also, underrail thread

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Asriel is cute!

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I love underrail, but can’t play it without a speedhack

Im glad toby fox made underail so we have such cute gotes

fuck off nigger

God I need to get back into underrail. Put like 40 hours into my first save then just stopped playing
Pic related was the most satisfying trash mob encounter I've had in a game in a while

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achievements pertaining to expedition are now visible, and the old achievements have been visually updated

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Post your favorite underail girl

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>unfinished main story
>plotholes and broken motivations
>deep caverns
>shit instead of lore/backstory

what was unfinished about the main story?
I personally enjoyed the DC, the only fucked part about it was the mushroom forest.


why? he's pure

That's kinda the point. Don't wanna have no buttsex with no slutty goat. Plus my margins for wanting to fuck a male (Goat) are relatively narrow, and friend you can plow with reckless abandon falls within those margins. He can remain a pure goat in the public eye and things are only different when we're alone, you see.


I suppose there's also the question of crossdressing the goat. Would he have to wear it in public, or just in private? Public would certainly reduce perceived goat purity so it may not be an option, but what about non-visible things like just panties? That way I could still have my goat purity and leave his personality mostly unchanged but he'd still have a constant reminder that it's go-time which straddles the line nicely.

i remember when i could crossdress well when i was younger and thin
turns out being an attractive young male doesnt get you a bf/gf even on four chin

To be completely honest (Since this line of general shitposting and Underrail discussion has taken a weird turn) that doesn't surprise me too much to hear. For one thing, a hell of a lot of Yea Forums users are usually pretty fucked up, not in particularly cool or interesting ways, just broken a bit socially. It's difficult to even find a reliable gaming buddy on Yea Forums, god help you if you wanted more. Secondly, I would think it'd be hard to find a solid relationship as a crossdresser anyway. I say this as someone who admits to getting turned on by men crossdressing and acting effeminate but it would be a REALLY hard sell to get me to grow that from fuckbuddy to anything more. Certainly not an impossibility but you'd be fighting an uphill battle if that's your bag and you want a solid partner with it. So combined it seems like kind of a bad location to find someone (You could find plenty of people interested in you sexually here but not if you were looking for a relationship) and kind of a difficult situation since you're in nebulously bisexual middleground.

what the fuck is this thread

I'll believe it when i see a release date

while there hasn't been a release date posted, the achievements being updated and the expedition additions being present should signify to you that the DLC will release somewhat soon, I definitely think it is close.

Yeah, thats exactly it. i've always been after more than just pure sex. Its why i gave up on maintaining a thin figure or whatever. I've always been young, but ever since i passed 20 its been like the ultimate blackpill, just giving up on everything. it was nice having guys fawn over me a bit though

It'd still be hard as hell to find someone but you shouldn't really write it off entirely. I mean I know anti-tranny people bring it up, but trannies would (I assume) have a somewhat easier time maintaining their look in middle/old age due to the hormones, but you'd have to find someone who would be interested in you at 50 as a crossdresser, and it would have to be something you feel passionately enough about that you yourself could see yourself at 50 as a crossdresser. The specifics would be more up to you of course (Like if you were going to go heavier on the makeup and lean more toward exaggerated young woman crossdressing or wear more mature woman clothing/makeup/jewelry, etc) but if you can't even really imagine yourself doing it at an older age then maybe it is more of a temporary sexual thing for you and you could consider regular gay relationships if you're interested in guys.

I mean hell, in your post there you mention how it was nice having guys fawning over you. I don't mean this in an accusatory way but did the crossdressing come before Yea Forums for you or did all the trap stuff on here spike your interest in it and then you went along with it just because you liked the sexual attention, then you were disappointed that was basically all it was limited to?

>game ends on a cliffhanger
>make an expansion that pads existing story instead of continuation
Well, that's disappointing.

I never finished it, just restarted over and over again trying to get a build I enjoyed for a long time.
The longest I got is the big city with the arena.

Really my biggest problem with the game is that you get this one tiny and restrictive build and have to stick to it for a long time

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I'm max level in the Deep Caverns on hard. It's not really challenging per se but it's a chore. Luckily I broed up with the Faceless so at least I don't have to fight them. I just went right for the gate hoping that I can just end the boss, but fuck me I need a shitton of things to open it. Who even tells you about all the stuff you need down there since I looked it up and I can't imagine you have to figure it all out on your own?

I mean, the crossdressing thing was just a kink thing anyway, it doesn't matter too much. I'm very anti tranny though, because holy shit they're fucked up.
I think i was into Yea Forums for ages, but yeah, the trap meme got to me. Pretty hard, but i wasn't like brainwashed by anyone, or fell into the trannyshit or whatever. It was a sexual kink of mine before the meme actually came around too, like, i'd wear my mothers dresses when she was out at night and got incredibly hard with it.
i just kinda feel starved for attention and affection i guess

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Oh, I think I gotcha. The crossdressing wasn't really a major driving part of your sexuality or anything, you just always had a bit of a kink for it and then seeing trap shit on Yea Forums kinda pushed you into it more. Kinda sounds like your best bet would be to try to get a regular gay relationship (Or straight one, since you mentioned gf/bf I believe) and then bring up your interest in crossdressing there, rather than using crossdressing to try to find someone to begin with. You'd probably have an easier time easing a girlfriend or boyfriend into crossdressing sexual play than you would finding someone interested in banging you while you're crossdressing and then turning THEM into a girlfriend or boyfriend.

As for the being thin or not part, you shouldn't worry about it too much. Depends entirely on your partner. When it comes to the whole trap meme obviously being thin and effeminate works best, but even if you've got meat on your bones that could potentially make you softer and more fun to grab and handle, and even if you're muscular some people get off on the contrast of muscular crossdressers. This is even more true if you build a relationship with someone first and then bring up your interest in crossdressing since they're already invested and interested in you at that point rather than being a "Crossdressing connoisseur" that's comparing you to everyone he's whacked off to online.

Fuck off to discord, trannies.

Man, "just get a boyfriend/girlfriend" is easier said than done.
Everyone i meet is basically retarded or ugly

Definitely. Finding a good partner is difficult to do even for normies (Case in point, divorces and miserable marriages) but it's probably a better idea to work at things from that angle rather than trying to lure someone in with your crossdressing since that's just a sexual kink of yours anyway. Even in your post here you say everyone's retarded or ugly, and let's say you're a high tier crossdresser. Dudes are sending you dick pics and talking about how they want to pound the hell out of you and things seem great, now think about it from their perspective. Even if you want to fuck yonder twink/trap/crossdresser/whatever, he hasn't really done anything to set his "Retarded" status in stone, and in fact given the nature of the situation you're probably just thinking about draining your balls rather than "Gee, he looks cute, I wonder if he'd be fun to talk to AFTER I drain my balls". Segueing from sexual shit like that to trying to learn more about someone feels like more of a leap than first learning about someone then segueing into wearing dresses.

Admittedly I'm talking out my ass here though.

He probably means you having to go to Hex or whatever it was called to help Six go after the bad guy.

You can get a couple quick level up by just hopping onto the train and picking through the stuff in the cities without having to risk being attacked by monsters. Also, they added a feat that gives you more flexibility. pic related

That crazy guy in the shack can help you out, also I think the Faceless Commander gives you advice if you are very friendly with Faceless.

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