Hands off my Kingdom Hearts thread
Hands off my Kingdom Hearts thread
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Riku getting a haircut from the heartless tornado is still one of the most retarded things that I've seen in gaming.
Why friend hasn't had time to finish KH3 yet but he's a big fan, what are some good story spoilers?
Hands down Roxas was the best character.
Riku and Sora finally have gay sex.
Xehanort was a misguided good guy the whole time and gets off scot-free
You're not a good friend.
Xion comes back
That's a demon tower.
>Fucking dies
>Gets off scot free
I think you're just mad we didn't slaughter him as he begged for mercy.
Ok, still a retarded scene tho.
I must say, the results are quite impressive
al from al's toy barn is actually a bad guy
my friend got kh3 and literally hasnt bother playing it, he offered to let me borrow it? is it worth playing? i like the games but he enjoys them WAY more than me and the fact that he has barely bothered with it concerns me.
>Lifted off into heaven by the "best friend" he killed
Eraqus is a fucking cheater
I saw a wild theory that he didn't get a haircut, he entered the sleeping realm. Everything after Riku fades into the blackness is an alternate version of the events fated to occur only with a bad ending.
I almost fell into this trap. I'm a regular longtime fan and was pretty underwhelmed with the game both initially and then wholly after finishing it.
If you enjoyed the shitty handheld games there's probably not a reason you won't enjoy the shitty console game
I mean, did you want him to split again with a "I'll get you next time" or did you want Hades to appear with bedroom eyes? There's few ways for him to die for real with the world rules established.
>Gets Checkmate
>Eraqus summons more pieces anyway
No wonder Xehanort went all evil. I would too.
Wait help I'm atheist what does the verse say?
"There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses."
There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses. You absolute mongoloid who is too retarded to use google
Women lusting for men with donkey dicks
no its literally not worth playing. if you want to play a good kh game play birth by sleep or 2.5
You could just as easily have entered ezekiel 2320 into google
Thanks guys, I'll take the advice into consideration for next time
He's letting you borrow it. You have nothing to lose but time, just try it.
He says the Z-word and dies
How disgusting, having re:chain instead of the gba original
Reminder that Donald Fucking Duck is one of the strongest FF mages ever to exist, even dwarfing a God
What the fuck was his problem?
i actually think he's racist
Eraqus being a fucking cheater
Keyblade and X-Blade being pronounced the same is the absolute worst thing ever. They should have given it a different name like "The Cross-Key" or "The Omni-Keyblade" anything other than just the same thing that forces me to look at the subtitles to know what the fuck.
Or just call it the fucking "X-Blade" instead of going through all this "chi/key" nonsense to make it look different but pronounce it the exact same goddamn way.
Leonard Nimoy's voice was perfect for MX.
It's too bad he bit the dust before KH3.
I was really hoping to hear his voice for the entirety of Scala Ad Caelum.
There exists a worldline where Billy Zane, Paul St. Peter and Leonard Nimoy all hammed it up in KH3 and you aren't a part of it
Nimoy telling me I have no chance and that his plan has come to fruition despite my efforts knowing he played Spock and a narrator for Civilization would make me come.
shut up
That's just as retarded as a vortex of demonic barbers prowling a world of darkness, so whichever is true won't really impact the quality of the game I guess.
Kill me.
Paul St. Peter nailed Xemnas' voice in 3. The baritone of his voice is fucking great.
Will I ever see them again?
they're both awful tho
>tfw didn't get to visit radiant garden at all
>no ff characters
>no sephiroth battle
>Donald kills the shit out of Terranort
I always knew he would come through in the end
shame it ultimately gets undone
How dare you.
Yeah they are everywhere on the keyblade graveyard :^)
don't do this to me
I wish Lingering Will got a bit more screentime. His appearance in 3 was great but then he just disappeared.
Fuck this gay earth and fuck you for reminding me
That was just about the only moment I liked out of the game why couldn't he take down Terranort, better yet let us play as him to do it
He became one with Cum Guardian.
