>mods deleted the vtmb thread
Mods deleted the vtmb thread
somebody opened it, it had to be done.
desu it turned into boobies posting
It's a shame but hey at least the good music is here
Good hopefully they do it again
How's the GOG version? Is it also broken like Steam one?
I think this song only plays in Glaze if you wait for the first one to finish, so some people might have missed it. But I like it.
good, circlejerking tranny freaks like you need to fuck off back to /vg/.
>VTMB waifufag thread gets deleted within 20 posts
>4 simultaneous waifufag threads for nintendo series are up right now
GoG comes prepatched with the basic Unofficial Patch. It should work without you having to do anything else.
It comes auto patched with a current version of UP if you're too brainlet to apply it to any other version.
>nooo my safe space
lel, fag
rudi will protect your thread from the janny oppressors, wh*tekine
My dude hell yeah
I thought gog never interfered with the vanilla experience?
Well VtMB doesn't even work on Windows 10 without a fan patch, and it has other issues like everything being blurry if you have over 2GB of RAM. The basic patch is pretty close to vanilla, just with bug fixes, although Wesp still inserts unnecessary changes sometimes for whatever reason but he's removing more of that shit over time.
If you want the game to really be as close to vanilla as possible, just use the True Patch Gold.
>I thought gog never interfered with the vanilla experience?
you can download it either way; unpatched or pre-patched with UP, your choice.
The Unofficial Patch also installs into a separate folder, so all the vanilla files are still there IIRC. You just have to change the shortcut that you use to not launch from the folder the patch adds.
something pretty neat that v5 does (not sure if earlier editions do this) is amalgam disciplines, like being able to mix protean with vicissitude
>not smash
>not sekiro
>he didn't like vtmb
>he installed plus patch on his first playthrough
>he installed plus patch on his first playthrough
I did this, didn't really know what I was doing at the time
imagine there will be a plus patch for vtmb2, and the only thing it does this time is to improve the game and remove all sjw parts. Will it remove over 50% of the game thought?
>he installed plus patch on his first playthrough
Well it's a good thing people in these threads don't really recommend doing that anymore after they realized how much garbage the plus patch adds. It still does some cool stuff, I liked the extra level in Grout's mansion, but I think vanilla is still best.
If you play as malkavian, every sjw part will get replaced with a vision of Jack and Beckett sucking each other off while Caine masturbates in the background
this is the easiest way to figure out if you are playing vanilla
Calling it a "plus patch" is misleading anyway since it's a full mod at this point, but Wesp still insists it's just a restoration patch which causes a lot of the confusion.
Yeah that gets replaced by a research book in plus, but you can also just look at the stat screen and if you have Blood Heal as a Discipline then you're playing plus.
I like that the plus patch exists, just don't use it on your first playthrough. VTMB is not a game like skyrim, which needs to be modded. Modding in vtmb is only for people who want more of what they got after they know what they are in for.
good to know, never heard of that before. So it's like bloodbuff an ability every vampire has. So in plus all vampires have two abilities that they all share.
pretty sure the stat screen also says if its plus patch in the corner
Wait, you mean the guy saying "Stop, Keep your distance!" in the tutorial with the state of the art mic isn't restored?
>Wait, you mean the guy saying "Stop, Keep your distance!" in the tutorial with the state of the art mic isn't restored?
your hearing is just damaged from all the gunfire
>tfw never found occult items
Do all vampires have those ice blue eyes?
quick rundown?
No. Remember Jeanette has two different colored eyes and Pisha has glowing eyes too.
How do you influence it?
Well Becket has strange eyes because Gangrel's features change when they frenzy, sometimes permanently. And I guess you could with Vicissitude or Obfuscate or any other Discipline else that lets you change your appearance. Most of them probably just have the same color they did before they became vampires though.
it's the studio's first real game and they're full of neonhairs so the only way anyone will be able to fix it is by running uninstall.exe
Any luck Bloodlines 2 will be any good anons?
