Just emulated this. Hoho God damn, you guys really have some delusions

Just emulated this. Hoho God damn, you guys really have some delusions.

Attached: gamble.jpg (1920x1080, 366K)

Other urls found in this thread:


you're supposed to play brutal doom

if you didn't grow up with it, why would it click with you in 2019?

You had to be there.

why the fuck would you emulate an FPS available natively on PC

Duke 3D is better

I played it for the first time a couple years ago and thought it was pretty great.


nice work deteective

Attached: 1543655983822.png (729x638, 154K)

I'm surprised, but glad to hear that. I see a lot of people these days picking it up for the first time, but not being able to get past how archaic it feels

i like the 32x soundtrack better

Maybe he played it in DOSbox like a true patrician.

why are you forcing this shitty meme?

Semi-clever bait OP.

Attached: 1550138895641.jpg (640x480, 37K)

I know you're being ironic and telling someone with bad taste to eat shit, but someone who's not in on the joke might think you were being serious, and in their ignorance they might actually -enjoy- the tremendous pile of shit that is PRESS X TO AWESOME PRESS Y TO RELOAD: AAASHIT PORTED TO 1994: THE MOD

This, Doom is shit for anyone who didn't grow up with classic era PC games. People who say otherwise are contrarians pretending to like it

what if I told you I unironically like brutal doom over doom 2016I'm sorry

Yummy fresh pasta

>how archaic
Wut? To me any source port that does widescreen and other things that optimize it for modern hardware feels just like an arcade game with no scoring and some more depth to the gameplay, have these people never played anything made before 2004?

>I know
You don’t.

Yeah me neither. I couldn't get over how every time you tried to strafe left, your character would move, unless there was a wall or a monster in your way.
I'm so used to having control taken away from me to show me a cutscene, or for dynamic context-sensitive movement to stick me to walls, that it took me by surprise at first that I was controlling my guy, and I never STOPPED controlling my guy until he died.

Well Doom 2016 is not very similar to 90s doom while Brutal is after all.

Okay, but what about Doom Remake 4?

Attached: Untitled.jpg (2560x1440, 189K)

the most common complaint I hear is that they hate how they can't look up and down. Seriously.

That was a little annoying for me, but not too bad. I enabled vertical look for Doom 2.

Doom 2016 is shit entirely because it tries to clone Brutal Doom.
The gameplay has its benefits but it's bogged down by animation locking and enemies who don't actually attack at all.
Instead of not attacking at all, enemies on standby/waiting should be attacking where you were about 1/2 of a second ago (to encourage you to keep moving). Also, no waiting for an animation to finish of you climbing a ledge / chainsawing a guy / pushing a button. That's not DOOM. That's not even Chex Quest.

I don't dislike Doom freelook but no vertical movement makes for console ports that are very close to how the original PC game plays at least.

if you're using mouselook, you're not playing doom

I suppose that would kill your immersion a bit.

Even in '93, people knew mouselook was superior to keyboard turn in multiplayer.

>i didn't play nu-doom

Just go home and if glory kills bother you that much just turn off the super highlights for when they are available then you will hardly use them at all anyways. Its what I did, not that you are gonna take my advice and are just gonna keep shitposting without playing the game.

Of course I'm not gonna play the fucking game. It's shit. I'm also not gonna play Brutal Doom either.

Is Final Doom any good? I've heard it's pretty gimmicky

I'm sure you'll whip out the Paint comic because of what I'm about to say but how do you know it's shit if you haven't played it

It has press x to awesome cinematics interrupting gameplay.
That is some trash. I don't want that.

>im forced to use glory kills to stay alive
>demons don't attack me

O no, little shitposter soiled his logic again. Whatever will we do?

Ur worse then the melee discord fags. Neck urself plox

Fucked if I know how the gameplay balance is. I do know that your gameplay gets interrupted with cinematic bullshit. I neither know nor care how hard it is.

Doom '16's glory-kill animations are insanely brief, and at higher difficulties it's not to your advantage at all to do them at every opportunity since you'll often exit the animation straight in the path of another attack

You don't even know what the problem with BD is but still try to shit on it
How Yea Forums of you

Gzdoom with smooth doom or deadmarine is true patrician mode

I mean, if you want to play DOOM Souls: Prepare to Animation Lock then be my guest. But miss me with that gay shit.

