Is there any good game with faries?

You know, with a magical atmosphere and just comfy? Have already played the Zelda games.

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Stay on topic, please


What a flabby fairy fanny

SMT games have fairies.

fuck off sybb

Legend of mana

Are they also comfy?

Spiders / Cyanide made a game about fairies and apparently it's not too bad either but their budget was so low they had to skip adding VA to most characters.

Fairy Solitaire


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I think so.

Faery: Legends of Avalon

Attached: faery_legends_of_avalon_befutott_az_elso_trailer[1].jpg (1280x720, 124K)



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It's literally just a generic butt, who even cares? There's a million and one similar asses out there.

You don't understand, this is true love.

Odin Sphere is pretty good.

Attached: fairy eats fruits.webm (758x734, 2.75M)

You'll find the wo(man) behind that ass on your favorite tranny website. Thats where I found it

But my favorite tranny website is Yea Forums