I don't really get excited over this stuff anymore after so many sequels turned out to be shitty, but I think this one has the most potential to be good.
writers are a bunch of has beens teamed with a blue haired twitter stereotype, devs have never made anything but showelware and the publishers are the biggest jews in the industry. go figure.
i was making a joke
>jeannette has heterochromia
>theres doesnt
me too
Might allude to Therese being the original personality
why does beckett pretend to be an atheist in bloodlines?
Not believing myths doesn't make you an atheist.
Why has Yea Forums been spamming this game constantly for the past month? You're making me want to try it.
Yea ForumstMB threads were pretty common before then, especially around Halloween, but a sequel was announced recently after 15 years
that's the very definition of atheism.
No. He could be a deist, like the Founding Fathers. They didn't believe in a lot of biblical myths but were still religious.
You're not a smart person.
I get the joke user
you don't know me user.
>They didn't believe in a lot of biblical myths but were still religious.
so they believed in myths, just selectively?
because bloodlines is my favorite game
Sure, they didn't just blindly accept it all and were okay with the ones they could make sense of, from a scientific standpoint maybe.
I just finished my first playthrough last night, why does Beckett suddenly change his mind on the sarcophagus?
"Mythology" generally implies a history of cultural faith. Something you come up with on the spot isn't a myth.
Somehow he found out about Jack's plan, and doesn't want you to explode?
I don't think it's ever explained. There's really no way he could have figured it out without jack telling him and I feel like beckett would tell you if that was the case
He tells you why. When you first talk to him, he says he feels something odd about the city but isn't sure what it is. Probably closer to the end of the game he realized everyone was at each other's throats and something bad would happen, so he didn't want it opened just as a precaution in case it made things even worse.
I mean, you could potentially be siding with anyone at this point. Wouldn't he keep his mouth shut about Jack being involved, just in case?
Planned run for Bloodlines 2? I'm going Tremere
Malk first, just like with 1.
We still don't know what clan's are even playable. All we know is that only 5 are going to be available on release.
rudi's army with a transsexual thin blood, pronouns xe/xir
An example they gave p. much confirmed Tremere and maybe Brujah, plus the concept art of one of the clans involved blood magic symbolism
As a Malk, I'll play Malk. Gotta kill all those women and minorities.
I can't see them not including Malk after putting the stop sign as a deluxe edition item. I think that would just cause a huge shitstorm.
Now, whether or not Malkavians are written properly is another matter
Stay a Thin-Blood so I can get close enough to Rudi and stake him, then leave him out into the sunrise only to ring him back and chain him to my basement and ask him for advice on how to control an army, seeing as how he managed to create an army on his own
>VTMB briefly got me into goth metal for a little while
That was a weird time. Still one of the best credits music though.
Tremere is 1000% confirmed to play into the games politics and the tabs on the official site have the blood magic thing you're talking about. I suspect they're in on launch.
They've made noise about wanting to do the writing for Malkavians properly. I'm certain they will be in the game, but I'm wondering if they will end up being the post-release free DLC clan.
As a gangrel irl, gangrel
Malkavians might be DLC, Nossies would just require access to the sewers rather than an entire new dialogue system
>They've made noise about wanting to do the writing for Malkavians properly.
Mitsoda said the same thing way back in 2009 during an interview, so it doesn't necessarily mean anything has changed.
Haven't the Gangrel left the Camarilla though?
>dreamed of Mr. Bean as a hunter trying to kill the resident vampire
>he only managed to accidentally kill a little girl by locking her in a basement and pulping it
>the girl's rotting face stares back at me
But why, it's been a long time since I've thought about Rowan Atkinson
threads about specific non nintendo games belong on vg
v is for platform and storefront wars, game personalities and smash news
Bloodlines didn't write the Malk PC well either. Malkavians are just vampires with actual mental illnesses but instead you're some le epic random retard. Would have been way more interesting if they played up the schizophrenic aspects and actually hindered your gameplay with hallucinations and maybe even loss of control of your character.
