Try to play Demon's Souls to see what a the fromsoft fuss it about

>try to play Demon's Souls to see what a the fromsoft fuss it about
>think its boring and ugly
>nah, lets give the style a second chance
>buy bloodborne
>fucking love it. Dump 80+ hours into it and beat every fucking boss
>holy shit whats next?
>buy Dark Souls III
>drop it after a bit
>no no lets at least have a go
>buy DS1 remastered and give that a shot
>love it, put 80+ hours into it and beat every boss
>hmm okay what else?
>sekiro comes out
>boring. I have already dropped it
>now i feel like i need to get around to DSIII at "some point"

Why am i like this Yea Forums? It doesn't even make any sense.

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What was wrong with Sekiro? I can understand someone liking Bloodborne but not Dark Souls/Demon Souls, but what didn't you like about Sekiro? Did you just miss having quickstep, or not like having to block/deflect everything?

Its just not that interesting. Like i said the weirdest thing is i REALLY liked DS1

Maybe it's the world that you like. I found that DeS had the best atmosphere, DaS and Bloodborne had the best world and level design, and DaS2 and DaS3 had a lot of options but . I think Sekiro has the best combat and has decent level design, but the world isn't very interesting.

you're a zoomer

give yourself time to relax, kid

I know exactly how you feel op

except i didn't like bloodborne for the same reason i didn't like sekiro

i also loved DeS

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He liked Dark Souls 1, which was very relaxing, and Sekiro is probably the least relaxing of these games.

I meant to say that DaS2 and 3 has a lot of options but I didn't enjoy exploring their worlds as much as DaS or Bloodborne.

demons souls is the most chillen

>drops the hardest ones out of the bunch
nothing is wrong with you, you're just a shitter.

>Why am i like this Yea Forums?
Your mother drank while she was pregnant.

These people have garbage taste, sorry

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>Love Souls games
>Played DS1 for over 100hrs
>Never finished it, Just stop when i get to gwyn

What is wrong with me? The only Souls game i ever finished was 2, even If i didn't like it that much. And i really Like BB and sekiro but can only Play them in short bursts until i get bored.


DS3 is the hardest in the soulsborne series.
DS2 is not a canon game. And Sekiro is DS2: 2 so it can also be safely ignored.

Good job advertising yourself as a pleb, not sure how you figured this would turn out

I never beat Demon's Souls because I refused to kill Saint Astraea. I accepted dwelling in the Nexus forever.

Enlighten me how Bloodborne has the best world/level design. As someone that liked DeS and DS1 for those, I felt utterly pissed off with how much ladders there were in all the town portions attempting to interconnect it.

Fast travel kills the world design.

>Sekiro is DS2: 2
Literally the antithesis of DS2 you mouth breather. One is quantity >>>> quality, the other is quality >>>> quantity. One is fast, one is slow. One is smooth, one is janky. One is pretty, one is hideous.

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It's more similar to DS1 than DeS, but I like how there's lots of looping around with shortcuts and being able to see places I've already been rather than constantly pressing forward. I liked walking through a door and being able to look down into a courtyard that I visited recently, or finding my way back to an old lamp/bonfire after twenty minutes of exploring a new area. I think Dark Souls was better for this, but Blodborne had some degree of interconnectivity to it. I also like the aesthetics in Bloodborne the best.

>buying DS1 remastered
i feel sorry for you, such a pathetic existence.

>Sekiro is DS2: 2
Are you fucking braindead?

>Game literally too hard to enjoy
>Pseuds pretend its not like ds2

i agree with this

Because you're a casual who likes easy to learn games

Not sure why you think i would take it to heart

Love em all except ds3 it was too deja vu

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I cant enjoy a game where enemie are so braindead and beating boss requires learning his moveset after 1 minute of observation. I got little satifaction from this game.

>The answer is that you are a faggot
user you're not a full blown faggot. You've got bisexual tastes.

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So souls isn't hard then.

What a cute girl, I would kiss her.

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nice blog, liked and subscribed ^__^

>game's difficulty comes from combat that forces you to learn mechanics and have fast reflexes
>difficulty from awful level design, horrible and unresponsive controls, and gameplay that's painfully boring no matter how much "build viability" it has
They're not even remotely similar.

Stop posting these damn images.

How do you guys keep playing these games after 1 playthrough? From games have 0 replay value

check Nioh

I do NG completely blind and see how it turns out.
NG+ to see how gud I've gotten and to experience the game again now that I'm no longer retarded
NG++ to finish up all quests I missed and get the true ending.