Well, now I know.

Reloading and cinematic takedown moves interrupting gameplay.

Half-Life is good, Doom is not.

So quick it's not even a problem
>cinematic takedown moves
You have to go out of your way for those, finishing something with punches; they're also optional

what year were you born?

Why would I bother figuring out what the problem with it is when I already know it's shit?
"Ok I am wading into the shit"
"Ok there's shit"
"I have confirmed there is shit"
"The shit is in fact shit"
"I have successfully waded into shit and confirmed it is shit"
Wow good job. What next, I confirm that water is wet?

Both are shit, Bioshock is the best PC Game ever

0/10, your trolling attempt needs more build up.


A reasonable person tries something and then forms an opinion on it, not the other way around

>So quick it's not even a problem
>they're also optional
Being optional is no excuse for something existing. Miss me with that crap.

>I have no idea what the game plays like but Im just going to say it's shit because of one thing that is faster then hitting the melee button twice to do strikes with the gun stock on a demon or god for bid, is as long boring and drawn out as using melee in og doom is obviously bad!

The longest animation is about a half second dude.

doom fans are so sensitive lmao

A reasonable person doesn't touch every single stovetop to confirm that they are hot when they can see the GLOWING RED COILS.

And you think there isn't a problem with a fucking 17 frame animation? A 3 frame animation would be bullshit enough.

The shotgun fully reloads in one to two seconds from 0 ammo, it is INSANELY quick
>Being optional is no excuse for something existing
Miss me with that all-or-nothing shit and skip to the part where you decided you hated it before you knew a single thing about it

>I don't like this thing that I don't understand so it's NOT good!

>I think you reload in nu-doom

Jesus you are dumb

>17 frame animation
>60 FPS
>not even a third of a second
>actually complaining about an animation that lasts for a third of a second

How the fuck does someone "not understand" Doom? It's just a basic FPS game

I decided I hated it the instant I knew it had reloading and animations which can apparently take up to HALF A FUCKING SECOND.
Jesus christ, I thought they were only like 83ms or other such "It's okay if you're a normalfag" shit but unironically 500ms? Even normalfags would feel that.

Doom is 35fps.

Someone who is a doom fan knows better than talk shit about games they haven't played, people itt are just getting trolled by a falseflag faggot.

And why is that a bad thing?

Both of these can be turned off, and "cinematic takedowns" aren't even common even when enabled. Try again
Not waddling in shit is one thing. But what you're doing is trying to give a lecture on why shit is shit while never even having seen a piece of shit in your entire life

You're actively looking for reasons to hate it and not play it, I know you're roleplaying but your autism is getting infectious

Attached: 1540409254603.gif (600x338, 2.88M)

whatever you say man

Attached: cyberfaggot.png (1920x1080, 323K)

Same way they don't understand that I'm not interested in their cinematic Press X To Awesome apparently.

Yeah, Doom has its problems, I can't deny that. Enemy AI being hilariously easy to exploit. 35fps, which admittedly was okay at the time. Whole lot of room-and-corridor syndrome. But it has less problems than Brutal Doom and nuDoom.


>You're actively looking for reasons to hate it and not play it
You're damn right I am.
Fuck that game. It's shit.

>But what you're doing is trying to give a lecture on why shit is shit while never even having seen a piece of shit in your entire life
I unfortuately fell for the fucking meme and played Fallout: New Vegas.
I have seen shit. It was shit.
Plus, do I really have to firsthand look at a thing and think "Wow, if I was at my keyboard controlling that gameplay, I'd be pretty disgusted"
And manually go check that I'm still disgusted
What sort of dumbass check if the stove is hot shit is that?

No it's not a troll, its just one guy on a crusade to hate nu-doom. Maybe it could be a discord but most likely its just one lonely faggot whom no one agrees with now that the tortanic fags have moved on to newer games.

Attached: 1543427067807.jpg (604x436, 59K)

And I could say the same thing to you for still browsing Yea Forums at whatever age you're at. Fuck off faggot.

I think I've seen him posting before, maybe Doom will finally have its own autist like Final fantasy XV?

You agreeing with each-other doesn't make you right.
Your game is shit. I will not play it.
Just like the Op said, you guys really do have some fucking delusions.

