Not placing your keyboard like this

>not placing your keyboard like this
Come on senpai.

Attached: csgo.jpg (1280x720, 73K)

>not being a Quake chad

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It isn't that extreme, but I do have my keyboard tilted pretty far when playing League

Is there any benefit to doing this?

it's a comfort thing

Why not get an ergonomic keyboard at that point.

Maybe he used to play on a small desk and got used to it. Seems like a way to free up some mouse space.

>having such shit aim and hand control that you need insanely low sensitivity

lmao CS is and always will be a joke

>having such a babby game that it literally doesn't matter where you hit your opponent
>most used weapon does splash damage even
When will Quake aimlets learn? CS is the superior point and click game.

It's a LAN thing, the tables used at lans can get pretty cramped so people tilt their KBs to get more space for their gigantic mousepad.
Some people got used to it and do the same at home to stay consistent.

Does anyone even do it that extreme besides s1mple

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Twitch-shooters will always take more skill than CS.

lying your arm on the table increases your stamina

I literally just watched a CS tournament where if someone appeared behind them or somewhere they didn't expect they literally couldn't turn their camera fast enough to shoot them because they all play at .0001 sens lol

It's retarded as fuck. They need to learn to have decent aim at higher sensitivities.


Become a cs pro then, they'll never see it comin'

Not in the aim department. But it's cool parroting shit you read here posted by sheep that haven't played either at a high level.

If you ever need to do a 180 in CS you are way out of position and need to fuck off.

>backseat gaming pro level players.

How about both?

Im LEM and ive played with low sens for a while and its fucking retarded for actual moving. if your staring at fucking long doors on dust 2 for 3mins then its okay.

>I'm casual and I have retarded opinions

I guess you could bind a sensitivity swap to a mouse button but I'm not sure that's allowed?

This is actually a think. Don't certain mice have sniper buttons(dpi buttons)? Just have it switch between high and low.

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These salty quakeposters are dumb but competitive CS is boring.

>crouch walk everywhere
>throw smoke
>throw molotov
>throw smoke
>throw smoke
>8 seconds left better plant

>using a 57keys to only use Wasd
That’s he skill of the master race

>Not in the aim department
t. never played quake

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EU? Want to play some quake? I'm down for some 1.6 too since apparently that's babby tier and you would school me.

Tarik has it completely vertical.

It's probably better to just get used to one sensitivity and build muscle memory. That's not an easy thing to do when you're constantly snapping between two different mouse speeds.