What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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No Animal Crossing and Yea Forumss unhealthy obsession to shill this.

>another shitty underpowered nintendo console with a dumb gimmick
gee i wonder

consider how many great exclusives the N64 had 3 years after release, and compare that to the switch.

Imagine if Yea Forums actually realized that everyone hates Nintendo because of their shitty fucking consoles and not the games
Imagine BOTW on hardware that isnt made for mobile gaming
Just imagine....

The joycons feel fucking terrible
no dpad
fuck huge bezels
tiny screen
paid online for shitty p2p
FULL PRICE for wii u port

Overall it's a pretty shitty console. At least smash ultimate is somewhat fun

its literally just a ubisoft open world game and their are plenty of those on the other systems

Besides the towers there are no similarities
BOTW is literally a Breath of Fresh Air
I went there

paid online and took way to long for them to start publishing good games

Literally nothing. I have so many games for it and haven't even played them all and more are coming.

I see no reason to buy one. I see nothing but shovelware with no content and no mechanics and no level design. These games are emptier than N64 and Gamecube games and designed much worse. I really do wonder how obese you have to be to call that piece of shit good

I want KK Slidez comin hip onto the scene
>what's shakin cool cat?
>you new in town?
>let's hop on down to my boy nook
>he gonna set you up real nice

You must not actually know anything about shovelware then.

honestly the gimmick is kindof what saved it, japs don't have the room or time for home consoles a lot of the time so they prefer mobile or handheld, whereas the west prefers to sit down in front of their goddamn TV.
they got to have it both ways in both markets.

They were creative for a year and then gave up and went right back to the well they've always drawn from

thankfully it's been confirmed a financial flop and Nintendo will be shutting down by the end of the year.

>nintendo haters compain about nintendofags portbegging
>nintendo haters want nintendo to go third party so they get ports

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>it's a hybrid system
>all of Nintendo's development teams on a single platform
>snappy os
>game carts which allow for faster and more consistent load times and don't require installs
>great year one lineup

>dubious build quality
>os is lacking features
>pants on head retarded shit like the way that it handles voice chat
>nintendo claimed that all it's development teams would be on a single platform but this hasn't happened with studios distancing themselves from nintendo or working on 3ds/phone games
>hardware is slightly under powered at a base the hardware should have been able to run super mario odyssey at 1080/720@60 with aa, xenoblade 2 at 1080/720
>nintendo has completely failed to secure meaningful third party support and exclusives the leading third party exclusive for the platform moving to pc and getting a prequel on mobiles is not at all a good sign for the confidence that third parties have for the platform
>nintendo has failed to expand their own development studios to supply the switch with a consistent stream of releases, with 2018 and the entire first half of 2019 being drier than cuck's waifu
>os for the longest time was lacking in features that many would consider base like yetube and netflix
>the droughts have been so severe and third party's have shown so little interest in the system that nintendo fans have overtaken pc gamers as the leading fanbase of portbeggars
>the system launched just in time to get steamrolled by the ps5
>niche development teams have and will not make the switch because nintendo fans provably have no interest in buying their games, it's so bad that fans would rather buy the censored ps4 version over the switch version, and in many cases companies are still choosing to release their games on the psvita
>at best third parties are only interested in releasing old ports often multiple generations old and will delay switch releases of multiplat titles due to their perception of switch owners

my left joycon

>steamrolled by the ps5
I was with you until that part.

take off the fanboy goggles

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That's more speculation, but I'm expecting Sony to do something to steal the Switch's thunder, this has happened for their last 4 releases, no reason to believe that their next won't be a repeat.

i didn't read any of this shit haha

Nothing its great

I can't really see what they'd do that would be terribly effective beyond a lower price point than the switch (which isn't happening) or a new handheld that they properly support (which also isn't happening)

I know port begging is a big meme among switch owners and all but will any of the Total War games ever come to the switch? It just seems like a good idea all around. I'm sure if they ported Medieval 2 or Empire it would run really well, wouldn't be too much work, and it would blow switch owners away. if they sold them for $10 a copy they'd make millions easily

>Best Launch Window for a console in atleast 2 generations
>Sales actually better at this point than Wii
>First hybrid console that is actually working
>A gimmick that is actually pretty cool
>Has more games now than Wii U had in 4 1/2 years

I have absoluty no idea what went wrong to be honest


They will think of something, besides the PS4 will just eat up all of the Switch's current support anyway, third parties are basically accepting that censorship is part and parcel of their vision.
You say that they won't support a new handheld but I wouldn't rule that out in it's entirety at this point. Personally I suspect that Sony will just expand their streaming platform and sell a phone controller and position it to become the industry standard. Sony always have a trick up their sleeve, they are the most successful company in video games to date.

