This is the most slept on prosthetic in the game

This is the most slept on prosthetic in the game.
On a ton of enemies it stuns just as long or longer than the firecrackers without the breaking animation the crackers has which can allow you to get more hits in.
It also does a serious chunk of damage on top of it.

Attached: CC081AC2-2BF1-44E4-8D10-B828A0748695.png (256x256, 41K)

> takes 46 years to activate
Nothin' personnel

It's one of my favorites as well. Living force followed up with floating passage is great.

With floating passage it's basically a cheaper Sabimaru that does more damage.

> flame vent
> floating cuckold
Jesus user. Get on the chad firecrackers + ichimonji train.

This. It's got it's moments, but ultimately it's just too damn slow. Also needs oil making it even more difficult to actually land.

I fucked up rape ape with this by doing it in the air with the aerial prosthetic skill, has more than enough time to go off. Plus Hirata Estate gives you a mountain of oil.

I switch my combat art every so often but I did use ichimonji a good bit. I only used firecrackers for the bull though.

nah, raven feather is most slept on. most people i see say its suck not realizing how god tier neutral evading with it is

Its one of the most useful and has arguably the best living force followup effect

It's real good once you get the skill that lets you follow up attack after prosthetics, cause it just launches you right back into the action.

Never really worked out how to use it.

How’s the lazurite upgrade?, it says it purifies hatred, so does it deal more damage vs demon of hatred?

You'll get zero chances to use it in his fight. Really you want lotus umbrella and malcontent.

Easily the worst one. It's a shorter divine confetti buff that costs emblems, taking away uses from more useful prosthetics when you can just use a confetti. It has no burn also.

>Indisputable GOAT tier
>Silver/bronze medalists tier
>Honorable mention tier
Flame vent
>Shit nigger what the fuck are you doing tier
Everything else

Spiral spear is god tier against harder mobs like purple ninjas

You can get it super early too, it really fucks up some bosses. I cheesed the first two phases of Genichiro with it. Outside of bosses it's just generally a good safe attack.

>I only used firecrackers for the bull though
Wait the fuck, that bull is literally consumed by fire and still gets scared by the firecrackers? Wtf?

It still deals more damage than the normal one despite the lack of burn, right?, also extra damage vs apparitions.

Flame spear is even better. It costs more emblems, but it’s the most cost-efficient way to exploit a fire weakness and it has an amazing sweep for crowd control.

It’s pretty awesome used with living force for a flaming weapon.

Also spiral spear is fucking great.

This. Spiral spear is basically free damage especially if you want to stop posture from regenerating. I fucked up monkey trouble phase 2 and the one where he calls his wife no problem. Although I can say I used flame vent a lot because of living force which fucks up the central forces and footfags alike.

Bro just use sage style

firecracker fucks up all beast type enemies, it even says so in the description, but firecrackers are good overall anyweay

People praise Ichimonji but I havent yet understood it's superoirity. When ever I try and hit enemy/boss with it they attack me instead, since it's honestly pretty slow move.

Flame shield isn’t quite mandatory against demon of hatred but it gives you a hard counter to his most bullshit attacks and lets you concentrate on more important stuff

You use it to punish openings or jumps
It combos extremely well with firecrackers and does a fuckton of posture damage

I always use it at the end of an enemies combo chain right after the last deflect. It's good for jumps too. But the real star is the double version of it.

Explain more of the jump punish please? Do you mean when enemy jumps? Like Genichiro does his jump attack, I start to do Ichi when hes up in the air?
I guess I try to learn use it on ng+. I used pretty much Nightjar slash the whole ng

You sort of have to anticipate the jump and start it up as soon as they start their jump. It works really well on the later game kick ninjas.

Use it after jumping off an enemy after a sweep in midair.

wait why lmao, the only time i used that shit was for taro's quest

It's the flash and noise, not the fire

Oil + Flame Vent trivializes every miniboss

Guys like ninjas will jump at a very specific time in their combo and you can fit in ichimonji to slap them out of the air and stun them on the ground

Similarly genichiro has a gap in his big fucklong combo that you can either firecracker or ichimonji in, which will break his combo and allow the followup slash.

Basically ichimonji is good for big posture damage, breaking enemy combos and restoring your own posture (big time, the double tap will fully restore all of your posture) in that order

Sprinting trivializes every miniboss except maybe the ashina experts

I wish you got better and more upgrades and mats earlier in the game. It would have made me experiment with different stuff more.

high monk combat art & mist feather prosthetic are underrated

If mist feather wasn’t 2 emblems instead of 1 like the umbrella I would have mained it pretty quick

yeah it would be pretty strong if so. I like how it doesnt cost emblems unless you actually take a hit, its real forgiving like that.

mist feather is amazing for both owl bossfights. also the fire one is great if youre trapped by loads of enemies.

except that's pretty boring compared to just burning them to death quickly

>no mention of the axe
You can use it on non-shield enemies, you know.

Here's a tip, throwing oil on jumping enemies works the same as shurikens.

Shuriken should be up there with firecracker simply because of the gap closer. I murdered Owl with just shuriken and stabbing him.

High Monk is good for punishing sweeps guys.

>high monk combat art & mist feather prosthetic are underrated
Damn fucking right. The jump in particular fucks up a lot of the AI and dodges sweeps obviously. It's also 0 spirit emblems and surprisingly does decent posture damage.

Why doesn't this shit work at all on basic bitch mobs? Even combined with Oil it does literally nothing. There's so many enemies like that.

It's dumb as fuck.

The whole fucking game is built around using X with Y, it's fucking shit tier game design along with the QTE tier counters.

i would rather just slash and parry
than wait for this to activate

>slept on


>implying axe isn't the best

My favourite prosthetics were shuriken, sabimaru, and raven feather. Never hear anyone talk about sabimaru aside from the fact that the lazulite upgrade is crap.

what makes it crap? is piercing better?

I’m torn on what final upgrade to get alongside the shuriken so I would like to know this too.

Lazulite is a rare material and the poison mist is pretty much useless. I think Lazulite shuriken is the best bang for your buck. If you can afford both go for it, lazulite flame seems the most useless.

Guess I’ll get the axe then. All the lazulite upgrades sound pretty underwhelming from what I’ve heard though.