Tutorial boss is stronger than final boss

>tutorial boss is stronger than final boss

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Name two (2)


Iudex Gundyr from DS3
Vanguard from DeS
Get dabbed on, neon

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apunigger is retarded? who knew


>you are supposed to lose to the tutorial boss
>if you beat him, he drops a seemingly useless consumable
>it one-shots the final boss

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apunigger is a retarded version of Pepe fyi.

>tutorial boss is also final boss

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>Iudex Gundyr
Lock on and strafe to the right
You auto win


It's all yours, faggot.


Literally only hard starting as deprived

>consumable that defeats the final boss

>Iudex Gundyr from DS3
He's barely any harder than Asylum Demon

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it's not that the final boss is tougher, it's that you got stronger

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Trails in the sky SC


>the guy you use in the tutorial is the final boss

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>final boss has your moveset

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>final boss has your moveset but it's better

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>tutorial boss is the final boss

>Pepe? I love Pepe!
>I see it on Facebook all the time!

You are close now, user... SO CLOSE TO ME

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I legitimately thought that Cleric Beast was harder than the final bosses of Bloodborne

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>the entire game is a tutorial

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>tutorial boss is a regular enemy later in the game
>game doesn't even have stats, you're just expected to have gotten that much better

>tutorial boss is stronger than final boss
>tutorial boss and final boss are the same character

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>first boss is harder than the final boss but only because it uses a different control scheme that handles like fucking garbage
Tornado titan was fucking cancer

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Post rare marvs

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>moon presence has a phase where it just stands still and does nothing for 20 seconds
EVERY boss was harder than that

Ninja Gaiden Black

>tutorial boss for the minigames is the final boss

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What games

Tutorial boss IS the final boss

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>be deprived on first play through
>die a million times to Iudex
>beat Vordt on second try

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you should probably play DS1 again.

Actually, don't. It's better how you remember it.

>tutorial boss is also a secret overpowered boss

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I don't know if you're trying to say the asylum demon is hard or what. They are both very easy.

>Game has a few uberhard optional bosses that are out of the way and take effort to find.
>Final boss is harder than all of them.

Both Asylum and Gundyr can be easily beaten by clinging to their ass

asylum demon is nothing now. Any style of play beats it. Iudex can at least bullshit some players.

>tutorial music plays during the fight

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I think there was an arrow in last Dragons dogma that worked like that. You even get a different ending

>boss tutors you for finals

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Demon's souls?