
Atmosphere in this was 10/10, I was hoping sekiro would follow, but it fell a bit short from Bloodborne. I really hope from works with japanstudio again, even after Deracine

Attached: daylight.jpg (3840x2160, 1.36M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Nice bullshot

Thats a prerelease shot that was downgraded in the final.

Bloodborne was simply 'pretty good' until Old Hunters completed it.
We will see what Sekiro brings to the table.


Attached: Bloodborne™_20160523120243.png (1920x1080, 2.93M)

Trying too hard

Attached: 1553564657668.jpg (728x743, 85K)

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Attached: Dx-T9ltUYAEGEQY.jpg (2048x1152, 497K)

Not even trolling. Im kinda sad that we dont have more Bloodborne in our lives

Attached: Bloodborne™_20160612143840.png (1920x1080, 3.58M)

Attached: troll 2.jpg (899x1024, 192K)

Attached: Bloodborne™_20160523123035.png (1920x1080, 3.27M)


Attached: Bloodborne Kino Grid.jpg (5760x3240, 1.66M)

Attached: Bloodborne™_20160612184722.png (1920x1080, 2.95M)

>The perfect vidya aesthetic doesn't exis-

Attached: Bloodborne Aesthetic.webm (800x450, 2.93M)

Attached: Paleblood Moon.jpg (4692x2639, 920K)

Attached: Bloodborne™_20160613135318.png (1920x1080, 3.23M)

Attached: Bloodborne-62.jpg (2560x1440, 2.59M)

Attached: Bloodborne™_20160607202037.png (1920x1080, 2.41M)

>png screenshots

Attached: Upper Cathedral Ward.png (1024x576, 1.05M)

My pngs are old native screens from when I had base ps4, higher quality than jpgs.

i haven't played bb because I only have a pc but this pic makes me really want to play it. is it ever coming to pc?




Probably not, I think it’s because of sony fuckery

>is it ever coming to pc?

Why was there never a ps4 pro patch to make it 60fps at least

Attached: 1538717195533.gif (321x350, 1M)

Because From can't get a game above 30 FPS.

Too many statues

Its on pc...if you have ps now. Just get ps4. Its best game fromsoft has msde with hrlp from Japan studio. One of reasons why it probably wont come to pc

Attached: PS_Messages_20161030_114519.jpg (1920x1080, 409K)

>It's the best game ever made

Attached: Ludwig.webm (1280x720, 3M)


How come on my tv the game doesn't look as good as some of these screenshots? Any tips?

the only reason Bloodborne isn't universally accepted as the greatest game of all time is because the mad xbox kiddies and PC nogamers. Playstation folk, once again, are enlightened and know the truth.

Bloodborne is the greatest game of all time.

Why do people lose their minds over this cutscene? It made no sense.

>lol sword out of nowhere

I bought a PS4 for Bloodborne. It's the only game I played on it and it was totally worth it.

Nope sadly, Pro's boost mode helps a bit with framepacing a bit. Hopefully we get remaster or bc with ps5
All souls game on pc ran 60.
Thanks to sony it is what it is, Japan studio codeveloped it
Probably shit tv and shit settings on it

Attached: PS_Messages_20161023_173147.jpg (1920x1080, 730K)

>it's on PC, but you need to own a PS4

The sword is literally on his back

It's on his back the entire time.

Maybe stop stroking your tiny dick over bloodborne, jesus christ it's the most overrated game of the decade. Shut the fuck up about bloodborne already.

>it's the most overrated game of the decade.
Not when Nier: Automata exists.

But it's a 4k tv and everything except Bloodborne looks good on it

Attached: 1539575788097.jpg (367x484, 56K)

Ok so what the fuck makes it "kino" or even memorable?

>most overrated game of the decade
Maybe look outside of Yea Forums for just once in your life.
The only souls game that gets showered with praise is DaS1.

Increase your TV's insight.

Attached: LXLJNgh.jpg (1920x1080, 533K)

Nier automata isn't dickrode NEARLY as much as bloodborne. Bloodborne has been getting nonstop praise for 4 years, Nier is niche as fuck in comparison. I hardly hear about it, I never see you fags shut up about BB though. I platted it myself it was a good game but you retards overrate it.

It's the combination of the cinematic, the music and the story of Ludwig. All three culminate into making one of the most absolute kino moments in all of vidya. The fight itself isn't half bad either, but it's the transition that seals the deal.

Attached: Ludwig.jpg (1280x720, 70K)

pc players are the elite, and always get what they want
when bb will eventually crawl onto our platform, i guess we'll give it a try, if we won't be busy playing other stuff
with 60 fps on steam, of course

Bloodborne is literally the best game of all time, brainlet. The only competition it has is Super Metroid and Resident Evil Remake. Maybe Majora's Mask and Baldur's Gate II.

It's the best reveal of the moonlight so far. The whole fight is memorable. That particular scene is great, it's got a great transition in the music and there's pre-established lore on Ludwig. Which doesn't make the fight feel like I'm killing some who.