What, do you unironically think New Vegas is not shit or something? Fuck out of here with that bad taste, son.

You're actively using analogies to avoid arguments. Video games aren't hot stoves, they're fucking video games. It's perfectly fine to avoid playing a game because it looks like something you wouldn't enjoy. But shut the fuck up and stop polluting the internet with your uneducated thoughts

I don't know what game you think you played, but it certainly wasn't Doom 2016. Maybe you're just parroting what you heard and didn't actually touch it, I don't know. But only one demon stands there waiting for you, and it's Lost Soul. Everything else, and I mean everything else will find you. Imps will follow you whever you go and toss fireballs, Mancus will follow you, revenants will follow you and shoot direct at you, pinkies will stalk and charge at you, hell knights charge at you and jump in your direction without being provoked, baron of hell will do the same in addition to tossing hell energy. Cacodemons slowly float towards you as soon as they enter the aren, and spit shit at you.

Maybe you're mistaking what some people said about demons sitting there waiting for you to enter the arena and assuming it means they stand still while you're in the aren, waiting for you to approach them. I don't know. But I've beaten this game on all difficulties, including nightmare. None of them just stand there and do nothing, aside from Lost Souls. Not even fucking unwillings, the dumbest of all enemies.

I am helping inform the internet of my correct thoughts.
Game looks bad.
Not "It looks like something you wouldn't enjoy"
There's personal taste (which can be wrong) and then there's interrupting DOOM with cinematics.
I'd ask you to stop polluting the internet with your shit taste, but we both know you won't do it because you for some stupid reason think your taste is fine.


We just haven't named him yet. We should get to that but we might have to wait for him to dox himself for a good name to pop up.

The op was literally just making as many shitposting threads with the same header as possible. Even he doesn't actually agree with you. Also.

>I haven't played the game but you should just trust my opinion and not your own despite you and your large group of friends having played the game disagreeing with everything I say.

Just lmao

Of course I didn't touch it, why would I touch a game that I know is shit.
And yes 2016Doom has a LOT of positive things about it! The animations are especially good. Which is a shame because they could not put their goddamn dicks down and had to slap the player with that bullshit.

you're arguing with a cartoon-character or persona, he's being stupid on purpose and avoiding actually talking about the subject-matter

>and then there's interrupting DOOM with cinematics

Well you're missing out. I originally balked at it myself, tried it out and loved it. You're just denying yourself joy for no good reason.

I disagree with every single one of your large group of friends.
What now, genius?

I don't save source for every single thing I dislike. Not enough hard drives in the world for that.

That looks fucking horrible, how can people unironically trash GoldenEye but praise this absolute piece of shit?

I think maybe you just don't really like video games. I played it for the first time in 2016 and thought it was fantastic. If you can only appreciate brand new games it sounds like you only really have a very surface level of appreciation. I'm sorry to break it to you, but you don't actually like videogames.

>You're just denying yourself joy for no good reason.
You wouldn't be the first dumbass to say "Just try it bro it's good xD" ... and it wouldn't be the first time I've fallen for that shit either.
But fool me twice, shame on me.

I love how this OP implies a game considered overall good by most people is only a Yea Forums thing.

>I know how to fix a car despite never even changing oil, you and all your friends who perform car maintenance regularly are wrong about my car issues!

It's not good trolling if you have to reply every time. Just as a heads up since it's your first time and all. :)

Subject matter:
Interrupting gameplay to show animations is SHIT and I'm not gonna tolerate it.

But you clearly don't know it is because you don't know a thing about it. All the info you think you have on it is wrong. I just straight up told you demons will follow you, when you said they wouldn't. Outside of Lost Souls that is.

>not enough hard drives
Oh I get now, you hate it because you are too poor to buy a hard drive that can handle the size of the game, don't worry user it's not nu-Doom fault that you are poor.

it's hard to have a discussion with somebody that's more interested in hearing themselves speak than a discussion

Well now I know.
I'm still not going to try it because it sucks.
Or have I been wrong all this time about all the fucking waiting for animations to finish, that allegedly take up to half a second (though that's probably a huge exaggeration)?

Man, we were having such a nice doom thread. Why respond to retards?