Snoy and their fanboys don't understand the appeal of having major titles available to play on handheld as well as on a TV, and have resorted to shitposting instead of asking why they forsook the Vita.

The only person at Sony who appeared to give a shit about handheld gaming at all left. Which is why they didn't have a clue as to what to do with the Vita.

Did you forget that PSP and Vita can be played on a TV and they had console-like titles during their time?

Please fuck off nametard, it isnt outselling the fucking Wii.

What games would you even play on the Vita though? Sure it has Muramasa and a truckload of inferior MonHun clones. But what exactly else did it have? I know it has a unusually high amount of Otome VNs, which seems to be the death genre for Sony handhelds.

It exists on PC and its still crap.

Beats playing Mario at least

too many stinkyfags

Depends on how things go I guess, I don't see the Switch coming anywhere near the PS4, or even the wii in terms of lifetime sales, but in the extremely miniscule chance that rounds to zero that it surpasses the 100m mark and the even smaller chance that it manages to have very strong cumulative software sales within it's lifetime. If this comes to pass I think Sony will look at releasing a hybrid console, even if it's a generation after the PS5 in order to achieve performance comparable to the PS4.

ikr the hardcore fans (of which there are a large number) who will always buy nintendo consoles obviously bought more switch's than wii u's because there's no longer a handheld competitor. switch sales are obviously slowing down now. the fact is it isn't the cheapest/best way to play either handheld games or home console games so there's not a real target demographic for it

Is it slowing down though? Its still outselling everything in the Japanese charts.

Sales have slowed down though, just wait for the end of the month when it undersells Nintendo's own meager expectations of around 15m.

No games.

It's actually the best selling console for Q1 of this year somehow. Because of that I think it's probably gonna end up performing really well in the second half of the year when all it's games are scheduled to come out.

Bitterness, the post.

Why does it trigger console warriors that this system exists? I don't get how anyone could be this fucking stupid.

Because it's the perfect new paradigm for consoles and Nintendo are pissing away it's immense potential.

Imagine haven't played RDR2 yet because of your brand loyalty to Gaben and Iwata

I own a PS4 Pro for the time being. But that game was fucking boring.

>Its slowing down right now
Instead believing everything that is posted here how about you for once get a grip and research some stuff dude its emberassing

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A real Pokemon game is all its going to take for them to be the best selling console of the end of the year. Its all it ever takes when one is on the verge of coming out. Literally everyone I knew who didn't have one already bought a 3DS when X/Y came out.

>that first 3/4 of 2018
That's absolutely pathetic. you're only showing a slight increase for the end of the year which was expected with Smash Bros Ultimate and Pokemon hitting, can't wait to laugh when Nintendo release their sales data.

It has about 25 real games, which 15 or so are ports of old games with switch tax included. The rest is phone tier shovelware.

New Pokemon looks like shit though, did you not see the retards hyping up the idea that Gamefreak would actually try, it's just Sun and Moon in a different setting in HD resolutions, the game looks legitimately pathetic.


Nintendo exclusives for 2017:
>The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
>1-2 Switch
>Snipperclips Plus
>Fast RMX
>Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
>Splatoon 2
>Mario+Rabbids Kingdom Battle
>Pokken Tournament DX
>Golf Story
>Fire Emblem Warriors
>Super Mario Odyssey
>Xenoblade Chronicles 2

Nintendo exclusives for 2018:
>Bayonetta 2
>Gal Metal
>Kirby Star Allies
>Nintendo Labo
>Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze
>Hyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition
>Mario Tennis Aces
>Splatoon 2 Octo Expansion
>Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker
>Octopath Traveler
>Code of Princess EX
>Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate
>TWEWY ~Final Remix~
>Xenoblade 2: Torna, the Golden Country
>Super Mario Party
>Pokémon Let's Go
>Smash Ultimate

