I was totally wrong about VR


all it needs is ability to pull apart those headcrabs
precision slice things like MGR
and a baseball room

Attached: killerapp.jpg (1280x720, 213K)

Other urls found in this thread:


lame brah

Can't wait. Have been waiting to jump into VR, and this + Valve headset is when I do it.

Unfortunately there will be no dismemberment but it looks great

I haven't been this impressed by a demo since HL2

those crab legs are just begging to be pulled apart

or breaking off a table leg and using it to defend yourself

>all that technology
>still has HL2 tier crate destruction

As someone who enjoys both vr and mgr, i can tell you that thatd take an insane amount of time and effort, not to mention if it were implemented alongside the current physics system, it would probably be extremely taxing on most hardware.
Remember that shit in mgr despawned after like 5 seconds, while the world in boneworks seems to be focused on immersion and interaction, where despawning physics items would really be immersion breaking. Still, theres hope for the future

To me that seems like a placeholder or only to teach new players how the destruction system works, an earlier tech demo showed off the ability to break only certain sides of a wooden box, allowing for more experimentation and interaction

the headcrabs in this are physically connected, they should be able to break apart

as for dismemberment, yeah it'll burden the hardware and that could be really bad when your eyes suddenly start crawling at 10fps cause you went too far with the sword
but at least 1-3 cuts per object should be doable

and that would allow things like wood to be cut properly, maybe you could make your own wooden stakes for vampire hunting

as for despawning, they could just have them burn up or dematerialise like in other games

nice HalfLife3 tech demo

I still don't know why they didn't show at least other type of enemies, they've shown zombies before so I'm good with that but I want enemies like the marines or the combines

they should show the last boss as well

Are you being snarky retard?

absolutely possible

Showing gameplay of enemies that have guns and shoot you isn't as big as revealing a final boss

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it would be fun to swing those crabs by the legs, or tear off control panels

Haha same man, after playing 10+ hours of multiple VR games I love it!

I can't wait for the Valve INDEX (™) to play my VR games! Plus It'll be more cheap and gamer friendly!

I can't wait to see my fellow Anons on the battlefield of Boneworks (™)

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you cant do that

>tear off control panels
no you cant

And I can't wait to play Animal Crossing: New Leaf on my Nintendo 3DS.

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what about bash things with the blunt pommel of the sword?

not on the crabs, on things like mechs or giant machines to disable them
it would be really cool to jump onto a moving mech and tear open its brain case, but that would be a bit too intense in VR and many furnitures will be broken, maybe bones too

kicking open doors could be cool like in RE4, but there's no way to track that currently unless computer vision gets really good
maybe in a few years time

still, most people will probably lose their balance if they attempted

a grappling game could be fun
do the knuckle controllers measure how hard you squeeze?

squeezing the neck of a virtual opponent could be really neat

>do the knuckle controllers measure how hard you squeeze?

Imagine being impressed by a demo that literally does less than HL2 managed.

This would have been neat 3 years ago, I would've looked at it and thought "hey, that looks alright, maybe I'll buy VR in 5 years". Today? 3 years in, with no games out, no games in sight, and no realistic expectation of any improvements in the future? When second gen VR is literally just the first gen with a slightly higher resolution?

I'm beyond caring. I'll buy a Vive when it hits the bargain bin, and hack together patches for some old-school real video games, and get a few hours out of it. I've lost all faith in anyone ever delivering a compelling experience actually designed for the format.

you can't lift weights in HL2

What's funny is that technically, you can. The Novint Falcon had a hastily coded version of HL2 made for it, and in that, every object you pick up has different motor forces based on the mass. Pick up a wooden box, and an oil barrel, and they both "feel" like different weights, and they're easier or harder to move around because of it.

By the way, this gimmick was 10 times more immersive than VR weights, which are basically just you miming an action because otherwise your character will stop moving his arms. Force feedback is a lot more compelling than motion controls.

You can't move your hands up and down a crowbar.

Honestly I'd say motion controls in VR are a more compelling, at least to me, in those cases.
The brain can fill in the gaps really well without any outside input other than just visuals and sound. At least that's my own experiences from playing VR games so far.

Not to say that it should always be that way, having some system of proper force feedback as well would go a long way to making the effect even more rich.

You can't move your fingers around.

you cant pick up a box while holding a plant and moving it up and down

Sure, HL2 didn't have a crowbar handjob feature. Truly, we're living in a new era.

Finger movement? Well, that has quite possibly millions of applications in games! For instance, you could... uh... give a couple more hand signals easier in a multiplayer infiltration game?

Motion controls are definitely more compelling, the problem is that they're not enough of a boost to actually be a game changer. In the same way the Novint Falcon was a miserable failure, VR is just too limited in terms of what you can actually do to be the next step in gaming, at least in its current state. I can envisage a world where everyone wears glasses or contacts or has robot eyes that can switch over to game mode at a moment's notice, I can't see one in which people strap bulky shit to their faces just to play vidya. And even in this future, I still imagine that most games will be played on virtual AR screens that complement, instead of overriding vision.

You can't jump up and down while waving your hand and shooting a gun

Why not? The tech is there, Oculus has had it since late 2016 and Valve just added finger presence to their controllers coming out in a few months.

Anything could be a controller if poor people were not the common denominator.

You can manually reload a gun with your hands.

>I'm beyond caring
>posts in every VR thread

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you can't headbutt a vort in HL2, checkmate

>give a couple more hand signals easier in a multiplayer infiltration game?
that would actually be really useful
but just pointing at things in multi FPS is handy
you have no idea how dumb it is in L4D to try and point at things with the gun, and the other person doesn't get the hint cause they think you're just looking at it

you can't punch boxes with your bare hands

Right, and what use does this stuff have for games?

Not really, you can move a magazine model into a gun model. If this was a compelling experience, why did light gun games just use "shoot off-screen to reload"? This kind of stuff might be fun for milsim fans, but for most people it just gets in the way, another chore to commit to muscle memory so you can get to the fun stuff.

>>but just pointing at things in multi FPS is handy
True, which is why pretty much every new game has a ping system. Much more accurate than pointing, and it takes a single button press.

>but for most people it just gets in the way, another chore to commit to muscle memory so you can get to the fun stuff.

how is this any different to picking up ammo in a flat game? also you're incessant relation of light gun games to VR is beyond cringe.


>brandonjla left freddiew to make cool VR stuff and video games
>freddiew made a group of literal who's to make crappy youtube shows
what went wrong?

lmao such blatant marketing

>>how is this any different to picking up ammo in a flat game?
What? Most games you just fucking run over it.

Reloading in a game with physical feedback seems like it could have some minor appeal. It's an action you can get better at with time, I think actions like cocking and ejecting can add some enjoyable complexity to some genres of games. But ultimately, right now you're just holding 2 wiimotes and hoping that the game understands what element of the surface in front of you you're trying to grab is. I think it's too cumbersome in its current state, and I don't know if these are problems that can be reasonably solved outside of a commercial setting in which every object is mapped and tracked identically to a virtual counterpart.

>also you're incessant relation of light gun games to VR is beyond cringe.
Have you got a better point of comparison? Functionally speaking, there really isn't much difference. You can't use current VR for melee combat because there's nothing physical to actually hit. I could relate it to sim gaming instead, but that's even more niche.

I dunno.
H3VR reloading feels real nice already.
Stuff like working the bolt action, belt fed, and even those quick release mags where you can use the new one to pop out the empty one. Real nice and simple actions that can feel real nice.
Most other VR games don't stack up to it in particular though in that aspect.

I think you're way too focused on the real, as in what you're physically holding and what your doing irl as opposed as to what you're doing in the game. You learn to let that go a bit more and it can do wonders.

So, valve is gonna hire these guys to help with Half Life right? Ive played a lot of VR games, but something about Boneworks just looks right. It just looks like theyve nailed the interactivity in a way I havent really seen yet. Also they arent pussying out with disembodied hands

I sure love how that looks! I will pre-order and uninstall Epic games store launcher right now and you should do too!

