So Yea Forums, whats your favorite pokemon ?
So Yea Forums, whats your favorite pokemon ?
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Big dick bee.
its too tough to decide
top favorites are corsola, hoothoot, drifloon, shuckle, and scolipede
This nigger
Based and donutpilled
he was one of my favorites before sun and moon made him an annoying cunt
Castform. There are tons of gimmickmon who aren't good, but Castform has the coolest gimmick of them all and is adorable in all forms.
He needs buffs and attention, dammit.
Every gen without an early Mareep is worse because of it
Why are there so many pokemon threads tonight
At least in USUM he's an annoying cunt that gives you O-powers
I'll never not be mad at rotom-dex not being a useable form in battle, or that little shit helping you in battles as one of your 6 pokemon.
Good taste. I thought I was the only Mareep fan on this site.
The patrician's choice.
he barely does anything in Sun and Moon
He only begins to talk a lot in Ultra.
Even then I never found it that irritating because I never needed to look at the bottom screen in a region as simple as Alola. Just was a waste of space compared to the previous bottom screen incarnations.
You must be living under a rock, the line is popular as fuck for a gen 2 'mon (and for good reason)
T-Tar and Charizard are the coolest.
there are so many, i'd probably pick Zoroark if i really have to
i also like a lot the "recent" Zeraora, i love felines
But Beedrill reguardless.
aagron or garchomp
they're both pretty cool and cute
I hate the evolutions they gave to Rhydon and Magmar. They were two of my favorite Pokemon.
That reveal in the first movie senpai.
Based CHADacross BTFO Team Rocket with its bare hands
>not wanting nidoqueen to liquify your spine
what a faggot
Best and perfect wife
Salamence, Kyogre, Eevee
I think I actually encountered a shiny abra once in leafgreen but it tp'd away.
Have you ever caught a shiny, user?
I fucking hate furfags who lewd the best starter ever
>tfw you'll never be this metal
>hating Blaziken lewds
How has no one said the correct answer yet?
Meowth, that's right.
Not that user but my first was while I was
headbutting trees in Gold and one of these guys popped out.
>he doesn’t fap to gardevoir x blaziken porn
Wasn’t asking one user in particular.
That’s a nice one. I remember me and my group of friends hanging out while one of us was trying to catch his kyogre and then it turned out to be shiny. He killed it.
>not wanting to cuddle a giant chicken
Don't mind me, just waltzing through on my fucking STEEL CLAD RHINO TANK.
I am no furfag but this raises my blood pressure. Don’t @ me
>he doesn't want some of that delicious kfc
absolute pleb
>it gets a Timid Nature
you all know the drill
mine is absol
>Earthquakes you
>heh, nothing personelle
the one on the cover of the most kino game
>Tfw no furry mexican duck thing
>earthquake and not Head Smash
At least you'll always have this
Genius Sonority shits on Gamefreak
Why did they have to give him an ass head? I want to like him, i've always wanted to like him.
croagunk, that poison battletoad
Have never caught a shiny, though it's no surprise since I don't play a ton of Pokemon and I've never really looked for them.
What's fucking weird though is that I got Pokerus in Heart Gold. Can't remember which one got it, but it's always stuck with me because of how rare it is. Apparently 3 in 2^16.
psyduck nigga
Huh, that’s funny. HG was also the one and only time I got pokerus. Didn’t even know it was a thing.
That was the same playthrough I caught a shiny mewtwo without grinding for it.
Angel wing mega evolve is transcendent
Nidoqueen was my first fap
A fucking whismur in emerald
>Final Fantasy 6 Doom Train and Sabin
Look at this Mawile.
my wife
all of my favorites are shitmons
Cubone. He's a tragic pokemon with a dead mom that gets stronger and becomes Marowak.
My first one was a Mankey in Gold. I saw the screen flash and thought that it was broken so I pulled the cartridge out quickly. I was a dumb kid.
nidoqueen is 4 feet tall why do autists always draw it massive
never owned a spheal, but it's spheal
A shiny zubat in lg. I boxed it and never used it.
i like Sableye because cute gremlin, and Dusknoir because "Ghoul Daze!" was a cool episode of the cartoon.
grass types have the cutest pokemon
My man.
I didn't complete everything but I was autistic enough to finish it.
Oh and my favorite is Vaporeon.
>ctrl+f fug
>ctrl+f rayquaza
>ctrl+f reshiram
>ctrl+f ho-oh
>ctrl+f regi
>0 results
you can all go die in a fucking gutter you shitters
i bet the only exposure to pokemon you had was nugen memes or furry porn
My boy
I like mudkipz
Swampert is still my favourite after all these years mega not withstanding.
Golurk is the main man.
The adorable good boy/girl
on the left
If only he was slightly thinner.
I always thought they were pretty cute
>legendaries as your favorite
I love the ironing that he and kabuto are revived fossils when the two animals they are based on are considered living fossils but are very much alive.
Classic fat Pikachu, followed by Volcarona.
my nigga
Big nigemon
Bug wife
This bun.
love this guy
wish he was remotely usable in competitive play
He's fine the way he is.
can't resist the cute psychic cat
really like Tyranitar, Scyther, Ninetales and Gengar too, they'd be the next 4 on the list in one order or another
Source? I agree he's great the way he is!
Also if you have more like this:
[email protected]
I caught a shiny Abra in USUM when I was replaying it a few weeks ago. No shit, caught it thanks to mean look on the shiny ghastly I'd just caught.
I felt so dumb excited like I was a kid again.
My boyo.
He'd be such a chill partner in crime.
The chia pet
My nigga.
Mawile or Meganium
I think I found those pictures somewhere on Twitter. I don't quite remember where.
I'm not going to e-mail you though. Sorry./spoiler]
All hoenn starters are pretty good.
Victini wasn't in 4, dummy
scyther, garchomp, totodile, heracross, skarmory, dugtrio
I like duckbutt
Post the video
He brings the lightning and thunder.
Are those fucking eye piercings?
Right, of course. Thanks. I downloaded a collection of art and manually organised them by gen. went from first starter of each gen to the Pokemon before the next gens starts, forgetting about Victini being the first Pokemon of gen 5. I'll have to fix that.