Nintendo exclusives for 2019 and beyond:
>Travis Strikes Again: NMH
>Dragon: Marked For Death
>Yoshi's Crafted World
>Pokémon Sword & Shield
>Animal Crossing
>Fire Emblem Three Houses
>Luigi's Mansion 3
>Daemon X Machina
>New Super Mario Bros U Deluxe
>Yokai Watch 4
>Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3
>Super Mario Maker 2
>The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening
>Dragon Quest 11 S
>Astral Chain
>Box Boy! + Boy Girl!
>Tetris 99
>Rune Factory 4 Special
>Rune Factory 5
>Cadence of Hyrule
>Mario & Sonic at the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games
>Bayonetta 3
>Metroid Prime 4
>Shin Megami Tensei V
>Gunvolt Chronicles: Luminous Avenger iX
>Steamworld Quest
>Umihara Kawase Fresh!
>Blaster Master Zero 2
And more to be announced

All I want is Super Mario Maker 2.

So your graph shows switch only sells at cheistmas.

>HAHA i laugh about linear increase that is actually contradiciting my claim that the sales are slowing down


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Is that why they spout le Bing bing onions cardboard weebshit for pedo manchildren memes?

You want to know their secret? They don't have to try very hard because people will buy them no matter what. Its doing exactly what I want from a game like this so I'm buying it, but that's the truth.

What, that's not really linear, only end of year increased over the same period in the previous year, but that's easily on the back of 2 major releases at one point, fuck the system even undersold Nintendo's own expectations which were only too high because they failed to have anything in the first 3/4 of the year to drive sales.

I already know that people like you are the reason why Pokemon has barely moved an inch in 20 years.

there hasn’t been a major exclusive game release for it since ultimate, and ultimate wasn’t even that good. FE probably would have been out this month or last month if not for the delay, that was supposed to bridge the gap between that and any summer releases. but it did get delayed, so there’s been a huge content drought of nothing, and nintendo systems since the GC being being good or not are judged strictly on a basis of whether they have a stream of good first/second party games coming.

tech experts, would it be possible for the Switch Pro to perform at the same level as a PS4, while remaining under $300? I know shit about tablet/mobile devices, so just assuming the components are far more expensive than what's found in your typical home console.

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2bh even if it hasn’t happened fully yet, all their devs are gonna be on the switch soon. this is probably the 3DS’ last year.

well he’s not wrong, it is gonna have to compete with the PS5.

>counting ports
i am no sony pony but this just looks pathetic, the list can stand on its own without them

Nothing really. The Switch is one of the most successful consoles of all time and home to some of the most acclaimed video games ever made.

Yea Forums will never recover.

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You mean Nintendo Exclusives son.

no retard i mean ports

Most people didn't own a wiiU, all those ports are new to them and still exclusive to Nintendo.

This. I didn't own a wii u. It would be a travesty if games like Mario Kart 8 died with it. Mk8 is one of the best games of the generation.

On 2 levels what you stated is retarded, a Switch pro has no need to run noticeably faster than a stock Switch because that would additionally complicated the development of Switch titles, at current point any developer needs to make a game that works at 2 different performance targets, requiring 4 different targets when it's conceivable that only 1/4 of the userbase will even use that is a waste of time and energy, on top of this making games that actually use the additional power this gulf would allow would require creating unique assets that most users will never use. It's completely absurd to think that a Switch revision would provide a boost in power outside of making games with dynamic resolutions, or AA hit the higher targets more consistently, if this even occurs at all.

Secondly it's currently impossible to make a Switch device around the power of a PS4 at a $300 price point, devices at that level of power exist only as showpieces at major techshows, are nowhere near ready for mass production, would be significantly more expensive than the Switch, and for some rason Nvidia have greatly increased the power consumption of each of their new Tegra Soc's with each new iteration.

Their developers may leave 3ds which took too long but they are still putting a lot of staff into their phone games.

Literally just needs a clean you pig

>2017: the switch is gonna flop! No games! Nintendo are finished!

Reality: the Switch has one of the best launch years of any system ever, sales break records, hosting some of the most acclaimed games of all time.

>2018: the switch is gonna flop! No games! Nintendo are finished!

Reality: the Switch is dominating Japan and America and year-on-year sales are demolishing the PS4 by more than 20%. Six of the Top 20 best selling games of the year were Switch Exclusives.

>2019: the switch is gonna flop! No games! Nintendo are finished!

Fucking kek. This board is full of pathetic jealous babies holy shit.

