how can fate/stay night be shit when it has so many kino moments?
How can fate/stay night be shit when it has so many kino moments?
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Fate GO ruined the franchise. Introduced a bunch of faggots who are willing to spend all their neetbux on waifu jpgs.
Because it's still a porn game, no matter how much they try to hide it.
FSN is an incredible game.
People are trying to judge it by FGO which is a gatcha cash grab.
The franchise spawned this pedo abomination. I refuse to get into Fate because of its association.
What proportion of FSN is interesting and cool, and what proportion is boring bullshit? The game is like 50 hours long at least
FSN is not shit. The VN was both decently written and revolutionary for the genre. Its just that over time, it went in too many directions. Thank god Tsukihime never got super popular otherwise we'd be dealing with trap vampires too.
fsn is decent as well as zero. the rest should never have been made
30/70, but I'm one of those that actually liked the world-building and the chuuni lore dumps. I think it makes the explosive action-packed moments the much more worth it.
I'm only in it for the tits, man.
alright let me give you the lowdown on prisma, it's actually a good side series and alternate universe thing, a path where kiritsugu wasn't a moron and actually got his family outta dodge, and all of season 1 of that show is perfectly good and fine, and theeen the harbinger of pedobait shows up in the second season and it quickly starts milking stupid lewd "jokes".
>You will never get Fate/Other Night with the Illya and Caster routes
Everything is cool unless you're allergic to story, lore, foreshadowing, and character-building.
it's a story man, read it like a book, realta is the best version and comes with voice acting for spoken lines (japanese voice acting but still, helps you get a feel for the tone of things going on), and you can get a patch for it to put the H scenes back in if you care but honestly you might as well have a black screen that says "they banged" because the H scenes are really badly written if you ask me, cos as it turns out wizard semen makes a quick and dirty mana potion, and yanno, banging can be used to initiate pacts and whatnot.
>AU where Kiritsugu isn't retarded and gets to live happily with his family
>he's never fucking home
For what purpose? Is this some stupid nip in joke that I'm not aware of?
No he's quiet literally off making sure his family are safe, via the wonderful medium of bullets to the head.
he's fucking putting down any and all evidence of the holy grail war, which is why even big fancy witches like rin and luvia don't know anything about it.
Also it's probably good joke material for shirou to be at his wits end in that estrogen flooded household.
I know it's an inside joke that Kerry never shows up in the series, but I wonder how Illya and the others would react to getting to know about his mage killer occupation.
Shouldn't the Mage's Association and/or the Holy Church be on the Emiya-Einzbern family's ass for what he did?
>at his wits end in that estrogen flooded household.
Except that's his natural habitat, he cooks and cleans as much as Sella does.
>So that's how Dad managed to get a pistol license in Japan.
The einzburns all vanished, mysteriously, why would they know or care about the fate of some random man who married into the family and then vanished too riiiiight...? the holy grail war was considered a minor ritual in a far away country by most mages in the first place.
yeah but then he says something slightly stupid and one of the maids kicks the shit out of him.
personally I find it amusing that they just moved the maids in with them and slapped them in everyday clothes.
He was asked if he wanted "Dinner, Bath, or Sella", and then completely ignored the thirsty girl standing right in front of him.
He deserved to get his ass kicked a little.
I shit 100 day in a row chances are 1 of those shits will look pretty good.
Shirou has a long documented history of blind spots towards women.
FS/N is pretty fucking great
really hope Fate route gets a good anime film series after the HF series ends.
>thinking anyone played f/sn for the porn
Anyone that didn't just ctrl through that shit was a champ. Same with turkeyhandle. Can't believe that hack Nasu became so fucking legendary.
Lol no fate route is fucking trash. Enjoy your shit deen adaption retard.
Everyone knows the porn stuff was all Takeuchi, he REALLY wanted to draw some tiddies
The anime puts more emphasis on the fan service. It's all action after a certain point anyways.
the H scenes are poorly written, thats nothing new, I'm honestly split on if it's better to just use t he sanitized scenes from realta nua, since I think those might create plot holes.
>Literally the only issue with the fate route is it takes a day or two more to get going than the othe routes.
>imoutos want to fuck him
>Luvia, Rin, and Sakura want to fuck him
>tsundere maid wants to fuck him
>mom tries to whore him out to anyone that's interested
Goddamn did everyone see him try the high jump in this universe?
the fan service shit is almost entirely absent until kuro shows up.
The fate route does all the groundwork of teaching you the background of whats going on, the other routes get to the point much quicker, with the benefit of hindsight the other two routes are better yeah but Fate has to teach you what the fuck is going on and what the rules of the holy grail war are.
Iris just tends to be kindof a sociopath when it comes to Shriou, I kind of have to wander how his adoption went down in prisma.
I assume he replied to the wrong post, he's talking prisma shit.
Whatever nerds enjoy your shit DEEN adaption.
no i'll enjoy the adaptation that comes after the HF movies
DEEN's mistake was unusually having too many episodes slated, they winded up having to come up with something to pad that shit, the animation wasn't that bad and the music was I think, actually the best among the adaptions.
Heaven's Feel is the only good route because Shirou actually does something by himself instead of getting some bullshit "i win" powers right at the convenient moment.