Fuck Boneworks, make Duck Hunt kino again

>I think you're way too focused on the real
This is what a lot of people seem to miss with VR. It is still just a video game and does not imitate real life. The games work really well when you see them as video games and play by the rules of the video game. In many cases they let you do a lot more than normal games can. However, rather than comparing them to other video games, people compare them to their fantasy idea of what VR should be where it inevitably falls short. They then go on long rants where they think their extensive experience fantasizing gives them increased authority as we can see in this thread.

wow it looks great

You had laser painter in tribes in 1998 used to that effect (and distance checking)

holy shit this
>they think their extensive experience fantasizing gives them increased authority

I can only speak for myself when I say I want VR that actually feels pretty real and only mildly restrictive. But I'm not gonna complain about the current state of VR, because it's a steady process up until then. But this looks already pretty good. I just wonder how many times the guy bumped into things in the room he was playing. If this really takes off, I'd like to have 3 or 4 sensors that you can put up in a room that tell you when you step out of bounds.

But I'm also kinda concerned when VR becomes too realistic since that can have an effect on mentality. You can easily say games don't make people murderers when it's just playing on a screen, but at this rate it WILL eventually affect us. Either by turning some neets into cold-blooded cunts who barely value human life or giving you PTSD because your character was mauled to death by a bear.

This though.
Realism =/= fun
Some realistic things are fun, some are not.
Making certain actions tedious and realistic doesn't mean they will be fun.

>When second gen VR is literally just the first gen with a slightly higher resolution?
VR isn't consoles, retard. It's a display technology.
Might as well complain about "second gen monitors" while you're at it.

I've been trying to explain that VR headsets were peripheries to dipshits like him for the last 2 years. They'll continue to compare headsets to PS4s, even though the PS4 has a fucking headset, and when pressed about how they feel about fightsticks and racing wheels they'll tell you "THAT'S DIFFERENT"

>when pressed about how they feel about fightsticks and racing wheels they'll tell you "THAT'S DIFFERENT"
What? I'm still using my DFGT and my brawl stick I bought for 20 bucks with swapped in sanwa parts.

You'd have to be a fucking retard to "upgrade" past something like a G25 because the G27 and G29 were both literal downgrades. Belt drive motors on Thrustmaster stuff are prone to overheating and overpriced for what they are. If you want to upgrade, you have to spend over a thousand dollars on custom direct drive wheels and load cell pedals which require a separate rig mounting, and need custom set-ups for any game you want to play.

It's no different. The only advancement between the Vive and the Index is that the resolution is a bit higher, and if you use the knuckles you get an analog stick. Those are the only quantifiable differences that might actually have an impact in games. Is that worth ~$800+ bucks to you, or not?

Mind pointing out where I said you gotta buy every new version on release?

>Mind pointing out where I said you gotta buy every new version on release?
I'm more puzzled as to why anyone with a current VR set-up would be excited for Index. At best you might get some slightly better controllers out of it? They're still going to be 200 bucks, and meanwhile the price of everything you currently own is going down the toilet.

Early adopters are braindead, but VR early adopters are a special breed of dumb.

Oh I get it, you're upset you joined the party late, and now when people ball bust you for being a naysayer, your line is to suddenly be concerned with how people spend their own money.

smells like soi to me

Valve is acquiring them and this is HL:VR. It's already been added to the master list of Valve games in SteamDB.

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same, the entire thing looks like a massive disappointment.
It will take a company like valve to pour resources down the drain to make a worthwhile title for it and even then if the install base doesn't move enough other devs are not going to budge.
They have more applications outside of gaming anyway

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Do I HAVE to get a fleshlight for VR porn?
I'm feeling like putting a paper towel on the ground and milking myself onto it is animalistic in nature, but I'm not trying to spray all over my PC while I'm in my chair

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you should get a fleshlight anyway for toucans sake

I just feel like the moment of self reflection I'd have cleaning it out would darken my psyche, it's easier to simply throw a towel into a bin

Btw. if anyone is interested in supporting full length VR titles, this could still use some funding: youtube.com/watch?v=9-DpB7tXs4g


>""peripheries"" that require completely different game design approach that has never been done before
Yeah, it's not comparable to PS4's, it's much fucking worse in every regard. The only people who can treat VR as peripherals are flight simmers.

Runtime slicing isn't very heavy actually, it's just splitting a mesh and adding a few points here and there, you would just need to make sure the level isn't full of tiny slices hogging CPU.

Also most engines use PhysX nowadays which has some pretty good optimization and the nature of a game like Boneworks means only a small part of physics objects would be actually in focus and being interacted with so you can easily do your own physics sleep system without actually despawning anything.
There's a lot of potential in this concept actually, I'm gonna steal it.

>Can play literally any game you got on a home theater rendered in the VR headset even if the game isn't VR compatible
>VorpX if you want the "In game" VR experience (Albeit with no wands)
Please educate yourself buddy, listening to people who don't actually know shit about VR give me their opinion on it is really grating.

Valve have been developing 3 full VR games, not toolkits or prototypes, for the last 3 years

>I'm beyond caring, I'm gonna buy VR!

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Nice advice to completely ruin your initial experience in VR and never come back to it. Very subtle.

>Can play literally any game you got on a home theater rendered in the VR headset even if the game isn't VR compatible
So you can play games at a lower resolution with a horrible screen door effect, god-rays, and sweetspot issues that force you to turn your head instead of just looking around the screen?

Wow, what an experience!
>>VorpX if you want the "In game" VR experience (Albeit with no wands)
Paying for hacks that barely work, and don't even have the motion control gimmick everyone loves.

>Literally complains about moving your fucking neck
>Implies I implied you should ONLY do that and it wasn't merely something else to do on the extensive list of shit it has to offer, even outside vidya.
Now tell me how only vidya matters cuz we're on Yea Forums and VR applications alone shitter shatters your arguments.

Anyone who dislikes VR has never tried it or just gets sick really easily.

>All this fucking sucks!
>I'll get one when it's within my price range though

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The Vive and Oculus already have built in systems that dectect when youve reached the limits of your playspace, it will cast a blue cage to let you know where you are in your area.

"You're telling me I have to move my fucking neck and stand up sometimes?"
"Meme gimmick fad, I mean, not like I could afford it, but these things really need 4k per eye... well of course I don't have a 4k monitor or a GPU that can render 4K twice"

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I think the vocal anti-VR people are just wheelchair bound cripples or total fatasses who already know they're going to bowl over their living room and crack a rib

>People that are physically defective
If you're honestly an invalid and shitting on VR because of it, I'd say I feel bad for you, but I don't enjoy your suffering and not being a full human

it's part fox and grapes shit, but the other part is just the lack of quality games.

For example, Onward is a shit game, objectively speaking.
The audio is glitchy, the optimisation is dogshit (they could do way more than 5v5 if the code wasn't a spaghetti mess), the visuals are buggy, the map and gamemode design is terrible too.
Literally its only redeeming quality is that it's an FPS in VR, and just that one factor actually plays such a huge role in making it worthwhile to play that it shows how fucking great VR can be.

What VR needs is proper games made by competent people, simple as. I think Boneworks is doing a lot of shit right. It's basically about having every object be interactive under consistent rules, and how the game itself is about using those rules to get through shit. That plays to the strengths of VR perfectly.

I have a dumbass friend who crippled his arm cause he wouldn't stop playing dota 2 for many many many hours, and now he complains about VR cause he knows he can never play it with his crap arm

he's also been forced to play shitty games that don't require both hands for many years

>I think the vocal anti-VR people are just wheelchair bound cripples
Wouldn't that be kind of self-defeating? They would benefit the most from VR.

I honestly think the biggest aspect of VR is the social part.
People severely underestimate what being around another person in VR is like, it's not like CS:GO where they hit (DROP BUTTON) and you grab it, they hand you the fucking gun, and when they talk, it's like they're right there, since the directional audio is being used with head movement and not mouse movement.

they are just speaking from personal imagination

VR is mostly played standing up with motion controls

Yeah but the downside is everyone I play with knows how short I am

It's an upside for me because I'm 6'1''

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>the other part is just the lack of quality games
There's hundreds of fucking games if you ain't looking only for AAAAA experiences.
I just bought 2 this weekend on Sale:

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I really like the virtual OS and AI concept, there's lots of potential, especially if they push the 4th wall with the game debugging ideas

as for decent and more polished games, I think they will come eventually as more powerful GPUs and cheaper headsets emerge that make VR easier to get into

That is partially true, however you're also easier to hit

But then I just talk some shit, hence the social aspect, it's all in good fun mate.

these are all 'vidya inside a vidya' props

I play most games sitting down with motion controls or other controllers: store.steampowered.com/search/?vrsupport=301

>VR kanojo

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I think boneworks demonstrates every mechanic that would allow HL, portal and L4D to work, but I can't think of how the knockdown,recovery and healing mechanics would work in VR


wait... come to think of it, won't little shits have advantage over us giants in certain games because they'll be smaller targets?
maybe I'll pretend to be a 3ft manlet

how can they move the controllers if they wanked their arm muscles to death?

