What went wrong?

What went wrong?

Attached: 323532532.png (673x743, 494K)

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SJW's dont make good video games

My main issue is the CPU running at 100% even on i9s. Some say it's because the fps goes over 9000 during loading screens for no reason at all.

Also women and trannies

Apparently the game was unironically made in under 8 months and all the other time spent was """ambitious young entrepreneurs bustling with fresh ideas""" changing the genre every other week.

so, sjws?

They made an uninspired and lackluster clone of a game that is free to play and sold it for 60$ + Microtransactions

Good devs left Bioware and EA forced them to make one of most generic video game.

>ambitious young entrepreneurs bustling with fresh ideas

I swear to god I'm going to gouge someone's eyes out it another person wants to "put forward their creative vision" without even once thinking about whether that creative vision fits a practical purpose or if it's even well-made, or if it's just "muh subjective value" for the sake of muh subjective value.

nah bioware is just shit
6 years to develop a game
during 4 of those years they didn't make shit

>Bioware releases a turd
>People are still shocked by this

they've had more controversial releases than solid releases at this point

That jew, Jason, at Kotaku wrote a 11,000 word expose on Bioware and EA. They both fucked up a lot.

Frostbite and Bioware's incompetence, combined with EA's dumb plan to put all of the Bioware studios on the project that was already doomed without an identity

>Anthem had one of the rockiest launches this generation, second only to a few games...
Do they...not know what "second to" means?

that's videogame journalism for you

>Direct link to kotaku
Do faggots not know what pastebins are?

>second to only a few games
>second to 3 other games
So, fourth?

I guess I'll never quite get past the fact that there aren't editors on the internet.

Literally everything.

Most large sites like Kotaku or IGN have editors.

Bioware published by EA.

Well apparently not. They might have someone with the title "editor," but they don't seem to have editors.
Assuming the screenshot in the OP came from Kotaku or IGN.

from what i heard it was a similar time frame for andromeda. Kinda makes me wonder what kind of game they could make if they actually worked on it for more than 20-25% of the supposed development time.

OP's image came from "Comicbook.com," considering I've never heard of them I doubt they have any editors.

I feel like bioware is doomed to be the developer version of that kid who procrastinates on his assignment until the last week/weekend and barely passes

>7 years of development
>15 months actually developing
>What was shown at E3 was literally some random shit thrown together to prove they were working
>Multiple delays due to "story changes"
>The flying mechanic was resolved, then reimplemented multiple times. Resulting in complete overhauls of the map design.
>Developers admit that they didn't playtest most of the game at time of release.

Keep giving them your money, though


>ambitious young entrepreneurs
Idea Guys & marketing people who run the companies Facebook and Twitter social accounts, who wouldn't even know how to implement a single idea they pitched?

it cant be nearly as painfull to watch as the monstrosities they put infront of my eyes

Attached: afknwhitemale.jpg (960x768, 137K)

Bioware is a toxic brand

Why is the word tough in quotation marks? Also the entire quote doesn't have an end in the title.

What's more surprising is that literally ANYONE thought this would be good when the fucking lead dev left part way through the project.

I don't think normalfags pay that close attention to anything, they just see flying armored suits and explosions and they're hyped.

Their hair shader looks pretty good at least.

>game has 50 red flags prior to release
>people defend it anyway, saying it won't be like the last game with 50 red flags
>it is
>they get angry they they wasted their money and act like it isn't their fault
>buy the next game with 50 red flags

>when the fucking lead dev left part way through the project
"Left"? Anthem was such a mess that he literally killed himself.

>No romances
>Beta male virgin protagonist
That's what went wrong. One job.

They say when the real reason was a lack of proper management from white men.

Creativity is the only difference between humans and animals you wimpy gorilla c;

They made a shit game.

Attached: rengeshrug.gif (500x578, 2M)