Epic is bad and anti-consumer, praise Steam!

>Epic is bad and anti-consumer, praise Steam!

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More like gag.

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gog doesnt have new AAA games retard
all it got is indieshit and old outdated pieces of shits

>steam and gog are on the brink of collapse
>the only solution is to merge into a version with steam with 100% drm free library

Where's that alien from?
I want to cum on her

Take a guess.
HINT: It's one of the worst games released in the last decade.


your favorite game?

Mara Sov from Density

>thinking gaben is that based anymore
show no mercy to the goy

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>one of the worst games of the last decade
it all checks out

You can have the best service in the world, if you don't have the products that people want to buy, nobody is going to visit your store.

The biggest problem that all the non-Steam launchers have is that people like having their libraries being in one place so it's easy to switch between games
Making it so you have fifteen fucking launchers that constantly have you downloading updates, spreading your library into pieces and then having to make new accounts and adding friends to your lists again is a fucking chore

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There you go OP, the Consumers have spoken.

>DRM free

You haven't been paying attention

1989 Tiananmen square incident

>literally being retarded
try hacking your ps4 and connecting it to the internet.

before you do it kiss any digital games you have tied to your account goodbye.

whoops turns out legally you don't own ANY video game you purchase from anyone except GoG, and it has always been this way. Steam didn't change their policy at one point as this picture implies.
>inb4 some shit about your old boomer games no one wants to play that you have on a cartridge

I only buy nip games so i am immune to epic haha get gassed westacucks.



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>no achievements
its bad, steam is more than a store, its a platform

just let me fucking play my games jesus christ, i dont care what special dildo you're selling at a 30% discount at right now
just let me play my fucking vidya

Breath of the Wild?

Reading comprehension.

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GOG stands for Good Old Games. Their main purpose is to sell old games in form playable on modern OS and resolutions and without DRM. Recently they re-released Warcraft II.

They are not competition to Steam and Steam is not competition to them.

Gog doesn't stand for anything any more you stupid piece of shit. They sell more than just dogshit from 1995 they have the hottest releases you fucking moron.

Pc games:
GoG only

Everything else:

>using a launcher
>not just having a folder with all your game shortcuts

Why even use a launcher?

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>GoG only
Why? Because DRM-free or something else?

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Reminder that GOG is dying because other platforms can afford to give developers more revenue per sale

praise Steam brothers, our salvation lies in gaben and his STEAM

Theres actual people who don't do this?

....but why?

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because a folder isnt steam
folders are anti consumer you stupid piece of shitnigger

t. seething chink shill
Sorry no one's eating up your communism.

The whole concept of gog is just retarded
>pay 9$ for a 20 years old game
I mean, wtf?

After gog guys cracked a denuvo game nobody from gaming industry should make business with them.

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Wait how is this even a monopoly if developers and publishers are the one who decide where to sell them, nobody is forcing them to pick steam

>implying GOG is even a contender
The vast majority of modern devs and publishers have no intention of releasing their games DRM-free, as long as that's GOG's selling point they're fucked

GOG has a free DRM policy so naturally most new games aren't going to be on it, its not a matter of pro consumer, steam has the games, new ones, old ones, GOG has mostly old and ancient with few newer ones sprinkled on top

Don't ask questions like this, this will overload epicbot.

While I'd argue for the efforts that GOG does in making those old games work in newer machines, you make a good point. Most of the older games no longer have its developers around anymore, and any sales they make goes straight to their publishers who may or may not have had a hand in disbanding them in the first place. You should always research first whom the license belongs to so that you don't support the wrong people
I still have hope for the future. Paradox is starting to trust GOG if Imperator and Bloodlines 2 get a release there

Yes, the EGS exclusivity is wonderful for GOG I'm sure.

I did it. I've even made custom high res icons for the each one for unified look but accidentally deleted it once or twice. I said to myself 'fuck it' and just moved to LaunchBox.

Because if you're the only storefront anyone uses then it's still, functionally, a monopoly. Do note that many publishers and developers DO choose to sell elsewhere, like EA, Zenimax, etc. But for smaller dev/pub, Steam is essentially the only option. Still is, too, because if you're not getting money-hatted by Epic then they won't let you release on their storefront unless you're AAA.

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There is literally no argument against every game having its own dedicated launcher.

Want to have all of your games in one place? Use one of the various launcher programs or the start bar even
Want to have all of your accounts tied together so your friends can see you in each game? Use Discord, for as shitty as that program is and the people that run it are, at least they dont have control over your games

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reminder that Gaben is a manipulative little shit as it was exposed by a ex Valve employee and you retards fell for his "charismatic lovable memeguy" persona

man it feels good to pirate all my games anyway

You faggots used to shill gog all the time. What happened?

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Sounds to me like steam users just can't take the big daddy Epic heat baby lmao

i don't even like that my credit card information is all over the US, i'm not going to willingly hand it over to a Chinese company even if it can be proven they aren't a bogeyman botnet. i will play other games until the timed exclusives i'm interested in come to steam. if i really want, i'll pirate, but i usually wait a few months anyway until most of the bugs get worked out.


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Who cares if devs are better off?

I wonder what percentage of these threads are made by Chink shills and what percentage are just made by useful idiots who are prone to contrarianism.

theres always microsoft store, most computers have it already installed too

Reminder to not eat dogs filthy insect

>Muh devs

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devs aren't even, the publishers are pocketing the cash

>whoops turns out legally you don't own ANY video game you purchase from anyone except GoG

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i want to believe this. you got a source?

GoG has no developers making the effort to sell there.

I'll make the effort to buy a little more on GoG if there are actual game releases I have interest in. Right now, I only use it for old games and vampire.

Go on chang.

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Just pirate everything. That's how you win.

>so new production hasn't even started yet

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One out of hundreds

Epic is still trying to kill GOG so I don't see your point

If you want pic related
>put all your game shortcuts in a folder and name the folder ^ (or whatever you want, I like a simple character)
>right click on taskbar > Toolbars > New Toolbar
>navigate to folder and click Select Folder
Now you have a two-click way to launch any game, and you can put any new game shortcuts in said folder to add it to this menu.

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i have 1000+ games on steam and a bunch on the others, uplay, origin, ebin, i cant even remember the others
im gonna go full retard soon and install linux/ proton and just pirate everything. it must be so refreshing to just be able to start a game instantly without having to wait 30 seconds for some gay launcher to load

650 on Steam + ~100 on GOG but I never have more than 30-40 games installed at a time since I like to keep them on my SSDs for the most part, and I uninstall whatever I played and will likely never touch again, not sure what you mean though, you can choose to let Steam start with windows so games launch instantly, and GOG games obviously don't need a launcher at all?