I'm not really seeing what having full finger control is adding, especially since they just glitch through shit because game physics aren't good enough. Even grabbing the Rift's Touch controllers while the headset on is annoying. Having to put your hand through the strap every time you pick up/put down the controllers is going to be a pain in the ass.


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>>do the knuckle controllers measure how hard you squeeze?
I have my killerapp idea...

It will train virgins out of the DeathGrip and get them ready for a Real Girl(tm) (Real Girl love doll accessory sold separately)

I bet you never go outside cause tying your shoelaces is annoying

>I'm not really seeing what having full finger control is adding
pointing at stuff
rudely ordering people
flipping people off in online games
doing doctor evil quotes

im sure games will use them for certain actions
maybe you can switch modes with hand gestures
maybe you could use the controller as a flute

squeezing grenades to prime them in the portal demo was cool
maybe squeezing the controller and punching will make your punches even more powerful

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that thick italian accent tho

I wonder if you can do a 'come hither' motion with your finger, or if it's more binary
eventually it'll be solved either by knuckle controls or computer vision

You can do all of that with the Rift controllers except for a flute. The only fingers the Touch don't track at all is your pinky and ring finger.

Most of those games are either glorified tech demos or don't really exploit VR's capabilities. That's not to say they aren't good.

What user is getting at is Valve needs to release HL3 in VR, basically.

>maybe you could use the controller as a flute
lmao this thing is nowhere near precise enough

The difference between pushing a trigger to grab something and actually doing a grabbing motion to grab things is gigantic, our hands are by far our most important appendages when it comes to interacting with the world so it's the most obvious thing that should be brought into VR other than our heads.

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You can

I only have couple of minutes of experience with VR, but I think Boneworks had some kind of ingame option where you could select your in-game character height, atleast that was in the previous videos. Maybe other games have that too, since it would kind of make sense for the game to not be tied around players height.

I wonder if you can do spock greetings with the knuckle controllers, probably not

I'm sure it's a little better, but doing a grab motion with 5 fingers instead of 3 isn't that much different. Not worth having to strap your hands to a controller.

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Touch doesn't allow hand opening and closing so the finger tracking is just this weird pinching thing, I expect the knuckles to become the standard input method and Oculus is going to have to play catch up again like they did with room scale and motion controls against the Vive.

you could use it as a shitty 8 hole recorder flute, you won't be able to move your fingers around on a proper flute, nor would you be able to feel for the holes or see what you're doing

You shouldn't push the VR meme. If you think the incel neet shit is bad now, just wait until VR looks real and automation really ramps up. It ain't gonna be pretty.

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it does, but what he's saying is his friends know he's short IRL, so he can't pretend to be tall online

it would be kind of cool if you could 'measure' your strength irl and then transfer it to your game
imagine if your dark souls character spent as much time lifting weights as you did

lmao is he streaming too?

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Not true. Grabbing on Touch is done with the middle finger. If you're grabbing anything with your middle finger your probably using your entire hand. There's almost no circumstances where you'd do a grab motion with your middle finger and not the rest of your hand besides a gun, which Touch supports perfectly. It is possible to do a pinching motion with the sensors it has if you really want to, though.

>grr why don't they let me make up for it by angrily lifting weights as compensation

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>OP says he was wrong about VR
>said VR video in question is one of the green text this anime poster said

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oh fug

I dunno
VR requires more physical movement which would reduce number of fatties
and it can really take online social to the next level, people won't be stunted by their limited avatars if they have full motion, they can practice being a human instead of thinking spycrab is how humans are supposed to walk

>using arm length to get player height
that's not how the human body works

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>and it can really take online social to the next level

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You may be a little confused, it's calibrating the height your hands are from the ground, it may not be precise, but your head can't vary that much from where your shoulders are.

Seems just it's just for coaxing the player into standing straight, it most likely just tracks HMD height which is the best way to get player eye height but leads to a discrepancy since devs are retarded and think eye height = total height.

actually I am tall and fit
it would be neat if games stopped trying to suck up your time by grinding in game and let you transfer strength from real world gains

maybe there could be a height/weight/strength/speed verification service stored in a blockchain
and then you can import those stats into your game
and it'll be useful for online dating to weed out landwhales

already making excuses smdh

Me on the left

>tfw 6'2
manlets go away

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No haptic feedback, no buy

bitch i look like lanky kong
that game would think i'm way taller than i actually am

your current games dont have haptic feedback

they will
video games revealing height is going to be amazing

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it's going to be glorious. fuck society. give autolabor.

>What user is getting at is Valve needs to release HL3 in VR, basically.

There's obviously not enough of a market for a "HL3 VR", although there might soon be a "Half Life VR" at some point soon.

There won't be many AAA titles that ain't ports (Skyrim VR, Fallout 4 VR, Borderlands 2 VR, Hellblade, No Man's Sky, Resident Evil 7 etc. or Mods like MotherVR for Alien Isolation and Doom 3 BFG) till the market grows some more.

Till then, it's rather perplexing how some people keep saying that there are "no games" even though there are hundreds of perfectly fine Mid-budget games.

>tfw 5'5
Well I don't have enough money to afford a VR headset anyway.

>open SteamVR
>make sure audio is going to headset
>move computer chair out of the way and clear area
>put headset on
>strap controllers to hands while completely blind
>get bored of the gimmick in 30 minutes
>unstrap controller from hand
>take headset off
>move your chair back
>close all the VR crap
>make audio go back to your headphones

Ahhhh yes. Very fun! WORTH!!!

>Unfortunately there will be no dismemberment but it looks great

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I'm still pissed that this never came to PC

this can be its own game
add more levels, add multi and it's X-Wing Vs TIE Fighter

VR seems kinda cool actually. There’s already lots of games out there I’d love to play on VR.

Also I was playing Payday 2 recently and one of my team members had a VR headset and they were able to move their in game character’s arms in any way they wanted, so we all just crowded around him waving his arms around at us. Also during gun fights he looked like a dude from Equilibrium doing gunkata lol. Just stood in one spot with his arms just swinging and pointing at different enemies it was hilarious.

Just play Elite or DCS, dude.

As someone whos gonna get a vr headset in 2 months-which one should i buy? Is vr just a meme or is it really good?

They literally mention that 'realistic' crate destruction was thought about, but then decided to go with 'video game logic' because its more fun.

You can grab the headcrab's legs and fuck them up and there are human enemies too so they will probably have fun stuff like that too.

DCS is great, but its not starwars

Automation will set us free

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The one with the highest resolution because after a few months you will only use it for porn anyway.

Index obviously

they're talking about number of shots to break a crate apart, not breaking the crate into planks and splinters

it's good enough for now, they can do it properly later on

I'm picking up the Quest. Mostly because it's cable free.

wait for the index to be shown properly, then decide

HP Reverb or this new Valve thing. The rest is outdated shite.

Reminder that even if the Index has a higher initial price it will be cheaper in the long run since lighthouse peripherals are designed to be modular so you won't have to buy controllers and base stations again if you already have them.
Meanwhile ocushit is phasing out their tracking cameras and forcing you to buy the controllers again even though they didn't even change.

Being able to fire in two different directions as once is cool as fuck,

Wait for index, gets revealed 1st of may.

>Also about 5'5 but have VR
>Don't really play online at all with or without VR because don't like most multiplayer games anyway

Uh no Brandon clearly explained that 10 shots exploding a wooden crate was a gameplay decision not some temporary bandaid

If your love of gaming is for AAA titles and grinding multiplayer games while you veg out, VR is not yet for you. If games are a hobby love and you love reading and learning about them as well as playing them, VR is for you.