I only do this if I really like the game of course. Which applies to Sekiro.

Only Sekiro has 0 replay value man

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>M-Muh build variety!
Sekiro is the only From game I immediately started NG+ on after clearing because the level design is consistently good, and the gameplay is fundamentally the most sound.

This. I just straight up wanted to experience it again.

The level design on the souls games have been consistently the same, what the hell are you on?


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Are you fucking high?

It sounds like it takes you a while to get into something that's outside of your comfort zone. Which is fine, because you always seem to acknowledge that and try again, which is significantly better than half the world, where if it doesn't mesh right away it's trash.

DeS, DS, DS2

DS3, BB, Sekiro


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Demon's Souls is amazing because it's a game that accurately captures the sensations of being suicidally depressed. It's mechanically unpolished but the "atmosphere" (as empty as that word is) cannot be beaten. Nothing every works out and all of your choices hurt somebody in the end.

DS2 wasn't hard. It was just shit? Playing the game is the challenge. Need to be a sadist to put up with the Big Rigz of Souls games.

>too hard to enjoy
The game is piss easy once you unlearn all that muscle memory form the souls games

Maybe consider an hero

stop talking about yourself

i just bought ds remastered. ive finished all the other games, but never touched the first one. holy fuck, it is awesome. it's WAY slower than the other games, but that's fine. it's so great how the entire world feels like its really...uh, a world. it's all connected and you can look over the balcony of a new area and see some place you were thirty minutes ago. and the no fast travel makes it feel like more of an adventure.
i got the game a couple days ago and just made it to sens fortress this afternoon. the upgrade system seems a bit more obtuse in this game than its sequels. playing a STR-pyro build, rocking a claymore +8 currently. witch of izalith outfit looks fucking sweet. how much more of the game do i have to go if im at sens fortress? anor londo after that, right? then what? when's a good time to head into the dlc? its the big door in darkroot garden, right?

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>likes ds1 but not des
yeah this is bait
des is literally ds1 but better

>its the big door in darkroot garden, right?
No, that's just more base game. I normally do that before Sen's, but that's up to you. The DLC is accessed from an area you get access to after Anor Londo. I'd say you're about 30% or so of the way through since you haven't gone through the Darkroot Garden door yet. Have you found the Darkroot Hydra, because that's another way around that door and I think a requirement for the DLC.

nice joke user

retarded if unironic
das is a sloppy unfinished reskin of des

i saw the hydra in the distance after i went through the door guarded by havel. past all the crystal golems. didnt venture over there yet. im level 38 or something, is that high enough to go fuck up hydra?
im surprised the door in darkroot is just more base game. i mean the one you need the artorias crest for. its 20,000 souls. is there anything in that door that i need to proceed? getting 20,000 souls will take ages. i killed all the lizard fags in sens fortress and only had like 6,000.
and do i need to go into catacombs? ive done all undead burg, lower, depths, blighttown and... i think thats it. lautrec killed firekeeper and fucked off. will he come back and kill my pyromancer merchant at firelink? or does he just kill firekeeper?

Demon´s and dark souls 1 are probably the most chill games. even the first areas of 2 are pretty relaxing, I love tower of flame´s vibes. Those games have more of a "man vs the wild" feel, even though you spent most of the time in castles and shit, but you get the point. DS3 and bloodborne on the other hand want to keep you on your toes all the time, you can barely take a break unless you´re in a bonfire

this. I played souls games maybe once or twice few years apart. I'm currently on ng+5 on sekiro

I hate that I only just got into Bloodborne. Having a dead online community sucks when all I want to do is be a Vileblood asshole.

All the difficulty in DS2 comes from ganks and hordes of enemies being thrown at you. There´s no thoughtful enemy placement in the game. They just get mobs to make it harder and call it a day

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they even gank you with the bosses! sentinels, two dragonriders, throne watchers. feel like im forgetting one. i still like ds2, but its EASILY the worst game. no question. it has best shrine music tho. majula has this perfect eerie, ethereal, haunting sound to it. its great.

You will need something behind the door after Anor Londo, but by then you'll have more than enough souls to buy it. The Anor Londo boss will give you 50k souls, so you can use some of that to get the crest. As for the Catacombs, it's optional right now but gives a very nice item, but you'll have to return either way after Anor Londo.

