You cheated not only the game but yourself

You cheated not only the game but yourself.

You didn't grow.
You didn't improve.
You took a shortcut and gained nothing.

You experienced a hollow victory.
Nothing was risked and nothing was gained.

It's sad that you don't know the difference of what true gamers are.

Attached: 1540487172226.png (480x360, 128K)

Other urls found in this thread:

what the frick you going on about user


Is this new pasta

Attached: speedruns.png (1424x543, 29K)

>tr00 gamerz

Attached: feel2.jpg (323x387, 22K)

BASED schizo user

half a press or not if you're not tampering it's not cheating

>You cheated not only the game but yourself.
>You didn't grow.
>You didn't improve.
>You took a shortcut and gained nothing.
>You experienced a hollow victory.
>Nothing was risked and nothing was gained.
>It's sad that you don't know the difference of what true gamers are
You cheated not only the game but yourself.

You didn't grow.
You didn't improve.
You took a shortcut and gained nothing.

You experienced a hollow victory.
Nothing was risked and nothing was gained.

It's sad that you don't know the difference of what true gamers are


Is that bowsette?

what the heck did you just say to me

Attached: 1529285753787.jpg (1372x1952, 248K)

lmao incels NEED to get laid

I like vanilla icecream

yeah but i had fun lmfao

>he plays video games for fun

wait shit you're right
here's context for the thread btw

How many people BLJ'd to BitS before ever getting there normally before?
When I first played through SM64 I had no clue whatsoever what a BLJ even was.

>not having a common hate for people who need things to be a certain way just because they personally can't play.

Jokes on you, I never knew how to glitch the stairs. I beat it with the minimum amount of stars required.

why the fuck am I blocked even though I've never seen him before? Is it one of those automated "block people that follow x" piece of shits?

I find it impressive when people complete the game in the quickest time possible, even if it means outright skipping elements.
I also find it impressive when people complete the game in the quickest time possible while also playing through the entire game.
I find it upsetting that I can never find videos of the latter, and if there are any they're in poor quality due to being posted on youtube before 720p was implemented.

>having a twitter

Go to the speedrunning sites. They'll typically have different categories for speedruns, so you can filter out what you want to see.

No, I didn't. I played the game they made, the product I bought from them. It's only cheating if you use an external device to alter the game. Stop being such a cuck.

Attached: 514029.jpg?b64lines=V0VMTCwgSSBTQVkgQ0hFQVRJTkcgSVMgVEhFIApHSUZUIE1BTiBHSVZFUyBISU1TRUxGLgo=.jpg (640x480, 47K)

I truly, honestly considered posting this, but got distracted by the idle game I'm running in the background. Hat's off to you, good sir.

You're right.
I played through Mario 64 with a Star-guide next to me. I didn't figure out a single Star by myself.
Don't use guides, kids.

Attached: 1395832408317.jpg (376x400, 26K)

Using glitches or abusing game mechanics is not cheating. Opening cheat engine or trainer to change game values is.
Why is this so hard for retards to understand? I swear you have to have sub 60 IQ to argue about this.

And people that argue about "intended play" are fucking retards too since there could literally be nothing,more undefined and subjective and literally comes down to people projecting what they believe is the best way to play on to mostly silent devs.

And yet, here you are.

Attached: everyone's stupid but me pearl.jpg (111x125, 4K)

I could never pull that shit.
Im a brainlet

>other people are wrong around you therefore you are wrong

>make blanket statement about a group of people
>fall under the blanket statement yourself
>"B-but I'm not like them! I'm Different! I'm Special!"
You brought this upon yourself. Be grateful this board doesn't have so much as a thread ID, and move on. I'm going to bed.

I too still think Kevin Durant is the lamest player of all time

I mean, he's not wrong. Except about the speedrunner part, that's an absolute nigger opinion to have.
>captcha is stairs

I only use glitches and cheats to fuck around in the game after I've already beaten it legitimately the first time. Eat my ass.

how is it really cheating if its more difficult to do than actually playing it out

No this is Patrick

Aren't non-assisted glitch runs proof of an intimate knowledge of the games mechanics or is that the joke?