Wait until May 1st. We'll know how the index is. Otherwise, right now:

Poorfag: Windows MR. Don't recommend it in general though
Value: Rift. Best controllers currently released, great software. Unfortunately it's being replaced by the Rift S sidegrade. S isn't out yet, its big feature is that it doesn't requires sensors to be connected around your room to USB.
$$$: Vive. Base package costs more than Rift and is worse. You can fix that with more money, though, and if you want things like full body tracking, it's basically the only way to get it. Just be prepared to drop 1000 on a compelling, balls to the wall Vive setup.
I don't have a PC: PSVR is cool as fuck if you have a ps4
I don't have a PS4 or PC: Oculus Quest.

I wonder if you're even aware that this preference isn't a coincidence

If Index actually uses external sensors you'd have to be a retard to buy it. The future it obviously scanning the environment for headset positioning and doing inside-out tracking for the controllers

whats the point of your red output just looping?

I should have been more clear
I'm saying eventually when the tech can handle wood splintering properly, they'll do it

the number of shots to break a crate is fine

This. Too bad everyone in these threads are retards who ironically don't understand tech they haven't personally used

>$$$: Vive
This is how you truly burn money on VR

Attached: sde begone.jpg (2276x1268, 595K)

>mom turns off lights
>hmd spazzes out and you puke your guts out
da futurr

>If Index actually uses external sensors you'd have to be a retard to buy it.
It's confirmed they use lighthouses which are still by far the best tracking system around and Valve won't drop them any time soon, why are companies doing cost-saving systems when the tech isn't even perfected yet?

Are you dumb? The environment tracking would use something like Kinect. It doesn't need lights on.

I have a Vive, not looking into headsets that dont provide, at least a hybrid solution.
Inside out isnt there yet, and I want full body.

Not mine, I assume just as a design piece

>The future it obviously scanning the environment for headset positioning and doing inside-out tracking for the controllers
Inside out is a waste of fucking time because you will never get reasonable accuracy without static sources.

>Value: Rift. Best controllers currently released
And a fucking awful resolution. I wish I had bought a higher res WMR headset, since I mostly play vehicle sims anyway.

>The future it obviously scanning the environment for headset positioning and doing inside-out tracking for the controllers
yes, but that is assuming that works reliably and doesn't blow out the cost of the hardware today

you may be waiting til 2025 for hardware with enough spare juice to do computer vision AND run a high fidelity game at 60-90fps

Are you double dumb? WMR and the new Rift use computer vision which use visible light.

so an external sensor like Vive?

Why does PenTile suck so much?

Stupid shill

Cool technical demo

A hybrid setup is definitely the future.

Inside out on the headset and maybe one external camera for full body and hitting the blindspot that the headset can't spot.

I wish they paid me
everyone who praised SM64, Zelda64, HL2 must have been shills too

>$$$: Vive
Lmao. More like this:


Thanks for your reply. Ill wait for Index
And yeah i wanna do something casual.

Subpixels matter
"Muh blacks" has always been such a shit argument when text isn't legible enough yet, it's like being an autistic audiophile for a speaker that needs to be in a different room to work
Glad the meme is finally dying for all companies (at least for now)

Attached: subpixel.png (966x559, 1.09M)

USD 3,200

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One external station will always be half-assed since it's easily fucked by occlusion and if you're going to use two base stations then there's no reason to add inside-out since station tracking can be far more accurate and flexible.

I think they'd need a few to detect 3D poses/motions
I'd love to be able to kick doors like in RE4, it won't be able to figure it out if it's just looking at my back

Umm sweetie are you on food stamps or something
Six thousand is the minimum I pay for my headsets

If you leave the realm of consumer VR, you don't need a Yea Forums post to explain it.

This is true, though the Rift S is fixing that. Seated Sims want the Odyssey+, Rift S, Reverb, or Vive Pro because of that PPD.

Never said anything about the Quest. The future of VR is 100% putting something like a 360 IR sensor on the headset and having no external sensors. You'd be able to see shit perfectly in the environment, if someone walked into your play space they could show up as an outline, etc.

>There is no reason to add inside out
Except for VR anywhere other than your VR Room.

You are looking at it backwards. Make an inside out headset that has the option to use base stations if you want to spend the extra money for more precise tracking. Not a base station required headset that also has inside out just for the sake of it

Over my height? Nah I don't care about that shit only little faggots get upset over it, I'm just anti-social.

I really hope you are getting paid to shill VR so hard everyday
Can't imagine someone doing it for free

Most people only face one direction when in VR 90 percent of the time anyway.

Having inside out and then a single camera behind you to capture what's behind your back would 100 percent work. And even when that camera can't detect the controllers, you won't even notice with the inside out doing it's thing

Metroid Prime could really work well in VR
what else would work really well?

>everyone who posts anything positive about cool stuff is a shill

>I'm just anti-social.
Yes as a result of your height affecting every offline social interaction in your life.

Uh dude dolphin emulator lets you play metroid prime in VR


Yes. But we are not there yet, you didnt exactly see wireless controllers up until PS3 era, and were probably like at PS1 with VR

>Most people only face one direction when in VR 90 percent of the time anyway.
That's the cope Oculus came up with then they realized their cameras are horrible for room scale since they need to connect to the PC, Oculus also said motion controls weren't going to be a thing and shipped the Rift with an xbone controller at first.
I don't doubt inside-out will be the standard eventually but it's not there yet and it's inferior to base stations and companies are only forcing it because it's cheaper to manufacture.

When are these assholes going to give me the 1.37 software update anyway?
I want to try out the "vastly improved" ASW 2.0.

Attached: 444.jpg (310x62, 3K)

And Yea Forums says games aren't dangerous..

how the fuck do you even do that?

>You'd be able to see shit perfectly in the environment, if someone walked into your play space they could show up as an outline, etc.
You mean like it already works with visible cameras?
I doubt an IR depth sensor system like the Kinect would work well in an HMD and I'm sure MS tried it but had to rely on visible light tracking instead.

>I wasted money to play some tech demos, I'm smart!

Hmmm, i wonder who's behind this post

Attached: maxresdefault (2).jpg (1280x720, 136K)

If I've got this right, if the index uses RGB screens with the same res as the Vive, it would actually be a significant upgrade, right?

yeah but it's not ideal
a prime game actually designed for VR would work really well

Oculus App Version (

Works on my machine bro

I have nothing but pure undiluted contempt for VR and it's dangers. I tried it at a friend's place. It was fun at first but then I tripped on the cable, smashed googles first into the sofa corner and got shards jammed into my dominant eye, making me blind forever on that eye. And my friend even had the gall to ask me to buy him a new set despite seeing first-hand the life destroying dangers of VR. That's an addiction worse than weed

carpal tunnel syndrome I think
I'll ask next time

Keep telling yourself that, especially when you play them years after they're relevant and all the social VR spaces are filled with Twitch and Youtube Drama whores since you juuuuust missed the golden age before it got filled with trash and poorscum like yourself

Yeah, they send out the updates in dribs and drabs, kinda like Windows 10.

I wish he would quit streaming already
We call him bald, old, short, stupid, it all fucking hurts him but he keeps coming back for more abuse like a fucking masochist

>things that never happened

All newer HMDs are using LCD screens which have better pixel patterns, first gen sets used pentile OLED because LCD still had trouble with persistence and would cause motion blur but that's fixed now.

Sure in terms of legibility but we don't know the res of the Index, steam settings leaks don't actually show that

>everyone knows I'm a manlet on the internet

jesus christ I can't get away from it

reminds me of a friend who refused to play portal when it came out, instead he played it a YEAR LATER, after all the memes on the internet
and then he goes: "it wasn't that good"
this is the same guy who owns TF2 and never once tried online play because he was too scared of getting his butt kicked

Buy him a new one or I'll take your other eye you clumsy nigger
Coming for you rn

>Digital gaming has progressed so much your genetics are becoming a hindrance again

Yeah. With a high quality LCD, the relatively worse blacks and saturation would be far outweighed by having 1.5x as many subpixels making up the image. OLEDs use a pentile subpixel arrangement, which uses alternating and unevenly sized subpixels to "cheat" higher resolutions with the equivalent of just 2 subpixels per pixel.

