales, it could have been a contender.


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>blocks your path

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Only white boys play pc

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I'm not giving you money, Tencent.

if you have each and every one open at the same time you are mentally fucking retarded

>b-but pirated games have big scare miners and viruses!
Get out of Yea Forums, MOM.

why are you black

>using the launcher

Why? I can play 99% of games without the launcher

you can't just call everything you don't like a botnet

Also, I'm pretty sure you don't have to have the windows store running to use any of the apps you installed from it.

Uh, you might as well shut down everything if you're gonna killswitch electricity. Constant bursts of electricity hurts the power capacitator.

>white boys
oh you know what kind of replies gonna start reeling in

PC>console tho :^)

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I'm not, I'm a proud white American. Get your eyes checked

>have many programs running at once
>surprised they're using a lot of ram

Maybe just close your launchers when you aren't using them if you're concerned with performance?

Its called genetics.

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Fuck off, botnet.

>W10 uses twice as much RAM as W7
>nothing to show for it besides maybe virtual desktops
Why is this allowed?

You have to use it if you want to play online games

wheres DS2?

If a game requires a launcher, I just pirate it.

What's so hard about that?

Inb4 I'm still part of a botnet. I play games offline

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When you ignore all the bitcoin miners, sure.

>tfw 16GB RAM

>not 32GB w/ 16GB as RAMdisk



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The same reason all their games need an unofficial patch just so they don't crash every 10 minutes.

>n-n-no other launchers are just as good as steam
Then why is Uplay downloading spyware on top of my For Honor download?

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In the trash where it belongs

why does bethesda launcher used up half a fucking gig?

It just works.

Does the fact Bethesda can't optimize surprise you one bit?


In what scenario would you even have all of them open at once outside of making an epic screenshot?

The Bethesda Launcher also refused to let you uninstall a game you had the beta of without purchasing the full game.

The launcher, like the company, is an absolute clusterfuck.

No you don't, you dumb little shit.
t. Grim Dawn player

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you see that memory? you can climb it.

why OP have 10 browsers open at once?

A good thread was destroyed for this shitty Reddit post.

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>45245 days 1 hour and 36 min

Just going full broke and downloading all of the spyware in the world.

>a good thread

Aren't game clients just glorified websites? Why the fuck do they use so much RAM??

>tfw PC gaming came full circle and desktop shortcuts are once again the most efficient method

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>not basing your game purchases around only using 1 (one) launcher

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Fpbp. I just close Uplay and origin anytime I'm not using it. This is like showing a task manager with literally e every installed program going at one time and being like "lmao PC fags btfo!!!"

/u/ has usernames now?

1) 2.5 GB is fucking nothing you dumb console peasant
2) No one has all of the different launchers anyway. You don't really even need any others than Steam.

Enjoy your more expensive console games limited to a pathetic 1080p and 30fps due to inferior hardware.

You do know that you do NOT need to open all launchers together, right?

Besides, most of the memory usage is from the webview/browser for each launcher, which 90% of the time is just a repackaged Chromium.

That is absolutely false.

Based Kuro poster

this, unironically. I was having an existential crisis the other day when I realised this.

I only use one service, steam. It's good enough and it gets muh vidya downloaded fine and the choice for retro games and new titles are there so I don't feel the need to use much else, although GOG's non launcher thingy sounds based. Am I retarded anons?

>using anything other than steam, battlenet and gog
You deserve it

It's weird how i'm used to business trying tempt me into becoming a costumer but epic basically goes. "Nah bitch. I don't give a fuck about your experience. We're going to pay publishers tons of money for exclusiity so you HAVE to come to our shitty store. Filfthy paypig."

It's so weird to have a store show open contempt for it's costumers but still make a lot of money

Literally every "scene" loads a bitcoin miner into their pirated games though.
At least the bitcoin miner takes up less memory than the launchers

This minus bnet is the god combo

mine's only 24MB :^)

use private trackers and stop downloading off public trackers

I'm mexican and play on pc suck cock and balls you fucking neeeeeeee

>2gbs of pc
>20lbs of console and ass

yea ok

>no itch.io

>electron apps
fuck you, discord

Steam for 99% of shit.
GOG Galaxy for retro shit not on Steam.
Itch.io for indie shit not on Steam.
Battlenet for Blizzard shit.
Uplay for Ubisoft shit.
Origin for EA shit (mainly just Battlefield, Titanfall 2, and The Sims 4).
Windows 10 Store for Xbone ports not on Steam (mainly just Forza, Halo 5, Halo Wars 2, and the Phantom Dust remaster)
Bethesda launcher is pointless because Fallout 76 bombed, so Bethesda backpedaled and is now launching their new shit on Steam again.
Epic launcher is pointless because all the "exclusives" are just timed exclusive, and I don't give a shit about Fortnite.