If you think half a second of waiting is too much you need ritalin

Well if you would say why nuDoom is bad, or why Brutal DOOM is bad, or why regular DOOM is bad, I'd be all ears.
I'd be very interested in a discussion about why things are shit.
But instead you keep defending things as though they are good. I don't want that.

Like, what level did you enjoy the LEAST out of the original Doom? Suburbs? Castle?

Well I guess the original doom is shit because the original shotgun has a cocking animation and the super shotgun has a reload animation. Also doors are animated to open so that too wastes your time.

Attached: 1553826435526.jpg (470x334, 47K)

don't respond to me or my son ever again

Protip dumbass, if you aren't aware of the passage of time, it's YOU who needs to take his meds.
Half a fucking second jesus christ. I hope to god you're exaggerating and it's only like 1/5th of a second, because even that's some Dark Souls bullshit.

I suppose that's true. Those are a bit bullshit, I'll give you that much.


nigga wat.

what version were you playing?

Nigger, why the fuck would I try and "fool" you? Do you think I'm on Bethesda's payroll? Whether you buy it or not does not affect me in any way. I'm just telling you that actively avoiding it has caused you to recieve completely wrong information on the game. So your hate ia based entirely on fictions. You miss out when you're misinformed. Like not eating delicious cake because you heard some faggot say "cake actually tastes like motor oil" when it obviously tastes like motherfucking cake.

love how the guy on the right looks like he's blowing his load over just touching doomguy

it's a shitty forced meme

Yeah, I really can't defend the door animations, or how the Super Shotty (most overrated weapon btw) encourages you to play peek a boo.
Super Shotty is fine in open areas when you'll be dodging mancubus shots (or whatever) in between shots, but if all you're doing is humping a pillar then I gotta agree, that's not gameplay.
You might be right about DOOM.

It was somebody rapid-firing the same thread OP over and over with different game images as le epic shitpost and this thread's been hijacked by somebody roleplaying as an objectively correct DOOM hater. He's fucking boring so here's a more interesting subject:


>Like not eating delicious cake because you heard some faggot say "cake actually tastes like motor oil" when it obviously tastes like motherfucking cake.
Cake is overrated as fuck too.
Perfect analogy.

teh cake is a lie xD

> Review Scores for all classic FPS games
> Metroid Prime (97/100)
> Perfect Dark (97/100)
> Halo: Combat Evolved (97/100)
> Portal (97/100)
> GoldenEye 007 (96/100)
> Bioshock (96/100)
> Half-Life 2 (96/100)
> Half-Life (96/100)
> Portal 2 (95/100)
> Halo 2 (95/100)
> COD4 (94/100)
> Bioshock Infinite (94/100)
> COD MW2 (94/100)
> Halo 3 (94/100)
> Quake (94/100)
> Unreal Tournament (93/100)
> Quake III DC (93/100)
> Metroid Prime 2 (92/100)
> Medal of Honor (92/100)
> Team Fortress 2 (92/100)
> Unreal Tournament 1 (92/100)
> Metroid Prime 3 (91/100)
> No One Lives Forever (91/100)
> Jedi Knight DF2 (91/100)
> No One Lives Forever 2 (91/100)
> Killzone 2 (91/100)
> Halo: Reach (91/100)
> Battlefield 2 (91/100)
> Return: Castle Woflenstein (90/100)
> TimeSplitters 2 (90/100)
> Deus Ex (90/100)
> Duke Nukem 3D (89/100)
> Battlefield 1942 (89/100)
> F.E.A.R (89/100)
> Bad Company 2 (88/100)
> Doom 1993 (83/100)

>hard drive size
What, is it another one of those 10GB Monstrosities?
Lol, hard pass.

>review scores

Attached: 1532686659216.gif (580x433, 1.96M)

Kill yourself

>review scores
who cares

back to saturn X

any other asnwer is wrong

Here's the thing about that, you don't really need to do glory kills. I know people say you really benefit from it, and you do, but you can still get health and shit just by shooting them. Not as much, but it's still something. There's also a decent amount of pickups spread throughout the arenas.

I'm not going to lie and say all animations are fast. Killing imps is relatively pain free for you because it's a simple punch or something. Mancubi take an enternity to glory kill. But you don't really need to do it.

A lot of community wads are inspired by it, I'd say at least give the two wads a shot. They're pretty different so if you drop one don't skip the other.

