What's your honest opinion on this game Yea Forums?
What's your honest opinion on this game Yea Forums?
battles are slow as hell, nothing else was very good at least up through the ship fight with the fire dungeon spider mech thing
Great game. The GC version was a huge upgrade.
I heard there was something fucked up with the GC version's audio. Is it still the best way to play the game?
Great game they don't make Jrpgs like that anymore.
Always wanted way more stuff under the clouds. That and the moon shit was the coolest part of the game and both were scant.
>Tfw Vyse or aika didn't appear in any of the other Valkryia games other than the first one
Its like sega was to forget they made this gem or something. Game was underrated. Would love it if they made some sort of 'definitive' version, gamecube's additions but dreamcast's better audio.
Best JRPG of all time
The audio is more compressed but honestly, unless you're used to the DC version, you won't notice it. And the extra content and small improvements are very much worth it.
>TFW played this game on Dreamcast when I was 10
>Pretty much did everything there was to do, full squad, full HQ upgrade, all Discoveries.
>Don't remember almost anything of the story, the progression, stages etc.
>Have really fond memories though, and will often cite this as a great game
I'm afraid to replay it and ruin that. For people that played this without nostalgia, is it really good?
One of my favorites of not the favorite JRPG of all time. I only wish the airship battles were more than charging up the moonstone cannon.
Re-played it early last year and I'd say it holds up, the slow, numerous and simple battles will always be its major flaw but the story will always remain a feel-good lengthy adventure with a solid cast all around, the only minor nitpick I had with a recent playthrough was some characters (Aika in particular) being a little too hyper during standard conversations but it's closer to being part of the charm than a flaw.
Hi Andrew.
I first played this game as an RPG-starved 12 year old Gamecube owner.
I have very fond memories of it and it left a deep impression on me, however I must say I recently revisited it and it's painfully generic, boring, and piss easy.
it would be hard to name another game with a better sense of adventure and discovery
I love it but magic is basically useless.
I want an HD version of the GameCube version (music fixed tho)
People who say stuff like "greatest jrpg of all time" really need to go back and replay this. It honestly isn't that good.
The battle system is so simplistic that only 1 strategy is needed for the entire game and the plot is childish at best. Whoa each different country has a different colored crystal and their own giant lego man super weapon.
Tried playing it. Has poor, not very detailed world/lore or characters. Art style and writing are very generic, character and world design are particularly bad. Combat and noncombat gameplay alike are slow and boring.
Those without nostalgia for it won't enjoy it. It's just not a very good game all in all.
Style over substance, but...in a good way? I loved the game.
The graphics, the music the overall aesthetic was great. And the gameplay was...good enough to not be offensive.
However I will give it points on two fronts
-The music is quite nice
-It maintained a commendable light-hearted, adventurous tone in an age of grimdark edgelord bullshit
apart from the good idea behind "spirit points" and the weird fact that position matters during combat even though you don't control where your characters go directly, everything is completely paint by numbers
favorite JRPG of all time, specifically the GC port
Is there a reason why Sega never re-released this game? You'd think it would sell gangbusters on steam or any of the consoles. Is this a Rogue Squadron situation where they don't have the right licensing or something?
Brilliant fun, with great music.
A bit slow at times, but that would be easily fixed in a sequel.
Also for a game whose main theme is exploration, it's really on rails.
They literally did re-release it on Gamecube.
>people tell me Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest, Xenoblade, Kingdom Hearts, etc are bad
>this is one of the games they recommend
Love the contrarians who eat shit to be different
Well yeah, the game was made for children, so it follows that the story was childish. Ignore the retarded murrican rating. The CARO rating was 全年齢対象 for all ages.
Anyway, the story and world had a good feel of high adventure. Characters outside of Vyse and Aika were just sort of there. Combat system was simple, but again, it's a kid's game. DC's encounter rate was fucking insane, and there was that one area where you could encounter multiple monsters who had instant death spells. It was breddy gud. Wouldn't mind a remake, but not by anyone in today's industry.
>of course it sucked it was made for kids
I hate this excuse
Just because something is intended for children is no reason for it to be garbage. Kids deserve good media too.
This, this must be the SLOWEST jrpg in history. Even the gamecube port is slow as fuck, to the point of being unplayable unless one is mentally retarded.
My dad was an angry drunk who neglected me and Vyse was the closest thing to a father figure that I had.
Who else sadboy here.
Yeah, the gamecube. Almost 20 years ago. Did they ever re-release it? Is it on steam, or GOG, or even any of the consoles? I checked absolutely everywhere before emulating it.
Why does simplicity, in story or gameplay, suck?
Interesting but pacing was terrible, combat felt really generic and uninspired, the postgame content is enjoyable but ultimately having to go through the actual game makes it fall a bit short of other rpgs of the era. ff7, paper mario, etc.
Because it's boring.
Frequent long battles were the only bad thing about it.
I hated the twist at the end about how Granas was dead and Valmar and the church were actually evil.
Wrong game, retard.
Oh. Was I close at least?
Unironically the best Final Fantasy game. Slow battles and not as interesting mechanically, but the scope and size of the game, the excellent story, presentation, music, and characters way more than made up for it. Game has a sense of style and charm that rivals any of ye old greats, and a lot more GOOD content than any of its rivals.
I dislike it. I was expecting new Grandia, seeing how good characters are, but slow combat and ship battles ruined the game for me.
Didn't finish.
one of the greatest JRPGs of all time. it has its ups and downs but the experience was truly kino.
And Grandia wasn't so hot to begin with.
My third favorite JRPG after Suikoden 1 and 2. I love recruiting characters and seeing the base grow. Also about the closest thing we'll ever get to a Castle in the Sky game.
simplistic games don't have to suck as paper mario shows, but soa was too generic and too slow for me
Unforgettable characters, story, and ost. Combat was so-so but tye retarded amount of content in this game as well as the fact that you travel literally over an entire planet to the point that you pop out the other side of the map was 10/10.
Also stealing the enemy super weapon to turn it against them like a true filthy pirate was glorious. And you get your own island pirate fortress to customize.
Game was ahead of its time in a lot of places.
Love this game, needs a remake badly. Way more than enough content to justify purchasing it as-is, even if it was just a graphical upgrade.
Could of course use many minor adjustments, battle loading screens too long, battles in general too long, but damn if this game didn’t stick with me. It’s long as fuck, but the adventure is real. It’s the little FF clone that could.
Also I love Vyse as a protagonist, made me realize how insufferable Tidus was. Turns out you can be the protagonist of a final fantasy game and not be a whiny faggot (save for Zidane), all you gotta do is remove Final Fantasy from the title.
Ive heard some amazing things about it, i like the level in sonic transformed, and i like the designs. However, ive also heard some bad things like this I wish there was a modern cleaned up port on xbox one/ps4/pc. Kinda like they did with nights and space channel 5 so i could finally try it. Im the type of guy that thinks jrpgs suck normally but loved persona 3 and 4, grandia etc. Make it happen sega, im a sucker for dreamcast era games
Overrated but i played it on dreamcast.
You make a good point, I didn't like any character in FFX and I couldn't wait for the game to be over. Meanwhile with Skies of Arcadia I did every single sidequest and treasure hunt, loved it all AND the game came out a year before FFX.