>Fenrir has Materia slots
That's fucking rad, how did I never notice that before?
fuck bros i miss cloud so much
Would have been nice to see that on screen
You're not wrong
I agree. The end of Terra's story in BBS let you do that but the shitty combat of BBS ruined that moment.
Too bad he'll never show up again.
I know right? Time to bitch about it for five hours about how that makes KH3 an incomplete product.
They probably just forgot.
>didnt even get a Bahamut superboss fight in Toy Story world
I could not have been the only one thinking they were teasing that with Rex bringing it up how he couldnt beat Bahamut and the toy version being in the Dissidia area
Fuckin' chill man. There's nothing wrong with admitting the game has some flaws.
How's the combat of 3 compared to something like 2FM?
I keep hearing it's too floaty.
This is true, KH3 is filled with flaws, a little more than other games even though it's still an enjoyable experience. Time to bombard the thread with webms as "proof" that this makes it the worst game since Sonic 06.
it's really really dumb. it's kind of fun but it's really really dumb.
i feel like an idiot playing it. it's so dumb.
Its what I think people mean by floaty, like Sora doesnt have to touch the ground and he takes too long during his attack animations also his recovery is just bad. the combat feels sluggish and drawn out instead of snappy like 2FM
this was also a problem in 0.2 were magic spam was better than attacking with the keyblade
>woody destroys young xehanort by telling him he has no friends and that nobody loves him
Goddamn why was Toy Box so fucking kino lads.
That's the biggest let down of the endgame for me. I was fine with the battles being three-on-ones, but we should have been able to play as some of the other characters. They just shoved Sora into battles where he wasn't really needed at all, like against Terranort and the second part of the fight against Saix. It should have played like this:
>play as Sora with Mickey against Luxord, Marluxia and Larxene
>Play as Riku against Xigbar and Fake-Riku
>Play as Lingering Will against Terranort, and almost win, but Vanitus shows up and uses some bullshit hax to beat him
>Then play as Aqua with Ventus against the two of them
>Play as Sora with Kairi and Axel against Xemnas, Saix and Xion
>Same shit as before happens, but Roxas says for Sora to get Kairi back, he fucks off after Xemnas
>Play as Roxas with Xion and Axel against Saix
>Kairi actually does something useful and rescues herself for once
>Play as Sora with Kairi and Riku against Ansem, Xemnas and Young Xehanort
>THEN Xehanort kill Kairi
There, it's not perfect, but it's way better than what we fucking got. Seriously, you have Sora, Kairi and Riku all in the same place, all now with Keyblades and the training to use them, and you never get to fight alongside the both of them at once. It's like Nomura looked for the shit that fans really wanted to see and specifically avoided them all entirely.
At least it made sense in 0.2 since Aqua was the magic based character in BBS.
It's because the game takes place in the Sleeping Realm where everything is crazy and floaty.
Fighting multiple Organization members at once is something that sounds cool on paper but in practice is a letdown because they've all got watered down versions of their old movesets.
>greatest hits
>being black
it all fits
It feels like the keyblade is swinging/pulling you around instead of you swinging it at things. Basic Osaka physics.
>95% of the animations are floaty
>People actually thought they could change all the floaty animations in a day one patch
>Criticizing the obvious signs of shit physics and animation locks means you're parroting a speedrunner
>Said speedrunner fucking loves kh series but doesn't want unfun osaka physics apparently not a real kh fan
Still bought it day one hoping I was wrong about the gameplay. I fucking hate the KH fanbase. Avoiding Osaka team kh games from now on.
It's a real shame. They have the perfect foundation for tight combat to build off of with 2FM already.
Love the idea of playing Roxas again, he was supposed to have the spotlight for that moment anyway.
Also remember when Sora tellas the gang to rest up cause X wants them weak? Then why the hell did Sora just fight for 4 battles in a row? Such nonsense
>Then why the hell did Sora just fight for 4 battles in a row?