I liked that stuff a lot as a teen but stopped listening to it because it seemed like it became really common for people to just pick on you over it. But VtMB made me stop caring and start enjoying it again. And it's funny how many people say they even miss the goth culture from that time and wish it'd come back now.
Lasombra Antitribu has ‘DLC Clan” written all over it.
>Malkavians are just vampires with actual mental illnesses but instead you're some le epic random retard.
The majority of Malk responses were not as bad as you're saying. Giving nicknames to people and a little bit of wordplay isn't the same as "HOLDS UP SPORK XD", and there were still pretty normal responses too. Most of the time when there was a few whacky responses you weren't even forced to use them, and it's not like the other clans didn't occasionally have silly joke responses too.
that's kinda hot
but why is it hot
Why don't nossies just wear hoodies for public walks?
would you wear a vtmb t shirt?
I really want to believe, based on the pre-rendered bullshot no-in-game-footage trailer we've seen, that they will indeed do that in Bloodlines 2.
Both Gangrel and Brujah did.
There are still individuals of those in the Cam though
they probably do
Huh I'd fuck a nosferatu
>Would have been way more interesting if they played up the schizophrenic aspects and actually hindered your gameplay with hallucinations and maybe even loss of control of your character.
make that work in practice or shyt your whore mouth. stop whining about fishmalk when you cant create anything better. they're not going to use half of the games budget just to incorporate one clan.
nobody fucking eants to lose cintrol of their character, thats obnoxious and youre just making sure nobody enjoys playing malk.
We blew up the Venture Tower in LA. What do we get to blow up in Seattle, I wonder.
Bold, yet brave.
Maybe a really big, intimidating eldritch horror? Trailer has me thinking we're looking at a legit Gehenna scenario this time.
>Maybe a really big, intimidating eldritch horror?
Something borne from the Great Seattle Fire maybe? Maybe in the World of Darkness, a supernatural creature was behind that fire.
>implying they didn't already spend extra time and resources on Malkavians
You're retarded. Either they get it right or not add it in at all if it's too costly for them.
And here you go:
Most of these are meta 4th wall type of stuff but it does a better job of showing actual madness than what they did with Malks.
>manhole opens up and this tentacled motherfucker greets you and starts tooting
It seems like it could be a good game
Just to fuck things up the Seattle vamps ends up messing hardcore with the local garou, but turns out they were trying to prevent an even bigger fuck up from the Wyrm. Final boss is a literal eldritch abomination, the Nexus Crawler. Everthing gets thrown out of the window during the fight but the malk player can see it all clearly for reasons and has a completely different bossfight
zero narrative weight. are you even trying? why do i always get nothing but retarded wiaht washy shit from gutter iq morons like yoy when i present the task of actually writing a better malk? are you this stupid?
It's an elephant sculpture
Fucking Hannibal and his fascination for elephants.
>real madness is seeing blood and thinking you're walking on the ceiling
not really. whatever you want to define "madness" as it wouldn't affect everyone in the same way for there to be a "real" form of it.
the malk screaming at a stop sign isn't too different from a homeless person screaming at random things either.
>post actual example of gameplay options from an actual game and how it could be implemented into the character itself
>too retarded to understand and just shouts moron in retarded typo language
Should've known I was talking to an underage phoneposter
some people were always complaining that the malk in vtmb is 100% fishmalk and saying it sucks, but it seems like there are even more now that some journalists said the game was insensitive with mental illness or something.
Damn, didn't know that vamps retained their thiccness in their unlife.
Imagine having an eternally young thicc waifu.
cringe: the videogame
what's your favorite game?
none. I hate video games
>he doesn't like tabletop RPGs
>he doesn't like vampires
>he doesn't like an entire universe centered around the judeo christian god punishing cain for his sins in genesis
you seem like a fucking moron with no taste
wacky blood dripping on the walls doesn't mean you're playing an insane character, it means you're seeing visual effects on a pc monitor. moron is a perfectly apt term to refer to someone who doesn't understand what "narrative weight" means.
are you really this pathetic? grasping at typos in a desperate attempt to shield your fragile self esteem?