Attached: raquel-cornejo-ludwig-el-maldito.jpg (1169x6049, 1.34M)

Attached: MWiHvYV.jpg (1920x1080, 392K)

Easily my favorite game of last(this?) gen. I went from absolutely hating it, to loving it tremendously. I hope that I can get the same feeling with Sekiro, but I’m really not feeling it.

Stop playing like it a Souls game and play it like a Sekiro game.

Attached: Isshin NG+.webm (1152x648, 2.96M)

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Attached: bloodborne-2.jpg (1920x1080, 380K)

Maybe that’s the thing, it doesn’t play like the others so I’m not liking it as much. Not saying that it’s a bad game or anything. There are other things I don’t like about the game, but I haven’t really had a chance to dive into it yet like I would like to.

Res has nothing to do with it. Probably settings
It would be Epic exclusive

Sounds like you just need to git gud. Have you fought Genichiro yet?

Attached: Hirata Owl.webm (1240x698, 2.96M)

kill yourself

It's really simple desu. You heard about Ludwig this whole time as this great hunter, then you find him as a deformed monstrosity. After beating his first phase he seems to gain his former human consciousness for a moment and remember the sword he had used to kill beasts for the church, which was on his back the whole time but he had forgotten about it in his bestial madness. He stands upright like a human again and starts fighting you while some great heroic music plays.

He is just a really well themed boss. For someone you never actually interact with in the game, the fight contains a lot of pathos from just seeing his condition, the transition between the two phases and the music.


Attached: Bloodborne Kino Grid 2.jpg (1016x1140, 174K)

I don’t think so. I don’t think I’ve come to my first actual boss, just minibosses. From what my roommate has told me, when I get to a real boss, a health bar will be across the screen rather than the mini icon or whatever.
I haven’t played in over a week, like I said, I haven’t been able to dive into it like I would like.

If you haven't come across a boss, then you've hardly played the game. A boss has no other enemies in the arena with them, like mini-bosses have. The first one you'll encounter is either in Hirata Estate or Ashina Outskirts.

Attached: Lone Shadow Longswordsman.webm (900x506, 2.74M)

Jesus. How far are you in? Have you fought at least Chained ogre yet? After him is another miniboss, then further first real boss

I got to the final boss, beat the first phase and stopped playing after i saw 3 more health bars.

It's everything i hate about the new souls games. Stupid fucking insane hp endurance fights with four phases and extra health bars that appear after you already kill them once.

I get no pleasure out of it, it's like a hatefuck and i fucking hate it.

Isshin's posture goes up and stays up extremely easily. Owl 2 is a much harder fight.

Attached: Isshin, the Sword Saint.webm (782x440, 2.94M)

Yeah, if you can properly react to his stupid kanji moves. I fucking hate the dumb kanji, it gets in the way of reading his attack pattern and i cant tell to jump or dodge or mikiri counter.

Stupid fucking mechanic, previous souls games did much better with visual/audio cues and not this shit.

He rarely does a sweep attack, it's almost a thrust that you can Mikiri counter. Anytime you see him do those two attacks where he swings his spear in a circle, anticipate to Mikiri his next attack. You can also get the Dragon Mask and grind five levels to get a damage boost to make it easier.

I'm planning on doing that after i beat the demon, but I haven't played the game in weeks. No souls game has ever made me this mad and this final boss is everything that i hated about the other bosses wrapped up in one piece of shit.

Why can't more bosses be like owl? Two health bars, no hidden bullshit third or fourth phase. Challenging but not enough to make you start punching things.

Weird, I got Isshin on my fourth try, but Owl 2 took me hours. I kept dying to his firecracker move.

Wait that does damage? I never got hit by it.

Yes, it was one hitting me if I was

Only a low IQ europoor could think BB is the best game of all time, what nonsense.

I don't think it's the best game of all time; I know it is.

Attached: BloodbornePC.jpg (1600x900, 886K)

yes but it will be epic store exclusive just like sonys quantic dream games

theyve released 3 games since and still cannot match the quality or the breadth of content they had with bloodborne. was studio japan carrying them during development or something?

Attached: sio.jpg (1280x720, 89K)

BB has the least amount of content.
>lnb4 Chalice Dungeons

>chromatic abberation

Attached: 1356157639878.gif (204x193, 763K)

I'm replaying Bloodborne right now and it's so much harder than Sekiro.
Ludwig has killed me like 50 times already.
Both are excellent games, though.

>Ludwig has killed me like 50 times already.
Git gud.

Attached: Ludwig - Phase 2.webm (960x540, 2.93M)

Its barely less than other souls games, but the game has more soul than any of them. You can see how much went into world and designs

Attached: Bloodborne™_20160612143909.png (1920x1080, 3.44M)

>I really hope from works with japanstudio again
I really hope they don't, because then the game would be a console exclusive. You mention atmosphere but forget about performance, which is a silky smooth 30fps with drops for bloodborne and flawless 60fps for sekiro on PC.