>golden age was a bunch of furries erping in vrchat and a couple of 10 minutes demoes
Oh no

>how the fuck do you even do that?
Terrible posture, no wrist support and because you're autistically focused on the game, you just keep going through the pain instead of taking breaks or actually fixing it.

I used to get the same thing until I invested in wrist gel pads for the mouse and started only using keyboards with palm rests (whatever the part of my gaming keyboard where the heel of my palm rests while I type.
Basically, I never hold my wrists up to type or mouse, there are pads and rests and stuff and everything is fine. Before that, I used to develop wrist pain from time to time and had to adjust everything again to get rid of it.

Ah you've finally learned
Well done
Stay offline while I fuck your vrfu, creature

DCS World isn't a demo

Imagine never using Yea Forums before 2007

You realize the friends+ instances and shit happened after the cliques were formed yes?
You're not actually this fucking dumb right?


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I'm a cripple and a fatass and I love VR : (

He doesn't have to.

VR games are boring, honestly. When I play them I always use the Rift's computer screen in-game feature to put on TV/streams on a virtual screen straight above me. Most games aren't interesting enough to hold your attention for more than 30 minutes. Only exceptions are games like Beat Saber.

Boneworks ain't H3 tho

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who here /skyrimVR/?

Attached: todd.jpg (361x145, 10K)

make a fun game then

Is this an early source 1 engine tech demo?

Absolute proof that Bethesda is lazy as fuck.
I mean holy fuck you shouldn't need to fuck with the config files to make a fucking AAA game playable. Also, you have a fucking physics engine in your game, and you didn't bother with making anything even remotely interactive.

Fuck Bethesda, seriously.

too dumb for moddding and controls are annoying

bethesda has always been a crap dev

>every rhythm game that isn't DDR or Taiko is Osu
Shut the fuck up weeb

Attached: 1554487277651.png (252x323, 127K)

Fucking newfags

I think it uses Unity.
Hell, Valve used unity for most of their Lab VR demo (with only Robo Repair being Source 2)

>VR games are boring
>The only fun ones are the fun ones

Attached: 1490627357695v.jpg (540x540, 53K)

it's unity

As someone that owns H3, Pavlov, and Blade and Sourcery, Boneworks doesn't really look like its introducing anything new other than being able to grab more shit

Have mods salvaged it yet?

How would making things interactive make things better? I don't like Skyrim/Bethesda, but SkyrimVR was still one of my favorite VR experiences. The bow combat in Skyrim VR is awesome

V *clap* R *clap* WILL *clap* BE *clap* SHIT *clap* UNTIL *clap* THERE *clap* IS *clap* TACTILE *clap* FEEDBACK *clap* PERIOD

That shit wont be viable until we can plug ourselves into the matrix or can make holodecks with hard light

Attached: clapping-hands-sign_emoji-modifier-fitzpatrick-type-5_1f44f-1f3fe_1f3fe.png (160x160, 17K)

monkey bars?

It didn't help I got Skyrim VR after playing BoTW
Say what you want about BoTW, its mechanics based on finding shit yourself is so much better than TodTES's compass arrow bullshit. That shit is bad in a normal game, VR makes it all the more unacceptable.
Also, the heavily compressed world just looks fucking daft in VR. The whole "demon cave 20m from village" shit just kills the mood when you have proper depth perception.

I mean, its literally just the SE edition with a VR.esm attached to it so most mods SE mods work for it. Theres a few that improve the actual VR gameplay as well tho

well there you go

update 5 for blade and sorcery just introduced climbing iirc. I mean don't get me wrong, Valves looks much more polished but I'm not that blown away by what I've seen so far

You will absolutely never see harder copes on Yea Forums unless you're in a hardware thread.
People pirate games to counter their financial incapabilities, but they can't pirate hardware, any talk of consoles, GPUs, or VR headsets piss the poorfags on this board off really fucking bad.
Game release? Okay whatever
Game release with Denuvo? Shitposting about Denuvo, CRACK WHEN, and the day it's cracked a bunch of salty poorcucks pretending they're not angry the publishers had the GALL to try to stop them from yanking it up for free.
Now don't get me wrong, I don't give a shit about piracy, I'm just tired of poorfags lionizing being poor in droves, it's why you see so many "HURR U WASTED UR MONEY" posts, because these people legit believe no one uses their VR headsets between price drops, and think they have an expiration date if you bought them before they did.

>plug ourselves into the matrix

Every vr thread has some fantasy world faggot like you. Just go shove an hdmi chord into your brain.

some PCfags made me play oblivion waaay back in the day saying it was some kind of amazing game

I was so disgusted by how unpolished it was compared to zelda that I never spoke to those PCfag friends ever again

okay lets stop everything until we can go from nothing to that

Valves goal is to make lighthouses so cheap and small they can be put anywhere. I do think their pricing for these first real direct-to-consumer sales will be instructive if not decisive of the technologies future. (HTCs pure-arbitrage 150% markup selling wasn't real.)

What the FUCK does that got to do with Yea Forums? VRchat is full on furry erp, and "games" are all walking simulators or concept tech demoes. This is the "golden age" you will be referring to as you lie dying in bed, gramps

Most of them are poor because they are stupid, that's what makes them so mad. To stop being poor they'd have to stop being stupid and that's impossible.

Same, playing it right now and holy fuck is that game dry. Different icing on the same xRPG turd

Making corpses draggable would be a start.

Wasn't it the opposite? 3 non-VR games?

I hope cemu chads let me revisit botw in VR considering nintendo is making their meme version

Brainlet newfag detected

Problem with the internet is it lets you connect with other stupid people.
And since stupid people are the majority, they think simply holding the majority makes them correct.
That's how things like Communism happens.

fucking faggot cunt
i want to kill you with my boot

Surprisingly stable. Only had to reinstall all 160+ mods 3 times to get it to run without CTD right away, and hasn't crashed yet either

UIs are absolute trash, you cant even use wands as laser pointers, only shittier VR implementation I can think of was Assetto Corsa, but it was free, not 60€

and then a few years later some other PCfags were raving about skyrim
so I look it up and its by the same developers, I watch a video of it, and it's the same unpolished shit, just with pretty graphics, but none of it matters when the physics give away how simple the underlying game really is

fucking lol.

You missed some.

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Valve was doing 3 VR games, but it seems they cancelled one

I would not be surprised if they saw boneworks and decided it was close enough to what they were doing that they allowed them to use the gravity gun and hl/portal esque designs to tie it into their universe

what should they call the new gamepack?
Purple Box? Yellow Box? Blue Box? Red Box? Green Box?

Women are supposed to be short, men arent

Index Box

could work

lmfao seething
It's cute when girls are small

Attached: 1413147531086.jpg (337x644, 89K)

Short guys are cute

Yeah, I had hopes after finishing New Vegas, which had its share of faults, but Oblivion was like playing a beta test

The dude in the red shoes is a girl?

Virtual Box

t. gay looking for twinks on a boomer board

I wonder if height will become a problem in certain games because the level design didn't consider a tall person for doors

it's bad enough I hit my head sometimes when getting up on the bus

I could easily see them bundling the new games with Index to try and pretend it has another 100 bucks of value, but I don't think it's going to work unless they're pricing this thing absurdly, we're talking sub 400 bucks for controllers and base stations included. They've got the money to pull a move like that, but the balls you'd need to throw that much money away is something you'd never see from Valve.

What's this standing up bullshit?

Attached: 1517544164731.gif (200x270, 1.09M)

>but it seems they cancelled one
inb4 tylernews

Game Cube

We found another fat guy!

I've always hated how every character in skyrim looks like they were beaten with an ugly forest, always look like they're staring into space like dolls and they all have overly dramatic voices

stop falseflagging
a tall person can become everything a short person is by flexing their leg muscles
a short person can never reach what a tall person can, such as climbing over an in game obstacle or striking a high target

Attached: manlet consideration.webm (1920x1080, 2.89M)

Still the greatest love story ever told

From what I've seen of Boneworks, there's a greater level of physics involved with the environmental interactions.
Everything feels like it has proper weight to it.