>look mom if I hate games all the Yea Forums kids will love me! Internet hate machine am I right?

Why is the imp wearing pants?

That entire list is of shit meme games then, review scores are for console warring faggots like (You)

Here's mine
Prime 80/100
Halo CE a begrudging 40/100
Portal maybe 65/100 but map packs bump that up to a 90/100
Bioshock 0/100 a big fat turd
Half-Life 2 80/100
Half-Life 85/100
Portal 2 70/100
Bioshock Infinite 30/100 actually earns some points for how amazingly bad it is
Quake 85/100
Q3 90/100
Prime 2 85/100
-early- TF2 85/100
TF2 after mannconomy 60/100
TF2 now 40/100
BF2 Probably like 20/100
RTCW 65/100
Deus Ex not a FPS, 20/100 FPS. Probably an 85/100 game overall but it's an RPG focused mainly around choosing how to approach a situation and character builds
Duke3D 70/100 would be better if it didn't crash so much
Battlefield 1942 probably 80/100
1993 DOOM 75/100

If I didn't score it, I don't know enough to tell.

Literally autism, you need everything to be categorized in an extremely specific way or you don't enjoy it, might as well kill yourself since you care more about numbers than video games
Still kill yourself with the rest of the number spamming shitposters.

I couldn't give a shit about whether you kids are a hate machine, a tolerance machine, or a full blown love and adoration for bullshit machine.
I enjoy hating things.

Damn, how the hell did Bioshock Infinite get such a high score?

Congrats, now get a tripcode too so we can filter you.

>no Blake Stone TC ever

Wait a minute, that card...

Such a powerful moment


Or you could just learn to hate things.

This too. If you're used to low quality trash, then you'll stop realising that it's low quality trash.
It makes me a little bit paranoid when I realise that the human brain is capable of defending Bioshock Infinite, because if you can defend THAT then you could be blind to goddamn near anything, and I'm wondering what things I tolerate that I really shouldn't.

It's always the waifu.

I found it got some getting used to on the 360 port, but overall is pretty fun.

The spider mastermind boss was badly designed though, by the time the player has the BFG they can kill that boss within 15 seconds and most players tend to save up the BFG.

I genuinely and sincerely want you and your entire family to die slowly and painfully.

Attached: 1553242519635m.jpg (697x1024, 94K)

Actually if I'm giving Portal 1 a bump for its map packs then I should do the same for the others

Half Life 2 98/100
Half Life 95/100
Quake 90/100
TF2 90/100 early / 95/100 at its peak / fucking 50/100 now
Haven't played any Deus Ex map packs but I hear they're good
DOOM 80/100. Most of the map packs are for DOOM II tho.

Bioshock I noticed gets a lot of negative press on Yea Forums. I recall it being nominated as the worst game for that really stupid game awards thing and it seems the contempt for Bioshock is a thing on this board. I kinda agree as is, but I'm curious as to why it's at a 0.

Infinite was garbage, everyone loves the original but acknowledges that the last 3 hours were garbage

That's why.
It's a goddamn movie with a slightly more complicated Next Scene button.
If your game has a difficulty "curve" so shallow that I can compare it to Gone Home and not be sure which one is steeper, then it's not a game.

It's too late, man. It's 7 years old and people have been singing its praises for years. I imagine it's mostly from younger people who don't understand the point of the original, but what can you do?

But you got to shoot a big daddy!

Actually the last part of Bioshock, after Tannenbaum's facility when you were wandering around ... Olympic heights? probably got that wrong. That was pretty good because the random plasmids actually added some interesting gameplay to it.

I've never played Brutal Doom what exactly makes it different from a source port that adds modern superfluous stuff apart from how edgy it is?

Is this the hot new shitpost meme? Fuck off.

I'll give it to you that trying Big Daddies with optional challenges is kind of interesting. But if the main interactivity I get with your game is "How much of your game can I ignore and still beat it" then your game is not interactive.

Now I'm not saying you can't die. You obviously can. But you learn so goddamn little in the way of better tactics and loadouts because everything is effective. The difference between Newbie Dumbass and Competent Player is very small.
Contrast with, say, Quake where an increase in your skill greatly increases both the speed at which you plow guys and the resources it cost you to do so.