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Console war shit or false flagging aside
>The eshop still feels incomplete 2 years later.
>Very specific instances such as connecting to public wifi or posting photos and videos to social media allow for access to something akin to an internet browser, yet an innate internet browser application does not exist.
>Online service still feels like it was rushed out the door so Nintendo could make a quick buck on it while they prepare some actually decent features for the service in the meantime.
>Black and white are still the only themes we have to choose from.
>No QoL home menu features like folders or alternate formatting like the 3DS and Wii U before it, or any other modern console despite it.
>Still no real VC replacement, forcing me to keep my Wii and Wii U plugged in.
>Joy-cons still somehow being manufactured like flimsy pieces of garbage, causing issues like the infamous left joystick drift or connection issues between the joy-con and the Switch after owning them for mere months.
>Screen far too prone to scratching thanks to Nintendo deciding to make the touch screen capacitive and plastic despite it having to reside between the rough plastic edges of the dock.
I could go on. I enjoy my Switch in a lot of ways, but it's not without problems that could do with some serious fixing.

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>can already be emulated by a budget PC
the absolute STATE of nintendies

Not really a honest comparison since PS4 makes the bulk of its money from ps plus subscriptions and taking a cut from fortnite/fifa microtransactions

Sony's first party titles only exist so you buy a playstation four instead of an xbox one, that's why they're so cheap compared to nintendo first party games and are pretty much given away free with new consoles

Great on launch, failed to provide software updates to make it flexible and dynamic, paid online is horribly fucking implemented and the only game worth buying it for itself has shit online, paid online in general just shouldn't exist, no web browser despite being the only system that you would actually want one. Don't get me wrong it's still good simply because it's gimmick is really well executed and the games are good. They just need more games, better software, a performance upgrade re-release, and an actual fucking ethernet port and it hands down would be the best console of the big 3, it still has the advantage of being worth buying even if you own a PC.

didn't care much for it until I put on EasyRPG and Retroarch.

We will see this thread no matter what the Switch will pull off in sales/games.
We will have threads in 2+ years when the succesor is announced after selling 80+ million units:

Where the fuck is Virtual Console? I want to play GBA games on Switch.

>competitive online games
>no way to communicate with other people

>Imagine buying a console in 2013 with a 5 year old cpu in it, and not being able to get 60fps
>Imagine paying $400 3 years later to get checkboard “4k” at 30fps
Imagine BOTW on one of these consoles you paid for twice kek

Wanted to buy one to play zelda and the new pokemon. Turns out you can already emulate those games with a decent pc and they look better than on the switch.

It's ass as a dedicated home console
But for traveling, commuting, student parties, and handheld gaming in general it's the best there is at the moment

just hack it, you'll get retroarch and all the themes you can choose from, media player as well as local save backups and online lan emulation
and of course free games
/hbg/ sends it's regards

Lie, they just combust into uncontrollable drift after enough hours. Pro controllers do it too. My game pad for the Wii U still works fine after months of sitting on a shelf. It survived like 600 hours of Splatoon. My pair of joy con have both drifted numerous times even after several repairs by Nintendo. Sometimes it's dirt, sometimes it's wear, and sometimes it's an electrical problem. The controllers are just fucked up man. It really pisses me off considering the price.

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Its crazy man. The xbox one, ps4, and switch controllers all have quality problems. I hope all 3 fix their current quality issues with the next xbox, ps5, and switch u


but /hbg/ sucks

they let your parents breed.

Analog sticks leave a lot to be desired.
Battery life could be better, but I use a switchcharge anyways.
Needs more options for first/third party joycons to customise your system.
Developers still think 30fps is okay.

you can thank nip obsession with handhelds for that

Stupidly long droughts, as is always the fucking case with Nintendo. MM2, AC and Astral Chain are the only things I'm looking forward to this year.


Salty haters literally been singing the same tune since 6 months before release. Chanting thesame curse. Stabbing the same voodoo doll.

Their tears are delicious user.

onionboys were the only ones who liked this shit
they have awful memory so obviously they dont care anymore

not the reddit /hbg/ on discord
the /hbg/ from /vg/

My only complain comes from their shitty analog sticks, hell, right now I'm dismantling my 6 six SIX joycons to replace the analogs for Nth time this year

they really shot themselves in the foot with no thunderbolt
if it had it they could just release a pro dock with another tegra in it for 150 money and people would not have to buy an entire new console just to play at more than 1080p@30fps