Gaming has not yet had it's Citizen Kane, Neon Genesis Evangelion, nor it's Gilgamesh. Therefore, we can conclude games are and always will be toys, products, not art.
Gaming has not yet had it's Citizen Kane, Neon Genesis Evangelion, nor it's Gilgamesh. Therefore...
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Demon's Souls, Armored Core and Final Fantasy, respectively.
Gaming's NGE was Mortal Kombat.
Gaming's Gilgamesh was Deus Ex.
Gaming's Citizen Kane was fucking Pacman.
Please try harder.
Nier Gestalt.
Kys hamster poster
>Neon Genesis Evangelion
A game with mechs that teenagers thought was deep because of its religious symbolism, which the developers later admitted to just throwing in it because it was cool, and a rushed ending because they ran out of time and money? Xenogears came out just a few years after NGE did.
Biggest brainlet in this thread
Don't worry user, if I ever manage to make games you'll fill all three
>Therefore, we can conclude games are and always will be toys, products
what's wrong with that?
Ocarina of Time was the Citizen Kane of videogames.
>something has not happened yet, therefore it will never happen
Is this your brain on Yea Forumstv/?
It's a valid point, and sadly seems true enough. There are only a handful of auteurs with the funding to make games, compared to hundreds/thousands of directors or writers. If film had such a limited pool of creators, we probably wouldn't have Citizen Kane either.
The isn't celebrated for symbolism, it's celebrated for its characters.
I remember kids going on about some religious symbolism in the game too, but that was a long fucking time ago. I don't expect many people do it anymore because most of its fans are grown men at this point.
You mean replicate, right?
You mean replicant, right?
I was referring to nge, my phone autocorrected it to the
It's called bloodborne
No, because Yonah was the centrepiece of the narrative and the dad fits Nier's role in the story much better. Sure a brother could do the same shit, but father/daughter is more universal.
Super mario bros. Was the citizen kane of videogames
i can live with that
In that case, I definitely remember kids going on and on about the deep religious symbolism on internet forums in the early 2000s. I had one of those people as a friend, he paused the show every time a religious symbol came up in the show and talked about what they were supposed to represent and such.
>exist in 1994
>"anime has not had its Citizen Kane. Therefore, we can conclude anime is and always will be a product, not art"
>exist in 1940
>"films have not had their Gilgamesh. Therefore, we can conclude films are and always will be products, not art"
>exist in a prehistoric cave
>"stone tablet no have buffalo-paint-moment. tablet will be doodoo forever"
fuck off retard
Bro I think these things are just beyond your understanding. Basically you want to feel good about yourself by dismissing a popular cartoon. Your dweeb friend doesn't give us any insight other than the fact that your friends are dweebs so obviously you are as well.
I don't hate NGE though... I'm not a fan, but I don't hate it, I just say it like it is. But being honest usually hurt's people's feelings.
Only the pretentious believe art must be meaningful or not low quality, and there isn't really any significance to whether video games are not art or otherwise.
Or rather, I wasn't dismissing it, but I saw correlations between it and Xenogears. Didn't know NGE fans still got so butthurt about things though, I thought most had learned to accept the good and bad parts of it at this point.
Being more universal doesn't make it better. Brother Nier's story is much more interesting specifically because he doesn't have the same perceived obligation to protect Yonah that a father would.
Is Umaru the Citizen Kane of our generation?
Was NGE seriously this groundbreaking for people to compare it to Gilgamesh or Citizen kane?
Citizen Kane was Shadow of the Colossus
Spirited Away was Chrono Trigger
Nausicaa was Panzer Dragoon Saga
Evangelion was Final Fantasy VII
Godfather was Ocarina of Time
Godfather 2 was Majora's Mask
Boyhood was Red Dead Redemption 2
Star Wars was Mass Effect
Mulholland Drive was Silent Hill 2
Space Odyssey was Metal Gear Solid 2
Pulp Fiction was GTA: San Andreas
Shawshank was Metal Gear Solid 3
Good/Bad/Ugly is Red Dead Redemption
The Dark Knight is The Last of Us
The Matrix is Deus Ex (2000)
Return of the King was The Witcher 3
Fight Club was Bioshock
Titanic was Final Fantasy X
Snow White was Super Mario Bros
>Eva fans
>Ever not being mad that you don't love their show
Some things in life never change.
Honestly all of them are overrated. They're not bad, and I don't think they shouldn't be praised. Bu they're overrated.
God this statement is so fucking pretentious. Art is subjective to the beholder, in my mind anything that has passion and soul put into it can be classified as art in its own way, despite its look, shape, or form.