>PCfags really think EGS is the real problem
Launchers aren't even an issue. Most people have at least 8gb of RAM and background processes that blow everything in that list way out of the water when it comes to system usage. Hell, my browser alone has 2 tabs open and uses nearly a gig.

At any given time, I've got Steam, Uplay, Origin and Battle.net running in the background. The launchers themselves are a non issue. Epic is just an evil company and while I already the Epic launcher for UE4 because I have to, I'm never spending a dime with them. They are indeed a real problem.

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You don't need gog open to launch the exes you retard

>boot up PC with no launchers in autostart
>start launcher if I want to play a game from it
You also do not even need the GOG Launcher. Its comletely optional.

who actually runs all this shit at the same time and why

I usually have twitch and steam open. Free games so far on Epic are either ones I owned already or ones I don't care about.



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Launchers themselves arent a huge problem, but it's quickly becoming apparent that if they don't stop they'll just keep going and never stop
The problem is that they're making the experience WORSE little piece by piece without giving us anything in return, they're playing the long game and the casual market is eating it up because they don't have the foresight to realise that they're being given a worse service

Based Epic for coming out and making it so obvious how shitty things can really be, hopefully through Epic's blunders the dumb consumers can realise what's going on

Nice lies, faggoston

My Steam uses 500MB of RAM alone.

>my browser alone has 2 tabs open and uses nearly a gig
Stop using IE retard.

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Twitch has had it for a while, it's not an actual game store either, it's a mod platform for games like minecraft and stardew valley and hosts the games you get for free from twitch prime.

part of the reason why epic games store offering Oxenfree for free was retarded to me, since it was free on twitch launcher like a month or two beforehand.

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>consolefags complaining about 2gb
LMAO, stay mad RAMlets
Also, my Steam uses 30 MB

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[muffled yar har in the distance]

>implying they would bother connecting their services to old pc games with multiplayer built for dialup

Based Uplay.

>Why hasn't Yea Forums switched to superior consoles?
Why isn't everyone pirating is the real question.

cause blacks can physically steal the games to use on consoles

steam uses like 20 for me

>Stop using IE
First of all, it's called Edge now, computerlet. IE has not existed for some time. Second that's just the nature of Chrome. It's more of a system hog but it also has better performance.

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>not 8 GB of ram
shit rig desu


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>crow once again has the smart opinion while small bird is the brainlet
I really like how this meme turned out

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I personally prefer Firefox.

Might switch to Google Ultron if someone ever finds out how to access it without having a government login.

Crows are the geniuses of the bird world.

Fuck chromium
Fuck Javascript
Fuck HTML5
Fuck CSS
electron shit

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I used FF originally but was forced to switch because of 2 annoying issues. One was with frame rate another was with the mouse clicks creating these mystery gestures that would cause the browser to do all kinds of weird and annoying shit.

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In what world is 2.5GB of RAM considered a lot? Pretty sure 4 gigs of RAM is like 20 bucks by today's standards

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>downloading another launcher to play their exclusives = paying for another console to play their exclusives
Fuck off consolecuck

RAM being dirt cheap doesn't excuse bloatware though

Firefox works fine most of the time but sometimes you really feel the "Free browser" part of it.

Name one thing Mozilla is really known for outside of Firefox, ya probably can't.


DRM is the main reason I play console over PC. I pretty much only play drm free games from gog or pirate. I have only spent like $200 on steam.

I'm pretty sure Discord and Twitch are not game stores or launchers, are they?

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>2GB memory usage

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>the devs would be a lot better off
But the consumer gets no benefit because none of the developers are passing the savings to them, and lack of third party keys essentially makes the games more expensive, relying only on sales on the store itself as opposed to the third party sites who host many sales.

Discord has a game store
Twitch hosts mods and games they give with twitch prime

>Why hasn't Yea Forums switched to superior consoles?
Then the launcher takes up 100%

I wish firefox would get rid of cached content for web pages you close. From when you open images or view anything, its stored until firefox closes and it causes so much ram usage.

What's on the discord store?
I thought it was a chat application

why the fuck would you leave a launcher running when you aren't playing the game you use it for

>Bethesda with the biggest launcher

If I can get my vidya for free, I can let some Slav mine with 1% of my power.

>tencent needs 51% of stocks to access te user data
What kind of retarded logic even is this?

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even the individual launchers have ridiculous memory usage

>Bethesda launcher is pointless because Fallout 76 bombed, so Bethesda backpedaled and is now launching their new shit on Steam again.

I've been spoiled by getting a good PC 6 years ago and now I'm stuck with a toastery build and bad habits.

Soon we'll need a launcher for the launchers

>DRM is the main reason I play console over PC.
Consoles are literally DRM machines, user. They go harder on anti piracy than anything else.

Why even lie like that

Ubisoft is based as fuck

imagine being this much of a retarded gorilla nigger
I'll just give you this: the Bethesda launcher is written in C++