Because it has to balance every bit of good writing with 10x more weeb pandering and snail sex scenes
I say this as a Tsukihimefag
The high jump is mentioned in the VN by both Rin and Sakura
at the end of the day Prisma gave us one blessed thing.
Gilgamesh being a chad, even de-aged.
what/ the original VN isn't exactly full of sex scenes, lets see.. there's two in fate, one in bladeworks, and two in heavens feel if you count riders wet dream mana rechargin'
He was always a chad
isn't there 2 in HF between sakura and shirou and then another between rin and shirou
I know, but the part where he's fucking turned the school nurses office bed into a silk covered throne to recline on naked... it was just the best.
the rin part is Rider giving him a naughty dream, presumably to take some of his "mana" in the night.
honestly heavens feel is the best route just for the rider content, she's so awkward when he insists on making her something to eat.
i liked the rider/shirou content but it doesn't really go anywhere, felt half finished
she knows
Fate Route is best Route after day 9 when it stops being about exposition
Then boot up fate hollow ataraxia my friend!
It's a mystery! and also fleshes out the servents more cos they aren't trying to kill each other.
and rider gets a pair of those glasses that mc guy from tsukihime has so she doesn't have to wear a blindfold all the time!
and turns out to secretly have a phobia of being pounced by small girls from behind.
replaying Fate right now so i'll probably play HA afterwards
HA is... interesting, at first it seems like it's just an excuse to pal around with the various characters but there's more to it, something is off.
>FSN is an incredible game.
its a fucking visual novel
why is this thread on Yea Forums
The pinnacle of the visual novel genre, eh?
oh god lets not get into the whole "do VN's belong on Yea Forums" thing again, this pops up every so often and is slightly more retarded a discussion each time.
just let it be, at least it's not thinly veiled polbait like so many threads.
Be honest, it was all over after they moved away from the Shirou/Saber/Rin/ect storyline but stuck with the Fate brand. I wish Type Moon would've focused on Mahoyo over Fate/Extra, but milking the Fate cash cow has made them much more money this way so good for them I guess.
it got me into it
>only part that can possibly make it a game is you can make a couple of minor choices every 30 minutes of text dump
>oh wait never mind if you actually want to not get locked into a dead end you have to follow a guide to choose the RIGHT minor choices
Great """""""""""""game""""""""""""""" fatecucks.
How's your life of a genuine retard going, user?
Not an arguement
Why would I argue with a retard?
Fate kinda lost me with GO and...Literally anything involving Moon Cell. In my eyes, not much more exists than the base three routes and Zero. Call me boring, I guess.
>Porn game
>Less than 1% of it was sex scenes
>Porn game
Defend your right to live.
Moon Cell is just an alien computer on the moon that has a simulation of the universe going on, not really a big deal when you realize modern science accepts that we may be in a simulation ourselves.
hollow ataraxia is worth looking into, as despite all the slice of life stuff in it, it does go into some of the history behind the grail wars, and a couple problems that cropped up because the einzburns thought they were being clever.
There was no problem, they did the right thing. Bless their willingness to cheat
>is a game
>has porn
Porn game
They completely fucked the grail forever, and their cheating didn't even work, they lost the third war immediately.
According to you Titanic is a porno.
They made the right choice, the proof is clear.
Depends. PS version didn't have porn in it.
The Extraverse is so fucking boring, I don't know what people find interesting about it. I managed to slog through the original PSP game and it was so BORING. Recycling the characters we already know but with slightly different goals or personalities also didn't sit well with me.
Didn't even bother with the Extella games, they just looked like fanservice overload to me. Also FUCK NERO, insufferable cunt.
Franchise was ruined.
Everything in the nasuverse can be summarized as 'neat concept utterly ruined by weeb pandering.' It's made to be eaten up by a specific form of troglodyte and nothing more, its moments of greatness are brought down by x10 cancer.
>complaining about Prisma loli content
Reminder that it's fucking nothing compared to old TM.
That's where you're wrong, it should've never been a franchise in the first place. It was a story that was done, with Hollow/Ataraxia as the addendum, but that was it.
Like from KnK to Tsukihime, or from Tsukihime to Fate, the universe linking them should've remained constant, but the settings, characters, and stories being told should've been different.
Spin-offs, prequels, alternate universes. It was all a mistake. Fate was Shirou's story, and that story was told.
fate extra ccc is better, if only because you can have gilgamesh as your servant and he's just a hoot to be around.
sadly translation never ever.
I loved the original FS/N visual novel and I hate Type Moon for turning it into this complete garbage
ah yeah I'm aware of that but I'd rather be playing the game to see it, also the blog style layout really isn't great for reading through this.
anyways you gotta enjoy how gilgamesh says nuts to the original games ending.
It's heartbreaking to see what Type-Moon has become.
We used to get crazy shit like Melty Blood, the fan-discs, Unlimited Codes, Carnival Phantasm and other different works like Notes, DDD, Mahoutsukai and even fucking Canaan.
I liked Fate, but the endless stream of low effort content and the endless focus it received has just killed my love for anything but the original VNs. It should've never reached this point.
Bro-mode Gil does make the game a lot more enjoyable.
I'm glad Tsukihime didn't become more popular.