Or just somebody who plays games after doing physical activity. When I got on a 70 km bike ride, the last thing I want to do afterwards is fucking stand up while playing games. Especially when there's no benefit to it.


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$400 for the whole set would be absurdly cheap and would obliterate the competition.
$500 would still be a good dab on them.
$600 seems more realistic and would place it as THE high-end set.

I should stop watching Boneworks stuff, feels like I'm getting spoilered too much.

guess the rumors are wrong
straight from the horse's mouth

no cancelled VR games
guess we can expect Portal (3?) and 2 of these

One of the worst paced love stories ever told

No idea how that trash became normie FotM.

This is every single one of you vr apologists.

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Yeah, I sure enjoy exploring warehouses. Thank you valve, you did it again.

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Finally got back to my desktop this week so I can actually run it again. Will make a combat video too later.

I like it

how can a tall person crawl into the toilet vents in goldeneye?

They're keeping the narrative stuff pretty under wraps for now.
>So what’s next for Boneworks? There’s a narrative built on top of all of this that I didn’t get to see in my brief demo time. “You play as a systems engineer working inside an advanced AI driven virtual operating system,” according to Stress Level Zero. While focusing on tasks involving “the system clock of the virtual OS the differences between perceived time and real time become concerning. Investigative exploration through the gamified inner workings reveal something is critically amiss, leading into unknown dangers.”
>“Rather than presenting Boneworks as a tech demo, we, instead, want to first let it be playable as a narrative game,” Laatsch wrote. “Humans respond to stories and experiences that have consequences. This tech has been made to ultimately get out of the way of the art, so we must do that from the first launch. We hope that, after launch, the narrative and world are equally as memorable as the tech. Regarding narrative scope, our benchmarks for this first title are Firewatch, Portal, and Inside. It has been very hard to limit the scope of the project. For the first time, we feel unleashed as creators now that the core has come together.”

they've only shown the test area and 1 early level and no story stuff has been conveyed

a spoiler would be anything they haven't shown

This will be heavily half-life and portal related, no?
headcrabs, crowbars, rogue ai driven environments

>60 whole Todbucks

>our benchmarks for this first title are Firewatch, Portal, and Inside.
Probably the worst news they could have.

I hope the shooting is fun, at least.

It's clearly inspired by Valve stuff but SLZ is not Valve, they just seem like big fans.

What's wrong with Inside and Portal?

I mean there's a height slider in the Steam VR settings and in most games as well. It's not very hard to fix.

I wonder if it'll come out in June with the Index, it seems like it needs some more polish

they got the valve knuckles early
I wouldn't be surprised if there's something going on with SLZ like turtle rock and the portal guys

>He can't beat songs on Expert+


Attached: beat-saber-9.jpg (1920x1080, 196K)

I heard something is passing about tf2 and that the current number of people actively dedicated to working on it is 2. That could either indicate that they are the only ones who currently have a major interest in working on it, what with valve's "do what you want" culture, but even if that is the case then what project suddenly got everyone else working it? It could be that those 2 are the ones willing to "keep the lights on" so to speak. Again I am working with incomplete information so my outcome might be garbage.

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Nobody normal wants to do this crap!
Get it into your thick skulls!

Attached: waggle morons.png (1995x2356, 773K)

Shit I forgot to

I think they're aiming for it to be included with the Index like Space Pirate Trainer and Job Simulator were for Vive.

Did they add that? I haven't played since release after I got a good rank on all the expert levels

But only Firewatch is shit out of those

Today, meanwhile:

Everyone got them early though. I have a vrchat friend who got them just by asking.

Yeah. Is a major step up from Expert too

Thousands of devs got the knuckles, it doesn't say much.
Some of them got the Index early though which tells more, we know The Gallery devs did and that other one that leaked the SteamVR settings page by mistake which suggests we might see a game bundle.
SLZ also did a Vive release title so I wouldn't be surprised to see Boneworks in a release bundle.

>playing without custom songs

tf2 is dead
I hope they do tf3 as a fresh start set in the 80s with all the hats and goofy clown shit removed

of all of valve's IPs, TF would be easiest to bring into VR because it's all multi and doesn't require too many visual assets to work

Based, but the "VR" pic is retarded as fuck, you should feel bad for posting it with that included.

>He doesn't know that these people are marketing it for FREE
The average consumer is this way user. THEY become the advertisement by choice.

Yeah sure you idle loser with no real world physical activity.

>Today, meanwhile
What's your point?

nice rebuttal

The real mindfuck is realizing Gillette wanted the right wing outrage when they made their ad

I played almost all the custom songs that were out in the first week it was out, but they were all shit. Almost all of them were too easy or just bullshit spam that didn't even go along with the song

yes, but based on what they've shown, there's still a few sore spots that could be improved and there's only 2 months left if it's releasing with the index

I'm quite impressed valve has managed to keep their games completely secret for this long though

And yet nobody liked that the Rift launched without a motion controller.

Attached: 1471185612_oculus-rift.jpg (867x593, 67K)

>nice rebuttal
To what? Nigger what are you talking about? Do you even know how to read?

Something about the way the guy plays the game pisses me the fuck off.

Casuals are dumb user. Not like the Rift has many games worth playing anyway.

You know you're doing something wrong when you have a lolcow wiki page.

>Nobody wants motion controllers in VR
>Yet the PSVR (which uses a DS4 with motion controls) makes billions

Lone Echo and Echo Arena are still the best VR games, tbqh.

Can't you play those on Vive?

Attached: revive_black.png (512x512, 20K)

>Lone Echo
It doesn't even have enemies. Fuck no. It's an adventure game, at best.

Resident Evil 7 and Astrobot are superior.

based mods

>Nobody wants motion controllers in VR
Who are you quoting user?


still waiting for knuckles controllers...
vive wands suck

but no way I'm buying a Facebook product

You need to learn to read then.

Probably, but I have to think it would suck without being able to point. To turn your light on in Lone Echo you point at your head like you're pressing a button. A lot of the controls are like that

What's wrong with adventure games? There are hazards, though. There's a section where you have to fling yourself through flying lasers.

What do you think he said then?

Is it June yet

>What's wrong with adventure games?
They're obsolete. Most games of any other genre have already incorporated elements of adventure games of old, and now adventure games seem so barebones in comparison they're called walking sims.

The game was interesting enough for me to play through the whole thing, but that's only because it's like 4 hours long. And I was getting pretty fucking bored towards the end.

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It's literally in the title of the essay. Motion controls are a dead end.

>current number of people actively dedicated to working on it is 2
That's due to the company vacation.

Valve said full reveal is may 1st
I want more speak-peeks though, I miss when Valve would do elaborate ARG campaigns to announce stuff.

>Motion controls are a dead end
>Yet the PSVR (which uses a DS4 with motion controls) makes billions

I know but 99% chance I will upgrade anyway based on all the more or less confirmed rumours and the fact that I loath Oculus at this point.
Only thing that I'm really hyped for that isn't 100% yet is the 135 FOV.

Yeah because the PSVR is a motion controller in the sense of what he is talking about. You really need to learn to read user.

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Can pirated VR games fry by brain

>there exists a headset that can use brainwaves to operate a mouse cursor
>nerve signals can be read for bionic arms, both physical and virtual in experiments

How long am i gonna have to wait until these become part of the package? Mix them with current/future display devices so you can be very convincingly immersed in a game while lying down. Don't even need brain plug fantasy bullshit.

Are you such a brainlet that you forgot to notice me mentioning the controller?

Attached: 236544823alt4?$rsp-pdp-port-1440$.jpg (1440x1920, 130K)

ITT: Yea Forums unironically thinks a cool game is bad because it isn't AAA
But what if the game is actually SET IN JAPAN and the protagonist is JAPANESE. OH WOW THE GAME IS SUDDENLY GREAT ISN'T IT YOU GODDAMN WEEB FAGGOTS

Valve is very interested in BCI so I wouldn't be surprised to see at least some kind of mind feedback in Index 2, the biggest roadblock seems to be how finicky electrodes are, you really need to push them against your skin and tape them in place.

Japs barely care about PC and still didn't get past the "poorly modeled anime girl moving around with VR waggle" phase so I don't expect them to be a VR powerhouse any time soon.

