Hasn't made a game in 6 years

>Hasn't made a game in 6 years
He'll be fine

Attached: kamiya.jpg (1274x708, 76K)

i thought that water bottle was a dragon dildo from the thumbnail haha

Astral Chains

He's not directing

>Wonderful 101 was 6 years ago

Attached: kill me.jpg (151x228, 7K)

Kamiya is the biggest hack at platinum. The guy who made MGR is by far the best director there.

never seen a worse opinion on this board

Attached: 1518685966202.png (644x800, 15K)

Did I say director? I meant all around developer and overall the best person working there, hands down. He's an actual engineer, programmer and game designer. In fact, it's thanks to him that Bayo turned out well enough to not be outright dismissed as the tranny bait it clearly is.

Nice self portrait, cuck.

Attached: Kenji_Saito.jpg (350x455, 21K)

he's basically taking a long sabbatical
he might jump into Bayo 3 dev within the next year or so
in general scalebound is still fucking him over

Is that takehiko inoue?


You literally did say director retard, it's a shame Saito's debut it objectively more shallow than DMC1, as well as one of Platinums lower-end games. On par with Korra. Maybe if he was as talented as you claimed he was, it would be different. So glad JP cockblocked him from making a KlK or Berserk game.

>You literally did say director
He is.
AND best designer, engineer AND programmer. Stay seething, kamiyafags.

Imagine worshipping a baldcuck LMAO


Attached: 1550049650574.png (446x473, 240K)

>best designer, engineer AND programmer
If he was, it would show. Sorry that MGR was your first action game, should've started in 6th gen, but your opinion isn't worth anything now that you've exposed yourself.

The only think he does all day is blocking people on twitter who did nothing to him, even the ones that praise his works.

>you now remember that cringe collage Yea Forums sent him

It was based as fuck, zoomer.

Attached: kamiyafinal.jpg (1691x2948, 866K)

Actually my first action game was kung fu on the NES. Not to brag, but I've probably played and beaten pretty much every and any action game you can think off, kiddo. Bayo is a tranny game and MGR is more fun than anything Kamiya has ever made, and at this point it seems safe to assume it's better than anything he'll EVER make.

Attached: blocked.png (500x204, 66K)

you can't block me twice ;)

>mommy issues
What a fag

Why is he such a baby?

>mommy issues
What are you talking about? He loves his mother just fine there is nothing weird in his relationship with her, he just has a fetish for motherly chicks


Attached: -1494-44.png (1438x772, 224K)

Who /blocked/ here?

When did Yea Forums turn on Hideki Kamiya?

tumblrinas and reddit fags invaded and we aren't allowed to like japs anymore

when the insects came

Attached: 595-07.png (1389x486, 105K)

Kamiya went from being a weird genius to just weird
He ran out of mojo


Attached: kamiya doesnt know shit.jpg (750x631, 93K)

>Used to talk to him on Twitter but understood his rules
>For years he even liked, responded and RT'd me
>Dunno what I said one day but he blocked me
FFS I just want to see what he's up to

Attached: ded.png (853x482, 376K)

>weird genius
There's nothing weird about any of his games, they're all solid. His streak is flawless.