>Citizen Kane, Neon Genesis Evangelion, nor it's Gilgamesh.
Someone has not played any of Yoko-Taro's games, or Metal Gear Solid.
Its statements like this that makes me wish I could just go back in time and just slap Roger Ebert in the face for popularizing this meme in the first place.
Someone hasn't played FFT
How detached from reality can somebody be to compare Neon Genesis Evangelion with something like Citizen Kane?
What the hell is Citizen Kane and Gilgamesh?
"I've never consumed the content I'm talking about and am only mentioning the most popular thing" levels.
yeah, films haven't really reached that level yet
Nintendo faggots, everybody
This is probably the only time a tripfag will ever be sensible. Now get rid of your tripfag and join the rest of us, you attention whoring cunt.
Tripfag please leave.
This, Eva was fucking trash & the only reemable thing about it was the music & Waifu's
>which the developers later admitted to just throwing in it because it was cool
What is Devil May Cry.
Good job proving him wrong by listing a better game.
Is Gilgamesh here referring to that Mesopotamia poem or to GIRUGAMESH?
The true answer is the former. The right answer is the latter.
I'm a pleb and don't know what Citizen Kane or Gilgamesh are.
Please tell me about them.
OOT is more critically acclaimed then Citizen Kane
Its better
Gee thanks
Takeshi's Challenge is legit the ultimate art game - the Famicom equivalent of Trout Mask Replica or Ornette Coleman's Free Jazz.
You can't even dispute me on this.
"Shut up, you dick!"
I never bothered playing this game, but I'm not going to deny it in this context.
Yea Forums - Pretentious Tryhard Teenagers
mgs2 is the casablanca of video games
I tried watching this shit but I really don't get the appeal
Ok but what about godfather 3
the appeal is Umaru
You're probably not the intended audience m8. The majority of the humor and reference is "oh man that's totally me" throughout the episodes.
Nobody is comparing those 2 things, they are iconic for different reasons.
They are both being seperatly compared to Vidya.
Tripfags as dumb as ever.
Its Gilgamesh is Pong
Its Evangelion is MGS2
I'm not sure what Citizen Kane means so I'm going to assume the first thing to become popular in the mainstream while showcasing what the medium can do. So Tetris or Pacman if you want to go pure mechanics, Ocarina of Time or Mario 64 if you need story
>Evangelion was Final Fantasy VII
Xenogears was Evangelion, complete with the controversial ending.
I do think it takes a pretty great piece of art to can get its audience to take the exact opposite message it tries to convey and still have them praise it as deep and compelling.
>to can get its
to get its*
reminder that citizen kane is just a meme propagated by film studies teachers and students to try justifying their useless degrees
They're games, not movies dipshit
Literally Nier: Automata to a tee.
>"Wow, this is fucking dumb this is literally nothing but basic bitch Theology and Philosophy 101 concepts ham-fistedly shoved into a retarded generic weebshit story."
>samorost 3
I'll snap your neet legs like twigs
You'd have to find a great game that's about other subjects, but has pseudo-imagery tossed in that all the brainlets zoom in on instead.
automata is one of those post evangelion animes trying to ape nge's success
drakengard is evangelion of video games
>Citizen Kane - Timeless Masterpiece
Chrono Trigger
>NGE - Power fantasy with a waifu, convoluted ending
Bioshock Infinite
>Gilgamesh - Prototypical, still used and retold to this day
Japanese Garfield. You either like the gags or you don't. I do.
Doom is the best one of those three, honestly.
Specifically, you'd have to find a game that brainlets try to write off because they found out the religious imagery is fake instead of looking at the other aspects of the product.
Xenogears has no waifu’s, FF7 even has the classic Tifa vs Aerith debate, not to mention the expanded universe like the Evangelion rebuilds. It’s literally the mirror image of Evangelion
>This is more art than any game will ever be
I bet the jews are behind this
what magic the gathering card is this it's too blurry
Seeing how buttblasted people get when discussing this game and keep missing the point due to all the
>Le player is evil bullshit
that gets thrown around I want to nominate this for the NGE of games
They actually are.
>Dude let's just paint the canvas completly black and put them up in a circle
>Wow, das true art muh man
Nier Automata
How about the Evangelion of anime itself: Madoka Magica? What is its video game equivalent?
>Dude let's just throw cloth other an already existing building, that's totally art
>Der genius Hans, we will give you 15 million Mark for it!
The display's just under construction, bruv.
You mean Replicant, right?
That's the display,bruv
Based and truthpilled. Games are the lowest form of entertainment.
I was just joking, I knew