Still, you have Ken Levine failing at boss design and than going "well games don't need bosses anyways"

What if one did not decide to make frank Fontaine a dude who ran around ass naked chucking easily dodgable rocks.

You do more damage.
The enemies do more damage.
You can throw barrels at people, flip off the cyberdemon, and use the mancubus' own flamethrower.
All of that is great stuff.
Unfortunately you also have fucking takedown animations.

>"Review scores only matter when they don't go against my opinions!"
Classic Yea Forums

Trick statement, review scores never matter.

My big criticism with the enemies is that I never got the impression the enemies really embodied the individualist philosophy crap. They had set in stone types and classes as if they were a caste system. One would think they'd be a very, very varied bunch instead of conforming to a few set classes.

Did he get easier on lower difficulties or was I just a rock eating chump, because he hit me a few times and if there wasn't a Press Q to Full Health (store up to 9 of these) button in the game he would've killed me.
Note: Might not have actually been Q.

If a game gets good reviews from Gamers & critics then it factually suceeded as a game. No amount of crying about them will change tha

thanks I would have gotten baited by the emulated bit

Ok autist whatever you say.

You can't force people to all be unique individuals.
Hell, you can't even force them into 5 different teams for April Fools without two of them merging together.
It's true that Andrew Ryan had a philosophy but 2/3rds of the game is detailing how that philosophy can go to shit.

Cry more, the facts hurt

Successful and Good don't mean the same thing. Look who won World War 2.

Caring about reviews is for prancing lala homo-men

Attached: 1533185599097.png (500x380, 479K)

You can like games that others dislike.
I like Kirby Air Ride for example, its not a finished game but I really enjoy it.
I also dislike Doom2016, because of its atmosphere, music, gameplay and story focus.
Sometimes masses and critics can have bad taste. Black Panther movie is a good example. Mediocre at best

t. zoomer

That said, I suppose you're right. History isn't written by who's good. It's written by who survives.
Money and popularity are a much better way of measuring a company's survival than the quality of their games.
Source: Where my Westwood Studios at? Oh, they in EA now.

>You can like games that others dislike.
Fuck that.
How about I DISlike games that others like?

Also you check who gives Wakanda good reviews and you'll see some purely unrelated co-incidences. Those scores are not organic. They're like Breath of the Wild except even moreso.

he's unironically right
brutal doom makes 90s Doom actually good
takedowns are bad feature but they're optional and you're autistic if you have a problem with reloading

>PC game
Are you have brain problems?

zoom zoom

What facts? That you an autistic kid that instead of using it for something interesting he only cares about numbers given to video games by strangers?

Sourceports don’t really add anything apart from a few graphical options.
Brutal Doom changes a few of the core components of Doom making it quite a different experience. Things like including headshots so the pacing and balance of some levels is skewed. Things like the monsters having increased step height which can break the placement and can allow monsters to prematurely escape their “spawning closet”. Things like the taunting system which can essentially stun the enemies.

It was a long time ago when I played Brutal Doom and some or all of these many be fixed now but those were my initial complaints.

You can emulate PCs. Look at wine and VMware.

I know someone's going to reply to it. Just wait.

You are free to do that as well.
I dislike lots of current AAA games because of the live service model and because so many games strive for hollywood-like structures.
Still many AAA-games get good scores, sell well and gamers like them.
I like Nintendo games too, but dislike Odyssey and BotW because of their Skinner's Box elements.

The Nazis would have technologically stagnated pretty fast, they already were falling behind the allies in tech advancement and even if they managed a general victory in continental Europe, would probably end up getting into a nuclear war with the US some time down the line.

I haven't played Doom on a sourceport, but I hear they uncap the framerate limit, which is a big problem I have with the base game, though I suppose it's understandable given that DOOM is 2 if not 3 years ahead of the hardware in terms of what it can do and it really pushed the boundary.

I didn't play it until this year and like it quite a bit, though I've been playing Chocolate Doom and not complete vanilla. What's not to like about killing everything that moves to a catchy soundtrack with no bullshit, 2/10 story?

Can't deny you that. They had some pretty ass backwards ideas. And putting all your eggs in the basket of Adolf Hitler is almost as dumb as putting all your eggs in the basket of Keiji Inafune.