Go to bed kid.
i was just asking a question
Have sex.
I don't like gay games about hot topic vampires sucking off blood from HIV penis in gay clubs
What's up with Pisha's eyes? They are mesmerizing.
she's got that pajeet "must suck dick" eyes that their teenage girls have
People have talked about it for literally years, though?
I still remember Fall of 2013 when it and EYE threads were the comfiest things imaginable.
i thought everyone knew that Therese is the original and Jeanette existed as some kind of coping mechanism because her father rapes her
Naga means snake so I guess they wanted her eyes to look like this
Jeannette was made*
Are there any good mods for playing as an attractive woman? I want to play Female Toredor, but I want some options for how I look.
I'd chalk those up to Auspex
So, why do you need mods? Female Toreador, Ventrue, Malk and Brujah are already 10 /10 cute.
Aren't there gypsies in Texas? Do they roam around the country?
There's usually a bit of debate over who was the original personality and if Jeanette ever existed at all because the game doesn't explicitly say. But it'd make the most sense for Therese to be the original and to have created Jeanette so she didn't have to accept the fact that she was being abused and that's why she was acting out.
based autogynophilic ttanny
I think there are some skins on moddb, but if you go through the game files and find their names you can probably switch the Toreador female with any of the other female models.
>i'm a MAN so i only wanted to be surrounded by MEN
nice try, you are surrounded by attractive women at almost all times in the game. that you would choose a female avatar to represent you in the game world is extremely common for autogynephilic transsexuals. why are you being defensive?
the basic unofficial patch IS the vanilla experience, unless you want bugs, crashes, and being literally unfinishable to be the vanilla experience.
GoG strives to put things out there in working order at the very least, with modern resolution options.
>you would choose a female avatar to represent you
Why can you only self-insert? Maybe I just like seeing a hot girl beat the shit out of people.
>the basic unofficial patch IS the vanilla experience
Mostly. Wesp has removed a lot of the extra stuff he originally put in but there's still a few things here and there that deviate from remaining vanilla.
>that you would choose a female avatar to represent you in the game world is extremely common for autogynephilic transsexuals.
>making things up because you have an irrational hatred of female main characters.
That looks nothing like her eyes tho.
Some renders from the pier.
Another one.
They should change the artstyle to this. THIS is how vampire shit should look. Too bad the sjws won't allow this.
Not exactly but closer to what human eyes look like. Could just be Auspex like another poster said though, or that they just wanted to make her seem different to other vampires in another way.
neck yourself you filthy secondary
too much
That art looks better than this sjw shit game looks so far.
I'm playing it for the first time now, had no idea what I was doing, choose to be a "malkavian" so half of the time I have no idea what I'm saying, going full melee with an axe because my aim sucks.
Right now I got to hollywood and I'm trying to find the second part of the tape, it has been pretty fun, I'm liking it so far.
One thing people like about VtMB is that it was set in modern times in a believable setting. It has nothing to do with SJWs. That pic gives off a totally different atmosphere, and I'm not saying it's good or bad, but it's not close to what a lot of people like about VtMB.
It's urban dark fantasy not the full on dark fantasy that Vampire Knight is.
'Man that comic is real fucking cheesy but that just adds to how much I like it.
you are the most secondary secondary to exist, you have zero understanding of the setting
This isn't Vampire Hunter D. This is 20th/21th century Earth. World of Darkness or not, this is too much.
Good, generals belong to
right, no video game discussion should take place on Yea Forums
this place is only here for meta posts and off-topic garbage
>that one faggot screeching autistically with zoomer memes ITT
Don't be so dramatic. Just because someone else is breaking the rules doesn't mean you should too.
Fuck off Sekirofag. Go back to your dozens of boards.
Melee gets a bit harder around that point so you might want to put a few points into Firearms and pick one up from the guy in Hollywood or Mercurio.
Also melee is still viable for the most part, just some of the bigger enemies and bosses get to be hard for melee users. And put some points into defensive stats around this time if you haven't been.