Attached: 374847262837.jpg (2560x1920, 1.72M)

And you see hoe sekiro turned out without them, same for ds3

>all those retarded Bloodshit spam threads to counter Sekiro because Sony noggers are mad that the only exclusive game they was yet again rendered just a pointeless 20 FPS hiatus in a much greater array of games

Holy shit you fucks are pathetic.

I've been playing Sekiro and I enjoy it plenty, just as I said in op, Im sad it doesnt live up to hype after BB

Yeah, it turned out as a great game. DS3 was better than DS2. Shame, they can't all be great but at least it wasn't horrible.

>Displays sekiro, a not really souls game and doesnt have bloodborne: Dark Souls edition
Im not mad, just disappointed
Who am i kidding i don't have demon souls...

you have shit on your skin

I love bloodborne, it depresses me though that my pc and Xbox niggas wont get to play it, fuck sony

Like I said (for the third time now) I haven’t been able to dive into it like I would like to.
Chained Ogre was the last thing I killed. I almost got the guy after that, but he got me with a quarter or so health left.

If I recall correctly, I stopped playing Bloodborne because it was too hard for me (did the same with Souls 1), only to return to it a few months (actually might have been years) later, and for whatever reason, it just clicked.

I’m not saying anything bad about Sekiro, I just don’t think it’s for me.

Some of these are bullshots

is this a pre-release shill bullshot or can i make my bloodborne run on this level of clarity?

Looks like it’s possibly from the cutscene when you first die.

Ludwig was weirdly easy for me. I think it took me 3 tries, maybe only 2. Laurence was a real bitch for me though.

>Ludwig has killed me like 50 times already.

Attached: 1533930548664.jpg (632x1952, 211K)

Is pvp still active?
(not the fight clubs in the dungeons)

This thread makes me depressed about what sekiro turned out to be. What a huge disappointment.

No bullshots

Attached: Bloodborne™_20160627143125.png (1920x1080, 3.32M)

Deracine was ok for what it was, Miyazaki wasn’t lying when he said it would be weird and polarising. According to the guy who leaked Bloodborne initially From had a three game contract with Sony of which Bloodborne was the first, so they still have one more to go. I imagine it’ll be a full size game this time though, Deracine was pretty small scale most likely because Miyazaki was directing Sekiro and producing whatever their other two in development games are.

This shot specifically is a pre-release bullshot.

The area this corresponds to in game doesn't look this good in the final product.

Yet, I've noticed it's often paraded around, with the other pre-release bullshots, such as the short clip of the heavily drenched hunter fighting several townsfolk to this very day.

Bloodborne's beauty lies in its brilliant skyboxes. But when you take that out of the picture, you're left with an extremely muddy, dirty, and slightly blurred looking result due in part to the extremely overbearing chromatic aberration.

>no bullshots

>he claims in a thread with shots that have stitched together in panoramas

Attached: Hunters-Dream.jpg (1920x1080, 207K)

Yeah, the thing is Miyazaki still has that weird project in works, after deracine he said it was not deracine and after sekiro he said that wasnt sekiro.
P.s. I loved deracine

Attached: PS_Messages_20181120_193113.jpg (960x720, 515K)

I'm pretty certain the guy who claimed it was a "three-game-contract" was the Neogaf user Verendus, who was later banned for general misinformation. I might be wrong though.

The guy who leaked and alluded towards the "Project Beast" stuff was an entirely different user.

Be it exclusive or not, from has another unveiled weird game and armored core in works

Is that High Monk in the end there?

Also your webm cuts out like 1 second too quickly.

Pretentious atmosphere.

Attached: Nigger talking to himself and looking up himself on the archive.jpg (1050x228, 62K)

Why is Bloodborne so damned blurry?

Deracine was a pile of shit, more like a tech demo for PSVR than an actual game. Astro Bot on the other hand is a real game.

What's with the whole BB wanking these days? Basedggers feel their game is endangered?

The same thing occurred, to a lesser extent, when Dark Souls 3 came out, so probably.

Stop feeling insecure. Not everythingis about you

What is it with niggers and One Piece

I wish I could play Bloodborne on PC just so I could turn that shitty chromatic aberration off

Nobody cares about your meme game

>story taht's all just a dream
>boss betrays you and revealed as the antagonist (wow didn't see that coming)
>guns yet can't increase amount of ammo you can hold by a decent amount
>can't dual weild guns
>doesn't allow you to play like a tps yet includes guns
>aliens out of nowhere

>didn't play the game

>aliens were always there
>its not a dream
>guns are just parry tool

You still peddling this fucking sickdark shit? You edgelords never stop. This game was never good. It's a meme. Shit gameplay, shit setting, only thing you like about it is that it looks like sickdark shit.

If youre going into a souls game with a tps mindset i think you should play a different game