Yes goim just put a magnet helmet on so that you can use your brainwaves in games :^) Don't worry it won't make you a brainwashed magnet head, how silly of you goy, we wouldn't do such a thing even though technically it would be easy as piss now that you're sharing your brain activity with us you fucking retard

This game reminds me of Half-Life 2 terms of innovation. Hopefully this is enough to push the VR medium to something competent.

>I mentioned the controller
>therefore the reason that a really cheap consumer VR headset, with some decent games, is making money is because the controller has motion controls
Were you even born when the PS3 came out and Sony swapped out rumble with their dumb motion sensors? Do you live in some alternate reality where Lair sold tons of copies user?

Kill yourself user.

Reading brain waves is very very different from manipulating brain waves, it's like saying we can control stars just because we can measure its luminosity.

>Still doesn't understand my point
If motion controls are a dead end, then why does the most popular PSVR game (Beat Saber) require motion controllers?

Attached: 1455853408705.png (228x228, 80K)

yeah it's basically cyberpunk in here

Okay, but most VR games are shorter and worse.

Oh but don't you want to have mental force feedback in your games user? A very cool feature. I know you do, you faggot sold your DNA to Google, gave your 3D facescan and you fingerprint to Apple, you're dumb enough to put on a magnet helmet you dumb fuck

>this poster

Attached: fuckin magnets how do they work.jpg (1152x720, 49K)

it can be done

EEG electrodes are conductors that simply measure voltage fluctuations on your scalp, of course there's the whole range of gigantic privacy issues with it but it's not going to fry your brain.

Smash those two braincells together and have a think user. Here, have a food analogy:

"If no decent restaurant has a drive-thru, then why does the most popular restaurant have a drive-thru?"


Even the most absolutely nobodytastic devs can get knuckles

uhhhhhhh, guys?

Attached: 1549459468505.png (848x761, 657K)

>most games are worse than decent games


Does taco bell have a drivethrough?

>all of those features
>for 350

Attached: 1552178248354.jpg (707x610, 39K)

>fast food joints
fucking burgers

Attached: 1456344395083.jpg (640x480, 77K)

Beat Saber and Lone Echo are the only 2 VR games I've played that just wouldn't possibly work without it, therefore they are the best VR game. Most games just feel like they threw VR in for no reason.

obvious shill is obvious

I have VR but I'm not really seeing a reason to buy this yet. The controllers will be good, and if you have a vive then you should buy them ASAP to get the far-superior controllers, but otherwise the game itself doesn't do much to impress IMO. It's not as if the thing VR needs in 2019 is yet another tech demo with guns and swords.

t. 6'4

They're going to use magnet helmets to make you attracted to advertisements making you spend more.

sounds good, I'd buy
I wanna see how well the AR works though and if you can drive the display using a galaxy s10 by usbc or something

Ill be more interested in VR when the treadmills become more viable.

Attached: 1431465713612.gif (280x210, 1.84M)

advertisements have never worked on me
mind control only works on the weak minded
I have no vices or addictions either

>lighthouses not needed
Ok what kind of mystical fuckloids have valve actually managed to pull off?

>Source 2 but in real life

Attached: 1553941307866.gif (302x270, 520K)

Can I use those knuckle controllers with a Vive?

I was sold when I played Superhot VR. I'm still waiting for the definitive headset, though. Wireless, high res and less clunky handheld controllers.

How long until VR becomes normal and the games actually comparable to non-VR games? I don't VR will every completely overe take VR but I can definitely see them being a normal competitor to non-VR games and most games will have VR compatibility.

Right now, VR games are still nothing more than gimmicky games just showing off what's possible with the only outliers being multiplayer built VR games like firewall (which look fucking awesome).

This Boneworks game looks like a very good start but it still doesn't seem like a fully fledged game

Is this what rebbitors do when the down vore feature isn’t available?

Why? It didn’t benefit them in any way at all

It only works when you’re telling an uncomfortable truth; not the other way around

Wow, a VR physics demo with a single enemy. Now this is finally the VR game you'll sink single-digit hours into.
Surely the genre is saved.

word of mouth is word of mouth

I'm not sure how you haven't noticed, but controversy sells these days since shitposting on twitter isn't as effective anymore.

This is literally the future of esports, I can't wait.



>can't consider opposition without getting triggered

Will full body tracking be a thing this time around with the Index?
I bought an Oculus and felt like I missed out not being able to do it.

Attached: giphy_2.gif (500x374, 967K)

I can't wait 5-10 years from now where get yet ANOTHER huge wave of remakes and remasters specifically for VR. Look, you can buy the same game AGAIN!!!

>wtf why didn't they show the whole movie in they trailer
>wtf they showed whole movie in the trailer


Wicked, I've bashed my stock controller against a wall a few too many times anyway I think

>tfw even in a virtual environment where participants are equal in hitpoints and damage output women will still not be competitive

>genre of 10 minute long movies
>"Why do you assume this new movie is gonna be 10 minutes long?"
Every other VR game is a tech demo. And they're just showing off tech demo stuff. So my expectation for this is that it's just a tech demo.

Attached: 1371877142134.png (500x375, 49K)

Yea Forums will only like vr when they can have an anime waifu.

>Implying I didn't mean how everyone will be using anime girl avatars

Are they out yet?

only for devs, consumer version will come with the Index

>genre of 10 minute long movies

the problem with VR and normal games is that they are fundamentally different in how they feel when you play them. Asking for games to have both normal and VR modes is like asking to be able to use a racing wheel in a platformer. You can do it, but it's not really going to feel good.

no, they post things like:

>s( )y
>have sex
>still posting sadfrog and feels edits almost 10 years after their proliferation

these are telltale signs that you are dealing with a redditor, or at the very least, a huge fucking faggot, neither of which are very distinct.

No bullshit boneworks actually made me want to try VR, nothing has made me want to do that before I started seeing their stuff, problem is, I just don't have the space to have a proper set up for all that stuff, it's really cool but I just can't work it with where my computer is.

VR is still an overpriced gimmick
Call me when I can buy a proper VR headset for around 200-300 bucks and then we can talk

clean your bedroom

>oculus put out a basically room-free headset
>it's still mobileshit and much weaker than a PC VR setup

modern VR has come so far and yet it's still got so far to go

desu that's about how much a rift setup costs used now

>>s( )y
seething libtard

Windows mixed reality is 300.

>>desu that's about how much a rift setup costs used now
As he said, call him when he can buy a proper VR headset for that price.

Any FPS can implement VR, anything else wouldn't work other than letting you use the headset to control the camera

Here you go

>sold out online

Attached: Moving-the-goalposts-300x2402.jpg (300x240, 29K)

good luck next time!

Yeah but have you played stuff like TF2 or Quake 2 in VR? It's functional, but doesn't really satisfy the way that made-for-VR shooters do. You have to go and basically rebuild how they work for VR, otherwise if you're still using WASD+Mouse to move and shoot, the experience is good, but by comparison, it's like playing a lightgun game with a mouse. The feeling is all wrong.

I just want the Odyssey+ to be officially released in Europe.
We always get the shortstick when it comes to VR. Hell, when Brexit happened HTC upped the price of the Vive.

>no lighthouses needed
what the fuck, if this ends up being true, that would not only be insane, but it would be especially insane if it ended up being half-decent tracking as well.

It's not true.

Attached: D3F0hHMU8AA9niP-orig.jpg (1001x1385, 166K)

Virtual Boy never got released in Europe either, maybe you guys just banned stereographs back in the day and it kept on going. Or maybe they don't want new ISIS trainees picking up H3VR on the cheap. Sorry to hear either way.

>store page thats clearly not even close to complete
No one will actually know for sure until May user.

How many brainlet wojaks do you have in your collection to make up for being a poorfag with no access to VR hardware?

A Valve representative already said it's incomplete but accurate.

Retarded question but can the knuckles controllers be used with a CV1 Rift?

We're reaching round earth levels of delusion now.

he's not wrong though, even if he is a faggot. I have VR, and most every game people talk about is some kind of shooting simulator or a sword sim or something like that. Then there's pilot sims and finally random meme things like sports games since wii sports was a big deal.

