Man, Rainworld is some shit. Just got to Five Pebbles through The Wall...

Man, Rainworld is some shit. Just got to Five Pebbles through The Wall, but I still need to grab the Daddy Long Leg sandbox unlock in Unfortunate Development. How fucked am I Yea Forums?

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man these threads really died off hard

should've gone up through UD if it's your first time, the ascent is fucking incredible. and annoying. prepare your anus to die a blue squiggly death a shit ton.

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Yeah man RIP the threads, one of the many things that still kept me to Yea Forums
Figured I went through it in a weird way, but man was it a ride. Can't wait to turn this survival game into a tentacle hentai simulator

i've never actually gone through the underhang-wall segment but you're probably gonna have to do some fancy grapple worm maneuvering to get there. don't forget to eat a neuron while you're up there, they're delicious. save one in your belly to bring back to Moon, you can store them when you're full.

yeah that's the thing
It's absolutely chock-fucking full of White Lizards, so you do mostly have to rely on a grapple worm to do it.
Apparently you can also get up there by pulling off some advance manuvers and using a few spears but I'm too much of a pleb to pull off those yet.
Also I did eat one but I already went into Five Pebble's area twice. Afraid he's gonna kill me if I go back a third time

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forgot to mention though, I died before I could reach a safehouse, can't tell if I still have the light aura yet. If not, am I still safe to go in there after my death? Still got the mark and everything but knowing that shitlord I dunno if I can go through his room again

oh snap, didn't realize you'd already been. yeah he will actually kill you the third time you show up like the grumpy little bitch he is. fortunately you can just grab the unlock and come back, although that kinda seems like a huge pain just for that.

you could save it for a monk/hunter run? shame, the leadup to Fruity Pebbles from UD is real cool.

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Well there goes that then, don't even have the neuron fly and I can't even store one because I got a blue pearl in the stomach.

hey i went through drainage backwards and also FP (needed 2 spears), also never did shoreline or citadel.
i fucking love this game it is so cool
am waiting for the more slugcats expansion before i play it through again (i tried to play hunter but i am not good enough for that)

all bug enemies in this game gave me the heebie jeebies ive never seen another game make bugs feel like actual real life bugs

The Wolf Spiders are pretty cool if you ask me, interesting as all hell to see them run off from lizards despite them being big fuck-off spooders.
Drop-wigs can go fuck themselves though, not as bad as White Lizards but they're up there

any hunter-completionists in here by chance? Was wondering just how hard it is compared to the Survivor. All I know about it is that The Hunter is slowly dying and you have a limited amount of Cycles before he passes on

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The real wolf spiders just paralyze everything in sight to be safe

you mean the dart spiders
Yeah I remember encountering one of them early on in the Shaded Citadel, despite not actually killing any of them and getting the Lineage System to spawn them.
May be wrong though since I panicked to all fuck and fell off the bridge leading to the shoreline

its like they set out to design every creature in this game so that the first time you see it you go "what the fuck is that???????"

my first dropwig on the exterior climb just scared the shit right out of me

First one I encountered was in the Subterrenean. Flipped my shit because it was hiding above a fruit pod and got a lucky kill off of it.
It was around that same time that I learned about the bug where holding a dropwig while moving in a tunnel makes you go way faster than without one

Alright so I'm moving backwards through Five Pebbles right now, is this a dead end or can I theoretically pass through these little shitters if I'm fast enough?

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if you arent good at killing things you will get fucked up
also you start in farm arrays so if you are me you will get eaten in tubes a lot

>If you aren't good at killing things you will get fucked up
Shit I mean, only confirmed kills I got were one vulture and a blue lizard.
Sounds like my kind of thing though

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the tentacles connected with both ends are safe to grab, you can use them to push yourself towards the exit.

Alright, and last thing: Do I gotta worry about the rain going through Unfortunate Development? From what I'm gathering the upper part of FP, and the upper part of The Wall don't get affected by cycles