>hordes of enemies
I think that's partially why people equate Sekiro's difficulty to Dark Souls 2. Sekiro also likes to send hordes of enemies at you, but unlike DaS2 you can often L1 spam an entire group to death. Most people coming from Dark Souls are likely to initially play Sekiro like a Souls game by rolling and attacking when the enemy is open. Things like enemies blocking your attacks being a good thing, and your parry having no recovery frames and being spammable are foreign to these new players.

Could be it, although as much as I was one of those that took some time to get the hang of how sekiro is meant to be played, I still struggle to parry mobs. But in Sekiro you can go for a stealth aproach or just leg it and get the fuck away from danger most of the times. DS2 on the other hand loves to throw a bunch of assholes at you when you´re in a cramped room, maybe one or two basilliscs too for good measure. Oh, don´t forget the retarded doors that are higher than the ground level so you can´t go back and gain some space to face the enemies in a better situation. DS2 is hard for all the wrong reasons. I don´t hate it, there are things I like about it, even though I´ll forever mourn the fact lightning spears went from pretty fucking good in PVE but unrealiable in PVP to completely useless in any situation and are like this to this day even in DS3

>80+ hours
Dude I have 500+h on DaS3. It got the best pvp in all the franchise.

That was my thought upon finishing it too. It's just kind of a boss to boss run without anything interesting really happening.

What do you mean what's wrong? You're playing games and forming reasonable opinions.

Different builds, trying sorcerer in 2 for the first time right now

This, they may be the same general basic style of gameplay but they're different enough games for you to be able to hate one and love another
I hate Bloodborne but I'm not going to say that often or else people will think I'm baiting. It's the only one I didn't like.

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dark souls 1 should have ended at anor londo
trying to finish it after that feels like a chore locations become rly uninspired and not fun to explore

I thought that the first time but I played it again last year and had fun at the archives and catacombs. I still fucking hate lava town though, fuck that shit.

Who the fuck holds their shield like that?

I still haven't been able to bring myself to complete DkS3. I enjoyed DeS, DkS and Bloodborne, managed to slog through DkS2, but I just don't give a shit about DkS3.

do you even understand how shields work?

>>try to play Demon's Souls to see what a the fromsoft fuss it about
>>think its boring and ugly

You didn't think the gimmicks were interesting? Did you even play it?

I have this fig, it's nice desu

I can't enjoy the enemies in sekiro with multiple healthbars people call them bosses but they're just inflated healthbars with long walks or enemies around them its low-effort compared the previous game's bosses and if you think they count for bosses you're a fucking bender

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I loved DSII but hated I and III

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>look at me and my special opinions

Show me where Ogre touched you. Also some of those minibosses have more moves than DaS1 and 2 bosses.

literally me
I couldn't give a single fuck about anything in sekiro, they attempted to craft a story with a fixed character and shat the bed

yo where can I buy that statue

DeS was great
DaS was great
DaS2 was okay
DaS3 was meh
BB was great
Sekiro is great

Nah, only real problems with Bloodborne's world is the PS4 cant load jack shit from central yharnam when you're looking at it from cathedral ward

Both DS2 and 3 are inferior to 1 for the sole reason of not having a interconnected world. The feeling of exploring faraway places only to find it connects back to a previous location so was the most fun part. Now they´re lazy hacks that throw bonfires everywhere and call it a day

>kill groups of enemies
Have you played the fucking game? Two of any enemy that isn't the weak Ashina soldiers will destroy you.

Multiple of the purple robed ninja can be a challenge, but just about any other enemy I could take on two or three at a time. Except for those jumping dudes with the double ended blades, I had more trouble with them than the purple ninjas for some reason. I'd also play safe around spears, but they're also pretty easy to mikiri counter and take out first.

I'm pretty sure even From realized those double-ended blade guys are bullshit because there are only 5 of them in the entire game. They parry everything you throw at them and don't have many openings.

Yeah no. BB has the best atomsphere

Buy Darks souls 2 SOTFS faggot

Which DS haven't you played yet

You might be right. DeS was my first of the series so it likely has a bit of nostalgia going for it, but I've recently started replaying Bloodborne again and I have to say that the atmosphere is still top notch despite me knowing nearly everything about the game. To me personally, none of the Dark Souls games really feel the same as the first playthrough, but Bloodborne still retains a lot of that feeling. Demons' Souls does too, but I'm willing to chalk a chunk of that up to nostalgia.

My fucking patrician nigga, thank god you stayed away from the abomination that is DS2.