Retard strength. Remember that this is the dude who bumbled his way into saving the universe at 14.
>This vanilla game has so much to build off of this non-vanilla game
>the first fight in the graveyard is fighting a hoard of heartless
>"fuck yeah! its like in KH2"
>only now you beat around a 100 of them and you forced to finish the fight with a gay attraction move
what the fuck!?
That's some quality writing there. I don't need to play a character that's 10x stronger then everyone else 2x stronger is plenty
Said non-vanilla game came out six years before KH3 started development in 2013. What stopped them from using it as a base to build off of?
Because the mechanics in KH2 no longer apply to how the series has transformed. It will never try to emulate or one-up KH2 because the series is no longer what KH2 established all those years ago. If you dislike this, I'm genuinely sorry.
This, hopefully dlc gives some good 1v1 human fights.
>let me ignore the non-vanilla things that were put into this vanilla version
>let me pretend they didn't adapt any khfm mechanics into kh2fm either so it looks like they've never done it before
I noticed some of sora's khfm finishers were part of kh2 sora's non-finisher moveset. Rally drove home the "growth" aspect of it.
That's a strange name for a barber shop
g-guys where's critical mode? they said soon
That's the point, they had a fucking good formula for the gameplay and they threw it all out. I'm sorry you like the taste of shit?
Critical mode is not gonna fix the glaring issues with the battle system, mechanics, physics, and animation design
I'm going to kindly ask you to keep your scat fetish out of this, we're talking about video games. Also if Nomura agreed with you, he wouldn't have thrown them out. KH2FM is this series' version of melee and you're just going to have to deal.
I'm fine with the game, I've moved on from 2 (which you can still play by the way), I just want to see what they are going to do with critical this time around
Was this during the first bit where you play as him? I let my niece play through that while I went to the bathroom. I've been confused about this meme.
Chill my nigga i think Barry is dead or in jail, enjoy this kind of comfy thread
I like smash 4 more than melee though? Just because you think the series should go wherever nomura takes it, doesn't mean other people have to agree with you.
KH3 is a disappointment when compared to vanilla 1 and 2. If finishing BOTH 1 and 2 made me want to play through them again, why can't KH3 do the same? Sure, they took a big step forward in graphics, but the enjoyment took 3 steps back.
>I don't want any input that interferes with my opinion on the outlook of the games so I will dismiss everything I don't agree with
>I'm not interested in you thinking they went downhill, I'm interested in where the series is going
Yeah but the series is not just 1 and 2 let me remind we have a card game ffs, 2fm was lighting in a bottle move on there's more games that have to do with 3 in the series in terms of gameplay than with 2 and really kh3 is the best kh game since 2fm it's really fun
kh3 is trash
This doesn't apply to my post. Get your words out of my mouth.
Best since 2fm? You mean it's better than all the handheld games that came after 2? Who would've thunk?
I didn't even want it to be as good as kh2fm, I just wanted it to be as good as 1 and 2.
This must be why people hate khfags.
This is what it must've been like to talk to DmCfags back then.
I've played through the first hour and thirty minutes so far of KH 3 and i'm getting some strong Austin Power 2 vibes with Sora losing his mojo and whatnot.
It's basically his whole character arc in 3, getting over the events of DDD.
Ah, makes sense.
Bitch are you retarded?
This game was the only game that made me think being a gamer was no worth the disappointments. After its ending, I thought for the whole day about quitting videogames, and even though I didn't, now I like videogames less than three months ago. Fuck Kingdom Hearts. Fuck Nomura. Fuck Disney. And I'm sorry for being mean to you Barry, you were right all this time.
the mojo was inside you all along sora!
well, that was pointless
>well, that was pointless
Just like the disney worlds
That "chi (key)" shit is the most asinine thing ever to look "cool" while making the story more confusing if you're not running with subtitles. HAHA I GET IT CHI-BLADE THAT SOUNDS LIKE KEY IN KEYBLADE AND ITS THE BIGGEST BADDEST KEYBLADE