Still, those fucking bankers have done nothing but try to dumb down and subordinate the world's population for the last hundred years and I'd unironically prefer genocide to the recent Common Core Tranny nuMale crap.

You know they're like that because it sells, right?

If people didn't keep buying $60 games with $20 of preorder bonuses and $80 of DLC and up to $200 of optional cosmetics with lootboxes up to $inf containing limited-time items, then they wouldn't be sold.

But the fact of the matter is, people nowadays are in fact willing to pay $60 for a game and then pay $10 on top of that for a watered-down version of Gungame. So why would you sell them one game for $60 and then let them mod it for free? That's missing out on $10 my man.

If the nazis won you would be forced to consume the s.o.y you hate so much lmao.

I know
Doesn't make me like them anymore
It just makes me sad
I want games that need no patches nor online

Theres no real reason to play on the basic DOS anymore besides from maybe curiosity. PrBoom+ has long been the standard in the creative community but you also have ChocolateDoom for a vanilla experience.

You can only really judge a game during the era of it's release. Things should rightfully be at a better standard today.

>What is this janky ass no mouse-look piece of shit?

>oh boy, another mindless copy-paste CoD but with shit graphics

>Holy shit this game is bad. The physics are like jacked up and don't make any sense

>jesus christ this game is a laggy mess and the enemies are a bunch of triangles... just lazy

Basically, what I'm saying, is that zoomer opinions aren't worth shit

I know this is bait and I'm still pissed off

I do not have a good solution.
But the games you used to enjoy still work.

I heard there was a problem with Archvile knockback being inaccurate. Has that been fixed?
... presumably it has. Figured I might as well ask.

Its okay
I have to go do stuff
It was nice to talk with you
Have fun, all good to you friend

This year of release it's the only thing that matters when reviewing a game

Brutal Doom is shit specifically because it's not even a good mod, gameplay-wise.
That being said, Bolognese is pretty fucking good and SGTMarkIV deserves credit for that. If you're looking for gameplay mods/overhauls though, there's way better fucking options than BD.

>Things should rightfully be at a better standard today.
Now you listen here you god damn AAA buyin, 20tickrate toleratin, Matchmakin bans for toxicity, Always online, Preorderin, Lootbox-gamblin, Dance buyin, Games-as-service, Cinematic takedownin, Denuvo installin
The standard that games are held to today is whatever standard games can get away with. And they can get away with a lot.

>The standard that games are held to today is whatever standard games can get away with

>Things should rightfully be at a better standard today.

The question you have to ask is, "Held at a better standard by whom?". The "by whom?" is the kicker. The people making up gaming nowadays are people with low standards. It might not be right from your or my point of view, but it's right from theirs.

Finally something that quenches my thirst

I don’t recall hearing about that and I can’t find anything regarding the issue. Was it for a specific sourceport?

I think the biggest offender right now it's that every western mainstream high budget game feels the fucking same, the variety with everything else is so varied that something as simple as Doom is just a matter of the kind of things you like in a video game and not so much about how "old" the game is (is there any popular 90s game that is uncomfortable to play?), having pixel sprites and feeling like an arcade game is OK now, for some reason it was totally uncool in the mid 2000s but not anymore, that's an standard change in a good way.

>having pixel sprites and feeling like an arcade game is OK now, for some reason it was totally uncool in the mid 2000s but not anymore, that's an standard change in a good way.

What people forget is that there were so many 2D platformers, doom clones, etc that we got sick of them. We had like 20 years of them, and then BAM 3D. Something new. Now we got 20 years of 3D, and 3D is a bit boring, so some 2D games are now good for some variety.

Plutonia is still one of best level packs there is. Gameplay is just so fucking fun and challenging.

Master Levels, Final Doom, have better levels than Doom 2.

It's just played on (very) low resolution. Not knowing about resolutions. This is the state of modern Yea Forums.

I'm curious, what makes you say that?


its a dos game faggot.

>what is dosbox

>playing Doom on dosbox, while there is dozens of different and better source ports available
This really is the state of modern Yea Forums.

Attached: 1554218808405.jpg (555x644, 31K)

>not playing on an actual Windows 98 machine in DOS mode
Fucking casuals these days.

I thought it was a towel.

Oh no! They might enjoy it!!!!