Why don't you point out some good games that aren't swords, guns, cockpits, or sims? Honestly I'd like to see, I'm getting tired of it all being the same shit myself.

>>Why don't you point out some good games that aren't w, x, y or z?
you autism?

You guys see the mrbtfo VR video?

Again, we won't know for sure until May. I get the likelihood of it being real is basically none, but until May rolls around, we cannot say for certain all the bells and whistles the index may or may not have. I had no intention of getting the Valve Index, since I figured it would need the lighthouses, but I'm still waiting until may before I go out and buy something like the Rift S or WMR headset.

It already says it's required and the Knuckles aren't designed with computer vision tracking in mind, it won't happen bud.

no, link it

And again, we cannot say for certain until may rolls around. And once more I'll say I don't expect it to happen, but since we have such little information about the Index, might as well wait until May to see.

>faggot actually makes a point about the lack of variety in VR games
>you rightly call him a faggot but don't dispute his point
>I follow it up and point out that it is a valid point without using faggot images
>you just give faggot responses

Evidently that fag wasn't far off with his shitting on your intelligence, since you can't offer valid rebuttal to a basic point.

Attached: segata.jpg (279x350, 20K)

user don't buy a rift S, that thing is a turd being pushed out specifically to kill off oculus PC VR.

We know for certain, the store page says it and Valve already confirmed it's accurate.

you're either stupid or desperate, and either way I feel bad for you, but don't keep spreading blatant lies around.

I actually really like Audica.

>user don't buy a rift S
lmao suck my dick while I suck Zuckerberg's.
I'm not the one who made any such claims. I never spread a single lie about the Valve Index. Honestly I don't understand why you faggots are sperging out so much at me, when you should go into the fake leaks about the index and sperg out at the OP instead.
All I've said is we can't know for certain everything about the index, and I don't know how many times I HAVE to say it, I don't AT ALL expect it to work without the base stations.

he named various genres thats already taking off in VR yet wants more which honestly, you can do so much with VR, its not my fault hes a picky nigger.

>All I've said is we can't know for certain everything about the index
We don't know everything but we know for sure it requires lighthouses since the store page itself says that, nothing about it suggests otherwise.

I own a rift and am buying a quest, I'm about as deep on the zucc pole as you can be, and I'm telling you the rift S is fucking dogshit. It's purposely being done crappily so that they can pass low sales numbers off as proof that the PC VR line should be discontinued to focus on all-in-one HMDs, fueld by the Go which sold way better than anything besides PSVR. I'm saying that the Rift S is purposely being gimped so that they can engineer circular justifications to get out of PC VR. If you still want to jump in given its problems, then go for it, but don't say that nobody warned you.

Did you make a typo? Saying "You can do so much in VR" makes it sound like you are just pointing out how the hardware is being underutilized in its potential games variety. Furthermore, the original post he replied to didn't list anything in a given genre beyond Boneworks, which, despite the new fancy finger bits of being built around knuckles, is still just yet another shooter tech demo.

>given its problems
Like what? The LCD screen or lack of IPD adjustment? Not really a big deal to me since my IPD fits within the average range, and I can deal with the LCD screen.
Can you not read user? I guess I have to say it again. I don't think the index will work without the lighthouses.

The problem I see with VR is that 1:1 translation of movement means that your character's abilities will always be limited by what you yourself can do.

I don't play video games for that shit.

holy fuck how dumb can you be?
it's the first fucking level in the game
he literally says there's more enemies and they'll show them later

>I don't think the index will work without the lighthouses.
Then I'm glad we got that cleared up now, I don't know why you are even trying to pretend you didn't think it was a possibility before though, you're just muddying up the discussion with shitflinging with your bizarre attempt at defending your ego.

>this + Valve headset is when I do it.
fuck off gabe

And I don't get why you're such a massive faggot?
You're literally an autist. I was saying the same thing multiple posts ago but you're such a fucking sperg you couldn't read that part.

the node guys, except for brandon, are just completely insufferable

>I was saying the same thing multiple posts ago
Let's check it:
>if this ends up being true
>No one will actually know for sure until May
>Again, we won't know for sure until May.
>And again, we cannot say for certain until may rolls around.
Then you only changed opinion when the user called you stupid, he was rude and it was uncalled for but that doesn't change it took 5 replies until you changed opinion.

You're just muddying up the discussion now like I said, no need to get worked up (this applies to both the user and you).

You can pull the crab legs off. This gimps the crabs and since they are physics driven it causes them to leap awkwardly at you. It’s shown in the video.

>doesnt ship with knuckle controllers, or any controllers at all
What's the point?

>believing that "leak"
Unless the Knuckles had a overhaul to support inside-out tracking, it ain't real

I bother to stalk Brandon's Reddit posts. He says you won't be able to cut stuff. Not sure what the blurb implies

Where did you get that idea from? We already know it will ship with the knuckles.

And once more, nice job missing the parts where I already said I don't think it will happen.
But again, you're a massive sperg so its no surprise you can't read an entire post and spaz like a retard.

I guess you missed the part where I'm not the user that triggered you but keep on hyperventilating.

You can't grab a bootleg headcrab mid-air while it's trying to attack you and smash it against the wall irl, you can do it in a video game. You can't shoot guns against living targets irl, but you can do it in a video game. I have no idea how they had solved walking around in the game, but if it's done by some kind of analog-like controller, you can run faster and jump higher in game than you do irl. Your character will do what you can do, but you can't do irl what your character does in the game

god i'm fucking hyped, i own a rift without motion controllers and i'm seriously considering an upgrade for this game. looks glorious

unless you're physically disabled in some way, which makes your argumentation valid for you, but it's hardly an argument against vr as a whole

Vr is still shit. Looking through mesh to play a video game with shitty controls isn't fun.

Only game that was worth a shit and was genuinely different was virtual virtual reality. Completely different type of game than anything anyone's ever played. Very surreal.

>V-VR is a narrative-driven comedy-adventure game
So Accounting+?

>VR isn't fun because of fundamental hardware problems!
>but this game that supposedly has the same problems I mentioned is fun!
sounds like it's a software problem to me

Show us your eye with time stamp

Standing VR is a thing.

You aren't missing much by not going full room-scale.

>more tech demos

Attached: well.png (677x513, 512K)

he broke the leg motors, not pulled them off

One of the most interesting things about Boneworks system is that it's actually giving your avatar specific strength and speed/agility attributes. You have to play along with your virtual bodies limitations for best effect (best demonstrated with agility when in bullet time, they talk about it in the previous video). I don't think they're going to make use of it this way in Boneworks (but who knows?), but this could make for a very interesting RPG-like experience with visible avatar stats, different avatars with differing stats.

>You can't shoot guns against living targets irl
Well you can, but usually only once.


Why the fuck do people take VR so serious?

(Best part 0:59, where a LITERAL BETA MALE defends his VIRTUAL GIRLFRIEND from the evil troll)

Attached: SansarBeta.png (1177x621, 933K)

Stop posting your shitty videos for views.


Second Life players are autistic, that's why.

Hello manlet tears.

There's alternatives streamable.com/0dcq5

>VR seems kinda cool actually.
It is.

Attached: VR pupper.png (500x372, 126K)

You are an user of the highest taste.

Attached: varjo VR.jpg (1680x950, 812K)

Attached: Pimax.png (692x711, 279K)

Attached: SairentoGravityDefyingCombat.webm (852x480, 2.87M)

Attached: bloomberg VR.png (925x1028, 621K)

Attached: WeLiveInASociety.webm (714x890, 2.35M)

>great image quality

Attached: 83d210e9.jpg (523x575, 37K)

Attached: DignityInDeath.webm (1280x800, 553K)

>Pros: Backed by Facebook

Attached: 1458399169720.jpg (601x665, 103K)

Attached: FOV.png (5586x3840, 898K)

I don't have a headset but I know someone with an oculus who begrudgingly admits the vive has a better picture. Though when ever he says as much he goes on about how the oculus is better in every other way immediately after.

Attached: vr comparison.jpg (2160x1080, 444K)

Attached: HospitableDearyBluejay2.webm (1280x720, 2.92M)

Attached: dancegurl.webm (853x480, 2.57M)